Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 100: Uncursed! The evil spirit is watching!

"The Wangting Organization, haha, they are just a bunch of rubbish. The leader of the Wangting Organization is just enough to look at."

"If we hadn't been enslaved by the Evil Spirit Apartment and unable to leave the Cursed City, this scumbag organization would have been strangled by us no less than a hundred times!"

Yu Fan sneered and spoke with disdain for this royal court organization, but he could still vaguely see some envy.

After all, the location of the Royal Court Organization is no longer within the limits of the Cursed City. It can easily bully men and dominate women and dominate others, and there is no risk to their lives at all.

Just be careful not to revive your own demon so early.

It's not like them, who are constantly tortured by the Scarlet Mission and escape from death every time. They don't care about using the ghost puzzle ability continuously to see whether the ghost will speed up his recovery and wake up.

They are constantly invaded by strange wills, and their bodies are infiltrated by strange powers. They are already half-dead.

There are pieces of the ghost puzzle in the body. Once they cannot suppress it and the ghost they created awakens, they will definitely die.

"About the Evil Spirit Apartment, it is a terrifying place as alive as a cursed city. All humans in the cursed city have suffered from his curse without exception, even level 5 ghost masters are no exception."

"If the cursed city is a curse that allows you to enter and not leave, then this evil ghost apartment is even more terrifying, because it will issue tasks one after another, allowing you to go and confront all kinds of scary and strange things. Evil ghosts are just childish. , red clothes, there are quite a few..."

Talking about Hong Yi, Yu Fan looked at Su Chen with some fear. After all, this was the first time he saw a human being able to force Hong Yi into such a situation.

It was always Hong Yi who toyed with them while applauding, but the one in front of him was a powerful newcomer, and he actually played with Hong Yi like a plaything.

And from the beginning to the end, I didn't see Su Chen burst out with any weird power. It was completely suppressed by his rank.

Suppressed by rank and crushed by red clothes, this young man is probably a level 5 being. Could it be that he is a full-level boss from other urban areas where the doomsday eruption time is longer?

How did the Royal Court organization provoke such a level of existence? Level 5 lives in other extraordinary paths are far rarer than Yucheng's level 5 combat ghost warriors.

"Of course, in the mission of the Evil Spirit Apartment, there may even be level 5 evil spirits and level 6 ghost kings. Brothers, it's best not to take it lightly."

"You must have felt something strange on your body, brother! This is cursed by the Evil Spirit Apartment and the Cursed City."

"Now you cannot leave the cursed city, and every time you notice any changes in the blood curse mark on your body, you must go to the evil spirit apartment to accept the blood character mission and complete it within the time..."

Yu Fan, tell slowly.

As he spoke, he tore open his sleeves, revealing a hideous, twisted and sinister word in blood. It was the word "death".

Behind Yu Fan, the other ghost masters in his team also unbuttoned their clothes, revealing the blood marks on their bodies.

Without exception, the word "death" is surrounded by a vicious curse. Obviously this is the city of curses and the curse of the Evil Spirit Apartment.

"Blood-lettered curse seal?"

"The word death?"

Su Chen frowned and clicked on the three-dimensional images of the level 5 guards. There was no doubt that they were not real beings at all.

Obviously, in the eyes of the Cursed City and the Evil Spirit Apartment, he is not considered a living person at all, so naturally he will not bear this strange curse mark.

No matter whether they are as strong as the Mountain Guards, or as weak as the Prison Cart Guards, or as strange and evil guards, there is no trace of blood marks on their bodies.

As for him...

Su Chen rubbed his eyebrows and raised his eyes to look up at the sky, which was the only thing he could see.

Strands of twisted black energy surrounded him, trying to penetrate into his body, but without exception, they were all blocked by the divine light on his body.

If he didn't have divinity, I'm afraid that even if he was a level 5 life, he would still be entangled with the blood-lettered curse seal.

However, the current situation was not good. When he first stepped into Yucheng, Su Chen noticed the twisted black energy surrounding the malicious will.

At the beginning, there was only one force that wanted to get into his body, but as time went by, more and more black energy rose up from the land of the cursed city, trying to get into his body. .


Surrounding him, the twisted black energy attacked towards the divine halo, reaching a terrifying number of hundreds.


The number is still growing steadily.

He looked as if the curse could not be placed on him.

