Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 116 Fortress Upgrade! Space Movement!

"You seem to be thinking about something you shouldn't be thinking about."

Su Chen took the broken horn of the evil beast from Gangzi's hand, and suddenly stared at the head of the royal court who was kneeling on the ground, and said.


"Does he have the ability to read minds and sense what I'm thinking?"

"Damn it!"

"I was really careless."

"Yucheng is the kingdom of evil ghosts, and there are not many powerful awakening path ability users, so I forgot about this..."

The head of the royal court, his eyes instantly became extremely terrified.

Without the protection of the broken horn, I'm afraid that a level 5 life-level mind-reading ability can easily read his thoughts.

Damn it.

Is its biggest reliance, the place full of treasures, going to be exposed?

This is just right.

As long as the other party is greedy for that place, it still has value, and it can't die before it confesses everything.

"My lord! You must also..."

When he thought of this, the head of the royal court's tone became a little tougher. He thought that it was impossible for someone not to be tempted by that place.

High-level treasures are everywhere.

A broken horn has such a magical effect that he can dominate the entire Rain City, except for the Cursed City.


The next moment.

He can no longer speak.

Because the ferocious pig-headed monster, the huge machete has fallen on its forehead.

One knife after another!

The dark ghost blood keeps flowing down.

The head of the royal court is dead!

A level 6 life shot, even if it is a weird life, no matter how difficult to kill, it will definitely not survive.

Even if the weirdness breeds and the evil ghost revives, it can't be the second him who revives.

At that time, without the broken horn to suppress the level, even if it can be revived, it will only survive as an evil ghost.

Without memory, it is completely dead!

"What I mean is that you got one thing wrong. I don't need your loyalty because I don't trust anyone at all."

"Except my guards."

Su Chen knew.

In the end of the world, all the promises of loyalty are fake. Only his guards, who were created by him and controlled by him, will not really betray him.

In the past, he saved Xu Fan's life and gave him great authority and the banner of the fortress.

In the end, when it comes to interests, won't he be the first to betray?

People's hearts are the most untrustworthy.

"Search the royal court's residence, and then go to the Cursed City to get the weird evil guards out."

"Then, leave!"

"The crystal cores of Yucheng should be almost collected. Next, let's go to Mucheng."

"Then let Ling Xueyi and the others control Yucheng."

Su Chen ordered lightly.

At the same time.

He was thinking.

A mere red-clothed combat force can't support this Yucheng where evil spirits are infested. The Yucheng branch of the Savior God Cult can't stand on its own with only red clothes.

In this case.

A level 6 life combat force must be left behind.

But this is too extravagant!

Su Chen currently has only three level 6 lives.

Migrate these people to Jiangcheng? No, traveling through the wall of time is not something these weak ordinary people can do.


Su Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

At this moment.

Although his divine brilliance is growing slowly and far from the terrible increase in Jiangcheng, it is still growing little by little.

Divinity is really a good thing.

If the divine brilliance is enough, he may be able to ignore all rank suppression, because God is the highest rank, the pinnacle of all extraordinary.

Su Chen has a vague understanding.

With the roar of the car, the slender body of the Rolls-Royce Phantom Warrior, which has reached the level 4, appeared in front of Su Chen.

The door opened automatically.

Su Chen sat in the driver's seat.

At this time.

He had time to carefully check the characteristics and status of the Phantom Warrior, an auxiliary car guard.

From lv0 to lv4, there are two characteristics, two states, and an exclusive profession.

The two characteristics of the phantom warrior are endurance and speed.

The states are the state of shuttle and the state of space.

Occupation: exclusive vehicle


Su Chen looked at it and was silent for a while.

This thing has professions and state characteristics. Su Chen feels that he can't even beat a level 3 monster.

Upgrading the Rolls Phantom Warrior to lv4, the level of 5 life, is it a waste of his energy?

"Master, don't underestimate me. With me, you can easily shuttle through the wall of time. The two recharges are added together, which is space movement. You can easily shuttle through hundreds of kilometers of space..."

