Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 105 Memory fragments! Planning to split up the sect!


"That's it! Come at me!"

Ling Duoduo looked at the palm approaching her and Su Chen approaching her, her eyes were full of ferocity.


Ling Duoduo opened her mouth and bit towards Su Chen's neck. After all, she was once a Level 4 Transcendent and had a lot of combat experience. The explosive power at this moment was fast, accurate and ruthless.

It can be said that.

Even if it is a ghost tamer, Ling Duoduo may be seriously injured in exchange for his life without activating the evil ghost state.

It is even possible to kill him on the spot.

What a pity.

Su Chen's strength is extremely strong.

Don't mention Hong Yi.

Even the immortal Level 5 Blood Clothed Evil Spirit will walk out sideways in his hands.

With the muscle strength under Su Chen's skin, it is no different from a steel plate. I am afraid that even if Ling Duoduo's teeth are broken, she will not break the skin.

"It's really troublesome."

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

"I've already said it, I misunderstood, don't you understand, I'm not a member of the Dragon Snake Society, I just killed all the members of the Dragon Snake Society."

"I'm here to save you!"

Su Chen couldn't help complaining.

He didn't even need to move, the beast heart in his body kept beating, and Ling Duoduo's skin was already red, and the violent beating of her heart almost made her breathless.

Su Chen simply lifted her up, and then pulled out the steel needles one by one.

He couldn't take care of these women, so he naturally had to find someone who could take care of them. Ling Duoduo in front of him was the only level 4 extraordinary, and Su Chen had originally chosen her.

But this brain, it seems that the brain stem is not well developed, which makes Su Chen reconsider.

"Are you really here to save us?"

The mature woman in her thirties, who has always been protecting Ling Duoduo, with tears in her beautiful eyes, cried with joy.


"Listen to his nonsense."

"The Dragon Snake Society is a peripheral force of the Wangting Organization. Its president Lu Xiong is the confidant of the head of the Wangting Organization. He is an absolute strongman in the monster path and can be called the best in Yucheng. Artillery, army and tanks can't do anything to him. He is known as the red-clothed man in the monster path."

"You want to kill him and destroy the Dragon Snake Society. What are you pretending for?"


"You bastard, you probably want to play a plot interpretation, let us be grateful to you, and then come to a group. Bang! Bah! Bastard!"

Ling Duoduo, like an angry tiger, kept cursing, with a look of "dog man, I have seen through you a long time ago."


Su Chen stretched out his hand and stabbed Ling Duoduo's body, breaking one of her ribs.

The huge pain finally made her calm down.

Su Chen's eyes were a little cold. His kindness was limited. If he continued like this, he would kill people.

"Waste my time."

"If you keep going like this, you'll die!"

"That guy's name is Lu Xiong! He's just a nobody, so just kill him."

Beside Su Chen, the mature woman in her thirties saw Ling Duoduo's rib broken, and tears immediately flowed down.

"Sir, play with me, even if you have a fetish for plot interpretation, I will cooperate with you, I promise to make you feel good."

"Don't attack Duoduo again."

As she said that, the woman began to take off her clothes and untied Su Chen's belt. The other women who protected Ling Duoduo gritted their teeth and made up their minds, taking off their clothes and walking towards Su Chen.

"It's a plot interpretation, right?"

"Group. Bang, right?"

"Just to satisfy you, scumbag, don't hurt Sister Duoduo anymore. Sister Duoduo has protected us for so long, let us protect Sister Duoduo once."

The 17 or 18-year-old girl who had previously scolded Su Chen was still glaring at Su Chen, her eyes full of tears, but she was also taking off her clothes in humiliation and walking towards Su Chen.

"Damn it!"

"I really want to kill you all!"

The chaos and madness in Su Chen's mind finally found an opportunity and began to attack Su Chen.

Just when Su Chen's eyes just burst into murderous intent, another chaotic memory rushed over.

The background is a high school, and you can vaguely see monsters and zombies wandering around.

A girl cried and tried to untie his belt, and he slapped her in the face, knocking her unconscious.

"My head hurts."

"When will my memory come back?"

The chaos and madness were instantly dispelled, the murderous intent in Su Chen's eyes dissipated, and reason returned again.

At this moment, he slapped each of the women gathered around him.

"Red Clothes!"

Su Chen roared.