Seeing that these twisted black energy couldn't get through, everyone even became a little anxious.

At first, Su Chen thought this was normal. After all, this is the kingdom of evil spirits, a city made up of monsters.

Isn't it normal for something strange to happen?

But after listening to Yu Fan's story, Su Chen immediately understood that if he continued like this, he might really be planted with a bloody curse in the cursed city.

Ever since he left Jiangcheng, he could no longer hear the prayers of the believers of the Salvation Cult, and the divine radiance that had originally grown had stopped growing.

That is to say.

Now, every time the divine radiance is lost, there is more danger. Once the divine radiance is exhausted, the blood-lettered curse seal will naturally be planted into his body.


This divinity is just a prototype that has just been born and has not grown in a few days.

Perhaps it doesn’t even require much consumption of twisted black energy.

It only takes the strange will of this cursed city to notice him as a fish that has escaped the net.

Under the rank suppression of lv7, he, a level 5 life, will inevitably be doomed!


"Must run!"

In this moment, Su Chen has made a decision. He came here to get the crystal core, and there is no need to entangle with this cursed city.

The Wangting organization is his goal.


He knows very well that it is strange and difficult to deal with.

The reason why he dealt with so many evil ghosts so easily, and there is also a red-clothed one, is just relying on the rank suppression.

But this cursed city is level 7. The evil spirit apartment can share the curse with the cursed city, enslave a group of level 5 ghost masters to perform tasks, and deal with level 5 evil spirits and level 6 ghost kings. I am afraid that there is no level 7, but it is also a level 6 weirdness.

God knows.

How many high-level weirdnesses can be hidden in a small rain city.

He came for the crystal core, so there was really no need to fight to the death here. You know, he only had 2,000 energy left, which was enough to upgrade the Mountain Guard to a lv5 guard.

By then, this would be a level 6 life and a level 6 combat power.

Level crushing and number beating have always been Su Chen's preferred tactics.

2,000 energy, extremely easy to collect.

Only two or three small level 4 crystal cores are enough.

Su Chen really didn't need to fight with the weird here and perform the so-called bloody mission. He was ready to run away.

Let go of the complex of helping others and respect personal destiny. He couldn't help the people in Yucheng, and he didn't want to help.

"Brother, I heard that the Wangting Organization has plundered all the crystal cores of monsters and zombies in Yucheng?"

"I don't know if it's true or not."

"There are so many level 4 ghost masters in the city. I don't know who has crystal cores in stock. I can trade with him..."

Regarding the evil spirit apartment, Su Chen stopped talking and went straight to the point, asking about the Wangting Organization and whether there are still level 4 crystal cores in the urban area of ​​Yucheng.

When talking about crystal cores, Yu Fan looked strange and hesitated several times.

Crystal cores?

That thing is not worth a dog.

Yucheng is a cursed city, a kingdom of evil spirits. If you are not a ghost tamer, you can't survive.

Who has nothing to do to collect this thing?

In their opinion, one hundred level 4 crystal cores are not as useful as an ordinary strange tool that exploded.

Here, the truly valuable things are called ghost puzzles, for example, when Su Chen punched the starving ghost, the ghost clothes with cursed words exploded.

"All the crystal cores in Yucheng have indeed been looted by the Wangting Organization."

"But brother, you must know that this thing is useless. We have been cursed and have to complete ten bloody tasks to get out of the evil spirit apartment, but I have never heard of anyone getting out of the cursed city."

When Yu Fan was trying to persuade Su Chen to give up his fantasy and join their team, Su Chen had already turned around and got into the driver's seat of the Rolls Phantom Warrior.

Even his steps were a little hurried.

There is no other reason.

Su Chen's beast heart was beating wildly, predicting the terrible danger that was about to come.

Equipped with the Fire Skull, a level 5 equipment, Su Chen not only obtained the lv4 mark, his life state reached level 5, and even his beast heart was greatly amplified, which could more accurately predict the arrival of danger.

Su Chen had never experienced such a violent heartbeat. There was no doubt that there were at least two level 5 evil spirits approaching.

"If it was just a level 5 evil spirit, it would be good."

Su Chen's heart sank slightly.

In the field of vision.

The twisted black air that originally surrounded him and wanted to break through the divine light and drill into his body was actually drilling back into the land of Yucheng under his feet at a high speed.

This made Su Chen's heart heavier.


Su Chen waved his hand.

