"Hahaha!" They burst into laughter instantly.

Originally, they were afraid that the neatly dressed boy in front of them was the son of a big shot in the city, or that he was an extraordinary person.

But now it seems.

This reaction is impossible for a character who cannot be offended.

It is estimated that they are just ordinary people who made a fortune.

If so...


"Boss, this kid has such fine skin and tender flesh, and he's so clean. Can you give me a reward to play with first?"

"I like this kind of tender stuff the best."

"Next time, when we compete with the Fire Wolf Gang for territory, I will definitely fight at the front."

A short, skinny monkey couldn't help but scratch his crotch.

"Let's play together!"

"I feel that when this kid plays, he must be better than the slums..."

next moment.

They were speechless.

Su Chen snapped his fingers.

These people all exploded and turned into blood all over the ground.


"If someone wants to let you go, you always think that others are afraid of you."

"Tsk, tsk."

Su Chen shook his head, picked up the pack of cigarettes on the ground, and walked away.

He is strong now.


should say.

In Mucheng, he is invincible! He is God!


He is a mobile natural disaster.

A snap of the fingers.

It can make all life in this city die instantly.

This is the power of the curse!

Mucheng is divided into the core city area, which is where senior military officials and powerful lone wolf extraordinary people live. Every inch of land is precious. I heard that a house of 100 square meters costs ten kilograms of gold.

Gold can suppress weirdness, but it is hard currency.

It is much more valuable than crystal nuclei and even food.

outside the core urban area.

It was the military camp area, where Su Chen killed the patrolling guards before.

And then.

It's the extraordinary commercial area, ordinary neighborhoods, and this slum.

The extraordinary business area, as the name suggests, can only be entered by extraordinary people. It is mostly a place where extraordinary people go out to hunt monsters and conduct transactions. Here, ordinary people cannot enter at all unless they work inside.

Ordinary neighborhoods are where ordinary people live.

Call it an ordinary person.

In fact, it is not appropriate.

Those who can live here are ordinary people with high status. In fact, they are not ordinary people. There are many family members of extraordinary people among them.

Only the slums, a place full of simple shacks, are the real places where ordinary people live in the apocalypse. The atmosphere here is particularly desperate. It can almost be said that they are so desperate that they are waiting to die.


On the street, a man and a woman simply completed the transaction.

The man couldn't wait any longer, so he got on top of the woman on the street and kept going.

As for the woman, she was extremely skinny and obviously hungry. Even if she was pressed down and fucked, she kept stuffing the food she just got into her mouth and chewed it. It was suffocating to watch.

The food was not bread, but a black steamed bun. It looked like the lowest-grade noodles, mixed with straw and other disgusting monster meat.

Let's do it before the end.

I don't think anyone would even look at this kind of food.

Even if you feed the pigs, the pigs will probably turn their heads away in disgust.

The woman in front of her was eating with gusto. She had obviously been hungry for an unknown number of days.

In this ghetto, there aren't many rules.

But there is only one rule, and it is an iron law regarding women. Once violated, the butcher's knife of the Military Martial Arts Association will be merciless.

Can be traded.

But it cannot be forced.

Once pregnant, the pregnant woman will be taken over by the Military and Military Association, who will provide food and shelter. After giving birth to the child, the child will belong to the Military and Military Association, and the pregnant woman will be thrown back into the shanty town.

There is this rule.

No one dares to violate it.

However, this law does not protect men.

In a dark alley, Su Chen once saw a frail and immature man, surrounded by a group of skinny men who couldn't bring out food to find women, and howled in despair.

"What are you looking at?"

"You can fuck me even if you have food!"

Seeing Su Chen stop, the woman immediately asked for guests, and Su Chen turned around and left.

The reason was not just because the woman was ugly and old, but because he was being followed.

In Su Chen's ears.

There was also the woman's voice pleading to stay.

"You don't look like someone who lacks this little food."

"How about you give me one bite and I'll let you do it ten times?"

The sound faded away.

