Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 118 The Golden Seal! The Fall of the Crystal Core!

The evolvers of the monster path were only affected by the will contained in the monster's organs. They were just crazy, not fools.

Among the choices before her, Chu Yue made the most correct choice.

She proposed a deal to the ghost cabinet.

The blood-colored ghost cabinet shook, and a ghost hand stretched out from it.

There was a note in the palm of the ghost hand.

This surprised Chu Yue.

When doing business with the ghost cabinet, you always pay the price first, and then get what you want, or the answer.

But in this transaction, the ghost cabinet did not ask for the price first?

How is it possible!

Why is it an exception today.


"Open it and take a look."

The Fire Ghost King burst out with Su Chen's urging.

Chu Yue, at this moment, no longer looked fierce, like a weak girl next door, trembling as she unfolded the note.

There was a line of words written on it.

"You can choose to make a deal with me and kill those people you want to kill. Don't listen to his nonsense. Although it is difficult to kill him, I can do it. The price is everything you have!"

Ghost Cabinet, not only made an exception today, but also made a move that was impossible to do in the past.

This is the initiative to propose its deal.

It's incredible.

This is the first time that Ghost Cabinet has seen such a situation since it appeared.


This Ghost Cabinet has never seen it before. It is so interested in Su Chen that it even wants to induce her to make a deal against Su Chen.

Chu Yue felt a push on her neck.

This is not that the Fire Ghost King let her go.

Instead, a ghost hand broke the Fire Ghost King's fingers and rescued her abruptly.

In the past, this would have been impossible.

Ghost Cabinet never does anything other than a deal, let alone a kind-hearted rescue.

"This is not a deal I asked to make with you. You can't ask me for a price for this."

Chu Yue was instantly furious.

She didn't have many organs to pay the price.

If the ghost hand randomly takes another organ, she might really die on the spot.

"Of course."

"Please, please tell me your real deal!"

The ghost hand stretched out from the ghost cabinet and sent out another note with these words on it.

It was trying to persuade Chu Yue to pay the price so that it could deal with Su Chen.


Trading is also part of its killing rules. If no one asks for it, it can't do it at all.

"This is bad."

"Damn it!"

Su Chen rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little tricky.

Although he felt that this ghost cabinet should not pose a threat to him, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Coming to the ghost cabinet is an unnecessary thing.

This thing is also a creature from hell. I am afraid that it is very interested in him like human skin paper.

Otherwise, these abnormal actions would not appear. The words on these notes are obviously intended to deal with him.

"Destroy it!"

Just when Su Chen jumped up and was about to take action.

At this moment.

Chu Yue spoke.

She proposed a deal.

There was no change, and there was a change.

"Yang City, where can I find a level 5 crystal core!"

The originally excited ghost cabinet paused for a moment. If he had an expression, he would have looked extremely gloomy at this moment.

Ghost hands rushed out of the ghost cabinet frantically.

The ghost cabinet was obviously angry!

Angry that the ant-like monster girl in front of him could not understand his hints, disobeyed his intentions, and did not follow his requirements.

"As you wish!"

A note fell out of the ghost cabinet.

In an instant.

Chu Yue let out a shrill scream.

Her organs were almost hollowed out! Even her heart was dug out.

Without the blood energy supplied by the heart, even if she was a monster path, she would definitely die.

"Is she going to die?"

Chu Yue closed her eyes sadly.

At this moment, she felt another force emerging from her body, a red-clothed puzzle.

However, this red puzzle is very strange, and there is not a single bit of evil spirit will left in it.

She survived.

Because Su Chen took action.

At present, he has all kinds of monster characteristics, evil ghost puzzles, and even awakening ability fragments.

But if the monster characteristics and ability fragments are given to Chu Yue in front of him, this girl will become his guard.

He doesn't need this crazy guard.

After thinking about it.

He threw out a piece of red puzzle.

Most of these things are on him, and the weakest ones are red puzzles. There is really no way.

"Do something for me."

"It's impossible to let you really die."

Su Chen's cold voice came from the mouth of the Fire Ghost King.

However, Chu Yue obviously misunderstood something.

She looked at Su Chen sitting in the car, her eyes trembling, and couldn't help saying.

