Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 11 Level 2 Agile Zombie

Originally, he wanted the guards to go out hunting and come back with their characteristics, but this road was blocked and his plan failed.

As for staying in the fortress and waiting for the guards to bring live zombies to the fortress, Su Chen felt that it was more dangerous.

Without even thinking about it.

"Audi cars are a little too thin."

"It would be safer if we could drive a tank."


"The tank is prone to tipping over, and I'm prone to being canned while I'm inside."

All in all, thousands of sentences are still one sentence.

Upgrade your fortress!

Hit energy points quickly.

In just a short time, the pig-headed monster wiped out the zombies wandering nearby.

Security booth.

It can be regarded as Su Chen's safe house in the steel factory.

Old rules.

After Gangzi got in to sweep and confirmed that it was safe, Su Chen drove closer and trotted in with his waist down.

first timing.

Su Chen went to watch the surveillance video.

Good guy.

The number of zombies in the steel factory has increased significantly.

Groups of three to five corpses, large and small, wandered around the factory area.

Densely packed.

There are about ten 1 logos exposed to surveillance alone.

Level 0 alien zombies, no one knows how many there are.

The thing Su Chen cared about most, the parasitic zombie, was no longer in the factory area, and he didn't know where he had gone.

There was also a black shadow passing in front of the monitor.

Extremely fast.

Even though Su Chen was so nervous, he could only see an afterimage.

However, he still saw the 2 mark clearly.

Not a parasitic zombie.

Instead, it looked like the 1-agility zombie he had scared away with the remains of a powerful zombie in the early hours of yesterday morning.

"Good guy."

"The level 0 alienated zombie has become level 1."

"1 became 2."

"In this day and night, how many brains did they eat and how many people died in the steel factory to make these zombies evolve so fast."

"This is still a vast and sparsely populated industrial area. How can humans play in other more densely populated places?"

Su Chen felt that the parasitic zombies might become 3.

Feeling in danger.

Su Chen smoothly melted the level 1 crystal core he had just obtained.

"(Level 1 powerful zombie) Level 1 medium-quality crystal core, gained energy 3.5, current energy:"

Another 1 guard can be born.

Su Chen has quite a bit of confidence.

in the monitor.

Near Factory No. 1.

There were three or five survivors heading towards the canteen. It must have been two days and two nights, and they were really hungry.

There were still survivors in the steel factory, and Su Chen was not surprised at all.

after all.

There are weapons everywhere.

There is steel.

There are machines.

There are also welding machines and the like, which can easily create long-range attack weapons, such as the angle iron kitchen knife in his hand.

With proper coordination, they can hunt down zombies with power that can penetrate concrete walls.

In the words of agile zombies.

A bit hanging.

"none of my business."

"Let me see how to rescue [Su Xiaoyan is very hardworking]."

Su Chen never mind his own business.

Think about it.

He asked the pig-headed monster to hide, and the female crossbow warrior guarded the house. Gangzi continued to wear security uniforms and a hard hat, wrapped tightly, and a mobile phone with video capabilities was held on his chest.

I roughly told the steel guard about the route.

Su Chen continued to conduct remote control.

It has only been two days since the apocalypse broke out, and the Internet is still open, and the water and electricity have not been cut off. Of course, if you can make good use of it, you should use it.

"You go rescue people, and as I say, you just pretend to be me, the mysterious boss of Tieba who can hunt power zombies alone."

Gangzi set off.

He also carried a box of mineral water and bread from the car.

Materials and stuff.

There is no shortage of Su Chen.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, he had prepared more supplies than he could squander all by himself in three years.

"Go straight!"

"Quick, turn left."

Encountered a group of zombies.

Gangzi relaxed his hands and feet and walked through.

Except for two alienated zombies that vomited acid water and were somewhat interested in Gangzi, the other zombies, even the leading level 1 zombie, didn't pay much attention to Gangzi.

Zombies are bloodthirsty and like to eat brains. It is suspected that devouring enough brains, blood and flesh can allow them to upgrade and evolve.

Gangzi, a metal being, would not be attacked by zombies as long as he did not take the initiative to provoke them or make a huge noise.

This is the advantage of metal creation.

After thinking about this.

Along the way.