Su Chen had already gone far away, going around and around, choosing to go to deserted and uninhabited places.


When he came to a remote alley, he stopped and looked behind him, only to see a dark and thin figure with only one pair of shining eyes staring at him.

At this time, he was sure that there were only two of them alive within ten miles, and there was no trace of anyone else.

"When I killed those men, you were following me."

"What's matter?"

Su Chen glanced.

There is a mark on this woman's head, lv1.

He should be an extraordinary person.

However, the color of the cursor is dim, obviously it has just been awakened not long ago.

"Could it be that you want to rob me?"

Su Chen's eyes flashed.

At lv1, he goes out to rob, which is very consistent with the characteristics of the slums.

Who would have guessed.

next moment.

This dark and thin figure began to take off his clothes.

"Could it be that you want to make a surprise attack while I'm looking away?"

Su Chen looked straight at it.

This dark and thin figure turned out to be a girl, but she had a withered and mediocre figure, and her appearance could only be considered unsatisfactory. Her short, sloppy hair didn't look feminine at all.

He prefers girls like Su Xiaoyi with long flowing hair and gentleness.

"I use my body to make a deal with you."

"Please teach me how to become stronger!"

"There are people I want to kill no matter what!"

The girl took off her clothes and walked in front of Su Chen, her eyes still shining brightly.

It was not that he was planning to take action against Su Chen.

Su Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, finally no longer having to kill anyone.

Along the way, he finally met a normal person. Wait, he wasn't actually a normal person, but fortunately, he was not someone who came to provoke him and then seek death.

"No interest,"

"You don't have the characteristics of physical enhancement and monster fusion. You can't be a ghost master even if you think about it. You should be an extraordinary person on the awakening path."

"Use your abilities well."

"You should be able to barely live a good life in this city."

"There's actually no point in beating and killing people."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he was about to leave the girl.

next moment.

He stopped.

Because at the entrance and exit of the alley, another girl appeared, with a slightly slender figure and the same dazzling eyes. Her body was dirty and her appearance was unrecognizable, and she walked in.

To say that the previous one was just a stunted tomboy.

The current one is the age and appearance of a high school girl.

"You didn't like that one."

"how about this?"

"My physical body is also clean, do you like it?"

"Please teach me to become stronger. I can make deals with you in both my physical bodies."

This dirty girl about the age of a high school girl also took off her clothes, knelt on the ground submissively, raised her butt, and waited for Su Chen to do it.


Su Chen supported his waist.

He really couldn't accept any of them.

Ling Xueyi's strategy was very effective, and he was almost drained of everything.


Ling Xueyi, worthy of being in her thirties, had squeezed him out, and even if he wanted to flirt with women, he wouldn't be able to do it in the short term.

"What ability is this?"

"Is level 1 so strong?"

Su Chen stopped and became slightly interested.

Is this mind control?

Not quite.

Doll making.


The two people in front of me are extremely vivid flesh and blood, and they don't look like people being controlled.

"Not satisfied yet?"

"Is it because both of my bodies look dirty?"

"Then wait a moment."

"I'll find someone you like to make a deal with you."


In the dark alley, another figure appeared. This time, he was obviously sincere. His skin was as white as snow, his breasts were big, his legs were long, and he had the charm of a mature woman. His eyes were also shining, and he knelt down. In front of Su Chen, he was waiting for Su Chen's action.

After a long silence.

The girls, as well as female high school students and young women, all looked at Su Chen complicatedly, as if they were hesitant to speak.

"You can't do it, right..."

Hear this.

Su Chen almost had his nose twisted with anger.

He can't?

How can it be!

In the past two days and two nights, Ling Xueyi and Bai Yingying were all made to scream and beg for mercy. He was very normal and capable.

It just happened that I was out of shape these two days.

"Put some clothes on."

"Let me come out and see you."

"Your ability is obviously more than level 1 extraordinary."

"You don't want to meet, but you don't have much sincerity. I'm very curious about your abilities."

Su Chen said.


