Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 115 Three Level 6 Saints! The beast's horn is broken!

"Damn it."

"This is a level 6 life!"

This group of ghost masters were envious and crazy.

These ghost masters will never be able to reach the same level of life in their lifetime, and can only reach the same level of combat power.

Because the power they have is not their own, but comes from the ghost puzzle in their body.

Once the ghost puzzle is revived, they will either go crazy or die, and there is no good end at all.

This starting level 4, the powerful ghost control power, the price is so heavy, all the extraordinary ghost control paths will not have a good end.

Unless they become transformed into evil spirits and evil ghosts, and have strange lives with human memories.


How easy is it for an alien to be born.

The level 6 ghost master born in their ghost city is not just an extraordinary ghost control path, not a level 6 alien?


"Two level 6 lives!"

"They are both monster paths. You know, monster paths are so easy to advance... Shit..."

The level 5 ghost rider was interrupted by a shocked "Shit" before he could finish his words.

I saw that Gangzi was resurrected and had the terrifying level of a level 6 life.


The pig-headed monster with crazy eyes and armor made of sticky blood flowing all over his body also underwent some changes.


The roar shocked the world.

Even the pair of ghost eyes representing the will of the ghost city above the ghost city also showed a hint of gloom.

The next moment.

All the crazy curses on the pig-headed monster were swept away.

His life level was rising rapidly.

The curse of a mere level 5 evil spirit naturally could not do anything to it.

In a blink of an eye.

The pig-headed monster turned into a level 6 life. Except for the beast roar that penetrated the entire world of Yucheng, he did not change at all.

But its level 6 life form is beyond doubt!


"What happened that we don't know?"

"Three level 6 lives!"

"Moreover, two of them, one dead and one crazy, suddenly became level 6 monsters right in front of us?"

These level 5 ghost masters didn't know what to say.

The pair of ghost eyes above the ghost town also put away their ridicule and mockery. Three level 6 monster lives were qualified to threaten it.

After all, it is not level 7 now, but just a peak level 6 life.

There is only one level difference between level 7 and peak level 6, but the life level is very different.

Therefore, it hates it so much and wants to make the culprit who caused all this pay the price.

"Three level 6 monsters against the ghost town life, hahahaha, now there is fun to watch."

The level 5 ghost masters looked at each other and their breathing became heavy instantly.

If the life in the ghost city can be severely damaged, suppressed, or even killed.

For them, it is also a great thing.

You know.

In this ghost city, only a handful of level 6 cursed life can not be dominated by the ghost city.

Although they are level 5 combat power, they are just a group of pitiful and weak existences.

If the ghost city is suppressed, they have every hope of escaping from the ghost city and dominating the outside world!


They were disappointed.

The heavy card warrior, Gangzi, and the pig-headed monster, three terrifying level 6 monsters looked at each other and ignored the ghost city.

Instead, they walked towards the world outside the cursed city.

Even though they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, they could clearly sense the location of Su Chen after being promoted to level 6 life.

They were going to find their king!


The sound was like a bell!

Like the sound of drums!

The pig-headed monster, the heavy card warrior, and the monster heart in Gangzi's body were beating wildly.

The ghost town was like a ghost den that blocked the sky and the earth like the night, and a huge hole was torn out by them in an instant.

One level 6 life is not enough.

But three level 6 monsters can easily escape from the ghost town.

Even the ghost town, this terrifying cursed life, did not want to provoke these three monsters of the same level but different paths.

It did not curse and let the three monsters go away.

If the three monsters were allowed to wreak havoc in the ghost town, it might not even be able to keep its peak level 6.

However, the surrender of the ghost town would make another guy suffer, the head of the royal court.

At this time, the head of the royal court probably didn't think that he had blocked Su Chen and was catching a turtle in a jar, and Su Chen's three terrifying level 6 life guards were on their way to kill him.

If there was only one level 6 life, he could still resist at all costs.

But three level 6 lives, even if he sacrificed his entire body as a price, could not stop it.

Behind a wall, Su Chen was calm and composed, constantly upgrading his guards.

Lv3 prison car guards damaged?


Just 3,000 energy, just a little water.

