Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 111 Tens of thousands of crystal cores! Evil spirit guards! [1]

He was desperate.

If Su Chen took his hand off the alarm, he would be more satisfied.

"If you press the alarm button, many people in the Wangting organization can survive, but you will definitely die!"

"You are still useful to me. If you don't press it, you can survive, but only other people in the Wangting organization will die."

"Choose for yourself."

Su Chen said lightly and walked towards him.

In the Wangting organization, he was unfamiliar with the place and didn't know where many places were. He really needed an insider.

At least, let him know where the warehouse where the Wangting organization stored crystal cores was before he died.

The Wangting organization's base was much larger than Su Chen had imagined, and they all looked similar. If it weren't for his sharp five senses, Su Chen would not even be able to tell the east, south, west and north, and would get lost after walking two steps.

"Are you really not going to kill me?"

The special operations captain still didn't dare to believe it, and looked doubtful, with his finger still pressing on the alarm.

As long as it is pressed, the entire Wangting station will sound the highest level alarm.

Level 5 life is coming.

It is naturally the highest level alarm. No one dares to underestimate the destructive power that a level 5 life can bring.

In particular, this level 5 life is a level 5 life of other paths that can never be born in Yucheng.


"Before that, can you tell me how my disguise was exposed?"

"I came to this Wangting organization, not to kill you little shrimps..."

Su Chen persuaded and kept getting closer. As long as he got closer, with his speed, he could crush this special forces member into pieces in an instant, and he didn't give him the opportunity to sound the alarm of the Wangting organization.


"I don't believe you."

"As a level 5 life, I know how our leaders achieved level 5 and how they behaved."

"No matter what, I have to die, don't I?"

"As for why you were exposed, hehe, Acai, that pervert, would never have such a calm reaction after passing through the toy house..."

Su Chen felt bad.

Suddenly, he jumped up.


He was still a step too late.

The piercing alarm sounded throughout the Wangting Organization's base.

"Wait for death!"

"The leader of our Wangting Organization is much stronger than you think. Even if we are both at level 5, you will never be able to defeat him."

"I would rather die than betray the Wangting Organization..."

The special operations captain thought about the torture he would suffer if he betrayed the Wangting Organization. He pressed the alarm without hesitation with fear in his eyes.

Betraying the Wangting Organization would definitely be a fate worse than death.

He didn't think Su Chen could defeat their leader!


The alarm exploded.

At this moment, the bright blood light rushed straight into the sky here, so that all the strong men in the Wangting Organization could see it.


The Wangting Organization moved.

The roar of cars, this is the Wangting Organization's military camp, a large group of people are coming.

If that was all, Su Chen would not take it seriously at all, but even the temple heard a roar of a fierce ghost.

"Who are you, fellow, attacking my Wangting organization?"

"You didn't even say hello!"

"You don't take me seriously at all."

With a roar, a huge evil ghost, wearing a bloody armor, walked out of the temple.

Level 5 middle?


Even, it's almost reaching the level of level 5 upper.

Even in the ghost city where there are many level 5 ghost masters, this head of the Wangting organization can be regarded as a top figure.

After all, as a level 5 upper evil ghost, he can perfectly exert all the abilities of being an evil ghost, while those level 5 ghost masters can only control their abilities.

In terms of real combat power, this level 5 evil ghost can even be compared with the level 5 upper ghost masters.

"Damn, I underestimated you."

"The two team leaders of the Wangting organization still have some information. This is not an ordinary level 5 ghost controller, it is clearly a level 5 upper evil ghost."

Su Chen's reaction was also very fast.


He activated the ability of another red ghost puzzle in his body, the ghost shouting man with the ability to affect the mind.

"Tell me, where is the warehouse? Where is the crystal core? What is the specific treasure that your Wangting organization supports the barrier?"

Su Chen activated his ability.

At this moment, under the blessing of his level 5 life rank, the original red ghost puzzle ability has reached the level of level 5 evil spirit.

"Don't even think about it, I can't betray the Wangting organization..."

The special operations team leader sneered and finished.

