Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 120 Kill through Rain City! Keep moving forward!

"Ghost town life?!"


"Hahaha! Master Guicheng, you hate this kid so much. Now that this kid has appeared, I'm afraid you want to kill him personally."

"Very good."

"In this way, no one needs to die. Isn't it easy to kill a peak level 5 ghost-controlling life with a peak level 6 or even 7 weird life?"

In an instant, all the ghost masters fell to their knees, banged their heads on the ground, and shouted loudly.

"Master Guicheng, please take action!"

"Kill this thief!"

Sitting in the driver's seat of the Phantom Warrior, with the strange evil guard beside him, Su Chen walked out of the sinkhole and saw this scene.

The ghost masters were kneeling in a hurry, as if they were greeting someone, and they were shouting to punish the thieves.

Kill thieves? who?

Where is the thief?

Looking around, Su Chen was a little disbelieving and couldn't help but look at himself in the rearview mirror. Could it be that the thief was talking about him?

How could he, such a kind person, become the thief these ghost masters call him?

There must be a misunderstanding in this.


In deathly silence.

Finally, someone couldn't help but raise his head, following the feeling of the blood mark, and looked towards the life in the ghost town.

They are really curious about what the ghost city's true form, this high-level strange entity that dominates the Cursed City and even the Cursed City itself, looks like.

At a glance, he saw the terrifying and strange evil guard.

"What a terrible sense of oppression."

"Is this what a ghost town is like?"

"You are indeed the supreme Lord Ghost City!"



"Something's wrong."

"Why does it feel familiar?"


"Oh my God, what the hell is going on?"

The ghost masters raised their heads, and when they saw the appearance of life in the ghost city, they all exploded.

The scene was in an uproar.


"That's not right at all!"

"Even if his appearance has changed, I can still recognize him at a glance. He is not a ghost town creature at all."

"That day, when I was watching, he was not a ghost or god at all. He was a monster under this boy. He ran very fast when faced with the obstruction of evil spirits."

"Also, at that time, I thought he was at the peak of level 4. He was an elite ghost and could not even reach the standard of red-clothed ghosts. How come he has become so strong now? And he has become a ghost town?"


Countless people took a breath of cold air.

Ghost town life, where did it go?

Why is the blood-lettered curse on the body clearly telling them that their master is standing in front of them in the ghost town, the deformed monster with two heads in front of them...

The strange evil guard looked at the kneeling ghost masters. One of them stood up and turned around to leave.

Immediately, the fang mouth on his body made a strange sound.




The blood mark on the level 5 ghost master expanded rapidly, burning with the ghost puzzle in his body, violently turning the ghost master into a fat man of flesh and blood.


"don't want!"

"Master Guicheng, don't kill me!"

At this time, the ghost controller who thought the ghost city was dead and wanted to run away became frightened, remembering that their lives were no longer in their hands.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

His whole body exploded!

In an instant, all the ghost masters present were shocked and woke up.

No matter what the process is.


The two-headed monster in front of me, who was once a weak level 4 elite and weird guy who couldn't even be called a red-clothed ghost, has become a level 6 weird being, and he is also in charge of the cursed city of Ghost City.

Now their master.

This is already an indisputable fact.

That is to say.

Even if this highest blood-letter mission conflicts with Su Chen, there is no need to worry at all. After all, this two-headed weirdo is Su Chen's own subordinate.

They don't have to be wiped out!

"Greetings, Mr. Ghost City!"

Wuyangyang, everyone is kneeling on the ground, and even the kneeling posture is much straighter now.


The strange evil guard made a strange sound from his mouth with thousands of fangs.


Above the sky, the cursed city floating further and further away began to tremble violently, and it fell rapidly as if it was suffering from a huge gravitational force.


The sinkhole disappeared.

In front of all the ghost masters, the ghost city appeared again!

Countless blood vessel patterns on the body of the strange evil guard spread out at this moment, and in front of all the ghost masters, they penetrated into the land of the ghost city, the sky of the ghost city, and the evil spirit apartment.

"The ghost town has changed hands."

“The original ghost town is dead!”


"You still can't escape the fate of being treated like a dog."

