Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 113 Tens of thousands of crystal cores! Evil spirit guards! [3]

Evil Spirit Guard, Professional Ghost King, Fire Ghost, is the peak of level 5, the BOSS template of the evil spirit path.

To deal with evil spirits, there is the white sea of ​​fire, and to deal with the extraordinary, there is the shadow-like ghost cave.

At present, there is no weakness, the Fire Ghost King is terribly powerful.

"Keep the door closed and don't let anyone in."

Su Chen ordered the ghost in the sea of ​​fire, and then walked into the house.

Evil Spirit Guard, Fire Ghost King nodded, and then covered all the sea of ​​fire and blocked the door.

On the other side.

There was a roar.


"How dare you be so presumptuous in my territory!"

"Looking for death!"

The voice was like thunder, shocking half the sky.

Before people arrived, there was an overwhelming black fog ghost cave sweeping in.

The head of the royal court, the alien giant ghost, led a group of red clothes and blood-clothed evil spirits to come.

More than fifty red-clothed and more than a dozen blood-clothed evil spirits, such a lineup is enough for the Cursed City to take a bite!

No wonder the Wangting Organization can dominate the world outside the urban area of ​​​​Yucheng. If the broken horn in the hands of the head of the Wangting is added, I am afraid that even the Ghost City at its peak will be extremely wary.

"What is that thing?"

Su Chen suddenly stopped, and the figure that had originally walked into the house turned around instantly and looked at the head of the Wangting.

I saw that the head of the Wangting was hideous, and the evil ghost body was filled with terrible black mist, and at his waist, there was a crystal clear broken horn hanging.

In the field of vision.

Su Chen was almost blinded by the dazzling light.

Pick up so many special materials.

To be honest.

This is the first time Su Chen has seen such high-level materials.

Moreover, there are detailed names.

Level 7 special materials, evil beast broken horns!

This is not the original characteristic born from a level 7 monster! It was a terrifying existence that was definitely above level 7, with just a broken horn.

Just this broken horn had the mark of level 7, reaching the level of the original characteristics of a level 7 monster.



Su Chen took a breath of cold air.

A broken horn was equivalent to a level 7 characteristic material.

How terrifying this so-called evil beast must be!

Level 8?

Even level 9?

It's not impossible.

"It's going to be in trouble now."

"The protective barrier covering the Wangting Organization was probably made by this thing."

"Head of the Wangting Organization, this giant ghost, a human alien with a strange life, is at most equivalent to a level 5 evil spirit."

"Fire Ghost King, it's easy to deal with him."

"But once you have this broken horn, everything will be different."

Su Chen's face sank, and his originally stagnant steps rushed into the house at a rapid speed, and began to look for the so-called treasure house.

The Fire Ghost King may not be the opponent of the head of the Wangting holding the broken horn.

In this case.

He must take the crystal core as soon as possible.

Then evacuate!

Outside, the battle has already begun!

The head of the royal court was unsure of the strength of the ghost in the sea of ​​fire before the door.

He used the broken horn without hesitation, driving the red clothes around him and the legion of blood-clothed evil spirits to test the Fire Ghost King.


"Little thief, you dare to break into my treasure house. I'm afraid you don't know yet. There is a level 5 upper blood-clothed evil spirit guarding my treasure house, and the other 3 level 5 evil spirits assist..."

"When the time comes, I will capture and kill you. Jiangcheng will be in disarray, and I will control it. At that time, with the huge number of fresh lives in Jiangcheng, I can completely go to the next level and take a glimpse of the scenery of level 6 life..."

The royal court organization looked at the closed door and the disappearing figure of Su Chen, and smiled coldly.

It was just a small level 5 life. Even if the level 5 life in the monster path was strong, it was limited. How could it be a match for the level 5 upper evil spirit?

If the boy in front of him was really so strong and could reach 4 evil spirits, he would not have fled just now.

He didn't know at all.

The blood-clothed evil spirit in the house had just been destroyed by the Fire Ghost King, and thanks to his great gift, Su Chen also successfully reached the level of level 5 upper life.

Four level 5 puzzles as a gift!

This Wangting organization is really a good place.


The red-clothed and blood-clothed evil spirits who entered the range of the white sea of ​​fire noticed something was wrong.

They frantically wanted to escape from the sea of ​​fire.


They were still too slow to notice.

In a flash.

