Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 106 Memories return! Feeling of urgency!

Since ancient times.

The hero saves the beauty.

Prince Charming, rescuing the princess from the devil's cave, this is the dream of many girls, and now it has actually happened.

In desperation, if you rescue him, even the person you hate will feel an indescribable feeling of love.

What's more, in this hell-like scene, Su Chen came to rescue all the women who had fallen into the fate of slavery.

Even Du Xiaoyun was unwilling to think bad things about Su Chen and couldn't help but nodded.


"It's definitely not what we imagined. Mr. Su Chen is a good man."


next moment.

The sound coming from the room made them blush with embarrassment, showing a look of being angry but afraid to speak.


Next to them, the girl in red was exuding a terrifying aura, staring straight at them, showing her sharp fangs, not letting anyone disturb Su Chen's good deeds.

"Bad guy!"

"I misjudged you."

Du Xiaoyun and Ling Duoduo said angrily, feeling inexplicably sad in their hearts.

It's like the boyfriend cheated on her in front of them, separated by a wall.

"Sister Xueyi, I can call you this."

Su Chen opened the door of this small room, turned to Ling Xueyi and spoke to him. His words were gentle, and he was always building a relationship with Ling Xueyi, giving Ling Xueyi enough respect.

He was arranging words in his mind and was thinking about how to tell Ling Xueyi about the branch church of the Salvation God. He didn't notice at all that Ling Xueyi's face was extremely red.


There is something wrong with this house.

Blurred lights, huge beds, hazy gauze curtains, and all kinds of "torture tools" for men and women.


Ling Xueyi smoothed her hair, as if she was back in her early twenties, when she was an ignorant girl in Huaichun. She mustered up the courage and walked forward, taking the initiative to pull Su Chen in.

"I do."

Then, he hugged Su Chen and fell towards the bed.

Only then did Su Chen realize something was wrong.

Damn it!

I was so busy thinking about things that I didn't even notice that this place was... damn it!

He looked around and suddenly felt his scalp numb. This was not his original intention.

"I'm not that kind of..."

Su Chen just wanted to explain.

"I do!"

Ling Xueyi's voice sounded in his ears.

This time, Su Chen was speechless. Why, his mouth was blocked.

"Xiaoyi, I'm sorry for you."

"You really can't blame me this time, I resisted."

"But I really can't resist."

Su Chen closed his eyes in pain.


He really resisted.

But helplessly, Ling Xueyi's strength was too great, and he was able to suppress his level 5 life form without moving.

There's nothing I can do, I've made the same mistake again. All men have made the same mistake.

"You won't abandon me."

"Are you thinking that I am older? After all, I am already ten years older than you."

Walking out of the room, Ling Xueyi hugged Su Chen's arm. The originally hazy feelings were still a little hidden, but now the love in her eyes was no longer covered at all.


"You are my favorite."

When Su Chen said this, he felt like his conscience was stinging. He really didn't expect that things would develop in this direction.

But, that’s okay.

The leader of the Yucheng Branch Church is also one of his "own people".

"Xiaoyi, I'm sorry for you."

"I'm taking people to the fortress again."

Su Chen felt that his conscience was getting more and more painful.


if so.

"Su Chen!"

Ling Duoduo walked over angrily, her steel teeth almost shattered. She looked at this scumbag angrily. Fortunately, she thought this guy was a good person, but she was wrong.

There is no such thing as a dog man.


But, for some reason, she didn't even realize that she actually felt a little sour in her heart.


Su Chen looked around and coughed a few times to hide his embarrassment.

"Duoduo, what did I teach you? Is this the way you treat your elders?"

"Call uncle!"

At this time, Ling Xueyi showed the bearing of an elder, lifted Ling Duoduo's ears and taught her a lesson.

No matter how reluctant she was, Ling Duoduo still had to pull her little face and scream.


Speaking of which, this was the first time for Su Chen to become an elder. Especially when looking at Ling Duoduo with her little face stretched across her face, she couldn't help but think of Su Xiaoyi who liked to become a pufferfish when she was angry.

A dignified level 5 being, the pope of the divine religion, looked like a little girl in front of him.

For a moment, Su Chen actually thought that the girl in front of him was Su Xiaoyi. He felt a little closer to her, rubbed Ling Duoduo's hair, and said with a smile.


