Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 101 Rain City is boiling! Crazy curse!

"Why is Yucheng so lively today?"

"Is the curse going to explode?"

"It shouldn't be."

"There was no sign. It was fine just now. I went to chase that level 5 boss from another city. Why is everything in chaos?"

Yu Fan pushed his eyes, his eyes were full of horror, and his voice was trembling uncontrollably.

His jeep was no longer chasing Su Chen but broke down on the side of the road.

Because the situation in Yucheng is very chaotic now.

It was so chaotic that even with his strength, he didn't dare to show up, for fear of being noticed and causing unnecessary trouble.

As for him, he led the team and hid in a residential building nearby, lurking quietly.

Yucheng lacks everything.

But there is no shortage of empty houses.

Without some strength, you dare not break into empty houses. Who knows if there are any unclean things entrenched inside.

Being the leader of a ghost-controlling team, his strength is naturally not weak. He has the background of fighting against the ghost puzzle of Red Clothes, and he has two or three killing weapons in his hands. Even if a Level 5 evil ghost attacks, he is sure to escape alone.

But today, this horrible scene made him clearly know how deep the water in Yucheng is.

From time to time, a weirdo with a twisted body and a terrifying aura passed by on the street and walked straight towards the north of Yucheng.

These weirdos all went in the same direction, and without exception, they were all Level 5 Blood Clothes Evil Spirits.

Even Red Clothes was not qualified to appear.

Not only that.

In this short while, he saw a lot of Level 5 ghost-controlling people who were only rumored to appear, and their destination was the same as the evil spirits.

"What happened?"

"Why did Yucheng turn upside down?"

"So many level 5 evil spirits are rioting, and many level 5 bosses who have killed ten bloody missions have also appeared..."

Yu Fan and his team stared deeply at the direction where these terrifying level 5 beings were going, but suddenly remembered something.

They looked at the wheel marks of the Rolls-Royce on the road leading to that direction, and a terrible guess came to their minds.

"Boss! Could it be that the 5th-level newcomer caused all this noise?"

"Wow! How could that 5th-level boss be so powerful?"

"Impossible! He is only level 5, not level 6. How could he make such a big noise? He is almost turning the dead rain city upside down for three months."

Behind Yu Fan, his team broke out in an uproar, and pairs of unbelievable eyes were still shocked.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

If there is anything worth noting today, it is this group of powerful newcomers from other cities.

But thinking carefully, it feels wrong.

After all.

The strongest fighting power they showed was just a fancy beating of the red-clothed man, which was just at the level of level 5.

How could such a large number of level 5 evil spirits and level 5 ghost masters be moved?

In this short while, there were more than a dozen level 5 evil spirits and level 5 ghost masters running past them.


"He is just a level 5 life from other paths. In terms of means, he is definitely not a match for a real level 5 evil spirit."

"It should be someone else who caused this movement."

Yu Fan trembled and rejected this terrible conjecture.

But soon.

He knew how wrong he was.

Because not long after.

All the ghost masters who were driven by the evil spirit apartment felt a cramp of blood and felt the call of the blood mission.

This intense pain was far beyond all the previous blood words, which meant that this blood word mission was the highest mission level so far.

The mission text had not yet appeared, but a human figure made of blood appeared.

Yu Fan and Yang Xuan stood in the crowd, their eyes wide open, full of fear and disbelief.

Because they recognized that this human figure was Su Chen, whom they had seen and had contact with!

The full-level boss who ran over from another city.


"The whole city was in turmoil yesterday, the rain city was boiling, and the earth-shaking movement was actually related to him..."

"Not only that, it even alarmed the cursed building surrounded by resentment, the Evil Spirit Apartment, and issued a mission about him!"

"He! Who is he?!"

"Last night! What did he do?!"

In the crowd, Yu Fan and Yang Xuan looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

Almost all high-level ghost controllers who have not escaped the blood-letter mission curse have come to the Ghost Apartment.

They are all red-clothed warriors and level 5 ghost controllers. Ordinary ghost controllers are not qualified to come.

There are a lot of people in the Ghost Apartment, crowded together, and there are as many as fifty or sixty people.