The weak red-clothed evil ghosts disappeared in an instant.


There were puzzles on the ground with the evil ghost's will wiped out.

For a moment, only the blood-robed evil spirits were still barely holding on.

"How is it possible?!"

The head of Wang Ting, this terrifying giant ghost, almost popped his eyes out at this moment.

This little ghost, who came out of nowhere, is so powerful?

The Savior God Church, still has such a trump card?

But if there is such a trump card, why didn't they take it out when they were chased by it just now, and had to wait until now!

"Damn it."

"You are still quite good to be able to dominate a county."

Looking at the blood-clothed evil spirit that couldn't escape and the terrifying sea of ​​fire that specifically suppressed the strange path, the head of the royal court had a gloomy face and finally put away his contempt.

He felt a little painful and looked at the broken horn hanging on his waist again, his heart was bleeding.


"Very good!"

"Such a powerful peak evil spirit ghost, it is really a waste to put it in the hands of you, the Savior God Church, and the people of Jiangcheng."

"Since it has come to the territory of my royal court organization, it should belong to me!"

The head of the royal court said grimly, with greed in his eyes. He took out the broken horn and threw it at the Fire Ghost King.

Using the broken horn is not without cost.

The price is heavy.

If he uses it too much, he will accelerate his death, overdraw his life, and even affect his mind.

But this power is worth the price he paid.

It can be said.

As long as he has this broken horn in his hand, he is not afraid of facing that ghost town in Yucheng.

"Submit to me!"

The broken horn pierced the ghostly body of the Fire Ghost King.


The head of the royal court began to breathe heavily.

It's done!

This terrifying evil spirit belongs to him!


He only needs to pay enough to own this terrifying evil spirit.

The next second.

His expression changed drastically.

Because he found that his life span, his mind, and everything he had could not afford this price.

"How is it possible?"

"It's just a level 5 peak evil spirit. How can I not afford the price of owning it?"

"Why is this price so terrible! It's even as high as enslaving a level 6 life."

On the other side.

In the room, Su Chen noticed that the three-dimensional image representing the evil spirit guard of the Fire Ghost King was quickly stained with blood.

He vaguely knew the effect of the broken horn, and immediately put some of his worries aside. He did not hesitate to exchange the image of the mountain warrior guard representing the level 6 life with the evil spirit guard.


The blood stains that originally covered the Fire Ghost King, which were nearly one-third, instantly ran to the Mountain Guards, and on the Mountain Guards, those blood stains were instantly suppressed to the size of a fingernail.

With the Lord of the Royal Court unable to pay the remaining price, the blood stains the size of a fingernail also exploded instantly.


Outside the house.

The head of the Royal Court spat out a mouthful of black ghost blood, his expression was particularly sluggish, and he was obviously backlashed and seriously injured.

"Damn it!"

"I'll kill you!"

The giant ghost roared, holding the broken horn as a weapon, rushed into the sea of ​​white fire, and wrestled towards the Fire Ghost King.

It was a bit exhausted.



"Why can't I find it."

Su Chen was looking for a possible treasure house in this house full of slaves, but he couldn't find any trace at all.

This room is very large, as big as a basketball court, and it is densely packed with hundreds of young and beautiful women.

There were also traces of whipping on the woman's body. These four evil spirits would torture these people for fun when they had nothing to do.

Fear and despair are the best food for evil spirits.

These women looked at Su Chen's actions in the house indifferently, and no one spoke.

Perhaps in their eyes, in this desperate doomsday, they were just goods, and it was impossible for them to meet any good people to rescue them.

In the end, it was just falling from one hell to another.

"Do you know where the treasure house is?"

Su Chen asked these people.

No one responded.

"Maybe I can save you out."

Su Chen said.

In fact.

The head of the Wangting has a broken horn with unpredictable effects in his hand, and he can't kill the Wangting organization alone.

It's even more unrealistic to take these people away.

"Do you have the strength to destroy the Wangting organization?"

In silence.

A voice came from the corner. This was a girl whose eyes were dug out and her limbs were nailed to the wall with long nails.


After such serious injuries, he was still alive. He was obviously a monster or evolutionary path transcendent.

Even if he was a level 4 transcendent of the awakening path, if he suffered such serious injuries, without adequate medical treatment, he would have died of wound infection.

Only those who strengthened their bodies and gradually became inhuman could survive.