"My eyes hurt."

"It must have been very painful to have his eyes gouged out alive in order to protect Xue Yi."

Su Chen said softly, he didn't know what kind of person he was before, but now he really regards Ling Duoduo as his family.

As he spoke, he opened Ling Duoduo's right eye, which had only the empty socket left, and stared at it.

"don't want!"

"I'm so ugly!"

Ling Duoduo struggled. She didn't know why, but she didn't want Su Chen to see her horrible and ugly appearance with one eye blind.

It was clear that he was one-eyed and fierce just now, like a perverse little devil who wanted to eat Su Chen alive, but now he is full of girlish coquettishness.

"Oh my god, I'm not going to fall in love with him."

Ling Duoduo, one-eyed, secretly glanced at Su Chen, blushing and heartbeating, and then she was shocked to realize that the man in front of her was so good-looking.

Her eyes are like starlight, her face is like a crown of jade, and her long black hair shines with a deep luster, like an abyss or a deep sea, making people unable to help but indulge in it.

"Wake up! Ling Duoduo, that's the person my aunt likes."

But when she thought of the hurtful words she had said in order to attract Su Chen, her heart beat even harder.

But soon.

She couldn't care about this anymore, because in Su Chen's right eye, the characteristics of a burning and bone-corroding monster were separated, and it penetrated into her missing right eye socket.

"It itches! It hurts!"

After a while of low humming.

"Duoduo, your right eye has recovered. It's just a little red, but it looks better. It's eerie and beautiful, so charming."

Amid Du Xiaoyun's voice of surprise, Ling Duoduo touched her right eye socket and actually touched her eyeball.


Ling Duoduo was so happy that she cried with joy. Finally, she was no longer the one-eyed ugly monster.


This thank you is sincere.

But Su Chen did not respond to Ling Duoduo, because he was looking at the three-dimensional image of the extra guard in a daze.

The extraordinary guardian of mankind, Ling Duoduo!


He just separated the excess monster characteristics in his body and gave them to Ling Duoduo.

He has two monster eyes.

Bone-corroding eyes, and petrified eyes.

Even if one is missing, it will not affect him at all, whether it is combat power or appearance.

One of his eyes turned back into a normal eye.

Then, Su Chen realized clearly that he could control everything in Ling Duoduo's body.

"The memory has filled in another part."

Su Chen thought about it and saw that there were several ability fragments in his body. He did not hesitate to give one of them to Ling Xueyi, who was looking at him with love.

Ability fragment: psychic influence, also called manipulation!

"This is……"

Ling Xueyi looked at Su Chen in surprise. Su Chen shook his head, called her aside, and in a low voice told her everything about forming a branch of the Savior Cult.

Su Chen couldn't wait any longer.

Memory is so important.

Now that he has a lot of crystal nuclei in his hand, he must drive away the madness and chaos as soon as possible and get his memory back.

"In other words, when you called me into the house, you didn't actually want to follow me..."

"Then do you like me? What am I to you?"

Ling Xueyi suddenly lost her mood.



There are always feelings in my mind.

Figure out what to focus on.


The matters concerning the Saviour’s Cult are the key point.

Su Chen suppressed the complaints in his heart, held Ling Xueyi's hand, pulled her into his arms, and began to respond lovingly and tenderly.

"You know that I love you..."

a long time.

Ling Xueyi was in her thirties, but she was like a little woman who was fooled by Su Chen and couldn't find her.

Come on.

Another love brain.

"I'm doing a lot of harm to people."

"Am I a scumbag before I lost my memory? Why am I so skillful in dealing with it..."

Su Chen was speechless for a while.

The other side.

Ling Xueyi took Su Chen's hand, placed it on her chest, and spoke to Su Chen seriously.

"This is the only way to get your memory back. Don't worry, I will do it no matter what."

"not to mention."

"You saved all the women when you were most desperate. I think they will really believe in you like a god."

Su Chen felt something growing a little inside his body, and in his field of vision, a glimmer of light appeared on his body, which came from Ling Xueyi in front of him.

This was his first disciple.

Stupid woman.

Su Chen was a little touched.

"I'll be good to you."

Su Chen was very serious when he said this.

Which man would not have any trouble facing a woman who pours all her sincerity into him?

