Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 117: The Ghost Cabinet in the Royal Court! Make a deal!

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately put out his thoughts of merging the broken horns immediately and reaching level 5 and level 6 life.

It is infinitely close to the level of level 6 combat power. Judging from the current map, it is still sufficient.


He needs to take care of some chores.

"How long are you going to hide?"

"Killing you once is not enough."

"Do you still want me to kill you a second time?"

"get out."

In the phantom car, Su Chen stretched, raised his eyes, and looked towards the empty treasure house.


He was looking towards the body on the ground.

The body of the girl with extremely bad character whose head was blown to pieces by Su Chen snapping her fingers earlier.

She is not dead at all.

Su Chen was surprised that he was still alive after his head was blown to pieces.

However, as long as the monster's path is extraordinary, once it is killed, its characteristics will inevitably escape in front of Su Chen.

Even the head of the royal court was no exception. Su Chen casually threw the artifact he exploded into the phantom car.


This girl didn't.

So, she is still alive.

The apocalypse is coming, zombies are surging, monsters are running rampant, and weird evil spirits are breeding. A city can directly turn into a weird life, a cursed place, and various magical and extraordinary methods can appear. It is not strange for Su Chen.

"three two……"

Just when Su Chen was timing.

on the ground.

The corpse with its head rotten into the shape of a watermelon began to tremble violently, as if time had gone backwards.

An intact girl's body appeared.

The next second.

Like a drowned person, the girl instantly sat up and breathed heavily.

At the same time.

A dark hand appeared on her body, lingered on her body for a while, then penetrated into her chest and dug out something.

Su Chen's eyes instantly burst into light, trying to suppress this inexplicable and strange hand.

With his strength, which is close to level 6, even a peak level 5 evil spirit must kneel down obediently here.



The evil power he exerted on the ghost hand had no effect at all, as if the ghost hand did not exist at all.

At this moment, Su Chen could see clearly that the ghost hands had taken away one of the girl's organs, her liver.

The monster path has a strong physique and amazing vitality. Only the monster path can withstand the loss of organs and continue to live.

Take a closer look.

Su Chen discovered something remarkable.

This girl's body was actually completely mutilated. The missing organs were far more than just a liver. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she was riddled with holes.

"Damn it."

"I thought the price this time was for my eyes, but in the end, another of my organs was dug out. If I continue like this, I will be unable to break through the level of life. With my broken body, I will die sooner or later..."

As she said that, the girl glanced at Su Chen angrily. The one-eye she had just obtained was still aggressive and ferocious.

Seeing this, Su Chen did not hesitate, moved over in an instant, and stepped her head into the soil with one kick.

Originally, he thought that this girl was like Ling Duoduo, an extraordinary leader captured from a breached survivor stronghold.

The two empty eye sockets were dug out alive by the royal court organization after being tortured.

But now, Su Chen doesn't think so.


Her eyes were gouged out as a price, in a deal with the being behind the ghost hand.


"Who are you?"

"What is that thing!"

"Your fake death may be able to deceive others, but it cannot deceive me at all. I can kill you once, and I can kill you twice, until you can't afford to pay the price..."

Su Chen stepped hard with his foot, causing the girl extreme pain. The ferocious girl who didn't take human life seriously finally gave in and spoke.

"Let me go, I say, I say it all."


The girl told everything.

Her name is Chu Yue.

The espionage personnel of the Tokugawa Military Association who lurked into the Royal Court Organization, level 4 peak monster path + immortal ability user.

Her ability cannot be said to be true immortality. It can only be said that her resilience is extremely terrifying and can be called immortal.

If you really want to kill, you will still die if you kill again and again.

Relying on this ability, strong recovery power, and auxiliary ability, she successfully became a powerful monster path evolver.


Relying on ruthless means and a character that doesn't take human life seriously, he successfully infiltrated the Royal Court organization.

At that time, the Wangting organization had just begun to establish its scale.


She came into contact with a special artifact organized by Wang Ting, no, it should be said to be the Wei Bao.

The ghost closet in the royal court!

As long as you pay the price, you can trade with it! The stakes start from a small amount and continue to rise until you can no longer afford it. Finally, you violate the agreement and are swallowed up by it.

