Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 119 Eat up the ghost town! Level 6 evil guard!

"What are you doing?"


"I don't seem to have offended you."

In the driver's seat of the Phantom Warrior, Su Chen looked at the ghost masters gathering towards him, rolled down the window, and couldn't help but ask.

In fact.

He came to this ghost town not to fight against this cursed city, but to find the weird evil guards.

Su Chen would not provoke the weird life at the peak of Level 6, this cursed city, even if he could.

Of course, if he had the chance and was strong enough, he would destroy this cursed city without hesitation.

All the guards fell into this cursed city, which was a great shame and humiliation for Su Chen.

Sooner or later it will be washed away with the blood of the ghost town.

The Weird Guard is weird.

At that time, all the guards obeyed his call and came to the Royal Court Organization, even the prison car guards were there.

But this strange evil guard seemed to be attracted by something and refused to come over.

The vague will reflected back to Su Chen that there was something in this ghost town that was important to him, and it needed to be delayed for a while.

So, without other things to do, Su Chen came over in person, wanting to see what the strange evil guard was attracted to.

Who would have thought.

As soon as they came up, they were surrounded by a large wave of level 5 ghost masters and red-clothed ghost masters.

Subconsciously, he thought it was the remnants of the Wang Ting organization who were coming to kill him.

But think about it carefully.

Not right.

The remnants of the Wangting organization knew how powerful he really was, and it was too late to escape, so they dared to continue to provoke him.


The Royal Court Organization does not have so many powerful ghost masters.

They only have evil spirits, and there are also powerful legions composed of fierce ghosts.

These people are obviously the ghost controllers in the ghost city.


"Don't you know how to be afraid when death is imminent?"

"Ghost City has issued a killing order to you! Either you die, or we die."

"So, please go die."

A demon master roared.


He used the power of Li Gui Jigsaw to kill him.

A killing order?


He caused Guicheng to fall in rank. No matter how much Guicheng hated him, it was no exaggeration.

However, the chasing ghost masters chose the time a little too late. If it had been a few days earlier, he might have fled.

But now, it's them who should run away.

To this.

Su Chen shook his head.

He didn't want to kill anyone, but there were always people who wanted to kill him and took the initiative to provoke them.

Endless killing!

There is no way to kill them all!

"Isn't it good to be alive?"

Su Chen sighed.

He held out a finger.

In an instant.

The weather changes.

The ghost that belonged to Su Chen opened up, and the terrifying aura of evil spirits, densely packed, appeared in Su Chen's opened ghost.

In an instant, the evil spirit on the level 5 ghost master who was the first to take action was suppressed and he knelt on the ground on the spot.

"How can it be?"

"This is level suppression. When did you become a level 6 evil spirit master?"

he shouted in horror.

And, with pleading eyes, he looked at the few level 5 ghost master friends he had made, hoping to get these friends to help him.


This is the end of the world.

Who can tell you about the friendship between brothers and friends?

Seeing him looking over, the expressions of the two level 5 ghost masters suddenly changed, and they hurriedly waved towards Su Chen and said.

"I do not know him."

"We're not familiar with him."

"Boss, don't make us angry!"

A moment.

The level 5 ghost master who was the first to take action became a loner, and everyone present was drawing a clear line with him.


All the ghost masters, whether they were level 5 or in red, took a step back neatly, not daring to get any closer to Su Chen.

The order of doomsday has collapsed. The rules now are very clear, that is, the weak eat the strong, and there is no order.


Su Chen is strong enough.

It has always been above the normal extraordinary level.

Look at Yucheng.

There are only a handful of weird beings that can suppress him.

"This isn't some level suppression, it's just that there are too many ghost puzzle pieces to accommodate."

"That's why you are so scared of the evil spirit born in your body."

Su Chen said lightly.

In fact.

He couldn't remember exactly how many evil spirits it contained, as well as the fragments of red clothes.

Anyway, none of the fierce ghosts enshrined by the Wangting organization can escape as long as they are above the red-clothed level.

Now, the level 4 logo above his head is as hot as the sun, far from being a level 6 standard.