In the car, the sound system sounded, and the voice of the phantom warrior came.

The next second.

The engine of the car started.


The speed of the instantaneous burst reached an extremely terrifying level.

In a blink of an eye.

Su Chen looked outside the car again and found that he had arrived in another prosperous city.

"Is this Mucheng?"

The city in front of us has a huge wall. Although it is made of mud and grass, it exudes the luster of metal.

The strength, hardness and solidity are absolutely incredible.

The city is extremely prosperous.

For a moment, Su Chen was a little dazed, and even thought he had returned to peacetime.

Busy streets, commercial districts, clothes, and various extraordinary weapons.


Su Chen denied the speculation that this was Mucheng.

Because in the central square of this city, a huge statue was erected, which looked like him.

And above the sky of the city, there was a castle floating, which was his fortress.

"This is Jiangcheng?"

Su Chen was a little incredible.

This is developing too fast.

But it's normal to think about it.

Technology creates development power.

But now that the doomsday has come, it has brought extraordinary abilities. It is not a difficult thing to create a city in just a few days.

Su Chen thought about it.

He looked at the fortress in the sky, and then looked at his fortress attributes.

Currently, it is level 1, and the characteristics it already has are: water source filtration, suspension movement, mechanical cannons, strong walls, and space expansion.

At present, Su Chen does not lack energy.

The strongest of his guards is currently at level 5, with a life level of level 6. It is time to upgrade the fortress.

(Strong walls, suspended movement, full battery life, mechanical cannon, water source filtration, space expansion)

Su Chen finally upgraded the last full battery life.

The energy consumed is only 10.

Su Chen's energy of 70645 became 70635.

It's just a drop in the bucket.

A new information stream emerged.

"The fortress is at the peak of level 1, with sufficient energy. Do you want to upgrade it as a whole, spend 500 energy points, and strengthen the six major characteristics?"


Su Chen did not hesitate.

Just 500 energy points.

In a flash.

The balance became 70135.

Above the sky, the fortress shook and became larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"Look! A miracle has appeared in the Sky Temple!"

In Jiangcheng, someone noticed this scene and instantly knelt on the ground, shouting the name of the God of Savior and praying devoutly.

At this moment, a huge crowd of people knelt on the ground on the street and prayed to the fortress in the sky.

"Sky Temple?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows. This title was not very nice.

Forget it.

He was too lazy to pay attention to these. Instead, he clicked on the three-dimensional image of the fortress and began to check the properties of the fortress after the upgrade.

It has expanded almost ten times!

From an area of ​​a three-story building to the size of a football field.

The other six major characteristics have also been strengthened. Even the mechanical cannon has reached the point where it does not need energy injection, and can absorb the free energy between heaven and earth without limit, and fire artillery that can kill level 3 monsters.

Other things like the strong city walls have also been strengthened. Even level 4 monsters, or even level 5 monsters, cannot damage the fortress at all.

For example, if it is suspended, the point of increase should be in speed. At present, it is not as good as the space movement of the Laws Phantom Warrior.

As for water source filtration, it is currently just normal water filtration. If it is upgraded, the filtered water will not be ordinary water, but energy liquid that can make people reborn.

As for space expansion, there is no big change at present, but the space inside the fortress has become larger.

"The fortress is lv2, it's okay."

Su Chen nodded.

No more upgrades.

Because if it is upgraded again, the energy points required for lv2→lv3 fortress will double directly to 5000.

For lv3→lv4 fortress, it will reach a terrifying energy level of 50,000, which is enough for Su Chen to create a level 6 life guard.

The more terrifying the increase, the more energy required will make Su Chen tremble with fear. Basically, a round of fortress characteristic enhancement of the rank is a tenfold increase.

At present, Jiangcheng is very stable and there is no danger at all, so there is no need to strengthen the fortress.

"That's enough."

Su Chen was ready to leave.

He was a little afraid to see Su Xiaoyi. After all, he had taken two women in Yucheng at once.

If Su Xiaoyi knew this, she would strangle him to death.

