Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 110 Level 7 Materials! Traces Exposed



"Captain, are you feeling wrong? Where are the red clothes now? There are also evil spirits crossing the protective barrier. What's the difference between this and seeking death?"

A group of patrol teams with real guns and even modified golden rocket launchers searched for a while, but found nothing.


He was ready to leave.

"Maybe I sensed it wrong."

"Just now I felt that something broke into the shield here. It's really strange."

The patrol leader, puzzled, nodded and prepared to patrol other places.

The regulations of the Wangting organization do not allow any patrol team to stay in one place for too long.

At this time, Su Chen, who was standing in the sky with his wings shaking, had a different feeling.

The evil spirit puzzle in his body was suppressed.

But his monster characteristics were jumping wildly, excited to the extreme.

It can be said.

Su Chen felt his monster characteristics so active for the first time, especially when he often devoured other characteristics to grow. The hundreds of flesh and blood fibers in Su Chen's body were as excited as if they were extremely excited, eager to try.

"In this Wangting organization, there are extremely powerful monster characteristics. The devouring muscles in my body are eager for this powerful characteristic to merge with me."

Su Chen's eyes lit up, and he quickly understood, and then looked away.

In the field of vision.

All the extraordinary levels could not escape his eyes, but this time, it failed.

Because of the suppression of the extraordinary level and the dim sky, he could not see the extraordinary signs that were too far away.

However, it was enough.

At least it was a level 7 monster characteristic!


Su Chen had a feeling that as long as he could devour the monster characteristics hidden in the Wangting organization.

Not to mention the lv5 life level.

Even the lv6 life level, he had a certain hope of achieving it.

His lv5 level was equivalent to level 6 life and combat power.

The lv6 level has reached the same status as the cursed city of Yucheng, a level 7 life.

Without the Fire Skull, from the peak of lv3 to lv5, or even lv6, it is more than an improvement, it is simply a leap.

Su Chen really didn't expect that he would have such a harvest just by coming to the Royal Court to organize the hunting of crystal cores.

It is incredible that the small Yucheng, the kingdom of evil spirits, can still have such a level of characteristic materials.

"I must find a way to get it!"

Su Chen's unprecedented desire.


He was like a falcon, silent and swooping down at a very fast speed.

The target in front of him, the dozen or so powerful level 4 guards who were still patrolling, were so slow that it was outrageous.

It was not that the other party was slow, but that he was too fast, so the other party seemed to be slow and slowed down.

Level 5 life, wanting to attack a mere level 4 life, is as easy as playing.

In a flash.

Su Chen killed the last person in the patrol team, the lower-level Level 4 superhuman, on the spot.

Hundreds of blood and flesh fibers moved rapidly, taking off the fully-armed special warfare uniform of this person and putting it on Su Chen.


The Eye of Petrification was activated instantly, petrifying the body of this person, and then he punched it into powder, and countless strong winds swept the powder all over.

And all this happened in a flash.

"What fluctuation?"

"Evil spirit!"

"There is an enemy, be alert!"

By the time the special operations team leader reacted and felt something, Su Chen had already solved everything. Just like the original special operations team members, he looked at him in confusion under the night vision goggles.

At this time, with the special operations team leader's alert roar, all the special operations team members, Level 4 superhumans, all loaded their guns, tensed their muscles, and were ready to go. They formed a circle, facing outward, and looked at everything nearby with alertness.

Although Su Chen had not trained with them and did not know the combat alert plan, there was no way, his reaction ability was really fast to the extreme, which was not comparable to these level 4 extraordinary people.

As a result, no one noticed that one of their team members had become someone else.

Time passed little by little.

There was no movement at all.

It was dead silent here.

The team members gradually relaxed, looking at their special operations captain who had been praised by the leader for his perception ability with some doubts.


"Today is really too strange."

"There is no way."

"It should be because I have been too nervous recently."

"Remove the alert and continue patrolling."