All the ghost masters smiled bitterly. They clearly felt that at this moment, the familiar feeling of the cursed city that enveloped them came again.

An extra pair of glasses appeared in the sky, but this time the Eyes of the Ghost City had turned into the appearance of a strange evil guard.

Everyone understands.

The strange monster in front of him was just a small role under Su Chen before, but now he has become the master who dominates them.

This moment boils.

Countless people looked at Su Chen in shock.

They speculated about Su Chen's origin.

This is really terrifying.

You know.

In the current Rain City, the doomsday has been going on for more than three months. Level 5 is the real ceiling, and level 6 is already beyond the limit of humans.

How can this be called a river crossing dragon!

This guy is almost a walking god in the doomsday. Even the level 7 weird city can fall into his hands.

Too damn powerful.

At least in their eyes, no matter how strong the river crossing dragon is, it is not qualified to collide with the ghost city, let alone solve the ghost city.

Only gods can do this.


In fact.

Su Chen felt a little confused.


He just came to find the missing weird evil guard, and he became the master of the ghost city.

The lv7 weird life was solved just like that? It was incredible to the extreme.

"This trip to Rain City is really a big gain."

Su Chen counted the gains.

A large number of crystal cores created three level 6 life guards and established the branch of the Savior God Cult in Yucheng.

Got the level 7 special material, the broken horn of the evil beast.

And a ghost town.

For now.

The ghost town cannot be moved. Although the strange evil guard inherited this cursed city, it can no longer leave.

Once you leave, your rank will stop and you will stay at the level of level 6 life for life.

However, relying on the cursed city, the strange evil guard, the spreading curse, and the spread of despair, becoming level 7 is absolutely a foregone conclusion.

Su Chen did not go to the ghost town, but returned to the branch base of the Savior God Cult in Yucheng.


With the ghost town, Su Chen finally felt relieved about Ling Xueyi, the branch of the Savior God Cult.

With the protection of the ghost town, a level 5 ghost rider who ran out casually could kill all the monsters that invaded in the future.

"Last time you came, you threw a woman in for me. What do you want to do this time?"

One night of tenderness.

Ling Xueyi looked at Su Chen dimly, knowing that Su Chen was going to leave.

After all.

She knew it too.

Such a powerful man would not stop because of any woman.

She even guessed that Su Chen definitely had more than just her and Bai Yingying, but even so, she was willing to give herself to him.

Under Ling Xueyi's governance, this branch of the Savior God Cult was even more orderly and regulated than Jiangcheng.

Obviously, Ling Xueyi's skills were not weak. In just a few days, these women who were originally slaves became devout believers in him as the Savior God.

A huge amount of faith power, connected with the sound of prayer, entered Su Chen's body.

The divine brilliance that had been sluggish after several battles suddenly soared, and its increase was terrifying.

"You wouldn't let those women pray to me all the time except for eating and drinking."

Su Chen was a little stunned.

Obviously, if the quantity is not enough, then the quality will make up for it.

These women were basically trained and brainwashed by Ling Xueyi and became fanatics. The meaning of life has almost become the continuous production of faith.

"There is not much I can do for you."

"This is the only thing you have given me. How could I not take it to heart?"

"Don't worry."

"To them, this kind of life is already heaven. Only after experiencing real despair can you know how beautiful the current life is."

Ling Xueyi climbed up and sat on him.

Calculated the time.

Su Chen was ready to leave.

His business was urgent.

He needed to give birth to a level 6 guard in the shortest time. By then, with a level 7 life, he could be considered to have truly mastered the power of the end of the world.

"I'm leaving."

After a brief farewell, Su Chen embarked on his journey.



Ghost town.

Deserted streets.

The edge of the wall of time is also the place where he came from.

Sitting in the main driving seat of the Phantom Warrior, Su Chen watched a ghost rider put boxes of supplies into the back of the Rolls Phantom in a flattering manner.

There were cigarettes, white wine, and other daily necessities in it.

Although Su Chen's life level had long been non-human, it didn't matter if he didn't eat any food or water for a short period of time.

But Su Chen still took it with him.

After all, in other places, these things are scarce goods, but they can be used as currency, and can even be exchanged for a life.