A man poked his head out, his whole body was filled with ghostly aura, and he was obviously ferocious and terrifying. At this time, he shrank at the door, looking here in fear, not daring to approach at all, but not daring to show up.

So, an extremely terrifying and powerful red-clothed man appeared in front of everyone.

"Red... Clothes Ghost?!"


In this room, hundreds of numb women were instantly replaced by fear in their eyes. They ran towards the corner like crazy, wishing they could shrink into the cracks in the ground, looking at this red-clothed ghost with blood dripping from his body in fear.

Outside the urban area of ​​Yucheng, there is no level 5 blood-clothed evil spirit, and the red-clothed ghost is the absolute overlord.

Horror! Despair! Synonymous with death!

No one can survive after seeing the red-clothed man.

"Red... Red Clothes..."

Ling Duoduo, her teeth were trembling.

As an extraordinary person, she naturally knew the terror of red clothes all too well. As soon as the red clothes exuding terror and despair appeared in front of her, she was instantly stunned, without any trace of the arrogance she had just now.

"come over!"

Su Chen waved.

The girl in red lay beside the door, moved her little feet, and then retreated in fear.

Anyone can see it.

This terrifying red-coat, above level 4, ferocious red-coat below level 5, is frightening Su Chen.

"Don't make me say it a second time."

Su Chen emphasized.


The girl in red, who was still lying next to the door and didn't dare to come over, suddenly ran over, her short legs fluttering, and she was very happy.

But no one dared to laugh.

This is a terrifying red-clothed ghost who kills people without blinking an eye! A truly powerful ghost.

"You...could everything you said be true..."

Ling Duoduo said tremblingly. Under the gaze of the man in red, she really didn't dare to speak so arrogantly to Su Chen.


"Why are you so honest now?"

Su Chen carried Ling Duoduo, who was trembling but not strong, and approached the red-clothed ghost. Ling Duoduo suddenly started shaking even more violently, and her legs kept beating.

Only then did Su Chen realize that this little girl was afraid of ghosts!



Su Chen sneered, carrying Ling Duoduo, and kept approaching Hongyi. She was so frightened that she rolled her eyes, her body was stiff, and she did not dare to move.

At this time, these women realized that there had been a huge misunderstanding. They all blushed and quickly put on their clothes.

They really didn't expect that in this apocalypse, there would be a good person, a man.

"what's your name?"

Su Chen looked at the thirty-year-old woman who was getting dressed while wiping her tears and smiling, and asked.

"Ling Xueyi."

Before Su Chen could continue to ask, Ling Xueyi straightened her clothes and thanked Su Chen respectfully, while also pleading.

"I am her aunt. She and I depend on each other. I almost treat her as half a daughter."

"Sir, we and other women are like playthings in this end of the world. We are precarious. Today our stronghold has just been broken by the Dragon Snake Society. Looking at the miserable state of these women, you came here. It is really a misunderstanding. I beg you to forgive Duoduo. , She really endured too much.”

"If she did something wrong, please forgive me. I am willing to be punished for her."

As he said that, thinking of the pain he suffered during this doomsday outbreak, Ling Xueyi couldn't help but tears filled his eyes again.

If it weren't for Ling Duoduo's bad temper, she would have chosen to die long ago.

Ling Duoduo, now almost face to face with the red ghost, was so frightened that she was so scared that she would foam at the mouth and faint from fear.

"My name is Su Chen."

Su Chen nodded towards Ling Xueyi.


The level 4 extraordinary Ling Duoduo was thrown aside like trash.

At this moment, I was stimulated.

He recalled many memories.

For example, who is Su Xiaoyi and the God of Salvation?

But more memories are still blurry. The fragments about Su Xiaoyi and the God of Salvation are all intermittent and incomplete.

But I vaguely remember it.

He has divinity in him, and the divine halo can resist curses and the invasion of various strange forces for him.

It's just that the Salvation Cult in Jiangcheng is too far away from here, so his divine brilliance cannot be replenished by believers, so it is exhausted, and then he is cursed.

As long as he establishes a savior religion in this rainy city, he can expel the chaos and madness in his body and retrieve all his memories.

What is the use of crystal nuclei?

And what do the writings on my wrist that I left before I lost my memory mean.

"Whose king am I?"

"Who are those monster figures in my dreams to me?"

Su Chen has collected a lot of crystal nuclei now. In this Dragon Snake Club, even level 4 crystal nuclei have a small box.