The special operations captain, with a puzzled face, then led the team to continue patrolling.

He couldn't help but feel a little funny about his behavior.

Their Wangting organization has a protective barrier and this leader, a level 5 life.

Only when they are crazy will the enemy break in.

Whoever comes will die.

At least within this protective barrier, their Wangting organization is invincible and can never be shaken.

"Sneak in."

As the camp gate opened, Su Chen followed the patrol team and finally entered the Wangting organization's base.

The Wangting Organization's base is a huge camp, surrounded by huge concrete walls, more than 30 meters high, and there is a watchtower. It is a completely immovable ground fortress.

It seems that the head of the Wangting Organization is very ambitious, otherwise he would not have managed the defense of this camp so carefully. It is obviously used to withstand the tide of zombies, or even to welcome the war of the supernatural organization.

Inside the wall, there are concrete buildings, which are obviously pulled out from Yucheng together with the foundation and placed here.

This should be at least a level 4 peak power evolution path supernatural, or a large number of level 3 peak supernaturals.

Looking at Yucheng, Yucheng is full of ghost control. I am afraid that only the Wangting Organization can organize such a number of other path supernaturals.

In the center of the base is a huge square, as vast as ten football fields, with grass paved, like the work of an evolver who controls plants and trees.

In the center of the square, there is a huge temple, towering like a mountain, hundreds of meters high.

The fluctuation of level 5 life is clearly conveyed inside, but the breath is a bit strange, like an evil spirit, and a bit like a living person.

To be honest, even Su Chen has never seen such a strange fluctuation of life.

"The leader of the Wangting organization seems to be much stronger than I thought."

"But we can still deal with it."

Su Chen's eyes flickered.

Because, from the center of the temple, there is a dark light column shooting straight into the sky. The energy contained in this light column supports the dark protective shield, covering the entire Wangting organization, and preventing it from being eroded by the weirdness outside.

Even a strong level 5 evil spirit was blocked outside.

"The only thing that can create such a huge power is the high-level material I've been dreaming about."

"That level 7 material is extraordinary and has incredible power. It must be in this temple."

The muscle fibers in Su Chen's body can't help but want to rush into the temple and plunder.


Reason still takes over instinct.

Su Chen continued to follow the patrol team obediently, and was already planning how to leave the team.

The strength of the head of the royal court was much stronger than Su Chen imagined. Although he could deal with it, there was no need for a head-on conflict.

He only needed to find a way to get the crystal core first, and then it would be a crushing game.

At that time, just rush in and grab the level 7 material.

In the royal court station, except for the temple, which was obviously a bit out of place with the modern style, other buildings were extremely normal.


Operations room.

There were also military camps with various modified vehicles stationed.

Su Chen followed the patrol team all the way and soon came to a house where women screamed from time to time.


The patrol team left here.


Su Chen clearly noticed that the special operations team leader and the patrol team members were all frozen at this moment, and glanced at him in doubt.

Moreover, there was an inexplicable exchange of eyes.

The team members trembled and held the guns tightly. Among them, the team member closest to Su Chen quietly distanced himself from Su Chen.

If they were not afraid of alarming Su Chen, they would have loaded their guns and fired at him intensively.

Among them, the special operations team leader performed the most outstandingly. At this moment, he understood a lot of things, and the fear in his eyes was almost unable to be concealed.

It turned out that the movement he felt before was not fake at all.

There really was an evil ghost that broke through the protective arm and sneaked into the Wang Ting station.


It is not known when, one of their Level 4 special operations elites was occupied, or replaced, and he has only noticed it now.


"Go into the barracks again, do the last patrol, and it's over."

"At that time, everyone will be able to move freely."

The special operations leader coughed twice, trying to hide his fear.

How powerful must this invading enemy be to be able to break through the protective barrier silently and sneak into their team in an instant!

It is definitely a red-clothed combat force among the Level 4.

Even stronger...