"My lord, have a good trip."

The ghost riders in the ghost town were all smiling and wanted to flatter him.

Su Chen didn't even look at them, he stepped on the accelerator and activated the ability of the Phantom Warrior.

Space movement!

In the doomsday era, as long as you have strength and are strong enough, no matter where you are, you will face smiling faces. He alone is the most powerful.

Su Chen left.

He left the strange evil guards, the fire ghost king, and the prison car guards in the Yucheng Savior Cult branch.

He embarked on a new journey.

The end of the world is like this.

Purgatory, colliding with the present world, the end of the world is coming, monsters are evolving, and weirdness is growing. If you don’t become strong enough now, you will die sooner or later.

The gate of erosion is coming.

The erosion gates influenced and repelled each other, forming their own areas with their own time flow speeds.

However, in these areas with different time flow speeds, the time is obviously slowing down gradually, and is approaching a unified time flow speed.

Su Chen felt.

When the time wall disappears and the time flow speeds of all areas are unified, perhaps something extremely terrifying will happen.

Perhaps the entire real world will be pulled into the purgatory world, or perhaps all the erosion gates will merge into one, turning into a larger portal, allowing more powerful monsters to enter.

For example.

On the first day of the doomsday outbreak in Jiangcheng, one arm easily smashed the sky-lifting demon shadow of a hundred-meter-high building.

Pushing down a hundred-meter-high building, Su Chen was able to do it when he was at level 4, but doing this does not mean that he is at the same level as the sky-lifting demon shadow.

Now, Su Chen is at level 5, and he still feels a sense of fear when he recalls that sky-lifting demon shadow.

"Perhaps, that sky-lifting demon shadow is the so-called evil beast!"

A broken horn of the evil beast, without its original characteristics, can reach the level of 7th-level material, and also give birth to the existence of will.

You can imagine.

How terrifying is the real evil beast.

I am afraid it is like a demon.

Level 8 life?


It may even be a level 9 life!

The Phantom Guard can seat 4-5 people, but unfortunately, both the pig-headed monster and the mountain guard are too big to fit into the car.


Su Chen had to follow Gangzi and use the space movement ability of the Phantom Guard to go ahead and head straight to Mucheng.

As for the pig-headed monster and the mountain guard, they continued to pass through the wall of time with difficulty and headed towards Mucheng.

"This space movement ability is really useful!"

Su Chen couldn't help but sigh.

Almost in a blink of an eye, Su Chen left the world of Rain City, where the sky was always dark and there were always evil spirits wandering around.


He appeared in the territory of Mu City.


Obviously, the scene of the current crossing was not very normal.

The shouting and killing shook the sky.

There were also the sounds of gunfire.

This place was experiencing a tragic fight.

There were already several extraordinary people who were obviously evolved in the flesh, lying on the ground, their bodies were cold and completely without breath.

In the end of the world, ordinary people's lives are worthless.

The lives of extraordinary people, in a sense, are even less valuable than ordinary people's lives.

If you want to become stronger, you have to face danger, and danger often kills many extraordinary people.

And this is the end of the world.


"Haha! You continue."


"Just pretend we didn't show up!"

Looking at the chaotic battle, Su Chen couldn't help but roll down the window and greeted the outside.

He appeared in the suburbs, in the mountains.

Mu City is full of mountains and forests.

The space shifted, and instead of being teleported into the city of Mucheng, Su Chen was teleported into the forest outside the city. Su Chen was not surprised.

At this time.

Many people died in the forest.

It was obvious that two teams of extraordinary people were fighting, and it seemed that they were fighting for something.

Su Chen looked carefully and found that they were two strange tools and evil ghost puzzles.

The two teams of extraordinary people fought fiercely to fight for these things, and it had entered a white-hot stage.

It was at this time that Su Chen drove and teleported directly in.

"Weird tools, and ghost puzzles?"

"Tsk tsk."

"This thing, even dogs don't want it."

Su Chen's face was full of disgust.

This thing, to him, is really no different from the paper used to wipe his ass.

After all.

On him, ordinary evil ghost puzzles are not qualified to be fused by him. He is all red clothes, and there are puzzles at the level of blood-clothed evil spirits.

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