Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 114 Tens of thousands of crystal cores! Evil spirit guards! [4]


"A powerful level 5 master."

The girl moved out of the way.

The huge mouth opened by the creeping wall, with sharp fangs, looks like a trap waiting for prey to come in.

"This is a human life."

Su Chen suddenly spoke up.

He looked at this fierce girl carefully.

At the age of thirteen or fifteen.

Height of 1.7 meters.

Poorly nourished body.

In the British Association, where order had not collapsed, this would definitely be a little girl in junior high school.


Blood sacrifice for a human life, no mercy.

A newly fused one-eye with a gray-white petrified pupil exudes aggression and ferocity, as if she wants people to know that she is not to be trifled with.


"This is the end."

"You can grow into the master of the path of level 5 monsters in just three months. Have you killed less people?"

Su Chen's words were met with a sneer from the girl, who looked particularly dismissive.

In fact, her ferocious one eye scanned the women nearby, and she soon caught another one in her hand.

The palm with hidden power like a monster gently caressed the neck of the woman whose eyes were filled with fear and tears.

"Spare me, please spare me!"

This woman kept begging for mercy.

"No wonder you were nailed to the wall."

Su Chen stretched out his dark and twisted ghost hand, and in an instant, the blind girl appeared in Su Chen's ghost hand.

The woman who suddenly fell to the ground, full of surprises for the rest of her life, kept kowtowing to Su Chen.

"thank you."

"You are a good person."


She panicked and fled into the crowd behind.


"Come in with me."

Su Chen's ghostly hands pinched the girl until she couldn't breathe. Regardless of whether the other party agreed or not, he carried her into the passage formed by the huge mouth.

Su Chen finally saw how extraordinary the monster's path was and what it was like to be controlled by the monster's will.

Su Chen's figure was tense, ready to burst out at any moment and escape from the huge mouth of this strange wall.

By the time.

The first one killed the girl.


It really is a passage.

There were no surprises along the way.

The huge mouth is closed.

Su Chen successfully entered the other side of the wall. This was a treasure house, no doubt a treasure house.

The crystal nuclei are piled up like a mountain, exuding various colors of brilliance, like stars shining in the dark night.

These crystal nuclei are all high-quality crystal nuclei, like level 1 pea-sized crystal nuclei, which are not qualified to appear here.


All of them here are level 2 or above, including level 2 crystal nuclei.


The quantity is terrifying.

It was beyond Su Chen's imagination.

At least a few thousand more!



"Tens of thousands of high-grade crystal nuclei?" Su Chenshen was in a daze, frightened by the massive number of crystal nuclei.

How much energy should this have?

There must be at least one hundred thousand going up.


"Although I am crazy, I will definitely abide by the trading rules. Be satisfied with this massive crystal core treasure..."

The girl chuckled.

Footsteps move.

While Su Chen was dazed by the bright crystal core light, he secretly swallowed the stone boxes stacked in the corner.

"Got it."

The girl was visibly happy.


A cold word sounded behind her.

"Hand it over."

Su Chen is not an idiot.

Naturally, it is impossible to really forget about this girl because of a moment of relaxation.

The girl's previous actions seemed to be deliberately irritating him, hoping that he would take her into the treasure house or throw her into the passage to explore the way.

Su Chen noticed something. Even if he relaxed a little bit just now, he did not relax his attention to the girl at all.

"What did you bring out?"

The girl said pretending to be confused.


Without hesitation.

Su Chen punched her in the stomach.


Two square stone boxes were knocked out.

The stone box is made entirely of black ink-colored material, and is engraved with strange patterns that will make people dizzy if they take a second look at it.

Su Chen opened it and took a look.

as expected.

The golden crystal core is like a heart, like a living thing, beating continuously, bursting out powerful level 5 power fluctuations.

Level 5 crystal core.

Moreover, there are still two!

It's no wonder that the girl is interested. The peak of the monster path is level 4 extraordinary. If you want to be promoted to level 5 life, you must have level 5 monster characteristics or level 5 monster crystal core.

A level 5 monster can only produce one characteristic or a crystal core.


Monsters above level 4 are extremely scarce.

Rain City is still the country of evil spirits.

Monsters are especially weak.

I'm afraid that the only level 5 monsters that will be born are the two in front of me.