"Thank you."

The ghost cabinet was particularly annoyed.

But there was no way.

Trading is its killing law!

No one triggered the deal, and it had no way to kill people.


The ghost hand disappeared without a trace.

A piece of paper floated out, the handwriting on it was particularly perfunctory, and the content was also very vague.

"Mucheng, Military Association!"

"Level 5 Crystal Core!"



In the Yang City area, there are only two level 5 crystal cores left in two districts and three counties, and all of them are in the hands of the Military Association.


Perhaps, they are only in the hands of some people in the Military Association.

Now that the whereabouts of the level 5 crystal core are known, Su Chen must go to this Mucheng Military Association.

However, before that, the matter of Yucheng must be properly resolved.

"This ghost cabinet seems to want to attack me."


"In this case, this thing can't be kept."

Su Chen thought about it, waved his hand, and wanted the strongest mountain guard to destroy this ghost cabinet.


A fist as big as a mountain can easily destroy a tall building, but it hits the ghost cabinet, but it does not move at all, and it can't cause any damage to it at all.

The ghost cabinet trembled, as if laughing silently, mocking Su Chen for doing useless work.

Su Chen obviously expected such a result. After all, this is a special and strange life of level 7. The real danger level is definitely not less than that of the ghost city.

"Since it can't be destroyed, I can't leave you here. Otherwise, you will persuade others to trade. What should I do with me?"


"Follow me on the road."

Su Chen sneered.

In his opinion, this level 7 ghost cabinet is a purgatory life similar to the human skin paper. What other plans do they have? Anyway, it is of no benefit to him.

With one more human skin paper in hand, it doesn't matter if there is one more ghost cabinet.

I don't know how a small county in Yucheng can give birth to a ghost city and a level 7 strange life like a ghost cabinet.


Gangzi and the pig-headed monster organized a collection in the royal court and brought a large amount of gold.

There are definitely gold containers built in the royal court, but obviously, the members of the royal court who fled took away many containers.

However, gold was too heavy, and they were so eager to escape that they left a lot of gold here.

Su Chen could only make a gold container.


Under his random kneading, a simple gold box was completed.

Although the shape was a bit ugly, the effect was completely fine, and it was enough to isolate the strange power of the ghost cabinet.

Even if it was a lv7 strange life, as long as the golden container was in place, it could still be imprisoned.

The most difficult strange life was a huge cursed city like the ghost city, which could not be contained in a golden container.

Even if all the gold in the world was looted, it was impossible to contain a city in a golden container.

This time, the ghost cabinet was silent.

Obviously, he was afraid.

The golden container could indeed imprison it and prevent it from making trouble again.

At present, its killing pattern could not be triggered, and it was no different from an ordinary strange tool.

If Chu Yue had really traded with it at that time, it would be the time when it could show the 7th level of strange horror.

"Maybe, we can talk about it..."

"Don't you want to know what that piece of human skin paper on you is plotting against you?"

The ghost cabinet shook.

The cabinet door opened quickly, and the ghost hand handed out two notes, obviously wanting to make peace with Su Chen.

The human skin paper stabbed the seven monarchs of hell without hesitation, and the ghost cabinet also stabbed the human skin paper without any reservation in order to avoid being sealed.

If the human skin paper was present now, it would probably stab the ghost cabinet on the spot and tear each other apart.

Human skin paper?

It actually knows about human skin paper?

Su Chen was a little surprised.


Thinking about it, he understood.

It is obvious that they are all special and strange lives that have come out of purgatory. It is normal for them to be able to sense each other's breath.

What's more.

The ghost cabinet is so powerful that he can conduct various transactions. It is not surprising that he can predict the human skin paper on him.

"Not interested."

Although Su Chen was very interested, he was more afraid of the ghost cabinet who wanted to deal with him right away.

If the ghost cabinet's words were really fulfilled, it might be in line with the ghost cabinet's trading conditions. God knows what it would ask from Su Chen as a price.

Weird life, can't be trusted.

In comparison.

It's better to stay in the golden container honestly like human skin paper.


The mountain guard lifted the ghost cabinet high and threw it into the golden box. The ghost cabinet was angry and kept bleeding.

The blood gathered into a line of big words.