The last girl was called Su Xiaoyi, and now this woman is called Ling Xueyi.

"Your strength is still not quite enough."

"Walking in these last days, as the owner of Yucheng Salvation Church, it is still not enough."

Su Chen thought for a moment and waved to the girl in red who was standing not far away.

He planned to give this red figure a good beating and turn it into a ghost puzzle that would take a long time to recover, allowing Ling Xueyi to control it temporarily.

After a while, Ling Xueyi will be transferred to other safer paths, such as the awakening path.

Give her more ability fragments.

There is always a fragment of ability that can grow.

"don't want!"

The female ghost in red did not obey. She felt something was wrong secretly, and shrank back, not daring to get close to Su Chen.

She felt that Su Chen had evil intentions.

As a red-coat, she may not be the strongest red-coat, but she is definitely the sharpest. Otherwise, she would not have met Su Chen and would have huddled in the big wooden box, not even daring to come out.

You know, the last time Su Chen met Hong Yi, he had been tortured to a state of disgrace, had the blood crystal taken out, and turned into a crazy Hong Yi.


"Come here."

Su Chen sneered and hooked his finger. He didn't want to say it a second time.


The girl in red, even though she was trembling with fear, still stiffened her neck and didn't move a step.


"I will be good and obedient. Don't deal with me."

The girl in red, the tender but cold words rang in the house.

Su Chen narrowed his eyes.

Red clothes, he didn't believe in this stuff.

Just when he wanted to make a move and the girl in red was grinning, Ling Xueyi walked over and gently blocked the man and the ghost who were on the verge of a fight.

"I will call you Tongtong from now on. You said you would be good and obedient. Sister Xueyi believes in you, and you won't break your promise, right."

Ling Xueyi rubbed the girl in red's head and turned to Su Chen.

"You should also restrain yourself and don't scare the child."

On the side.

Ling Duoduo, Du Xiaoyun and other women were all scared.

This is the red-clothed ghost.

It is a ghost that eats people without blinking an eye and will surely die if you meet it!


Ling Duoduo exclaimed.

"Aunt Xue!"

The other young women who gathered around Ling Duoduo were also nervous. It was obvious that they really regarded Ling Xueyi as a relative and elder.

"I will abide by the agreement." The red-clothed girl did not hurt Ling Xueyi, put away her fangs, and was led over.

This was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Could it be that this red-clothed ghost child also has blood crystals and preserves human thinking and memory?"

Su Chen took a look and felt that it was not the case.

If it was really a special evolution of the red-clothed ghost, he had no reason not to recognize it. He had dealt with blood crystal evolution creatures more than once or twice.

"How do you feel about this thing?"

Su Chen stretched out his flesh and blood muscles, and a blood crystal was revealed in front of the red-clothed girl.

This is the one that parasitized the zombie.


The red-clothed girl moved.

"Hmm?" Su Chen instantly pulled Ling Xueyi over and protected her in front of him, but found that the girl in red was greedily swallowing the blood crystal into her stomach.

Then, her expression changed obviously, as if she remembered the memory before she became red.


A line of blood and tears flowed down.

This time, the girl in red really had human thinking, and even her hostility and cruelty were a little lighter.

Su Chen felt that this guy was about to become a blood-clothed evil spirit! This is a level 5 existence.

The three-dimensional image changed again, and Su Chen gave the blood-colored crystal to the girl in red.

He even included her in the guards.

Evil spirit guard!

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Now he could finally trust the girl in red. She was one of his own.


Ling Xueyi began to preach, first gathering these numb and desperate women with empty eyes together to preach the doctrine.

Then, the food and other supplies in the base were gathered together, and the women were dressed. They prayed to a slightly crude statue of Su Chen.

The conditions were limited, but the effect was very good. In order to get food, these women had to pray, but their lives were naturally much better than when they were humiliated and tortured before.

Not long after.

Su Chen felt that his divine halo was growing, although it was very slow, but his memory was indeed recovering.

He remembered that the night when his memory was lost, the guards were wiped out, and in that ghost town, he was also affected by the curse and lost his memory.

"Level 6! I must have my level 6 life quickly!"

Su Chen's eyes showed an unprecedented sharpness, and the whole person seemed to be reborn.

He returned.

He remembered everything.

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