Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 12: Encirclement and Suppression

"I'm sorry, boss, I've caused trouble for you."


Su Xiaoyou cried.

Even if she didn't have much experience, she could still see the power of this zombie that was as fast as lightning and as dark as a shadow.

An absolutely evolved zombie, obviously different from other zombies.

Mr. Boss is awesome though.

But it’s also very powerful.

At least she could tell at a glance that Mr. Big Brother's speed was definitely not as fast as this second-level zombie running towards him.

"Mr. Boss, run away."

"Thank you for the bread."

Su Xiaoyou said, smoothed his hair, and closed his eyes in fear, not daring to watch the final scene of the evolved zombies about to bite him to death.


She felt her body rising into the air.

It was like someone was carrying him.

Open your eyes and take a look.

Mr. Boss put her on his shoulders and ran straight towards Gate 1.

Its speed has more than doubled.

Although the speed is far less than that of the ferocious evolved zombie.

But somehow.

Mr. Boss, he walks in the darkness and walks through the shadows, always walking in the blind spot of the evolved zombies.

For a while.

This agile evolved zombie failed to catch up with them.

at last.

Mr. Boss, circle back to the storage room, get close to the agile evolved zombie, and hide again.

Zombies are originally particularly sensitive to the smell of flesh and blood.

This time, for some reason, he was so close that he didn't notice the smell of flesh and blood on her body.

"Boss is so awesome."

Su Xiaoyou exclaimed.

Features are hidden.

is working.

Gangzi put Su Xiaoyou down and walked on tiptoe. The 300kg steel body made no sound at all.

It actually wanted to sneak attack on this level 2 agile zombie.


A roaring punch.

The agile zombie, who was unaware of it, dodged as if it was an instinctive reaction. Otherwise, its head would have been blown apart by a punch.

A level 2 zombie was almost killed by a level 1 steel guard.


This evolved zombie was angry.


The alienated zombies in the entire factory area are on the alert.

Either from the factory building or from the corner, a dozen level 1 zombies were sniffing and roaring in the same way.

All the evolved zombies are chasing Gangzi and the two.


"Can high-level zombies summon high-level zombies to a certain extent?"

In the security room, Su Chen stretched.

Get ready for activities.

1 Guard, there are only two of them, they cannot be lost in the steel factory.

Gangzi is not suitable for fighting.

With level 2 evolved agile zombies, and so many level 1 zombies helping out, Gangzi really may not be a match.



"Ms. Crossbow."

"Let's go harvest this level 2 zombie crystal core together."

Su Chen did not drive.

The scarlet flesh and blood fibers on his body condensed and turned into a half-armor within the leather armor he wore, protecting the vital parts of his body.

The dark and agile muscles on the legs erupted together with the two thick masses of black mist, and the terrifying speed was revealed at this moment.

This speed is much faster than a zombie dog.


The flesh and blood armor on the body.

Even if you take a bite from a level 2 agile zombie, you may not be in trouble.


It's better not to get hit if you can.

Deng Deng stared.

The iron pig guard came with heavy steps.

A distance of six to seven hundred meters.

Arrived very quickly.

Gangzi was sneaking a sneak attack on this second-level agile zombie, and the sneak attack was successful. It was obvious that it was the master of sneak attacks, but it was bitten by the prey.


Half of its body was penetrated.

He opened his mouth and bit down on Gangzi's body, leaving a huge gap in Gangzi's steel body.

There is still thick acidic water left behind, which is constantly corroding.

"never mind."

"It's better not to get bitten."

Seeing this, Su Chen stopped.

Hiding behind the iron pig's burly body.

Let the female crossbow warrior take a bite of the iron pig's head, replenish enough scrap iron materials, and rush forward to support the stainless steel guards.

"Ho ho ho!"

The roars kept coming.

The level 1 zombies wandering nearby smelled the smell of flesh and blood on Su Chen's body, and they all came to kill Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't take action.

The heavyweight 1st guard, Iron Pig Head, can easily cook it.

Three heads and 1 power zombie.

Two acid zombies.

There are also seven grotesque heads, with shrunken bodies, empty heads, and atrophied muscles, like alienated zombies. They have a 1 mark, but they feel only stronger than level 0 alienated zombies.

As soon as these seven zombies appeared, Su Chen thought of the strange zombie.

Parasitizing on the bodies of alienated zombies and absorbing nutrients is completely different from the evolutionary path of normal alienated zombies.

A level 1 zombie, when advanced to level 2, should normally eat human flesh and brains, just like the level 2 agile zombie in front of you.

Parasitic zombies, on the other hand, eat the brains, flesh, blood, and crystal nuclei of their own kind.

The female crossbow warrior is an agile metal creature.

Although it is 0, its strength is not weak.

The Stainless Steel Guard is considered an assassin's path, half agility and half strength. Although it has level 1, it cannot crush level 2 agility zombies.

If the one at 1 is a female crossbow warrior, I am afraid that by now, he should be digging for level 2 crystal cores.

"Signs cannot be smashed."

"It's right to upgrade the fine steel guard to level 1 to protect Su Xiaoyong."

"However, we should try the violent characteristic."

"The characteristic of concealment is more suitable for escaping, assassins, tracking, gathering information, stealing treasures, etc."

The female crossbow warrior and the fine steel guard, one far away and one close, are fighting the agile zombie, forcing the level 2 zombie, which can jump ten meters high, to not escape.

Level 2 zombies are probably the best among the hundreds of thousands or even millions of zombies in the densely populated new urban area of ​​Jiangcheng.

On the other side.

The pig-headed monster swept a row with one knife, just like cutting vegetables and melons, crushing three power zombies and two acid water zombies.

Although the five level 1 zombies have no wisdom, they rely on their awakened hunting instincts to make the pig-headed monster unable to take them down for a while.

As for the other seven skinny level 1 zombies that had been fed by parasitic zombies, they were killed by the pig-headed monster as soon as they came up.

They were too weak.

Su Chen pried open the skull of a zombie.

There was nothing inside.

It was empty.

Not to mention the crystal core, the brain was washed clean.

As for the characteristics...

Su Chen waited for a long time, but did not see even a little bit of characteristics wriggling out.

The parasitic zombies were just like his nemesis, competing with him for food.

They ate everything.

They left nothing for him.

Both battlefields were scorching.

However, victory was sooner or later.

As long as five level 1 crystal cores were obtained, the crossbow lady was upgraded to level 1, and this level 2 zombie that Su Chen had seen would die.

"I just don't know what characteristics I can get."

"Still level 1 material, agility and muscle?"

Su Chen hid behind the wall pillar, paying attention to the battle situation.


This was the roar of the car accelerator.

Agile Muscle + Swift Wind.

Su Chen jumped a few times and climbed to the top of the three-story factory building. He was shocked to see that he was being chased by a wave of three to five hundred zombies.

Several people who escaped from Factory No. 1 rushed to take off the steel plates on their bodies and squeezed into the Audi.

His Audi was driven away.

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