Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 112 Tens of thousands of crystal cores! Evil spirit guards! [2]

This is the thought.

Su Chen stopped for a moment, made up his mind, looked at the two red-clothed ghost puzzle pieces that were in a locked state in his body, and touched the level 5 special weapon around his waist, the Skull of Fire.

Doomsday Eruption, his most powerful means has never been his ability to pick up monster characteristics, nor is it the level 5 combat power he possesses after assembling the Fire Skull.

Instead, he can use materials and weapons to create powerful life guards just like he creates life.

And, use energy to upgrade it.

This is Su Chen's most powerful means of walking in the apocalypse.

"You forced me to do this."

Outside the door of the house, flesh and blood fibers sprouted out of Su Chen's body, surrounding two red-clothed ghost puzzle pieces, and at the same time he threw the Fire Skull in his hand.

At this moment, he was at his weakest.

In an instant, he dropped a level.

After assembling the Fire Skull, the lv4 and level 5 life combat power dropped to the real life level, lv3, which is only the peak of level 4.

"Come out!"

"My evil spirit guard!"

Su Chen roared.

in sight.

Just when these four blood-clothed evil spirits, with ugly and terrifying faces, rushed out of the small house, the message appeared.

"After detecting suitable weapons and materials, there are two matching methods to choose from. The following two methods represent the monster path and the evil spirit path respectively..."

"① Use the Fire Skull as a weapon and two red-clothed ghost puzzle pieces as materials to create a powerful level 5 combat power, the lv4 monster path guard."

"② Using two red ghosts as weapons, the Fire Skull was decomposed into materials to create an extremely powerful lv3 evil spirit path guard with level 5 combat power!"

Currently, Su Chen's energy is 19,000.

Choice ① is just an extra version of himself at his peak beside him.

Su Chen simply couldn't afford the attribute crystal cores and 30,000 energy needed to advance to lv4 guards and advance to lv5 guards.

Choice ② is the best choice.

At that time, the lv3 guards, the terrifying evil spirit guards with level 5 combat power, can be promoted to another level and become lv4 guards.

"Choose ②."


With blood flowing from all four sides and wearing scarlet blood-clothed clothes, the terrifying evil spirit in blood-clothed clothes was already approaching Su Chen.

In front of Su Chen's eyes, the red-clothed ghost puzzle piece surrounded by flesh and blood fibers, as well as the skull of fire, were instantly shrouded in firelight.

Su Chen dropped a level.

But he created a more powerful guard!


Waves of fire rolled, and amidst the burning white flames, a twisted ghost figure with a ferocious head suddenly appeared here.

The terrifying white will-o'-the-wisp instantly enveloped the four blood-clothed evil spirits that were attacking.

This is a lv3 evil spirit guard with level 5 combat power.

As soon as it appeared, it was extremely ferocious, almost beating down on four level 5 blood-clothed evil spirits.

But this was simply a flash in the pan. Four level 5 blood-clothed evil spirits roared, shocking people's hearts. Su Chen's new evil spirit guards, shrouded in will-o'-the-wisps, were bitten by them and were about to be devoured.

“Upgrade now.”

lv3 Evil Spirit Guard: Fire Ghost, Characteristics: Forest White Fire, spouting ghosts, following him like a shadow, (0/10000) → lv4 Evil Spirit Guard Fire Ghost, Occupation: King of Ghosts!

Ten thousand energy, lv3 upgrade to lv4, even the monster path specially created by Su Chen, the peak boss template, and the heavy truck warrior are not so outrageous.

At that time, Su Chen remembered it very clearly.

For heavy truck warriors, before they obtain the professional mountain guard, the upgrade from lv3 to lv4 only costs the normal 3000 energy.

This time, when it was Su Chen's evil spirit guard, the power more than tripled, and it was still one-third of the energy required to upgrade from lv4 to lv5.

One can imagine.

The new evil spirit guards created will be so powerful. Even if they do not reach the level 6 life threshold, they will definitely be the peak level 5 evil spirit life!

Just like the Heavy Truck Warrior, which is the BOSS template of the monster path, the new Evil Spirit Guard will be the BOSS template of the Evil Spirit Path.


Su Chen shouted.


Only 9,000 of the energy that was finally accumulated was left, but in its place was a terrifying Fire Ghost King.

The scorching white flames raged at this moment, sweeping across the entire small room, which frightened the imprisoned women in the room.

They all tried to avoid the flames escaping from this terrifying evil spirit, but when they really came into contact, they found that nothing happened at all.

"Could it be that this evil spirit sees no use in it?"