With such strength, it is absolutely easy to destroy their special operations patrol team composed of all Level 4 members.


Only by introducing it into the barracks can there be a glimmer of hope.

If it is brought into the temple, although it is safer with the Level 5 leader, it is too conspicuous to patrol back like this.

It is still a compromise, and it is more appropriate to go to the barracks.

"That's right."

"The patrol of the military camp is over, and it's over."

The special forces also agreed, and their pace quickened a bit. No one wanted to stay with Su Chen, a terrifying and unknown enemy.


Su Chen raised his eyes and reacted quickly. He was not a stupid person. He turned his head and looked at the house where the woman screamed, with an indescribable meaning in his eyes.

He felt.

This exposure must have a lot to do with passing by that house.

Since it's exposed.


I won't pretend anymore.

Su Chen showed his cards!

"So, why was I exposed?"

"How did you find out?"

Su Chen raised his eyes and met the wary eyes of the special forces captain.

At this moment.

Su Chen took off all his disguises, and his special forces uniform was instantly torn apart, revealing his monster armor.

His true face was not exposed.

With a monster appearance, in this rainy city where evil spirits are rampant and despair is shrouded, they instantly recognized Su Chen as an evil spirit.

Evil spirits can also look like inhuman monsters, and they are also extremely powerful. Obviously, the one in front of them is.

"Evil spirits are invading!"

"Enemy attack~!"

The first glance at each other almost scared the special forces captain to death.

His perception has always been strong.

At this moment, his scalp was numb, and every hair exploded, as if he had fallen into hell, and despair enveloped his heart.

The rocket launcher in his hand sprayed flames without hesitation and exploded towards Su Chen.


Huge roar!

"Is the monster dead?"

"This is a gold-modified artillery with added ingredients. If Red Clothes is hit by one, he will be in trouble."


"He is definitely seriously injured."

"Quick! Hurry up and grab Red Clothes's evil ghost puzzle..."

Some special forces members were blinded by greed. Before confirming the results of the battle, they hurriedly approached the explosion site and wanted to pick up the evil ghost puzzle.

In the organization, the Red Clothes's evil ghost puzzle can be exchanged for more than a dozen beautiful young women, so you can have fun with them.


What greeted him was Su Chen's monster arm.


The head of a level 4 transcendent was instantly crushed by Su Chen.

Amid the waves of fire and smoke, Su Chen walked out. Pieces of golden shell fragments were embedded in his body, but they did not cause any damage to him at all. They were all blocked by the monster armor outside his body.

This golden rocket launcher is indeed very powerful. After one shot, Red Clothes will be seriously injured and dying, and the blood-clothed evil spirit will not get much benefit.

But the problem is that Su Chen is not the Red Ghost, nor the Ghost Control Path, he is the Monster Path!

This golden cannon is no different from an ordinary rocket launcher to him. It is better to give him a missile, maybe he can be blown to death.

"What's the matter?"

"It didn't cause any damage?"


"You are not the Ghost Control Path, you are the extraordinary evolution of the Monster Path, and you can withstand rocket launchers, definitely more than level 4, you are a level 5 life?"

The scene is boiling.

The special forces who were greedy to pick up the ghost puzzle fled like crazy.

Facing the Red Clothes, or even the Blood Clothes Ghost, a level 5 ghost, they are not afraid at all. The Wangting Organization has plenty of ways to deal with them.

Various tricks and special weapons are not vegetarian.

But the level 5 monster path evolvers are different. Except for their leaders, I am afraid that no one can deal with them.


"I am the evolution of a level 5 monster."

"You can call me the king of monsters!"

Su Chen spoke slowly, snapped his fingers, and then the heart of the monster in his chest began to beat.


Except for the terrified special operations captain, all the others were blown apart, leaving no trace, and turned into a ball of blood mist.

"Spare me."

The special operations captain was an elite who had experienced all kinds of big scenes, but he was still trembling with fear.

Is such a powerful life really a level that humans can reach?

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