Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 109: Sneaking into the royal court! Evil spirit puzzle!

Early morning.

Su Chen woke up.

Looking at Bai Yingying sleeping in his arms, he couldn't help but sigh, with mixed feelings in his heart.

With his simple understanding of Ling Xueyi, he knew that after throwing Bai Yingying into the underground base and knowing this relationship, there would definitely be a fight.

Either a fight with Bai Yingying or a fight with him.

Ling Xueyi, who has always been chaste, is actually a very conservative woman who only wants to be with one person for the rest of her life.

He didn't even dare to mention Su Xiaoyi's affairs to Ling Xueyi, let alone the peach blossom debt that just happened last night.


Su Chen got up, put on his clothes, and couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.


He was going to Wang Ting Organization.

This was very dangerous.

But in comparison, he was more afraid of the Shura field that he would encounter when sending Bai Yingying to the underground base.

Let him encounter such a Shura field, just thinking about it makes his scalp numb, it's better to let him have a big fight with the head of Wang Ting.

"You're awake."

"Why did you wake up so early?"

Bai Yingying stroked her hair. She was no longer the young girl last night. Now, she was more feminine in her gestures.

A high nose bridge.

Long black and shiny hair.

Bright eyes like autumn water.

And a slender figure and a pair of long legs, which were the longest and most slender ones Su Chen had ever seen.

Last night...


"Let's go."

"I'll take you to a place."

"Maybe, after you go there, you can also control a red dress and have a certain degree of self-protection in the doomsday of Rain City."

Su Chen coughed a few times, avoiding Bai Yingying's somewhat seductive eyes, pretending not to understand her hint.

Thinking about it.

Su Chen decided to take Bai Yingying with him and rush to the Wangting Organization.

This time, he had all the memories, and naturally knew how powerful and terrifying the Wangting Organization was.

Bring Bai Yingying with you. When the time comes, find a place to hide Bai Yingying. He will leave after stealing the crystal core.

The Wangting Organization is very powerful.

After really coming to Yucheng, Su Chen had a clear understanding.

It is not an exaggeration to say that all the territory outside the cursed city is the Wangting Organization.

The Dragon Snake Society, the monster path, and Lu Xiong, who is at the level of red-clothed combat power, are just the leaders of a peripheral force.

Moreover, the Dragon Snake Society, a peripheral force, can even invite a red-clothed evil ghost from the Wangting Organization.

The real Wangting Organization must be even more crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

Except for the level 5 combat power of the head of the Wangting Organization, he would not be surprised even if one or two evil gods ran out.

"Damn it."

"If my guards had not all fallen into the ghost city and could not get out at all, wouldn't it be easy to capture a mere Wangting Organization?"

There is no way to suppress the rank, then use the human sea tactics to fight.


This time in Yucheng, Su Chen became a lonely man, which was extremely unlucky.

Su Chen also tried to summon the Mountain Guard, a newly promoted level 6 life force, but he couldn't do it at all.

The Mountain Guard responded, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't leave the ghost city.

At present, all of Su Chen's guards are useless.

But it doesn't matter.

Su Chen himself can also upgrade quickly. As long as there are enough red clothes puzzles and evil spirit puzzles, Su Chen can reach the level of level 4 and level 5 life without equipping the Fire Skull, which is enough to dominate the Royal Court Organization.

With the blessing of double level 5 combat power, it is up to Su Chen to decide whether to leave or enter.

Even if it is possible, if the level 5 evil spirit puzzles are enough, Su Chen may even have the hope of reaching the level of level 5 and level 6 life.

If that happens, it should be the Royal Court Organization that should consider how to escape.

"This time, there is no need to confront the Wangting Organization head-on. As long as I grab all the crystal cores, I will win."

"By then, there will be enough crystal cores. Even if I can't upgrade another lv5 guard and level 6 life, it will be enough for me to pull out a new group of 5-level combat forces."

"By then, let alone the Wangting Organization, even that lv7 ghost town, I will flatten it for you."

In the villa, Su Chen and Bai Yingying simply packed up their things and prepared to set off.

This time, it can be seen that Bai Yingying is not allowed to stay in this base any longer. She packed up all the commonly used things, then pulled the suitcase and followed Su Chen.

Very soon.

Su Chen searched around and finally found a relatively intact Hummer with a full tank and the key still inserted in the car on the road where it broke down.