Sometimes, Su Chen really wants to take a drink with the level 6 evil spirit to see how big the difference is.

In a blink of an eye.

In front of the ghost city, people fell to their knees.

These ghost masters were extremely frightened.

They were in a dilemma. No matter what choice they made, they all ended up in a dead end. They had no way of surviving at all.

If Su Chen is not killed, he will be obliterated.

If they want to kill Su Chen, they must have enough strength. It is obvious that the person in front of them is not something they can deal with at all.

too strong!

Damn it.

What kind of bullshit bloody mission is this?

There is no possibility of completion.

It would be better to just wipe them all out.


"It's all a misunderstanding."

The ghost masters smiled with difficulty.

Just when Su Chen wanted to continue asking something.


A huge noise came.

It was not the noise of a battle.

But in Yucheng.

The earth cracked.

The city of Yucheng, like a huge island, floated up and headed towards the sky.

"What happened?"

"Oh my God!"

"What happened!"

All the ghost masters present changed their faces and looked at the ghost city rising into the sky in disbelief.

In these short three days, what happened that they didn't know.

Just when these powerful ghost masters paid attention to the ghost city in the sky, Su Chen frowned.

Because in his field of vision.

The lv6 mark that originally belonged to the ghost city disappeared.

The previous ghost city was at lv7.

After falling.

It is a peak level 6 weird life.


Ghost City is dead?

"A peak level 6 strange life died?"

"How is it possible."

Su Chen's face was full of disbelief.


He drove the Phantom Warrior and ascended to the sky in Rain City, leaving behind a huge deep pit.

With the ability to jump through space, he was not afraid of getting lost, nor was he afraid of encountering any terrible monsters in this tiankeng.

Judging from his strength, if he encountered a monster, it would be more unlucky for the monster.

Finally, Su Chen came to the center of the sunken tiankeng in Ghost City.


Su Chen saw the truth.

The truth of the death of Ghost City!

I saw that the ground was full of thick blood vessels like blood threads, covering all the land within a radius of one kilometer.

From a distance, it looked like a huge blood vessel pattern, and some of these blood vessels also existed at the root of Rain City suspended in the sky.

At the intersection of countless blood vessels, there was a scarlet blood spring, which was controlling the blood vessels and madly attacking a monster.

This monster, like an evil ghost, but not like an evil ghost, has two heads, full of twisted blood-colored lines.

At this time, facing the attack of blood vessels, this two-headed monster didn't care, got into the blood spring, and swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

It was as if the thing in front of him was some kind of peerless delicacy.

As the two-headed monster moved, the blood spring gathered into a twisted ghost shadow, becoming more and more angry.

In the sky, the pair of eyes representing the ghost city actually appeared on this twisted ghost shadow.

Su Chen had a terrible guess.

"Could it be that this is the main body of the strange life in the ghost city?"


"This two-headed monster... why does it look so familiar?"

Su Chen was stunned.

He looked at this two-headed monster for a long time, and finally realized that this was not the strange evil guard he had lost contact with?

When resurrecting the mountain warrior guard.

He found that.

The strange evil guard not only did not suffer any trauma in the ghost city, but also lived very well.

At that time, it was already a level 5 life.

Su Chen did not spend any energy on the strange evil guard, which was all due to his own rapid evolution.

At that time, Su Chen felt that the strange evil guard was like a fish in water in this ghost town, and there was probably a glimmer of hope for breaking through the level 6 life.

Good guy.

It was really like that.

When Su Chen came to find the strange evil guard, this guy actually overturned the entire ghost town.


It was really incredible!

You know, the ghost town is a genuine peak level 6 strange life, even he was very afraid of it.

As a result, the strange evil guard was actually solved.

Looking at the twisted ghost shadow in the blood spring, Su Chen felt that if it spoke, it would definitely say this.

"Don't eat!"

"Bastard! Get out!"

As the strange evil guard continued to swallow, the life breath on its body became stronger and stronger.

Before, it was only at the level of level 5 life.


It is climbing towards the peak life of level 5, which is the peak level that only boss templates such as the Fire Ghost King can reach.