"Scared me."

Just when these women breathed a sigh of relief and looked down upon the Fire Ghost King created by Su Chen.

"Ouch! Ah!"

Piercing screams sounded from the four blood-clothed evil spirits who committed suicide and killed Su Chen. They screamed pitifully.

This forest-white fire wave seemed to have an extremely terrifying suppressive effect on them, preventing them from exerting all their power. Moreover, the burning sensation of the flames was not noticeable at all.

In a blink of an eye.

The four blood-clothed evil spirits neatly fell to the ground into a box, turning into four puzzle pieces in the forest of white fire.

This is the evil spirit level, a level 5 ghost puzzle.

Put it outside.

Not to mention Yucheng.

Even in other places, it is definitely a treasure that makes all the extraordinary people grab their heads.

A Level 5 Ghost Puzzle, once controlled, can instantly possess the power in it and become a Level 5 Ghost Path Extraordinary.

Although the Ghost Path is almost exchanging life for power, this path is definitely the fastest path to improve the Extraordinary rank.

Starting with Level 4 Extraordinary, Level 5 combat power is not a dream.

Of course.

Ghost riders are very short-lived.

On average, the life span is even less than a month. There are many Ghost riders who have just controlled the Ghost Puzzle and used it once and died.

It is rare for Ghost Path Extraordinaries to successfully control the Ghost Puzzle and survive for a long time.

"It's done!"


"Sure enough, my ability to create guards is my most powerful ability and my greatest asset in this doomsday."

Su Chen chuckled.

This was a gamble, but there is no doubt that he won the gamble, and won it thoroughly.

Although he has fallen from the extraordinary level, the four level 5 ghost puzzles in front of him can definitely make him return to the level 4, level 5 combat power.

As for why it is not a level 5 life, except for some outliers, most ghost controllers are just users of the power obtained by borrowing the evil ghosts in their bodies.

It is not their own power at all, so it cannot be called a level 5 life.


In the distance.

Footsteps came quickly.

There was also the roar of car engines.

Obviously, the commotion here was not small, attracting extraordinary people from other parts of the Wangting Organization.

Even the terrifying breath of evil spirits and evil ghosts was approaching, the number was complicated, but they were all elite.

Su Chen only sensed it for a while, and he detected the breath of no less than fifty red-clothed evil ghosts.

"Hurry up and raise your level back."

Su Chen stepped into the sea of ​​white flames, and in a flash, he grabbed the first blood-clothed evil spirit puzzle.

This is a broken hand, with twisted fingers, black as ink, and sharp nails, as if it is not a human hand.

Without hesitation.

Su Chen devoured it with hundreds of flesh and blood fibers.

In a flash.

Su Chen's right palm changed, and it turned into the black palm of the Level 5 Ghost Jigsaw Puzzle.


"Perfect control?"

Su Chen was stunned.

He couldn't even feel the evil spirit's will in the ghost puzzle.

In theory.

The weirdness is immortal.

Even if the level is suppressed, it will turn into a weird tool and a puzzle, waiting for the day when the weirdness grows and the evil spirit backfires.

However, after the ghost puzzle burned by the Mori White Fire, there was no trace of the evil ghost's will left, and Su Chen easily mastered all the power of the evil ghost puzzle.

What does this mean?

Su Chen knew it very well.

In a flash.

His eyes widened, and a strong incredible look appeared in his eyes.

"That is to say."

"The Fire Spirit Guard, this professional ghost king, can go against the strange iron law and wipe out the will of the evil ghost?"


"There is no need to wipe out too strong ones. As long as you can wipe out the evil ghosts of the same level, it is already extremely amazing."

Su Chen can indeed perfectly control the power of the ghost puzzle with his ability to pick up characteristics, but he cannot change this iron law.

The two red ghost puzzles he got before still had wills in his body, but they did not dare to go against Su Chen's will at all, allowing Su Chen to take power.

But it is still not Su Chen's own power. He can perfectly control and borrow it, but it cannot be said to be the life level of the red ghost.

But now.

Su Chen only got a level 5 ghost puzzle and a ghost palm, and his level was instantly upgraded to lv4, which is the level of level 5 life.

Not only that.


Su Chen can also rely on the white fire to refine the will of the evil ghosts and form a red army composed of humans, or even a level 5 evil spirit army.

If people knew the terrifying means of the Fire Ghost King, I am afraid that countless ghost-controlling extraordinary organizations would fight to the death to compete for it.

"However, the ghost king profession..."

Su Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he had some guesses in his mind.