"But if you find a treasure house with the level 5 crystal core I need, you can."

This time, Su Chen did not lie.

To stabilize the broken horn of the evil beast, Su Chen was sure to give birth to a level 6 life in his hand.

If he had enough energy, plus a level 5 crystal core with matching attributes, and a level 6 life, he would naturally be able to kill through the Wangting organization.


Not to mention the Wangting organization.

By then, even the entire Yucheng, including the ghost city, he could go in and out seven times.

The Cursed City, now that its rank has fallen, is no longer a lv7 weird life, so what is there to fear.


The blind girl stretched out an arm, and her flesh was torn apart in an instant, leaving a lot of flesh on the wall.

She stretched out her broken arm and pointed in a direction.

"What you need."


"Thank you!"

Su Chen said, looking in the direction, and suddenly saw the wall full of torture instruments.

After careful observation.

He finally found the clue.

This wall is wrong!

It is not a concrete wall at all, but more like a living thing made of flesh and blood.


There is no rank mark.


Su Chen stepped forward and punched.


The sound waves rolled.

The wall was unscathed, and all the torture instruments turned into metal debris, but the wall was wriggling, swallowing up the damage caused by Su Chen.

Even if most of Su Chen's current power is the power of the evil spirit path, the punch just now definitely reached the level of the level of the 5th level monster path.

In a flash.

The wall was wriggling to the extreme.

A huge blood-red pupil appeared on the wall, stared at Su Chen coldly, and then disappeared.


Su Chen touched the wall, looked at the blind girl who spoke, and couldn't help asking.

"How can I enter the treasure house?"

"This is the second transaction."

The girl responded.

"So, what price do I need to pay?"

Su Chen listened to the increasingly violent movement outside, and knew in his heart that the ability of the Fire Ghost King could restrain the evil spirits and ghosts.

But the broken horn in the hands of the head of the royal court can also be used, and it definitely has a magical effect beyond the level 5 rank. It is not a level 6 life. It can't be suppressed at all.

The Fire Ghost King can't be the opponent of the head of the royal court, even if he is a peak level 5 evil spirit guard...

"I want an eye."


Su Chen nodded and gave up the ghost puzzle that he had just obtained not long ago, the black ghost eye.

It's just a level 5 puzzle anyway.

As long as this battle can be won, there are many evil ghost puzzles with their wills wiped out in the sea of ​​white fire outside.

Red clothes puzzles, blood clothes evil spirit puzzles, there are not a few.


The blind girl effortlessly controlled this ghost eye, which made her doubtful.

"This ghost puzzle is a bit strange..."

She looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen knew that what she was talking about was why there was no hidden will of the evil ghost waiting to counterattack the master of the ghost.

"Not strange."

"That's it."

"You are too weak, so you can't detect where the evil ghost's will is hidden. When it's time to counterattack, it will naturally appear."

Su Chen said.

The blind girl pondered for a moment, returned the black ghost eye to Su Chen, and pointed to Su Chen's other eye.

"I want this."

"I can't take the path of controlling ghosts as I am on the monster path. Your monster's eyes are just right for me."

The girl was talking about Su Chen's left eye, the eye of petrification.

The right eye, the eye of bone erosion, had long been given to Ling Duoduo by Su Chen.

"You are asking for more."

Su Chen sneered.

But he still kept his promise.

The girl nodded with satisfaction, as if she had recovered a lot of strength, pulled out the long nails one by one, and then came to a terrified woman.


"We are one of us."

"Why choose me? There are so many people here."

The girl dragged the terrified woman by her long hair and dragged her to the wall, leaving a bloody trail of the terrified woman struggling.


She twisted off the woman's head.

"I, a humble person, offer my sacrifice to give you a fresh life! Please let me enter the treasure house."


The wall squirmed, but it was not the scarlet blood eyes that appeared, but a huge mouth. The long tongue rolled the decapitated woman and her head into the mouth and chewed them.

Then it opened its huge mouth.

"This is the passage to the treasure!"

"It can only be opened by sacrificing a virgin woman! All of us are just fifth-grade people waiting to be rewarded and sacrifices to open the door."

Looking at this bloody scene, Su Chen was silent. He was a little dazed, as if he felt that the peaceful era was a very distant thing.

But in fact,

Even in Yucheng, where time flows faster than in Jiangcheng, only three months have passed.

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