Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 107 Level 5 Guardian! Mountain Resurrection!

"What did I do when I lost my memory?"


"Xiaoyi is afraid that if she finds out that I brought another woman back, she will be furious again! Xueyi still doesn't know that I had a woman in Jiangcheng..."

Su Chen just thought about these things for a moment and felt his scalp numb. This was the rhythm of Shura Field.


Just keep them from seeing each other.

With such a long distance between Yucheng and Jiangcheng, and the obstruction of the wall of time, it should not be exposed.

Su Chen comforted himself so much.

Then, he dispersed the newly grown divine halo and cleared away all the chaos and madness lingering in his mind.

His eyes were shining brightly, and he was as clear as ever. Recalling the scene of his embarrassed escape from the ghost town, a cold light flashed across his eyes.

"Level 7 strange life, codenamed Yucheng?"

"very good."

"I have never suffered such a big loss. Prepare to fall."

Su Chen clicked on the icon of the guards, and rows and columns of three-dimensional images of the guards were all displayed in front of his eyes.

Rolls Phantom, Auto Guardian, lv0, status damaged

Prison Car Guard, lv3, status damaged

Gangzi, lv4, near death

Pig-headed monster, level 4, crazy status + seriously injured and on the verge of death

Mountain Warrior, lv4, status dead

Weird evil guard, level 4, in good condition

Including the prison car guards and the Rolls Phantom car guards, all the guards were in extremely bad condition. This was completely within the range of Su Chen's psychological expectations.

But there is one exception.

"Weird and evil guard?"

"Ah this..."

"By the way, when did it become level 4 and level 5 life, why didn't I know?"

Su Chen was a little stunned.

To know.

The weird evil guard was only a level 4 being. The level 5 guards were seriously injured and on the verge of death. But luckily, he was not only in good condition, but also took the opportunity to upgrade and became a level 5 weird being.

Not only did it not suffer the slightest impact from this disaster, it actually became stronger.

I recalled it carefully.

Su Chen vaguely remembered that the strange evil guard was secretly picking up the fallen evil spirit puzzle pieces.

Good guy.

As expected of Su Chen's bodyguard, this wretched temperament is really reminiscent of Su Chen in the early stages of the apocalypse.

Su Chen even felt that if he left the strange evil guard alone and kept it in that ghost city.

It won't take more than three months.


The weird evil guards can become overlords among level 5 evil spirits, or even level 6 weird beings.

"Do business first."

The crystal nuclei melted one by one in Su Chen's hands.

The Dragon and Snake Society, as a peripheral force of the Royal Court Organization, its leader Lu Xiong is still a man in red who can be called a monster in the path, and he has a lot of crystal cores.

Twenty level 4 crystal cores.

One hundred level 3 crystal cores.

The remaining level 1-2 crystal nuclei, scattered together, amount to thousands.

A Dragon-Snake Guild can almost catch up with Su Chen's harvest of monsters in Jiangcheng.

In Jiangcheng, it has not been a month since the apocalypse broke out, and the strongest one is only the level 3 monster overlord.

There are only a handful of level 4 monsters.

It's good to be here in Yucheng. A small dragon and snake guild can collect twenty pieces of level 4 monster crystal cores.

To know.

Twenty level 4 monster crystal cores, a conservative estimate, have around 20,000 energy.

"The Dragon and Snake Association have such a foundation, so what about the more powerful Royal Court organization?"


"It seems that I really made the right trip to Yucheng this time."

As he spoke, the massive crystal nuclei in front of him were all completely dissolved by Su Chen.

Twenty level 4 crystal cores gain 18,000 energy.

One hundred level 3 crystal nuclei gain 5000 energy.

As for the other scattered and larger number of level 0-2 crystal nuclei, the largest number, thousands of them, has the least energy, only gaining 3000 energy.

Destroy the Dragon Snake Society and gain a total of 21,000 energy.

Coupled with Su Chen's original 28,000 energy, the energy in his hand suddenly approached the 50,000 mark.

Forty-nine thousand energy, what is the concept? To create a lv4 guard with level 5 life and combat power, the total consumption is less than 4,000 energy.

49,000 energy is enough to create at least ten new level 5 beings. Adding in the level 5 lives that Su Chen originally possessed, there are directly sixteen level 5 combat powers.

Of course, no matter how much level 5 combat power there is, Su Chen's eyesight will not be as good as that of a level 6 being.

"Mountain Warrior, come back to life!"