"Who is this person?"

"You didn't go yesterday? You are at least level 5, so many level 5 evil spirits are moving, didn't you rush to join in the fun?"

"No! My evil ghost revived yesterday, and I was using other strange tools to suppress the puzzle in my body. I didn't have the mind to sense the outside. What happened yesterday?"

"It's unspeakable, unspeakable. I can only say that several level 5 evil spirits were killed by that person's creation, and he dared to rush to the ghost city..."

The Level 5 Ghost Controller who was speaking suddenly fell silent as blood burst out of his body, and dared not say any more.

Just now, he almost revived the evil ghost.

It was a matter of high-level weirdness, which was not something he could discuss at all.

At this moment.

Blood flowed on the wall of the Evil Spirit Apartment, and a line of twisted, resentful, and malicious twisted blood words emerged.

"Find this heretic who escaped from Rain City and broke free from the Cursed Ghost City! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him for me!"

"You are allowed to go out for this mission!"

"If you don't kill him within three days, everyone will be wiped out!!!"

The Evil Spirit Apartment was shaking.

This was not because of it, but the entire Rain City was shaking. This was anger, and the building of the Evil Spirit Apartment was also affected.

The Evil Spirit Apartment was not a cursed building at all, but the incarnation of this Level 7 Weird Rain City from the beginning!


The scene was boiling.

"The heretic who escaped from the ghost city? Damn it! Who is this person!?"

"Damn it!"

"Eliminate all of us, is this evil ghost apartment crazy? We are all above the fighting power of Red Clothes, and its punishment is to eliminate all of us? Damn it."

"You can go out, my God, there is actually a bloody mission that allows you to step out of Rain City, is this true?"

The scene was boiling.

Only Yu Fan and Yang Xuan looked at each other, with mixed feelings in their hearts, not knowing what to say.

I originally thought that this kid was just a fool who couldn't adapt to this cursed city. Even if he was a level 5 life, he would die here sooner or later.

I didn't expect it.

This kid, who didn't play by the rules, turned Rain City upside down as soon as he came, and escaped from the ghost city.

You know.

Even the existence that stepped into the level 6 life in the rumor couldn't break free from the curse of the ghost city!

He, a level 5 life, actually did it.


It's really too awesome!

But it was too much, and it actually made this level 7 weird city so angry that it broke out the highest level bloody mission with all the elite members!

No matter how powerful this newcomer is, it will stop here!

In the dark night, a huge car monster like a meteorite rose from the ground and hit the eyes in the night.

The pig-headed monster with blood flowing continuously and holding a giant knife in his hand screamed and opened the way in front of the hideous deformed ghosts.

The figure with a face so dark that it could not be seen clearly, wrapped in a young figure, rushed towards the boundary of the ghost cave.

A deformed female ghost with countless blood-colored chains around her head and blood flowing continuously blocked the way ahead.

"Master, please go on the next road by yourself."

"Your subordinates can't accompany you."


The dark mist figure threw the young man out of the border of the dark ghost den. The young man turned his head and looked back, and let out a roar.


The last scene was the scene of the dark mist figure being pierced by the chains of the terrifying blood-clothed female ghost.

Not only that.

The pig-headed monster was bitten by countless twisted ghosts, and countless curses burst out of it. He howled, lost his mind, and completely turned into a monster occupied by evil spirits.

The mountain warrior stood upright on the ground, and countless cracks burst out on his body. There was blood surrounded by curses flowing down, condensing into some kind of spell on his body.

At this moment, the young man who escaped from this cursed land saw this cursed land clearly.

It is alive!

It hates!

It is angry!

It is crazy!

This level 7 weirdness, at this moment, uttered a curse.

"Die! Twist! Go crazy!"

Three curses were imposed on the young man who escaped from the cursed land.

In a flash.

A rule of death erupted and was imposed on the young man, who burst into a dazzling light, offsetting the curse.

The second distorted curse came, and the extremely dim divine light exploded, only partially offsetting the distorted curse.

Just as the curse was about to be imposed on the young man, a rotten man in a Zhongshan suit, like a corpse, walked over the sea of ​​blood and corpses, and crossed over countless ghosts.