Before Chu Yue's identity was exposed, she secretly made a deal with Ghost Cabinet to resurrect her.

Resurrection once, ask for the price once.


It was her second resurrection.

When she was resurrected for the first time, her identity was exposed and she was punched to death by an angry king's extraordinary warrior. She then paid the price with her eyes and survived.

Finally, she was thrown here, ready to become the extraordinary plaything of all the royal courts and fall into hell.


Su Chen arrived.

"I am a girl after all, how could you do this to me."

Chu Yue looked at Su Chen angrily and couldn't help but speak.

"You've done a lot of killing, right?"

"How can you still say such childish words?"

"Stop stepping on you with my feet. If you touch my crystal core, I will kill you once or twice."

Su Chen stretched out a hand to kill her. In an instant, Chu Yueyan stopped and looked at Su Chen and the three terrifying guards behind Su Chen in fear.

Who is this guy?

In the two districts and three counties of Yang City, I have never heard of this famous figure! Could it be a dragon crossing the river that came from other places?

Tsk tsk.

Level 6 beings serve as subordinates.

I'm afraid even the guys in the royal capital can't afford this level of luxury.

"It's really a waste for you to kill the head of the royal court like this. The broken horn in your hand is indeed very precious..."

"However, there are definitely many more things like this in the place where the head of the royal court discovered..."

"Our Tokugawa Military Association sent me to lurk here because we want to spy on the location of that place..."

Chu Yue said deliberately, she wanted to see Su Chen's annoyed look.


Su Chen showed no signs of fluctuation.

He didn't dare to fuse the broken horn in his hand. How dare he go to the place where he got the broken horn?

I'm afraid that place is still in the world where Purgatory is located, or it is a corner of the real world that has been pulled into Purgatory.

He went crazy!

Braving the radiance of divinity, running to a purgatory full of weird monsters and terrifying beings?

"Take me to see the haunted closet!"

Su Chen looked at Chu Yue, who had a violent temper and had been affected by the monster organs in his body, like a bloodthirsty madman.

The monster path is not so easy to walk.

That is to say, he can perfectly control the monster's characteristics and erase all the monster's will. Only then can he control it and grow rapidly based on the characteristics.

If it were someone else who tried it, Chu Yue in front of her was the best example. Sooner or later, she would become a monster lunatic who only knew how to kill.


Chu Yue looked at Su Chen fearfully and nodded.

The royal court organization has long since collapsed.

The three level 6 beings completely scared them out of their wits.

Without the head of the royal court, the rest of Chaofan are just a bunch of loose sand. Even if they are allowed to go out, they will not be able to make any waves.


The Royal Court Organization was walking in a mess on the ground.

Along the way.

Without the protective barrier, the evil ghosts and evil spirits outside have gotten in and are lingering here.

But without exception.

All the evil spirits and evil spirits avoided Su Chen and did not dare to meet Su Chen.

Su Chen's aura was too strong.

The weak will instinctively fear the strong.

Zombies do that.

Monsters like that.

Even weird.

In front of the temple.

Su Chen pushed open the door and entered.

What you can see are the skeletal fragments all over the ground, which are obviously the traces of cannibalism by the evil spirit at the head of the royal court.

At this moment, Chu Yue no longer needed to lead the way, and Su Chen saw a bloody sign.

lv7, ghost closet!

It's the same as the broken horn, the same as the human skin paper, it has a famous name.

Obviously, they are all of the same type of life, weird life, with consciousness, and living creatures.

The scarlet old ghost cabinet was placed in the corner of the temple without any distinction.

There were still blood stains on the ground in front of the ghost closet.

Obviously, there were many people like Chu Yue who made deals with him. During this turmoil in the royal court, many people made deals with him, but then failed to pay the price and were eaten by it.

At the moment when Su Chen entered the temple, there was a ghost hand slowly carrying a struggling person into the temple.

This person is obviously also a ghost master, at least at the peak level of Level 4. Those who can trade with ghost cabinets are almost all weak, and they are all at the peak of Level 4.

"help me!"

He discovered that there was a living person in the temple, and immediately opened his mouth and made a cry for help.


The Royal Court Organization does many evil things, and those who can join them obviously cannot be good people.

Su Chen also wanted to see what the ghost closet was about.