The girl in front of her was obviously on the path of a monster. She was at the peak of Level 4 Extraordinary. If she wanted to change her destiny and become a Level 5 being, she would naturally have to give it a try.


It hit Su Chen's head.

"Do you have anything to say?"

The girl opened her mouth to explain something.

"never mind."

Su Chen suddenly spoke out.


next moment.

He snapped his fingers.

The girl's head exploded like a watermelon.

She is dead!

The path of a majestic monster, peak level 4 extraordinary, in the previous Jiangcheng, it would definitely be possible to walk sideways.

I'm afraid it's not easy for this girl to get to this point. She is absolutely cruel and ruthless.

It's a pity that she provoked Su Chen.

A level 5 crystal core in her hand would just make her a level 5 being.

But in Su Chen's hands, this level 5 crystal core can create a level 5 guard with level 6 life!

"It seems like these are the only level 5 crystal cores."

Su Chen separated the girl's fused monster stomach and searched for a while to make sure that nothing was missing. Then he turned to look at the massive crystal nuclei and two level 5 crystal nuclei.

Now start melting the crystal core and obtain energy!

In a blink of an eye.

Su Chen stretched out his palm, and massive crystal nuclei melted like water and gathered into his palm.

a long time.

It's finally over.

"Obtained 5,060 level 2 crystal cores! Obtained 31,000 energy from ablation."

"Obtained five hundred and thirty-one level 3 crystal cores! Obtained 27,000 energy."

"Obtained seventy-three level 4 crystal cores! Obtained 70,000 energy."

The level 5 crystal core is an attribute crystal core. For Su Chen, it is a stepping stone to being promoted to level 5 guard.

This means that a level 4 crystal core that can be exchanged for around 1,000 energy is considered the highest quality crystal core.

At this time, more than 70 level 4 crystal cores were obtained at once, and the energy directly exceeded 70,000.

Su Chen originally had 9,000 energy left after upgrading the Evil Spirit Guard, but now he had 9,000+31,000+27,000+70,000=137,000 energy.

The energy exceeded one hundred thousand mark.

The threshold for a normal lv4 guard to be promoted to a lv5 guard is 30,000 energy + level 5 attribute crystal core.

The terrifying energy of 130,700 was enough for Su Chen to give birth to four upward-facing level 6 beings.


"It's not in vain for me to organize a big fuss in this royal court."

Su Chen was very satisfied with the crystal core harvest from this raid.

One hundred and thirty-seven thousand energy points.

This will be Su Chen's biggest support.


"Upgrade another lv5 guard and come out."

Outside the treasure house, the squirming wall of flesh representing the wall was trembling rapidly. It was obvious that the battle outside had already decided the winner.

The leader of the giant ghost court successfully suppressed Su Chen's powerful fierce spirit guards with the broken horn in his hand.

He's ready to come in!


"Your biggest trump card, this level 5 peak evil spirit, has been subdued by me."


"Now that you have got into my treasure house, where can you escape? You are already a turtle in a urn."

"Quickly lead to death!"

The channel is open.

The roar resounded.

The huge ghost arm, surrounded by blood and black mist, stretched out, trying to squeeze Su Chen to death.

In the opinion of the head of the royal court, Su Chen, a level 5 life on the monster path, should be at the end of his rope.


Su Chen took out the ferocious female ghost head, and instantly the female ghost head issued a curse.

"Go to hell!"

A vicious curse surrounded the arm of the giant ghost, the leader of the royal court.


As if he was reaching into a hot pan of oil, the head of the royal court retracted his arm in panic.


"When did you control my guarding evil spirit?"

The head of the royal court was extremely angry.

In his heyday, he didn't even look at a mere level 5 evil spirit.

He has a broken horn in his hand that can suppress all evil spirits and ghosts.

But after a big battle, his strength was completely depleted, and even he couldn't stand another battle at the peak of Level 5.


The leader of the royal court, the Fire Ghost King, was holding the severed horn nailed to his chest, his expression extremely ugly.

If you want to deal with Su Chen, you have to remove the broken horn.

And when the broken horn is removed, the Fire Ghost King will revive.

It's a complete dilemma.

"Why is this guy from Jiangcheng so fierce? The intelligence didn't say that."

"Didn't the information collected in the intelligence say that he is just an ordinary level 5 monster?"

"Damn it."