The ghost shouting man ability was activated.


The protective equipment on his body that resisted the ghost's ability exploded instantly, but he still couldn't resist it.

His eyes became confused instantly.

"The warehouse is under the toy house."

"Crystal cores are used for daily cultivation, so there are only 10,000 high-level crystal cores stored in the warehouse."

"As for the treasure that supports the protective barrier, it is... it is..."

At this moment, the special forces captain's body twisted instantly, as if twisted by another terrifying force that descended.

The next moment.


The blood surged.

This special forces captain was instantly transformed into a monster, no longer looking like a human being.

And he was not an evolver of the monster path at all. He was an awakening path ability user, and he had not even taken the path of crystal core evolution.


Just by mentioning that monster characteristic, he became this terrifying appearance.


"This characteristic material is really incredible."

The fiery light in Su Chen's eyes became brighter and brighter.

The desire to get this thing in his heart became stronger and stronger.

As for the monster in front of him, it roared at Su Chen.


A level 4 extraordinary, even if it is distorted into a monster, can't become a level 5 monster life. Su Chen only needs one finger to crush it easily.

The next moment.

The huge evil ghost has already arrived.

In an instant.

The dark ghost dance is so dense that it almost forms a small ghost den, pulling Su Chen in, making it difficult for Su Chen to escape.

However, this thing is still too weak for Su Chen. After all, he has escaped from the ghost city, a ghost with a life of level 7.

With a life of level 5, this ghost is still not qualified to deal with him.


Su Chen roared.

At this moment, the ability of ghost shouting was once again exerted.

But this ability of ghost shouting is essentially just red clothes. Even if it is blessed by Su Chen's life level, it is only equivalent to the level of ordinary level 5 evil spirits. It can't do anything to the head of the royal court.


"I thought you were so strong, but it turns out that you are just like this, a level of a level 5 evil spirit ghost controller."

"Today is your death!"

The next moment.

The palm of the giant ghost crushed towards Su Chen.

Su Chen did not hesitate and burst out his true strength. The level 5 life of the monster path may not be the opponent of the level 5 middle evil ghost.

But as long as he wants to escape, this head of the royal court, a level 5 evil ghost, can't stop him at all.

"Skull of Fire!"

Su Chen roared.


The Skull of Fire swelled up in the wind, turning into a huge white bone skull, bursting out terrifying flames.

The rolling heat wave hit his face, even the level 5 giant ghost retreated a bit at this moment.


Su Chen grabbed the Skull of Fire, flapped his wings, flew into the sky, broke through the blockade of the ghost den in an instant, and disappeared.

"How is it possible?"

"Isn't he a level 5 evil spirit-level ghost controller? Why can he still have the power of the monster path?"

"Monster path, ghost control path, these are two mutually conflicting and repulsive paths. It can even be said that except for the ordinary evolution using crystal cores, which can be superimposed and overlapped with ability evolution, other paths are mutually repulsive..."

"How did he do it?"

The head of the royal court, this giant ghost shook his head, with a little bit of disbelief in his eyes.

Then, as if he remembered something, he ran back to the hall at a high speed. He looked at the appearance of Su Chen's monster armor and felt vaguely familiar.

It was as if he had seen it somewhere in the intelligence.


He found the intelligence he wanted to see.

This was a piece of intelligence about a hidden person lurking in Jiangcheng, which had been recently sent.

"Lord of Jiangcheng, is that Su Chen who has the title of King of Monsters, God of Savior, and Lord of Sky Fortress?"

In the temple, the giant ghost's expression was distorted, and the Lord of the Royal Court instantly became angry.

He was just a cult leader of Jiangcheng, and he had not had time to invade Jiangcheng, but was instead attacked by the other party.

This made him feel ashamed.


"Since you are here, don't even think about leaving. If you can beat me, why are you running away?"

"Go to hell!"

"Today I must find a way to keep you here. You have the means to create a Level 5 life, right?"

"Boy, you are so young, but you have become a Level 5 life, and you can also create a Level 5 life. You are not simple, but you will belong to me soon!"