"I thought that Yucheng would always be a dead city, and all humans would have no way to survive, and could only become out-of-control evil spirits. Its resources, even I am no exception..."

"But in three months, this is the first time I have seen someone who can violate his rules and escape from this cursed land."

"Thanks to you, its weird rank is unstable! If you are alive, his lv7 extraordinary life rank will not be preserved, and it will fall to lv6."

"In this way, everyone can survive! Only it will die! So I must help the place and let you live..."

The rotten man tore his robes, revealing his skin full of dense scars, and the hideous and twisted back of the evil god on the skin.

This is an extremely terrifying evil ghost, which does not belong to the human world at all, and is full of the smell of purgatory.

"Please turn around, evil god!"

The rotten man roared.

In an instant.

The twisted shadow of the evil god turned his head and looked at the ghost city.

In an instant. The second twisted curse rule exploded, and the third crazy curse rule was also eliminated by 90%.


The next moment.

The rotten man's flesh and blood were instantly devoured by the shadow of the evil god. This crazy curse rule, which had 10% left, was imposed on the young man.

The young man looked past the rotten man and took a deep look at the figures that were pierced, crazy, cursed, and seriously injured. They said something silently, and then flew away and disappeared.

"It's too much of a stretch to fight against the level 7 ghost city with a level 6 ghost control rank!"

"If it hadn't been shaken by the dead road rule and its rank was unstable, I wouldn't even be able to fight it."

In a flash, the rotten man who was backfired by the evil god's shadow was left with only a skeleton of skin and bones.

He got back into the coffin in a panic and fell into a deep sleep.

"It must survive."

"As long as it falls below the lv7 level."

"It will definitely die! Because it will be strangled by me when I wake up!"


Outside the urban area of ​​Yucheng, in the streets of towns, ghosts looked greedily at this bloody and embarrassed figure, ready to move.

"Who am I?"

Su Chen stumbled and ran into a store. He felt a pain in his head, as if a big hand was erasing his memory and writing some chaotic and crazy things into it.

This is the means of the lv7 weird level.

If it hadn't been offset by 90%, I'm afraid he wouldn't have any reason at all, and there would only be madness in his mind.

"Damn it."

"Crystal core, yes, search for a large amount of crystal cores, and there are also level 5 crystal cores. Even if the pig-headed monsters have been killed, as long as they are upgraded to another level, they can still be resurrected."

"Crystal core! Never forget! None of my guards can fall here."

Su Chen was in the store, looking for paper and pen scattered around, trying to write it all down.

As long as he can remember to collect the crystal core, the current embarrassment will only be temporary. At that time, he can kill the entire Rain City and make this level 7 weirdness disappear completely.

Chaos and madness, more in his mind.


Still being erased.

Su Chen didn't bother to find paper and pen anymore. Fierceness appeared in his eyes. He used his finger as a knife and stabbed a few words deeply on his arm.

"Crystal core! Upgrade! You are their king! They are still waiting for you! Kill back to Rain City and let Rain City fall!"

Twisted scars appeared on Su Chen's arm. Su Chen covered his head and struggled on the ground, fighting against chaos and madness.

The next moment.

Outside the store, the wandering ghosts could no longer bear the temptation of this delicious high-level blood food.

An old woman with a pale face and no shadow walked in first. She walked to Su Chen's side, staring at Su Chen with a pair of dead eyes, and asked.

"I'm so hungry, can you give me something to eat?"

"It hurts!"

"Who am I..."

"I can't remember, damn it, I can't remember at all... It's so annoying..."

Su Chen covered his head, his memory was wiped out a lot, his mind was filled with chaos and madness, and he even forgot his own name.

"Feel the treat!"

The pale old woman heard the response, the rules took effect, she smiled grimly, her rotten head instantly became huge, and her sharp fangs devoured Su Chen.

The other twisted ghosts saw that the old woman was about to succeed, and they were also a little anxious. They rushed up and wanted to get a share of the pie. This was the delicious flesh and blood of a high-level life.

Even if it was just a bite, it was more nourishing than eating a thousand living people!

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