He must retrieve his memory as soon as possible!

Originally, he planned to attack the Wang Ting organization directly and loot all the crystal cores of the Wang Ting organization.

But now, he decided to change his strategy and establish the Savior Cult of Yucheng based on these women who had suffered humiliation and despair.

Just when Su Chen was involved in planning, Ling Duoduo, who looked like he was about to be frightened, rolled like a carp, rolled up, and ran all the way out of the house.

All men are bad guys!

She still doesn't believe that there are good men in this world! She still didn't believe that this man was here to save them.

Even if you save them, you will just treat them as new playthings and give them a new owner.


Ling Duoduo felt as if she had been struck by lightning. Looking at the horrific scene outside the house, she was really frightened.

The Dragon Snake Association occupied this underground shopping mall and transformed it into a base. She had seen it when she was captured today. It had various structures and heavy weapons.


Everything is gone.

Only traces of charred blackness remained.

The base of the Dragon and Snake Society was burned to the ground, reduced to ashes by a fire. In the distance, there were still the broken corpses of President Dragon and Snake, Lu Xiong, like a hill.

"He really killed Lu Xiong, destroyed the Dragon Snake Society, and saved us all by himself. Everything he said is true!"

Ling Duoduo returned here in a daze.

Su Chen and Ling Xueyi talked for a while, the atmosphere was harmonious, and from time to time he teased Ling Xueyi to cover her mouth and chuckle.


Ling Duoduo was stunned, her single eye was a little red, even if the steel nails pierced her body, she never cried, but at this time, she felt like crying.

Her aunt suppressed all the pain in her heart. This was the first time she saw her aunt laugh since the outbreak of the doomsday, hiding from the slave-hunting team. It was a laugh from the heart.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that you are so strong that you can subdue the red ghost. You have done such a thing before."

Ling Xueyi covered her mouth and chuckled. Although she was already in her thirties, she was still very charming with her hair and delicate face.

Su Chen made up some past events and deliberately got closer to Ling Xueyi.

Originally, he just wanted to rescue Ling Duoduo, throw these troublesome women to her, and leave.

However, since he was planning to establish the Savior God Church, he naturally had to carefully select candidates. Ling Xueyi was not bad.

She behaved well. Before the Doomsday Disaster, she should have been an administrative talent, or a big shot in the common saying.

Her eyes were bright and she was beautiful. She was a smart and timely woman.

She was a good manager of the branch church of the Savior God Church.

It was urgent.

The Savior God Church must be established. These women must worship him as a god and pray for him to restore and grow his divine brilliance.

That's why he treated this woman differently and deliberately brought them closer.

"What a powerful and charming man."

"Just too young."

"I'm over 30. I don't know if he will soon get tired of me after getting me..."

Ling Xueyi's autumn-water eyes stared at Su Chen, whose behavior exuded an inexplicable temperament and seemed to have ignored him throughout the Doomsday.

She obviously misunderstood something.

Regarding the Savior God Church, Su Chen was going to win her over, do things for her sincerely, and develop the God Church, but she naturally didn't know about it.

Su Chen looked at her differently, spoke gently, and tried to get closer to her, but Ling Xueyi misunderstood it as another intention.

She was an ordinary person, what could be worthy of the other party's attention? She was just a little pretty and a little mature. I'm afraid... the man in front of her was greedy for her body.

"It's not impossible, he saved me..."

"I have kept my body for more than 30 years, and it's not impossible to give it to him..."

Ling Xueyi bit her lip and made up her mind.

Even if she was soon abandoned after getting it, she would accept it. This doomsday was uncertain, so she would just go crazy this time.

"Sister Xueyi, I want to discuss something with you."

Su Chen looked at it and saw that there was another small room in this room. He was going to call Ling Xueyi in to discuss the matter of the Savior God Church.

This matter was very important to him.

However, Su Chen did not see that the eyes of the women in the house became particularly ambiguous when they saw him and Ling Xueyi walking into the small room.

"That room..."

Du Xiaoyun, the 17 or 18-year-old girl who scolded Su Chen, could not help but pull Ling Duoduo.

"It shouldn't be, that adult is not as dirty as we imagined, he is different from other bad men, he is a good man."

Ling Duoduo changed her view of Su Chen, she did not even realize that she had some different feelings for Su Chen, and was unwilling to think of Su Chen in any bad way.

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