Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 124 Level 5 crystal core obtained!

In the wilderness.

A motorcycle is speeding.


The motorcycle arrived at the edge of the steel city wall of Makujo.

The guard on the ground was extraordinary and suddenly became alarmed. He pointed the gun in his hand at the motorcycle that was approaching rapidly and issued a stern warning.

"Stop immediately, turn off the engine, and get inspected, or else!"

The four words "shoot to kill without mercy" were not even uttered before he could say it.

This extraordinary guard was pulled by his companion beside him.

"Are you...are you crazy?"

"Don't you even read the license plate?"

"This car is... the car of that crazy woman. If you dare to stop her, will you die?"

The extraordinary companion on duty beside him spoke with a trembling voice.

But after saying that.

His face turned pale and he instantly became extremely frightened.

With the peak level 4 extraordinary king, especially the five senses of the monster path, what he said was definitely heard by this crazy woman.


He's going to die here!

The motorcycle returning in front of me is the madwoman who went to Makucheng to perform intelligence work, the fifth giant.


The motorcycle soars into the sky.

Under the helmet, Chu Yue just glanced at the two guards Chaofan indifferently, but did not kill them.

No longer affected by the monster's will.

She is not so crazy now and kills people at every turn.

That's right.

She is the fifth giant in Makujo.


The two of them watched Chu Yue go into the city to guard Chaofan. They were left with some doubts in their hearts.

This crazy woman, who kills people at every turn, why has she changed her gender now?


core urban area.

Villa area.

After Chu Yue took a shower, she had just changed into clean clothes and was about to have some fun when she suddenly heard a piece of news.

The Military Council held a meeting with the highest seats.

I heard that after she came back.

Let her attend this meeting as soon as possible,

As for the main content of the meeting, it is...


"Discuss how to deal with the savior god in Jiangcheng?"

Chu Yue was scared to death.

this moment.

She couldn't help but look towards the sky.

The sky above Mucheng.

There were armed helicopters one after another, using searchlights to look for something.

At first she thought it was strange.

Now I finally understand.


Chu Yue only felt that it was whimsical.

Using an armed helicopter to deal with a level 5 being is really a shame for these old guys from the Military Martial Arts Association.

As someone who has experienced every scene in Yucheng, she knows very well how powerful the country of evil spirits in Yucheng is.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that he can travel everywhere at level 5.

Not to mention the level five evil spirits.

Even if a red-clothed one arrives, it can easily kill their Tokugawa Military Association.

But such a terrifying Yucheng, a country where evil spirits are rampant, was killed by Su Chen!

God of salvation!

At this time, Chu Yue even suspected that Su Chen might really be the god who truly came to the world to save the world as the Salvation Cult said.


There is no way to explain Su Chen's powerful life level.

"These old guys, who are worse than pigs and dogs, don't even think about taking me with them even if they want to die."

"Damn it."

"It's hard to survive from his hands. He wants level 5 crystal cores. These old guys should kneel on the ground and give him what he wants with both hands. Still want to resist? I will be the first to kill you. "

Chu Yue cursed, simply changed her clothes and went out.

at the same time.

She didn't want to admit it either.

When she learned that Su Chen had arrived in Mucheng, her heart was beating fast and she felt a sense of anticipation.

That powerful man could control her life at will, which was really fascinating.

It would be even better if he could die in the hands of that man.

After getting the ghost puzzle.

With her organs hollowed out by the ghost closet, Chu Yue became even more morbid. Now, she was no longer just as simple as a bloodthirsty madman.

"He wants level 5 crystal cores, so I will kill these old guys, kneel on the ground, and offer them to him with both hands."

"In this case, maybe he will look at me more."

Chu Yue breathed heavily.

Her madness rose again, her eyes were red, and she licked her lips, showing a trace of bloodthirsty.

"Old guys."

"It's time to blast the gold coins!"

"For me to carry out such a dangerous mission, it's time for you to have a taste of what I got from Yucheng."

on her.

A ferocious red-clothed ghost hovered over her body.

"How many clones do you have?"

"let me see."

Look at the flashing rank mark above the girl's head.

Su Chen guessed.

This Yun Xue's ability is somewhat special.

She probably relied on making clones to increase her rank.