Su Chen stopped talking.

Watch everything through the video.

There were no surprises along the way.

Arrive at the storage room near the small north door.

The small north gate was violently broken open.

Look at the traces.

It doesn't look like it was done by violent zombies, but it looks like something like explosives. Someone used it to blow up the iron door in an attempt to break out.

However, the commotion attracted all the zombies from the rural residential area outside Beixiaomen.

The original low-risk steel factory, with only about 1,200 zombies, has become a place with hundreds or even thousands of zombies.

Gangzi patted the door of the storage room.

No answer.

"Open the door, it's me."

"According to the agreement, I will rescue you."

in the cupboard.

Su Xiaoyou, who was so scared that she huddled up when she heard the knock on the door, suddenly became excited and tears filled her eyes.

So fast!

The boss is so awesome.

In just a short time, the zombies along the way were eliminated and came to save her.

Really worthy of being a boss.

She trotted to the door, and when she saw the sturdy figure in security uniform and helmet through the crack of the door, she burst into tears.

"Boss, is that you?"

"You're finally here."

She opened the door, dived, and demonstrated the correct posture of hugging thighs on the spot.

As soon as the door opened.

The smell of blood and flesh emerged.

Nearby, the zombies that were originally swaying, or the scarlet, or the black eyeballs, all turned around and looked at Su Xiaoyong greedily.

The zombie tide is coming.

In a flash.

Nearby, there were thirty or fifty zombies gathered, including two alien zombies with acid all over their bodies.

This is another evolutionary path.

In the office building, the acid zombie that the steel servant had fought.

Quasi-level 1.

It is more difficult to deal with than ordinary power zombies.

The whole body is full of strong sulfuric acid, and it can't be touched.

Of course.

This is for normal humans.

Gangzi is a metal creature.


Su Xiaoyong was almost crying.

Through the camera, Su Chen looked at this young girl, who was no more than 17 or 18 years old, and was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground.

Jiangcheng's economy is not developed, it is just a backward small county.

Seventeen or eighteen years old is the right age to go to high school.

Su Xiaoyong dropped out of school to work in a factory.

This is very Jiangcheng.

"Give her the food so that she can fill her stomach."

"This group of zombies will fight quickly."

"The noise is a bit loud."

"Five hundred meters away, there are two level 1 zombies approaching, don't destroy my Su Gou Gou's sign."

Su Chen's voice came from Gangzi's mobile phone WeChat.


Gangzi threw the mineral water and bread in his hand to Su Xiaoyong.

Took off his gloves.

Exposed two fists with a metallic luster.

One punch, one zombie.


Two acid zombies came from the left and right, spraying acid water. The smell of strong sulfuric acid spread, choking Su Xiaoyong and making him retch.

Brutal collision!

One after another.


The spines of the two acid zombies were deformed, and their skulls were finally smashed by Gangzi.


There was a roar.

A zombie crawled on the wall like a black shadow, as fast as a gecko, and in a blink of an eye, it crawled from the factory building hundreds of meters away to this area.

2, Agile zombie.

This roar.

Even in the security booth, Su Chen could hear it.

If it was a 2 strength zombie, Su Chen would still have some confidence that Gangzi could hold it up. A 300kg steel body is not so easy to break.

What a pity.

This is an agile zombie, lv2.

Gangzi can't keep up with the speed of a 1st level agile zombie, so he may not be his opponent, let alone now.


"I wanted to save it to upgrade the fortress."

"It's not even warm yet, and I have to use it again."

Without hesitation.

Su Chen used up five energy points.

0 [Steel Guard] (0/5) → 1 (Available characteristics: Rage or Stealth)

Choose Stealth.

Energy 5, which was accumulated with great difficulty, was about to upgrade the fortress, and now it has become 5 again.

In an instant.

Steel Guard (0/50) → 2 [Available characteristics Rage or Shackles]

1 Steel Guard!

The second 1 Guard was born.

The originally bright silver steel body was rendered dark black at this moment, and the bright bald head was no longer so conspicuous.

A layer of cloak like black fog was covered on the leather armor on his body.

The aura also changed subtly.

The feeling that it is easy to be ignored subconsciously is that the sense of existence is reduced, like an assassin walking in the dark.

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