"Gather all the seriously injured guards and wait for my rescue!"

Without hesitation, Su Chen took out the gilded level 5 crystal core that beat like a heart, melted 30,000 energy, and upgraded the mountain guard to a level 5 guard.


In Su Chen's hands, the level 5 crystal core and 30,000 energy disappeared.

He only has 19,000 energy left.


What Su Chen has to do is to find ways to obtain crystal nuclei, and to obtain as many level 5 crystal nuclei as possible whose attributes blend with those of the guards.

"In Yucheng, level 4 monsters are emerging one after another. Who knows if level 5 monsters will be born."

"Perhaps, it is not impossible that the Wangting Organization even possesses the crystal core of a level 5 monster!"

Su Chen looked with bright eyes in a certain direction. He vaguely remembered that when he interrogated the two leaders of the Royal Court organization, the Royal Court was stationed in Changhe Town, which was the direction Su Chen was looking at at this time.

"Blood clothes!"

"Lead me the way!"

Su Chen called the girl in blood clothes over and started on the journey again. Halfway through, he suddenly slapped his head and remembered another thing.

"Bai Yingying!"

He actually forgot about this woman.

Although they just met by chance, he has a heart of fraternity and likes to care for weak girls the most.

"never mind."

"First go and pick up this weakling Bai Yingying and let Xueyi take care of her."

Su Chen rubbed his eyebrows.

How could I, who had lost my memory, behave like a scumbag? Why didn't I realize that I had such a temper?

When thinking of Su Xiaoyi, Su Chen couldn't help but get a headache again.

I hope that the barrier of the wall of time can really hide what happened here in Yucheng.


God knows what's going on inside the fortress.

at the same time.

On the other side of the ghost town, a group of elite ghost warriors, all in red clothes and with level 5 evil spirit combat power, were ready to set off.

"Suffering from the curse of the ghost town, this level 5 being who has broken free from the curse will probably become much weaker and should be easy to hunt."

"Don't blame us either."

"The blood curse on us is still there. Either you die, or we are all wiped out..."

In the chaotic streets, the remains of the battle can still be vaguely seen, such as the corpse of a level 5 monster that is like a hill and cannot be ignored by anyone.

There was a level 5 ghost master who trotted over and stabbed into the body of Shanjia Wuwei with his cursed palm, constantly pulling at something.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't waste time, otherwise, you won't be able to go out, and you will just wait to be wiped out."

A level 5 ghost master asked with a frown.

"Of course it's pulling the crystal core. This is a level 5 monster, so there must be a level 5 crystal core."

"In the world of Yucheng outside the ghost town, I heard that crystal cores above level 3 are used as currency for transactions."

"A level 4 crystal core can be exchanged for several beautiful young female slaves. A level 5 crystal core can be exchanged for a truckload of young women..."

As soon as he said this, many ghost masters rushed over and got into the mountain-like body of the mountain guard, trying to pull out the level 5 crystal core.

In this ghost town, all human lives belong to the Evil Spirit Apartment and the cursed city, where no one is allowed to fight each other.

The only dangers women here face are evil ghosts and evil spirits, but they are much safer than the outside world.

As soon as they heard that women could be exchanged, they found the remains of Su Chen's remaining guards and destroyed them, looking for the crystal nuclei that were supposed to exist.

"Strange, why not at all?"

These ghost masters looked unhappy.

At this time, Yang Xuan, who had become a level 5 ghost master, couldn't help but frowned and reminded.

"It's best not to cause trouble and leave quickly. Don't cause unnecessary trouble."

As soon as this statement came out.

Suddenly, many ghost masters were unhappy.

A new level 5 ghost master who was a level 4 ghost master not long ago dared to teach seniors like them a lesson?

It's downright ridiculous.


"unnecessary trouble?"


"Could this dead level 5 monster still be resurrected? Can't it be killed by a slap in the face?"

"Haha! You must understand that this level 5 monster overestimates its own capabilities and dares to provoke the life of the ghost town. It has been wiped out long ago."

"That's right! It's just a weak level 5 monster. Even if it is really resurrected, there are so many level 5 ghost masters here, we can push it back into the coffin with just one finger."

Yang Xuan's words triggered a burst of laughter.

"never mind."


Yang Xuan said something, then frowned and left. He felt vaguely that something was not good, so he wanted to stay away from the ghost masters who were digging crystal cores here.

There is a ghost eye on his forehead, with the ability to see some Qi.