Lv4 prison car guards, revived with full health, unique feature: detention is strengthened again, even if it is a peak level 5 life, as long as he is found guilty, he can be detained immediately.

lv0 guards, car guards, Rolls phantom warriors, damaged state?


Upgrade immediately!

lv0 upgrades to lv1, requires 5 energy, lv1 upgrades to lv2, requires 50 energy, lv2 upgrades to lv3, requires 300 energy.

But lv3 upgrades to lv4, level 5 combat power, requires 3000.

Su Chen waved his hand.

3355 energy disappeared.

The weak Rolls phantom warrior instantly turned into a level 5 life, a terrifying car warrior.

All of Su Chen's seriously injured guards were revived with full blood.

Except for the weird evil guards, who were still stranded in the ghost town, Su Chen could feel that the other guards were approaching him at a rapid speed.

137,000 energy, gave birth to two level 6 lives, consumed 60,000 energy, and only 77,000 energy was left.

In addition to the upgrade of the prison car guards, there were nearly 7,000 energy of the phantom warriors. In a flash, Su Chen's energy was only 70,645.

"Not bad."

"It's enough to give birth to two level 6 lives."

"Level 5 crystal core."


Su Chen sighed.

At this moment, the flesh and blood wall squirmed rapidly, and disappeared like a stick insect.

At this moment, Su Chen officially faced the head of the royal court, the terrible giant ghost.

In one hand, he held the shining broken horn, and in the other hand, he held the suppressed fire ghost king like a dead dog.


"You, the evil spirit, have caused me a lot of trouble."

"If I didn't have this broken horn treasure, I really couldn't do anything to you. I could only run as far as I could."


"But I can live so timidly in this country where evil ghosts are rampant. How could I not have a trump card in my hand?"

"I won this round!"


The giant ghost laughed fiercely, with pride in his eyes.

Before the doomsday.

He was just a deliveryman in Yucheng who didn't even have a formal job, doing odd jobs and delivering takeout.

He worked in the wind and rain, couldn't afford a house, and couldn't even count on a car. He was destined to be single for the rest of his life.

But the doomsday broke out.

He seized the opportunity, stabbed a rich man to death with one knife, moved into his villa, and played with his wife and daughter.

He enjoyed things that he could never enjoy in peacetime.

Relying on ferocity and brutality, he quickly became one of the evolvers and occupied a place in Yucheng.

In order to survive, all kinds of women who could not enjoy them in peacetime opened their legs in front of him and let him take whatever he wanted...

Then, the evil spirit tide broke out!

The foundation he had built was ruined! At that time, he was extremely weak, with only a mere level 3 evolution, and could not even reach the level of a third-level extraordinary.

Facing the terrifying weirdness, the weird life that started at level 4, he fled like a wild dog.


He changed his luck.

In order to avoid an evil ghost, he entered a slightly smaller erosion gate and came to purgatory.

He saw the horror, the unspeakable life levels fighting.


He actually left alive.

Moreover, he picked up the broken horn of one of the unspeakable horror lives.

With this broken horn, he changed his luck.

Not only did he successfully become an alien, but he also became the master of Yucheng.

Except for the cursed city, he is the most powerful person in Yucheng! No one else!


"I love Doomsday!"


"I used to be the bottom mud, but now I am like a god in this new world!"

Holding the broken horn in his hand, the head of the royal court strode towards Su Chen, and a rank suppression from the broken horn came over him.

With rank suppression, the head of the royal court is confident that no matter how strong Su Chen is, as long as he is not as strong as the level of level 6 life, he will still fall into his hands.


"When the wall of time disappears, I will take over your Jiangcheng foundation."

"I heard that you have women? Don't worry, I will treat them well..."

The head of the royal court said with a grin.


The next second.

He froze.

I saw three terrifying figures appearing behind him.

One figure was as big as a hill.

One figure was a monster that laughed like a house.

One figure came in the darkness.

The three figures all locked onto the head of the royal court, emitting terrifying fluctuations. They were all level 6 life!

"Level 6 monster path extraordinary?"


"It's basically a level 6 monster life!"

"What's going on?"