No action at all.

Watch from the sidelines.

Watching everything quietly.

The ghost closet is open!


The inside is no different from ordinary cabinet furniture.


The ghost hand stuffed the man in, the ghost cupboard closed, and the ghost hand disappeared, and then there was a piercing scream.

"don't want!"

"Let me go!"

"There are two living people outside! I will capture them and offer them as sacrifices to you. Don't eat me!"

The people locked in the ghost closet seemed to have encountered some extremely terrifying scene, and they screamed crazily.

And, it's not just him.

Even Jigsaw, the ghost controlled in his body, was fearful, roaring, and desperate, struggling to escape.

Blood flowed from the ghost closet.

Everything is calm.

The ghost closet was silent.

You can vaguely see that the ghost closet is empty, and the living people and ghosts inside have long since disappeared.

"Even the devil can eat this thing?"

Su Chen looked sideways for a while.

It was promised that Weird would be immortal and could not be killed.

Even Chu Yue saw the ghost cabinet eating people for the first time. She was terrified and felt a fear of paying the price.

The despair of being locked in the ghost cabinet seemed to be contagious, and the madness in her brain affected by the monster organs dissipated a lot.

She couldn't help but want to hide behind Su Chen.

As a result.

She found that Su Chen beside her had disappeared.

Looking more carefully.

Su Chen didn't know when he hid in his Rolls-Royce Phantom.

The car drove into the temple.

Three level 6 guards surrounded him to protect him.

"Cowardly rat."

Chu Yue gritted her teeth, and then trotted all the way, wanting to get into Su Chen's car and accept protection.


The Fire Ghost King appeared.

It carried Chu Yue towards the ghost cabinet.


"Ask the two districts and three counties in Yang City where there are level 5 crystal cores."

The Fire Ghost King opened his mouth and uttered Su Chen's voice. The eerie ghost aura made Chu Yue's scalp numb, as if she was drunk in an ice cave.

At this time, she remembered that she seemed to have offended Su Chen badly.

No wonder.

At the moment, Su Chen actually wanted her to pay the price to ask for the answer she wanted to know.

"I have made several deals with the ghost cabinet."

"The last deal was to keep me alive once and take away a piece of my organ! I thought my powerful ability of immortality could play a role, but in the end I couldn't afford the price of this deal..."

Chu Yue gritted her teeth.

Her powerful recovery ability could not restore the organs taken away by the ghost hand at all, and she could only rely on monster organs to fill them.

And as the deal deepened, her immortality ability gradually weakened, and sooner or later it would disappear.

At that time.

Even if she was not eaten by the ghost cabinet, she would be eroded by the monster's will and become a real monster madman.

"Let me die!"

"Then let's die together."

Chu Yue's madness came up again. She wanted to make a deal with Gui Chest and let Gui Chest kill the hateful man in front of him.

This hateful man has no gentlemanly manners at all. She is a girl! He didn't even give in to protect her.

What kind of man is this~!

"If you make a deal with Gui Chest and want Gui Chest to deal with me, you will be greatly disappointed."

"Although this thing is weird, it is not enough to ignore 3 level 6 lives and kill me..."

"It is very likely that you will make this request and Gui Chest will ask for the reward first. Even if you are paid, you can't afford it. At that time, you will die in advance..."

Su Chen's cold words came from the mouth of the Fire Ghost King.

"So, do it according to my request, you still have a way to live, otherwise, you will die."

Su Chen seemed to know what Chu Yue was thinking, and coldly crushed all of Chu Yue's evil thoughts.

Strength crushes everything.

Just a level 7 ghost cabinet.

He has three level 6 lives, plus the ability of the phantom warrior to travel through space, so he can definitely escape.

If the ghost cabinet really has the ability to kill three level 6 lives, it is impossible that it is not carried by the head of the royal court.

Of course.

If Chu Yue still does not change her stubbornness, the Fire Ghost King is not a vegetarian, it will definitely devour Chu Yue at the first time.

"I will make a deal with you!"

Chu Yue hesitated for a while, and finally her fear of the ghost cabinet prevailed. She was afraid that she really could not afford the price of killing Su Chen.

"Yang City, where is the level 5 crystal core..."

She surrendered.

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