And at this moment.

The people in front of them were filled with death energy. As they spoke and behaved in digging for crystal nuclei, the death energy was rising rapidly.

"It's just so scary and so weird."

"This is a group of red-clad warriors, as well as ghost masters who have mastered level 5 evil spirits!"

"What kind of disaster will happen that can cause so many people to die? This is the first time I have seen such a strong death aura..."

Yang Xuan retreated from a distance. He glanced at Yu Fan, who was also digging for crystal nuclei, and couldn't help but want to give a warning.


It's too late!


The ground is shaking rapidly!

The entire ghost town was also shaking violently.

"what's the situation?"

"Did Master Guicheng be alarmed again?"

Just when a powerful ghost controller looked panicked and looked towards the sky, the floor tiles in the streets of Yucheng exploded to pieces.

The huge hands formed by countless stones and soil stretched out one by one, crushing the ghost fighters who were digging crystal cores and destroying the corpses of guards without hesitation!


"Who dares to sneak attack us?"

"You messed with the wrong person!"

"We are all level 5 ghost fighters! Red-clothed combat power! Come out! My level 5 evil spirit puzzle!"

Someone roared and burst out with evil spirit power.



It was useless. The level 5 evil spirit in his body did not dare to come out at all because it was suppressed by the level.

He was easily crushed by the huge mud palm!

This scene happened not only to him alone, it was a massacre, a catastrophe.

"Oh my God!"

"What's going on?"

"Why doesn't the evil spirit in my body come out? It's actually afraid. What is it afraid of...ah..."

In a flash.

Eight or nine out of ten of the mighty ghost fighters have died.


"Ghost City is crazy!"

"They are actually going to massacre us!"


"Only a powerful life like Ghost City can easily suppress our evil spirits and let us suffer massacre..."

"Why? Why do you do this!"

The rest did not dare to stay here any longer and fled madly towards the outside of Ghost City.

They thought it was done by Ghost City.

Little did they know.

All this was done by the Mountain Guards.

Level 6 life!

Under the suppression of the rank, it was easy to kill a group of Level 5 lives in the ghost puzzle path.

Even Yang Xuan thought so. He witnessed Yu Fan, along with many red-clothed combat forces, and Level 5 ghost controllers exploded into blood mist.

He was so scared that he fled like crazy and was the first to escape from the Ghost City area.


He looked back, with great fear in his eyes.

The giant hand of mud disappeared.

Replaced by.

It was a huge monster that stood up and regained its vitality. In its chest, a strong heart was beating continuously.

"Alive! Alive!"

"Oh my God!"

"This dead level 5 monster was resurrected, and it became a level 6 life..."


Panic was boiling.

In this way, everything was painful. The level was suppressed. No wonder the evil spirits in their bodies dared not come out.

Without the power of the evil spirit, the level 6 monsters in the monster path did not need to be killed personally. It was as easy to kill them as to kill ants.

"Who is he!"

"There are actually level 6 monsters under his command. Oh my God, no wonder he can wrestle with the level 7 weird life, the Cursed City."

"The Evil Spirit Apartment actually issued us a task to hunt him down. Isn't this forcing us to die?"

The powerful ghost masters present all showed despair in their eyes.

When the gods fight, the little ghosts suffer.

Now, these powerful level 5 ghost controllers are the little ghosts who are in trouble, like cannon fodder, and they are dying on all sides.

"I am alive?"

The Mountain Guard woke up in confusion, feeling the beating of the heart of the pangolin in his body at that moment, and the powerful power of the rank swept through his body.

At the same time.

He heard the order given by Su Chen, and immediately gathered all the remains of the guards in front of him and stuffed them into his body.

Then, it wanted to walk out of Yucheng, follow Su Chen's breath, and look for Su Chen.


It couldn't leave the city of Yucheng.

Yucheng fell into the night again, and this ghost of strange city life came again.

The violent eyes appeared on the sky, staring at the Mountain Guard, full of resentment.


It fell from the level of lv7 and became a peak level 6 life. It couldn't forcibly wipe out the Mountain Guard in front of it like before.

Because, although the Mountain Guard is weak, it is also a Level 6 life, at the same level as it.


When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

This time, the Mountain Guard still chose to fight. The heart of the pangolin in its body kept beating. The roar of the car sounded, and it turned into a meteorite again, rising from the ground to the sky, and fiercely hit the eyes of the ghost town in the night.

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