"I see the near future. Sooner or later you will beg me and trade with me!"

"When the time comes, you will beg me!"


The ghost cabinet was completely sealed.

The mountain guard opened his internal space and threw the golden box carrying the ghost cabinet into it without hesitation.

Unless someone can defeat the mountain guard, no one can save the ghost cabinet.

"Make a deal with you?"

Su Chen sneered.

He completely treated the ghost cabinet as farting.

Even if he died, he would never believe in the so-called deal of Gui Chest.

Su Chen left the Wangting organization.

When he came, he was alone, and when he left, he was followed by a newly upgraded and powerful guard corps.

Sure enough, killing people, setting fire to gold belts, and plundering these extraordinary organizations are the correct way to obtain crystal cores.

If he relies on himself to slowly operate in Jiangcheng, and wait for the monsters in Jiangcheng to grow again and then harvest, he will starve to death sooner or later.

The throttle of the phantom warrior roared, and Su Chen kicked Chu Yue out of the car without hesitation.

Although Chu Yue stopped in time in front of the ghost cabinet and did not really attack him.

But this madman, God knows when the madness will continue to attack, and it is not good to kill him directly.

So, Su Chen kicked Chu Yue out of the car.

"Hey, hey."

"Are you still a man? Do this to a girl like me?"

Chu Yue was kicked out of the car by Su Chen. Looking at the shoe prints on her pants, her face was full of black lines, and she couldn't help but complain about the car going away.

Now, her power of the monster path is basically half-crippled. The angry ghost cabinet was really cruel and went straight to her life.

If Su Chen's red puzzle had not come in time and there was no evil spirit will, she would have died without a burial place.

Now she is a red-clothed fighter in the evil ghost path.

Without the influence of the monster's will, and the evil ghost puzzle is very clean, there is no evil ghost will left, Chu Yue is now only a skin without organs, like a dead person, but obviously much more like a normal person.

"We must find a way to pass the news back to the Military Association."

"Damn it."

"Three level 6 lives, how did this kid do it?"

"This is too foul, how can the map of Yang City give birth to such foul-level monsters..."

Chu Yue gritted her teeth, quickly found a scrapped motorcycle, stepped on the accelerator, and headed towards the direction of Mucheng.

On the other side.

Su Chen also came to the place where Bai Yingying was placed. He checked the surroundings and found no red clothes, and there was no trace of evil spirits.


Compared with the remote place, the evil ghosts nearby are more interested in the flesh and blood of the living people in the Wangting organization.

"Su Chen, you are back."

Before Su Chen entered the house, a little head popped out from upstairs. Who else could it be but Bai Yingying.

Her face was full of surprise.

The commotion from the Wang Ting organization just now was particularly loud, and she thought Su Chen would be in danger.

Unexpectedly, Su Chen came back in a short while, and he was unharmed.


There were several more monsters that looked scary behind him.

"This is..."

Bai Yingying was about to speak but stopped.

But seeing that Su Chen had no intention of explaining, she did not continue to ask, she was a smart woman.

After thinking about it.

Su Chen used a red puzzle to increase Bai Yingying's red combat power, which was just enough to completely suppress the restless evil spirit in her body.

After all, she was a woman who had had sex with him. Although she was a little stupid and weak, she still had to be protected.

Su Chen's mind was full of crystal cores, and he hastily arranged Bai Yingying to enter Ling Xueyi's base.

Then, he came to the outside of the ghost town.

"Found it!"

"Finally found it!"

"I didn't expect that we couldn't find his trace for three days. Now we finally found him. If we don't kill him, we will be wiped out..."

Near the ghost town, pairs of wandering, scarlet eyes appeared from all directions, staring at Su Chen fiercely.

They are all ghost riders controlled by the evil spirit apartment, ranging from red clothes to fierce spirits.

They have been running in Yucheng for several days.


They are all desperate!

But now.

The target actually appeared by himself.


"You are just a level 5 life, just blame your bad luck and violate the rules of the ghost town."

"With so many level 5 ghost riders, and red clothes, can they do nothing to you, a small level 5 other path life?"

These eyes were filled with bloodshot, and these ghost riders who were forced into a desperate situation showed a grim smile.

They surrounded him.

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