"An ordinary level 5 monster's path life can still defeat so many level 5 evil spirits. Can there be such a powerful level 5 monster's life?"

The head of the royal court couldn't help shouting.

The other side.

Inside the strange wall.

Su Chen opened two stone boxes.

In an instant.

The terrifying level 5 monster wave appears again.

Even though Su Chen was already at level 5, he couldn't help but feel the synchronized beating sound of the level 5 monster's crystal core, which made his blood boil.

in sight.

Su Chen stared at the two level 5 crystal nuclei.

Finally appeared.

The attribute monster of this level 5 crystal core is the phantom.

①Shadow Lord

Attributes are darkness, killing, bloodthirsty, stealth, and assassination.

Dark attributes, hiding attributes, assassination attributes, suitable for Su Chen's lv4 guards, dark assassins, and Gangzi.

Killing attributes, bloodthirsty attributes, suitable for Su Chen's lv4 guards, tank monsters, and pig-headed monsters.

This shadow monarch looks like a level 5 monster transformed from a giant bat that is as tall as a person and vaguely human, and exudes a terrifying aura.

② Giant Beast Corpse King

Attributes: Giantization, Violence, Beast, Killing

Beast attributes, killing attributes, perfect match for Su Chen's lv4 guards, meat tank monsters, pig-headed monsters.

It looks like a deformed monster with an extremely large body, like a tall building, and various beast characteristics glued to its body.

There are good news and bad news.

The good news is that the two level 5 crystal cores are suitable for the lv4 guards that Su Chen currently has.

Su Chen can use them immediately and have two lv5 guards and level 6 life combat power at once.

But the bad news is that this newly born lv5 guard, level 6 life combat power, is still far away in the ghost town and is currently useless.

"Upgrade first!"

Su Chen melted the two level 5 crystal cores without hesitation, and then consumed 60,000 energy to instantly upgrade the two seriously injured and crazy guards to level 6 life.

"I don't know if three level 6 lives can kill through the cursed city that has fallen to level 7 guards!"

At present, only with level 6 lives in hand can Su Chen suppress the leader of the giant ghost king court and seize the broken horn.

In a flash.

The distant cursed city.

Panic boiling.

Just because the fight between the mountain guard and the ghost city will has affected the lives of the entire city.

"How many times has this collided?"

"This level 6 monster is really tireless and is not afraid of being damaged at all."


"A level 6 monster path is not comparable to a strange life like the ghost city. A few more will be enough."

The level 5 ghost fighters who had left the ghost city's evil spirit apartment watched the battle with relish.


The next second.

The mountain guards who were knocked back and were about to continue to hit the ghost eye in the sky suddenly stopped.

The ghost eye in the sky was full of ridicule and mockery.

Even the level 5 ghost fighters who were watching looked like they should have done this a long time ago.

"We should have given up a long time ago."

"The will of the ghost city is not so easy to break."


"What can a level 6 monster path life do? Just stay here and be a prisoner like us."

They sneered.


The next moment.

The Mountain Guard, with a body as huge as a hill, suddenly released two figures.

One was a fragmented, human-shaped black shadow covered with dense black fog.

The other was a huge pig-headed monster full of curses from evil spirits, with words of hatred written all over its body, and its mind was invaded by many evil spirits and turned into a crazy pig-headed monster.

"Why did he release these two things?"


The Level 5 Ghost Controllers were somewhat puzzled by the actions of the Mountain Guard, and even the ghost eyes in the sky showed a strange look.


The next second.

The mutation broke out.


The first one to start was Gangzi.

All the darkness in the entire ghost city gathered towards him, and the range affected was more than thousands of meters, within a radius of 50 kilometers, and even the entire Rain City, including the darkness outside the Rain City, was surging wildly.

In a flash.

The fragmented black shadow disappeared.

A terrifying black shadow was born.

It has no appearance, and its facial features and body shape cannot be seen clearly, but as long as you take a look, you will be shocked by its terrifying rank.

This is a level 6 life monster.

The monarch in the darkness!

The uncrowned king among assassins!


"How is it possible!"

"What happened!"

"Did I miss some important link just now? I didn't see how this dead dark life suddenly came back to life and became a level 6 life..."



Many level 5 ghost riders jumped up in shock, and were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Level 6 life was born so easily?

Or is it only the monster path that is like this.

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