Without much hesitation, he grabbed the second and third pieces of the blood-clothed evil spirit puzzle.

He is now lv4, level 5 life, but he feels that this is not his limit, he can be stronger.

Although he can't reach the threshold of level 6 life, he can definitely reach the level 5 middle, or even the level 5 upper.

Only a special BOSS template can reach the level 5 peak like the Fire Ghost King.

The second blood-clothed evil spirit puzzle is a black ghost eye, and the third blood-clothed evil spirit puzzle is an evil spirit tattoo.

In a flash.

Su Chen had an extra black ghost eye, and a hideous evil spirit tattoo was circling around the monster armor on his body.

Originally, this evil spirit tattoo was intended to wrap around Su Chen's skin, but Su Chen rushed it onto the armor without hesitation.

If there is an exact level, Su Chen is already in the middle of level 5 life at this time.

As long as he controls enough blood-robed evil spirit puzzles, he may be able to reach the peak of level 5 that only the boss template can achieve.

"Control one more, maybe I can get to level 5."

Su Chen looked at the last blood-robed evil spirit puzzle, which is also the most powerful one, which is a head.

Eyes closed, wet hair, skin and bones, a woman's head like a skeleton.

Su Chen touched her.

She opened her eyes instantly.

"Go to hell!"

This blood-clothed evil spirit, which was roasted in the sea of ​​fire of the Mori White Fire for the longest time, still had a will left.

There is no doubt that this is a blood-clothed evil spirit of the upper level 5. Even if it is restrained by the Fire Ghost King of the Ghost King profession, it is not so easy to deal with.

With this sound, the twisted curse power instantly surrounded Su Chen's body, trying to twist him to pieces.


In Su Chen's body, the dark ghost eyes opened.

The evil spirit tattoo turned around.

The twisted ghost hand was raised.

In addition, the terrifying wings drove up endless gusts of wind to resist this terrifying curse, and it barely resisted it.

At this moment, Su Chen firmly grasped the hair of this puzzle. At this moment, he controlled this last piece of the powerful evil spirit puzzle.

The lv4 logo on his head became increasingly hot.

Converted to the combat power estimated by Su Chen, he was considered a leader even among the upper level 5 at this time.

At this time, the alien giant ghost, the head of the royal court, might not be able to do anything to him.

"Catch him!"

"The shame of the royal court must be played with blood!"

"Please help, Lord Evil Spirit!"

A roar sounded.

A team of cars came rushing over, and the leader on it was obviously a captain-level figure. With a roar, he asked the blood-clothed evil spirits in the car to get off.

He didn't realize that four extremely terrifying blood-clothed evil spirits had already fallen here.


A blood-clothed evil spirit that looked like a twisted human figure got off the car, and the bloody smell on its body was almost pungent.

Even though this was an open area, it still gave everyone a feeling of being in a sea of ​​blood and corpses.


Su Chen raised his eyes and glanced at the blood-clothed evil spirit.


The twisted figure of the blood-clothed evil spirit instantly became more twisted, because it was scared.

The extremely terrifying breath swept from Su Chen's body.

It felt the deadly breath.

The man in front of him, this human, was also a blood-clothed evil spirit, and was much stronger than it.

The kind that could crush it with a raised hand.

The members of the Wangting organization on the convoy had not yet discovered the abnormality of their own blood-clothed evil spirit, and thought that this evil spirit was about to show its power, and they said triumphantly.


"It is common sense that the weird beats other paths."

"In front of a level 5 evil spirit, even if you have the strength to crush the red clothes, even if you are a level 5 life, you still have to surrender obediently and become the food of the evil spirit."

They finished their words triumphantly here.

The next moment.

The fierce spirit master they said was extremely powerful, just like a frightened wild dog, got back into the car like crazy.

"Ah this..."

The people of the Wangting organization were stunned, watching this scene in disbelief, and felt a chill rushing to the top of their heads.

Wasn't the monster path that fled in the wind a level 5 life?

Didn't it say that the fierce spirit beat other paths of the same level?

Why would the fierce spirit master be so scared.

"It's over!"


"Everyone run!"

A long howl.

The scene was boiling and extremely chaotic.

One car after another roared the accelerator. How fast they came when they came, now they can be said to be running faster.

"Is it just a lower level 5?"

After taking a look, Su Chen lost interest.

He waved his hand.


In the white flames, the twisted ghost, Su Chen's fierce spirit guard, walked out.


In the scene, the dark ghostly shadow swept across the four directions like the night, covering all the people of the Royal Court Organization.

Then... swallowed it in one gulp!

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