"No more."

"I definitely won't take any more in the future."

Su Chen felt guilty and sat in the car, ready to run away.


The car engine had just started.

A team of extraordinary people on motorcycles surrounded him, and these people all wore the badge of the Savior God on their shoulders.

"Everyone is praying devoutly to the Savior God? Why don't you pray? And don't you get out of the car?"

"The Savior God is the god who saved Jiangcheng! Do you dare to disrespect him?"

The captain knocked on Su Chen's car window and asked.

She is a fanatic.

The fanaticism in his eyes was almost undisguised. People like this are often crazy.

"Because I am the Savior God!"

Su Chen rolled down the window.


Regardless of the shocked looks of the superhumans who were composed of these fanatics, the phantom warrior activated his ability and instantly traveled back to the Rain City Royal Court Organization.

He was not afraid that the Savior God Cult would lose control and cause the problem of the lower class overthrowing the upper class.

As the master of the fortress and the master of the guards, the fortress and the guards are Su Chen's real power.

If the Savior Cult dares to rebel, Su Chen will slaughter them without hesitation.

Guards are Su Chen's real reliance in the end of the world.

As long as the guards are strong enough and there are enough of them, he is not afraid of anything!

"Sir! You said you would save us."

In the room, seeing Su Chen coming back, the women who were tied up like goods finally couldn't help but speak out.

Thinking about it.

Su Chen waved his hand.

In an instant.

All the chains broke.

"There is a Savior Cult in Yucheng, in the former Silver Trade Plaza. If you are willing, you can go there."

"Forget it."

Su Chen thought about it and let these women go to the Silver Trade Plaza by themselves. Ling Xueyi's place is probably 99% dead.

He glanced at Gangzi, who nodded and instantly turned into a black shadow, wrapping all the women inside, crossing a distance of ten kilometers and sending these people over in an instant.

Level 6 life is almost the most powerful among the extraordinary, with strange and unpredictable means, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even if it is called a god, it is not surprising.

Su Chen saved these people because he wanted to gain the power of faith, not because he was really kind.

There are probably no good men and women who can survive until now in the doomsday, and they have more or less killed people.

Even these pitiful women in front of him are no exception.

Su Chen still remembers that when he was in the steel factory, those seemingly weak women pushed the people around them to the zombie group without mercy.

After this battle in the royal court, Su Chen gained a lot, in addition to a large amount of crystal core energy and three level 6 life guards.

There is also the Fire Ghost King. In this sea of ​​white fire, the pieces of the evil ghost puzzles that have been refined are all blood-clothed evil spirits, and there are also red-clothed ones.

There are dozens of pieces of evil ghost puzzles on the ground.

Without hesitation.

Su Chen threw all the evil ghost puzzles into his body and they became part of his body.

At this moment, the lv4 logo on Su Chen's head was extremely bright, almost like a small sun.

But it is still shining brightly, breaking through the limit of the peak of level 5, and still has not reached the threshold of lv5 and level 6 life.

Even if it is a BOSS template that is as strong as the peak of level 5, the Fire Ghost King will definitely not be Su Chen's opponent now when he wakes up.

Su Chen is almost equivalent to the red-clothed level in level 5, surpassing level 5, but not in level 6 life.

"It seems that relying on level 5 puzzles is not enough?"

"Do I still need level 6 characteristic materials?"

"After all, I am still focusing on the monster path."

Su Chen fumbled with the broken horn in his hand, the lv7 material, and hesitated to make a move to merge it into his body.

Su Chen could clearly sense that there was a broken will in the broken horn of the evil beast.

Although it was very broken, it was not something he could easily control.

He could merge it.

With this broken horn, he could instantly step into the ranks of lv5 and 6 life, and even touch the threshold of 7 life.

But so what.

The remaining will inside might affect his mind in an instant, turning him into a madman, or a puppet...

"This broken horn, appearing in this rain city, may be a trap! Human skin paper can predict the future to a certain extent, and other high-level life may not be unable to do this..."

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