Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 3 Zombie Crystal Core

Two three-dimensional images appeared in front of Su Chen.

One was a miniature country villa, and the other was a steel warrior who was about the same height as him, wearing leather armor and empty-handed.

"Make it!"


The steel in the yard was gone in an instant.

The leather armor on Su Chen disappeared.

Instead, there was a burly steel giant who was taller than him, nearly 1.9 meters tall!

The giant knelt on one knee and faced Su Chen.

Like a loyal servant!

In Su Chen's vision, an entry appeared above the head of the steel giant, 0 Fine Steel Servant, which can be upgraded. After upgrading (1, you can get the characteristics of violent or hidden)


Outside the wall, the sound of knocking became louder and louder.

It turned out to be the school bus that was hit before. All the high school teachers and students inside turned into zombies. At this time, they smelled the smell of flesh and blood and gathered in front of Su Chen's door, wanting to attack here.

Different from the previous one.

These dozen half-grown zombies in school uniforms had no intention of leaving.

They kept hitting the iron wall.

Su Chen had no intention of paying attention.

The iron wall could hold up.

An hour later.

Su Chen's face changed.

He went up to the third floor again to take a look. The noise had actually attracted all the zombies nearby.

There were hundreds of them.

"Are these zombies so troublesome?"

"Wouldn't the city center be more dangerous? You know, although Jiangcheng is a small county, it has a permanent population of more than two million. With such a large passage, the city is probably a purgatory."

The iron wall was hastily welded yesterday, and it was shaking at this time.

"It was too short, and it was still a bit shoddy."

"Go and deal with them."

Su Chen wanted to test the quality of the fine steel servant.

It was forged from twenty steel bars.

This guy should be at least 300kg, and his whole body is made of steel, like a car on the road. Even Li Lianjie and Dwayne Tyson can't hit him.

The Steel Servant was very heavy.

He climbed over the iron wall with difficulty, and the speed was very slow.


He fell down.

The weight of 300kg crushed two zombies on the spot.


With two slaps, the zombies were swept away.


The zombies roared.

Dozens of zombies submerged the Steel Servant.

There were constant scratching sounds.

Standing on the third floor, Su Chen saw clearly that the human zombies transformed by the blood rain, two of which seemed to have corrosive blood, corroded the leather armor on the Steel Servant's body.

But after all, it was a 30,000 yuan product.

It didn't matter much!

"Hurry up and solve it."

Su Chen urged.

Bang! Bang!

The Steel Servant kept waving his slaps.

Finally killed the two zombies with corrosive blood.

In an instant.

It was as if there was no leader.

The other zombies lost interest in Su Chen and staggered away.


Su Chen's face changed.

There was something wrong with these two zombies.

Blood rain was falling outside the house, and Su Chen dared not get stained by it, fearing that he would also be transformed into a zombie. He immediately ordered the fine steel servant to bring the two zombies over, but then he felt something was wrong.

It was too dangerous.

It was not in line with his spirit of survival.


He had an idea.

Under Su Chen's order, the fine steel servant dismembered the two zombies outside the villa, one by one, and presented them to Su Chen from afar.

Although it was a bit disgusting and a bit uncomfortable, there was no way, now was the real doomsday.

Sure enough.

Two ordinary zombies with nothing unusual were dismembered.

Su Chen noticed something was wrong.

"Crystal core!"

"These two special zombies have formed special crystal cores in their heads."

Looking at the two dark crystal stones the size of rice grains pulled out by the fine steel servant, Su Chen's heart tightened again.

Can this thing still evolve?


He needs to upgrade quickly to make the fortress mobile, or at least have two fine steel servants or one steel warrior under his command, otherwise he will always be unsure.

"Absorb energy 6, fortress upgrade lv1 (0/10), fine steel servant 0 upgrade 1 (0/5)"

Hunting crystal core energy upgrade.

Su Chen nodded.

Not afraid of difficulties, but afraid of unclear upgrades.

Ding Dong!

At this time, Su Chen's mobile phone received a text message.

[Zombie apocalypse is coming! ]

[Please believe the official! We will definitely recover all the fallen areas! ]

[At present, the military area has been stabilized and will be dispatched soon to conquer the fallen areas! ]

[The whole world is suffering from blood rain. Pay attention to the fever of blood rain. Be sure to find a safe place to hide and don't be scratched or bitten by any zombies! Without a nano-level filtration water system, try not to drink tap water, drink bottled water! 】

【Ordinary zombies are slightly weaker than normal adults. Be brave and protect yourself. Please hide in your residence and wait for rescue. Do not make loud noises to avoid the gathering of zombies! 】

In the country villa, there is no TV. Su Chen only remembered to check the news on his mobile phone at this time.

It is August 1st.

It is 3:30 in the morning.

The first day of the doomsday outbreak.

Various media accounts are constantly refreshing the screen with the arrival of the doomsday.

Click on the forum, community, and post bar, all kinds of messages are asking for help, and there are also messages begging for supplies.

No one could have imagined.

The originally peaceful world would become a mess overnight.

Su Chen glanced at the time.

It's midnight now.

The sky changes in an hour.

"Fortunately, it is late at night and there are not many pedestrians on the road. Otherwise, a city would be reduced to half in an instant during the day."

It turns out.

Su Chen thought too much.

Jiangcheng local forum.

One post went viral.

【The blood rain will evaporate! 】

【Help! 】

[Not many people in our factory were exposed to the rain, but there was still a zombie crisis, nine out of ten! Other communities may be even worse! We are a steel factory, the key to the warehouse storage is in my hand, save me! 】

[The steel in the warehouse can be used to make weapons! 】

Tonight is destined to be restless.

Su Chen walked back and forth.

Zombies can evolve.

A population of two million is comparable to some big cities, and the small county is small and densely populated. God knows what kind of zombie monsters Jiangcheng can evolve! What's more, there is a huge bloody light and shadow in the sky.

What if a monster that is smaller in size but not weak in destructive power emerges?

"To upgrade, you have to face evolved monsters and hunt for crystal cores."

"It's not easy."

"But making a level 0 guard does not require energy consumption. It is equally powerful and cannot be ignored. I need to find materials."

Su Chen decided to go out.

He pulled out his second set of leather armor, wrapped himself in thick clothes, and went out.

Steel mill.

Not far from his home.

It is also an isolated factory area, far away from the county seat and close to the countryside. The factory is very small, with only one to two hundred people. Now that there is a night shift, there are probably even fewer people in the factory.

Nearly a hundred zombies have been eliminated previously.

The change has just begun.

It may not be that difficult.

Arriving in front of the car being loaded in the distance, the stainless steel attendant slapped away the nearby zombies. Su Chen got into the car and started the car.

"It works!"

The car is traveling at a constant speed of 20 yards.

Stainless steel attendants, guards on the left and right, smashing the heads of wandering zombies.

It didn't take long.

The steel factory is in sight.

In the factory area, iron scraps were piled up like mountains. In Su Chen's eyes, they were all famous steel attendants.

"It can be done!"

In front of the steel factory, Su Chen was in the car, looking at the lumps of scrap metal not far away, with a flow of information in his eyes.

"I found a ton of scrap iron, which can be fused with weapons to make 0 scrap iron monsters. The suitable weapon is a kitchen knife. Do you want to make it?"

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