The head of the royal court roared.

He was extremely arrogant, and did not take Su Chen, the King of Level 5 Monsters, seriously at all.

Because he had the capital to be arrogant.

He was naturally not simple to be able to stand in this Rain City, a country where evil spirits were rampant, and it was impossible for him to stand firm just by relying on a Level 5 evil spirit.


How could he resist the curse of the cursed city of Rain City?

In an instant.

He sent out his trump card.

The temple trembled violently, and behind the place where his original body statue stood, the coffins trembled violently.

"Come out!"

"My worshippers, now is the time for you to contribute."

"Find that damned invader and bring him to me alive!"

The giant ghost roared, shocking the temple.

He came to the center of the temple, and in front of a broken horn suspended in the air, he respectfully invited it out.

If Su Chen could be here, he would definitely see that on this broken horn, there was a dazzling mark of level 7 material.

This was the level 7 material he had been thinking about, a treasure that could take him directly to the lv5 level, or even the lv6 level.

The broken horn came out!


At this moment, the coffin exploded, and the blood-red-clothed and level 5 evil spirits came over.

In this temple, there are dozens of such coffins. It is conceivable that they are all filled with red-clothed and blood-clothed evil spirits. How terrifying is the background of the Royal Court Organization.

"What level of invaders can make our master so angry that he released all the offerings?"

"Damn it!"

"Hurry up and find this evil man, otherwise, sleeping in the base will feel uneasy."

"To be able to avoid the means of the protective barrier and rush into the base, this invader should be at least a level 5 life! What should we do?"

The Royal Court Organization, the extraordinary strong men who came to support the military camp, were still frightened.

If they came earlier, they would have to accompany the special forces on the ground and become a pile of bloody remains.

"Let's talk to the spirits and find out where this person is coming from."

A powerful spirit-controlling ghost master took action.


It was useless.

The special forces here, not to mention their bodies, even their souls were crushed to pieces, and they could not communicate with the spirits at all, and could not collect any information.

The whole Wangting Organization's base was full of red-clothed and blood-clothed evil spirits, and countless extraordinary people were in panic.


At this time, Su Chen was sneaking quickly in the Wangting base, and soon he arrived at the door of the so-called toy house.

"Why is there a woman screaming here?"

Su Chen pushed the door open.

In fact.

Su Chen didn't want to expose his strength at all, and he didn't want to fight with the Wangting Organization for the time being. He just wanted to get the crystal core first.

Who would have thought that the extraordinary people here were so brave and would rather die than betray the organization.

So, Su Chen's plan failed.

Now the situation is out of his control.

"Sure enough!"

Su Chen pushed open the door of the toy house and saw women with messy clothes and even naked clothes.

No matter where they are, women are a kind of material. Without sufficient strength, they will not have a good end in this doomsday organization.

At this moment.

In the toy house, women came towards him one by one, and so did the evil spirits.

The evil spirits were torturing these women and absorbing the fear they bred. This was the offering of the Wangting Organization to them.

Just a rough look.

Su Chen saw that there were about 4 blood-clothed evil spirits.

With 4, he had no way to sneak in and explore the exact location of the crystal core treasure house inside.

"Keep going, keep going!"

"I won't bother you anymore!"

Su Chen waved his hand, said hello, and then turned around and ran away.

How could there be no gatekeeper in the warehouse?

Su Chen originally thought that it was just a Red-clothed Superhuman, but this Wangting Organization was really powerful.

They actually used Level 5 Life, Blood-clothed Evil Spirits to guard the gate, and there were 5 of them at once.

"Damn it!"

"I really want to kill the two leaders of the Wangting Organization again! What outdated false information they gave me!"

Behind Su Chen, four Blood-clothed Evil Spirits roared and rushed over.

There was no other way.

Su Chen gritted his teeth.

He was ready to use the materials on his body to create a brand new guard to resist the enemy.

This time, he decided to create an extremely powerful Level 5 Peak Guard.

Create a powerful evil spirit guard!

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