In an instant.

The throttle of the Rolls-Royce roared, and the terrifying speed burst out, instantly accelerating to the limit, rushing all the way, heading out of Yucheng.

Behind this car, a guard also took a step and ran wildly to follow Su Chen. They also vaguely felt something.

"Brother Yu, these newcomers are too disrespectful. Let's talk it out and provide him with so many matters about the Cursed City."

"He ran away without saying hello?"

"Wow, this is too disrespectful. Even if he may be a full-level boss in other cities, a level 5 life, he can't be so rude."

Behind Yu Fan, his team members complained, and some even spit in the direction where Su Chen left.

In Yucheng, the ghost control path of the ghost puzzle has always been one level higher than other paths.

Giving Su Chen face is just because Su Chen's rank is very high, suspected to be a level 5 life, and is expected to directly control the level 5 evil spirit and become a level 5 ghost control.


"It's nothing to not give him face. He can't escape anyway. Those who are cursed by the blood word must return to the evil spirit apartment and accept control."

Yu Fan stroked his eyes, feeling a little unhappy, but there was nothing he could do. Su Chen was too strong, so he had to hold his thighs.

"Looking at the situation, this big guy probably wants to leave Yucheng. Hehe, I told him, but he still doesn't believe it."

"Even if it's a level 5 life, it's still impossible to leave this cursed city."

Behind Yu Fan, a group of elite ghost riders sneered, looking at the direction Su Chen left, waiting to see the joke of Su Chen and his group running back in disgrace.


A black jeep drove over.

Yu Fan led his team to get on it and chased in the direction of Su Chen.

How could a jeep catch up with a Rolls-Royce that was running at full power and had gained life? Soon, Yu Fan lost it.

At the same time.

Su Chen also drove to the edge of the urban area of ​​Yucheng. Only 500 meters, a street away, was the township area.

In the field of vision.

The gray and strange atmosphere also stopped there. In just one minute, they could rush out of the range of the cursed city.

"It's not a big problem."

Su Chen was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment, the beating frequency of his beast heart suddenly soared and reached a new height.

The sky, which was originally dim but still had light, changed suddenly, and night fell in an instant, covering the entire cursed city.

"What's going on?"

"What happened!"

"Why did the sky change? The last time this happened, the day suddenly turned into night, when the evil spirit apartment inexplicably rose from the ground."

"Could it be that another powerful cursed land was born in this evil ghost country?"

Yucheng was originally dead silent, but at this moment, it suddenly burst into an uproar, and ghost-controlling figures ran around everywhere.

Among them, there were many ghost puzzle paths that reached level 5.

Even more than that.

Even some powerful weird lives looked in the direction of Su Chen, confused.

"This is..."

Under the ground of Yucheng, in a cave full of corpses, a coffin suddenly exploded, and a rotten man in a Zhongshan suit slowly sat up, looking in the direction of Su Chen with turbid eyes.

"It's not... a new cursed building is bred... This is a level 7 weirdness, Yuchen, furious!"

If Su Chen was here, he would definitely be able to see the LV6 logo shining on this rotten man.

This person is the strongest extraordinary life in the entire Yang City area, a level 6 life.

Moreover, it is a ghost puzzle path that is extremely easy to get out of control.



Night fell.

Countless ghost hands emerged from the ground and penetrated into the four wheels of the Rolls-Royce Phantom.


The Rolls-Royce Phantom, which was driving fast, overturned.

A cloud of dust flew.

Su Chen opened the car door and walked out. Except for some damage to his clothes, he did not cause any damage.

Above the dark sky, he saw a pair of angry ghost eyes burning with blood-like flames.

Level 7 Weirdness, codenamed Yucheng, noticed him!

This is an extremely terrifying evil spirit! He noticed Su Chen, a heretic, and personally took action to cast a curse mark.

"Can't run away?"

Su Chen rubbed his eyebrows and was about to think about countermeasures when he heard the roar of a car.


The Mountain Guard flew up into the sky like a meteorite, rising from the ground, and in the roaring air wave, it fiercely crashed into a pair of bloody eyes on the night sky.


The black fog enveloped Su Chen, and Gangzi charged with Su Chen. On the side, the pig-headed monster screamed, raised the blood-red giant knife, and charged at the level 5 evil spirits and evil ghosts that blocked the way in the dark ghost cave.

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