Tried to start it.

Even if the doomsday broke out for three months, this Hummer was already covered with dust, but it was still able to start the horsepower strongly.

Not bad!

It's really a Hummer!

After the two got in the car, Su Chen was not familiar with the road conditions, so the task of driving to Changhe Town of the Wangting Organization was given to Bai Yingying.

"Changhe Town, that's the territory of the Wangting Organization..."

Even though Bai Yingying was a lone doomsday walker, a weakling among the ghost riders, she had heard of the name of the Wangting Organization.

If it weren't for the fact that the Wangting Organization treated women like slaves, I'm afraid many powerful female survivors would join them.


The system of the Wangting Organization is destined to make these women stay away from this dangerous place crazily.

The original purpose of the Dragon Snake Society was to search for supplies, especially women, and a slave-hunting team was specially set up for this purpose.

Men, if they are useless, just kill them! Most of the targets captured are women, especially powerful female supernaturals.

"Are you scared?"

"If you are scared, I just rescued a group of people last night. There is a base composed of women, and I can send you there."

Su Chen pondered for a moment, still worried about the possible dangers, and gave Bai Yingying a choice.

"I'm not afraid, as long as I'm with you, I'm willing to die. If I'm really caught by the Wangting Organization, I will commit suicide before being humiliated."

"I heard that there is hell..."



"And, they are all women? What did you do secretly last night?"

Speaking, Bai Yingying looked at Su Chen with some suspicion.


Su Chen hurriedly looked away.


The Hummer sped along.

Changhe Town was in sight.

Before he arrived, Su Chen saw clearly that countless strange things gathered outside the Wangting Organization in the dim sky and earth.

Above the sky, above the Wangting Organization's base, there was a huge light curtain, like a black giant bowl turned upside down, protecting the entire huge base.

Countless strange things hovered in front of this shield, craving the fresh blood and flesh of living people inside, but they didn't dare to get close at all.


Su Chen saw a lot of red clothes.

Even, even the evil spirit saw one.

This is incredible.

What kind of protective means is so powerful that it can block a level 5 evil spirit, such a number of red clothes, and evil ghosts outside?

No wonder the Wangting Organization was able to invite a red-clothed evil ghost. After all this time, there is no lack of strange things near the Wangting Organization.

And in the shield, the Wangting Organization's base was peaceful, without any strangeness wandering around, only the guards who went back and forth, constantly patrolling in the camp.


Three thousand meters away, Su Chen stopped the car, turned off the engine, and hid Bai Yingying in a nearby residential building.

This is the territory of a powerful red-clothed figure. Before the red-clothed figure showed its fierce side, Su Chen raised his hand and tore it into pieces, turning it into a fierce spirit puzzle and being devoured by the flesh and blood fibers in his body.

At present, he has two evil ghost puzzles in his body, both of which are red-clothed level, and he controls all the power of these two red-clothed figures 100%.

One red-clothed puzzle is in the shape of a human head, constantly making all kinds of confusing sounds. It is the one that was killed in Bai Yingying's villa at the beginning.

The second red-clothed figure is a ghost shadow, hideous and exuding a chill.

Without the Fire Skull, Su Chen's own rank has long reached the peak of lv3, that is, the peak of level 4.


As soon as the two red-clothed puzzles were controlled, they instantly felt that they were only one step away from their own rank, from lv4, and level 5 life.

"It's better to get a level 5 evil spirit puzzle. If not, another red-clothed puzzle is enough."

There is enough red-clothed aura in this house, which is just enough to cover the aura of the living on Bai Yingying.


Even other red-clothed evil ghosts will not easily set foot on the territory of another red-clothed evil ghost, unless it is a level 5 evil spirit...

However, the possibility is not great.

There is only a level 5 evil spirit here.

"I will go and come back quickly."

After Su Chen settled Bai Yingying, he was ready to infiltrate the Wangting organization.

"Be careful."

"I won't go anywhere until you come back."

Bai Yingying trotted over, tidied up the buttons of Su Chen's messy shirt, smoothed her hair, revealing a beautiful side profile, a high nose bridge, and shy eyes.

Finally, she still kissed Su Chen.

"I'll wait for you."

"If you die, I won't live in humiliation. You are my only relative."

To be honest, Bai Yingying is indeed a very good girl. Once she has chosen Su Chen, she will always be with Su Chen.

It's a pity.