I saw three women, all with hesitant expressions on their faces.

"If I wanted to find you, it would be easy."


Su Chen stretched out his hand.

The ghost hand ability is activated.

Capture from thousands of miles away!

Even if he is thousands of miles away, if he wants to arrest someone, he can still catch him at the scene.


Su Chen's ghostly hand appeared holding a lame girl in a wheelchair.

This girl can be said to be the most exquisite girl Su Chen has ever seen. She is like a porcelain doll, with exquisite and three-dimensional senses. But the scars on her face destroy all the beauty like centipedes.

"You're interested in a disabled person like me."

"It's not impossible."

"It's just that I scratched my face to avoid scaring you. If you are willing to trade, my body is clean and can be traded to you, as long as you teach me to become stronger."

With that said, the girl limped down from the wheelchair and crawled all the way to Su Chen.

Both of her legs were severely beaten.


She took off her doll-like palace clothes, revealing her body as white as mutton-fat white jade.

The first time she showed herself in front of strangers, even though the girl had already made up her mind and was willing to pay any price, she was still a little uneasy and nervous.


Su Chen snapped his fingers.


Including the main body, all the girls and women present were dressed.

Another snap of fingers.


Several people present, including Su Chen, all disappeared in the Mu City and came outside the Mu City.

This is the fallen city area outside the Mu City.

Monsters are circling.

Su Chen and several others were in a villa. Su Chen sat lazily on the sofa and motioned the girl to do it.

He had too many monster characteristics and ghost puzzles.

So many that Su Chen couldn't tell how many abilities he had.

"What are your abilities?"

Su Chen asked the most curious question.

The wheelchair girl who was slumped on the sofa, forced herself to sit up, and looked at Su Chen with some fear and anxiety. The man in front of her was so powerful that she was afraid, and some were too beyond her expectations.

She originally thought that the man in front of her was only at the peak level 4 supernatural king.


The peak level 4 supernatural king can move people to the occupied area more than ten miles away in an instant.


Make the monsters in the nearby occupied area retreat instantly and dare not approach here at all?

"My name is Yun Xuexue."

"The ability is clone!"

Yun Xue looked at the window with some fear.

Outside the villa, the circling monster figure, she actually saw a rumored level 4 monster, but even a level 4 monster was still running away in fear, as if it was afraid and fleeing.

What is it afraid of?

It is impossible that it is afraid of her weak human food.

There is only one possibility.

The elegant and handsome young man in front of him is an extremely terrifying life, and it may not even be human.

"My ability is clone."

"Every three months, I can separate a clone seed and occupy the body of a woman who has just died not long ago."

As she said, Yun Xuexue pulled the thin and short girl who came out first.

"This girl is from the slums. Her mother was insulted and became pregnant. She was dragged into the breeding base of the Military Association. No one took care of her and she starved to death in the ditch. I found her and made her into a clone."


Yun Xuexue, who had pulled the somewhat dirty but normal-looking high school girl, said.

"This is an unclaimed body in the morgue."

"I stole it and made it into a clone."

Finally, Yun Xuexue looked at the beautiful woman with a curvy figure who obviously took care of herself every day, and hatred appeared in her eyes.

"This is my sister."

"She betrayed me, and I killed her and made her into my most powerful clone."


Yun Xuexue looked at Su Chen.

"But don't worry, these are all my clones now, and they are one with my senses. I am extremely sincere in trading with you, using my body in exchange for a powerful method."

"I definitely don't mean to perfunctorily treat you."

"I am willing to be your woman! Even if it's just a female slave!"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes.

The first slum girl was a level 1 supernatural.

The second girl who looked like a high school student was also a level 1 supernatural.

The third, a beautiful woman, was a level 3 supernatural.

As for Yun Xuexue.

Su Chen took a look.

In the field of vision.

Her level was not fixed, and it kept flashing between lv1-lv3.


Su Chen became interested.

To be honest.

This was the first time he encountered such a special ability and an awakening path ability user without a real level.

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