Even this is not the limit of the Weird Evil Guard.

If the blood spring is completely swallowed, Su Chen suspects that the Weird Evil Guard may be able to directly enter the ranks of level 6 life.


"So hungry!"

The Weird Evil Guard only eats with one mouth, but it seems that it is still not enough, and the whole body jumps into the blood spring.

On his body, a fang-like mouth opens, swallowing everything in front of him like a whale.

Su Chen left.

Because the ghost city is no longer a threat.

It is going to die!

Although I don’t know why, the Weird Evil Guard’s mouth with hungry fangs constantly opens, which seems to restrain the blood spring of the ghost city.

When Su Chen left.

In the tiankeng.

A breath of level 6 weird life has already burst out.

The strange evil guard inherited the life level of the ghost city, reached the 6th level of life, and completely controlled the ghost city.

Su Chen saw it, and all the ghost masters also saw it, a deformed monster with scarlet blood vessels all over its body walked out of the tiankeng.

On his body, countless blood vessels gushed out, forcibly pulling back the rain city that was constantly floating in the sky.

This cursed city is back.

In the field of vision.

The weird life symbol representing level 6 still appeared.

But it was no longer the ghost city itself.

It was Su Chen's weird evil guard!


"It's so interesting."


Su Chen laughed heartily.

Although he didn't know what happened during this period, it was an established fact that the ghost city died and the ghost city changed hands.

The ghost city is now his!

Su Chen clicked on the three-dimensional image of the guard representing the weird evil guard. As expected, the weird evil guard was level 5, already a level 6 life.

It ate the ghost city.

On the other side.

The blood spring dried up.

Countless thick blood vessels withered in an instant and turned into ashes all over the ground.

The strange evil guards who had eaten the ghost city found Su Chen's breath, turned their heads around, and looked over here with lanterns full of eyeballs in their hands, then trotted all the way and knelt down.

"Greetings, my master."

"Your loyal servant, I dedicate this cursed city to you, my master."

When the strange evil guards spoke, hundreds of fangs opened their mouths, and the dense voices overlapped, which seemed particularly creepy.

But in front of Su Chen, even if it became a new ghost city life, it still bowed its head respectfully to show its submission.


Su Chen nodded and left this place with the strange evil guards.

The ghost city disappeared.

There was nothing worth paying attention to in Yucheng.

After Jiangcheng.

The map of Yucheng was also pierced by him.

Whether it was the Wangting organization or this ghost city, they all fell at the feet of his guards.

"What happened to the ghost town?"

"Damn it!"

"Today is the last mission deadline, what should we do? I hope the ghost town is destroyed, so that no one can wipe us out."

The edge of the tiankeng.

The ghost masters were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, turning around in circles.

They wanted to escape but didn't dare to, after all, they still had the blood curse mark on them, and there was also the highest level blood mission to hunt down Su Chen.

If they didn't escape, they wouldn't even dare to enter the tiankeng, for fear that Su Chen would misunderstand them and then kill them at will.

Level 5 ghost masters are top-level combat power no matter where they are placed, and they are qualified to break into the map of two districts and three counties at will.

But, they felt that their lives were really aggrieved and they couldn't afford to offend anyone.

"If it doesn't work, we still have to find ways to sneak attack that guy and snipe him..."

"No matter how strong he is, he is only a level 5 life, while the ghost city is a level 7 weird rank, a peak level 6 life."

"You have to pick the weak ones! In comparison, he is still a weak one, and there is a chance to deal with him."

The strongest level 5 ghost masters looked at each other and didn't say anything, but the long-term tacit understanding made them quickly reach a consensus with their eyes.

No one wants to die.

If the task is not completed, all of them will be wiped out.

Although the peak level 5 ghost control life is difficult to kill, it will be restrained by the golden firearms, and they are not without a chance...


"What is this life breath?!"

"Could it be..."

But soon.

They burst into exclamations.

The curse marks on their bodies were trembling, and they looked at the dark tiankeng in horror. They couldn't help kneeling on the ground and wanted to worship, feeling like they were facing the ghost city life.

A terrible thought emerged in their minds.

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