"When did a level 6 life appear in Yucheng, and there were three of them at once? Isn't this the land of evil spirits? Where is the soil for monsters to survive?"

The head of the royal court was so scared that his scalp was numb.

At this time.

In the Royal Court, countless extraordinary people fled frantically, as if it was the end of the world. No one even looked at their leader.

This doomsday was obviously coming for their leader. If they didn't flee at this time, would they wait to die together?

"What are you talking about?"

"Say it again, I didn't hear it clearly..."

Su Chen spoke lightly, his cold eyes staring at the ten-meter-tall Royal Court leader in front of him.

At this moment.

The head of the royal court understood everything, and the evil ghost's face changed from blue to white, which was particularly exciting.

After a long time.

These three level 6 lives are the subordinates of the Lord of Jiangcheng in front of him.

Damn it!

There are level 6 lives, why didn't you say it earlier.

If you had said it earlier, how dare I fight with you like this!



"As the human leaders of Yucheng and Jiangcheng, there must be a misunderstanding..."

The head of the royal court laughed and wanted to move on from this matter.

But how is it possible!

If there is no level 6 life guard, if Su Chen melts the crystal core slower, if there are no two level 5 crystal cores in the treasure house, will the head of the royal court in front of him let him go in the treasure house?


Therefore, Su Chen will not let the head of the royal court in front of him go.

A struggle for interests!

It is a struggle for life and death!

Just like the head of the Royal Court, he wanted to swallow up his Jiangcheng territory and population, and get a glimpse of the scenery of level 6 life by eating people.

Su Chen is the same.

Having tasted the divine brilliance effect created by the power of the Savior God's faith, Su Chen is also particularly interested in the territory of Yucheng.

"I am very interested in the broken horn in your hand, can you give it to me?"

"You want to make peace."

"Let me see your sincerity."

Su Chen said slowly.

Even if he gave the broken horn, he would definitely kill the head of the Royal Court without hesitation.

What the hell.

Are you worthy of competing with him, Su Chen, for territory?

Are your trump cards as powerful as my guards?

If not, kneel down and wait for death.

Three days apart.

Su Chen's guards can reach a new level! In the past, intelligence would be outdated in three days. What can you use to fight me.


The head of the Royal Court was extremely angry.


The next moment.

He felt empty-handed.

Not only did the Fire Ghost King disappear from his hand, but even the broken horn in his hand was nowhere to be found.

Take a closer look.

As if wrapped in the darkness, Gangzi instantly appeared beside Su Chen, holding the Fire Ghost King in one hand and the broken horn in the other.

This time, the head of the royal court was completely discouraged.

Too strong!

The enemy is really too strong!

With such unpredictable means, it wanted to wipe it out just now, but it didn't have the opportunity to pay the price and borrow the power of the broken horn.

"Can you let me go now?"

The head of the royal court said humbly, pointing to the women in the room in front of him who were still full of fear, chained, and unable to escape, and forced a flattering smile, and said.

"These women are all virgins. They were originally intended to be rewarded to meritorious officials. You can take them."

"Just consider it my tribute to Jiangcheng!"

"From now on, my Wangting organization will be a subordinate force of Jiangcheng's Savior Cult. We will control Yucheng for you and attack you every year for ghost puzzles, crystal cores, and women. What do you think?"

The head of Wangting is also a flexible person. Seeing that there is no possibility of a comeback, he immediately kowtowed and wanted to rely on becoming Su Chen's younger brother and then escape with his life.

At the same time, he was ruthless in his heart.

A broken horn means a loss.

The entrance to the erosion gate is still there.

The two unspeakable terrifying existences have more than one broken horn. As long as he enters the 6th level of life, there is still hope to enter and obtain other magical treasures...

Let alone the 6th level of life, even the lv7 extraordinary level, he has hope to achieve it.

"When the time comes, Jiangcheng can be destroyed in a snap."

The head of the royal court lowered his head, and his eyes flashed with an extremely fierce light.

Having been a superior person, enjoying power and the taste of women, how could he be willing to be treated like a dog?

Jiangcheng, the Savior Cult, I will definitely destroy you!

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