Su Chen is a big scumbag.

He opened a harem in the doomsday, and he didn't do the whole life of a couple. But he got good girls like Su Xiaoyi, Bai Yingying, and Ling Xueyi who were loyal to their feelings.

"Don't say unlucky words. I don't take the Wangting organization seriously. You don't know how powerful I am."

Su Chen pinched Bai Yingying's nose lovingly.

In an instant.

He turned into a black shadow and flew out of the house at a high speed. Soon he disappeared.

This is the ability that Su Chen got when he controlled the second red ghost.

At this moment, under the blessing of his life level, the ability of this red ghost even reached the level of a level 5 evil spirit.

"Ghost puzzle, can you play it like this?"

This is something Su Chen had never thought of.

Doesn't that mean that he is equivalent to the combination of two level 5 evil spirits, and has two strange abilities of level 5 evil spirits?

Very quickly.

Su Chen sneaked all the way and rushed into the edge of the black curtain protective shield that made all the weird dare not approach.

In an instant.

In Su Chen's body, the two red fragments all trembled, even though their will had been wiped out by Su Chen and became Su Chen's own power.

But at this moment, their remaining instincts still burst out with an incomparable sense of fear.

One of the heads even opened his eyes and woke up, making all kinds of noises, expressing his fear of the light curtain.

This scene was particularly familiar to Su Chen.

"This is... rank suppression!"

Su Chen couldn't help but frown.

With the Fire Skull, he was a Level 5 life, and he had used rank suppression to shock the red-clothed man many times, but the red-clothed man's reaction was nothing compared to this time.

It was not at the level of facing Level 5 rank suppression at all.

Instead, it was more like Level 6 life rank suppression, or even Level 7 life suppression.

However, Su Chen soon shook his head.

"How is it possible?"

"It is shocking that there is a Level 7 strange life in the Rain City."

"In the ghost city, the birth of an unknown Level 6 ghost controller is almost throwing away the potential of the Rain City."

"Level 6, Level 7, it is impossible."

"If it really exists, the Royal Court Organization would have counterattacked the Ghost City long ago, and even captured the Mucheng Military Association and the Jiangcheng Savior Cult."

Su Chen became more and more curious about the Royal Court Organization.

This Royal Court Organization has a deep foundation. This kind of suppression method gives him a feeling that is almost comparable to being in the Ghost City.

No wonder it can exist in this evil ghost country, the Rain City world for so long, and it has become bigger and stronger! Create brilliance!

The black shadow roared.

Su Chen rushed into the Royal Court residence.

And he instantly got out of the ghost state, because this ghost puzzle ability was sealed.

Perhaps because of the shuttle shield, he was suppressed by his rank, and now he is motionless, as if he is playing dead.

If he wants to use the ghost shadow ability again, it will take a long time.


This is after Su Chen's own life rank blessing, the red ghost puzzle has reached the level of a blood-clothed evil spirit.

It is conceivable.

Even if it is a real level 5 evil spirit, it will break into the black curtain shield, and it will probably end up the same, with all its abilities sealed and staying in place, motionless.

Even if it is a level 5 ghost controller, it is probably not much better. Once the level 5 evil spirit in the body is sealed, it will instantly become an ordinary person, and will definitely be discovered and captured by the Wangting organization.


Su Chen is different.

He is actually a level 5 life extraordinary in the monster path.

"What's the noise?"

"Is there a red ghost or even a blood-clothed evil spirit breaking in?"

In the distance.

There was a burst of dense footsteps.

There was also the smell of guns loaded and golden bullets.

Extraordinary strongmen!

There is no doubt that this patrol team of the Royal Court patrol guards are all extraordinary strongmen of other paths above level 4.

The ghost control path starts at level 4.

It is much more difficult to achieve level 4 in other paths than to control ghosts, and it is not popular at all in the evil spirit kingdom of Yucheng.

However, this light curtain has the function of sealing evil ghosts, and the extraordinary strongmen of other paths appear to be particularly powerful and useful.

"A bunch of level 4 little trash."

Su Chen sneered, his wings vibrated, and he quickly switched to the appearance of monster armor, soaring into the sky in this dim night.

With the ability to fly, he is naturally gifted. With the cover of the dim night, almost no one can discover him.

What's more.

If he, a level 5 monster path extraordinary master, is discovered by a group of small level 4s, it will really make people laugh.

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