Currently, her most powerful avatar is Level 3 Transcendent, so her mark is that the level is capped at Level 3.

Will there be no limit to this ability?

Su Chen's eyes flickered.

For example, can a Level 5 or Level 6 Extraordinary be directly made into a clone by Yun Xue in front of her?

if so.

The value of Yunxue in front of me is great.

He took her into his harem, no, he took her into his harem. He had stopped taking her into his harem a long time ago.

If this is the case, it would be extremely valuable to take Yun Xue as his subordinate.

"I have another one."

"Do you want them all?"

"Would your body be unbearable?"

Yun Xue looked at Su Chen ambiguously. She had obviously misunderstood something, thinking that Su Chen wanted to take her and the harem all at once.

That's not what Su Chen meant.

Opened his mouth.

Su Chen wanted to explain, but in the end he sighed and said nothing.

He is a gentleman.

When the time comes, he will just speak with facts.


Su Chen snapped his fingers, and soon the last clone appeared in the villa at the address provided by Yun Xue.

This is an extremely beautiful woman.


It should be said that he is like the elf archer in the animation, with golden hair, pointed elf ears, and clothes made like green leaves, but his rank is very weak, he is only a level 2 extraordinary archer.

"Test your abilities first."

Su Chen closed his eyes.

In a blink of an eye.

He felt as if his soul had left his body, and his consciousness expanded rapidly, almost covering the entire Makucheng in the occupied area.

At this moment, he was like a god.

He saw everything.

This is a new ability developed by Su Chen after feeding divinity with the power of faith, which is very good.

Like a god, he looks down at the entire world.

He saw everything in Mucheng.

Even the top-level meeting of the Tokugawa Military Association, the highest building, was being held. At this moment, he was observing.

That's right.

He was sitting in on a meeting where they were discussing how to deal with him.


Su Chen himself listened with great interest.

"It's a bit interesting, but not much."

"Such as gunpowder bombing and introducing monster lairs are of no use to me now."


Su Chen is now as strong as a god. In front of him, these so-called peak level 4 kings are no different from ants.

Naturally, he doesn't care what the ants say about him.

Anyway, when the time comes, just lift your foot and trample him to death.

A level 4 peak extraordinary ant.

Still just ants.


Su Chen chose the target.

Among the people at the conference table, the person who spoke and acted the most vehemently against him was the younger, mature and feminine Peak Level 4 Extraordinary King.

"The decision is yours."


In a blink of an eye.

Su Chen snapped his fingers.

In the conference room.

Suhana, furious, was constantly afraid of hitting the table.

"Jiangcheng is Jiangcheng!"

"The curtain city is the curtain city!"

"Our Military Martial Arts Association and the Jiangcheng Salvation God Sect are in conflict with each other."

"You want a level 5 crystal core? Haha, even if he has a level 5 life, we still have to tear off a piece of his flesh. In Yang City, there were level 5 monsters with level 5 lives. It's not like we haven't killed them before, so we're afraid that he will do it. What?"

"When he comes, kill him!"

Suhana roars.

As the second giant of the Military Martial Arts Association and someone who also has the opportunity to step into Level 5 life, she has been peeping at the two Level 5 crystal cores for a long time.

It won't be long.

The first giant attacks the evolutionary path. Level 5 life, either succeeds or dies. Then it will be her turn for the second level 5 crystal core. At this time, a God of Savior from Jiangcheng jumps out and wants to use the two How is it possible to take away all the fifth-level crystal nuclei!

"I want the level 5 crystal core, unless I die!"

Suhana roared, venting her emotions.

"Fire Lady! Calm down..."

The other giants wanted to persuade, but as soon as they finished speaking, they were suddenly stunned.

Above the seat of the second giant.

Where is the slightest trace of Suhana?

ah? !

what happened!

what happened?

Suhana is a peak level 4 extraordinary king, and her strength is terrifying. It is the path of fire awakening, plus the evolutionary path. She is a double peak level 4 extraordinary king. Her strength is absolutely first-class. In the end, she turned out to be in front of them. His face disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"It must be Jiang Chengzhi who took action!"

The first giant, the old man with white hair and green clothes, was the first to jump up.

The scene boiled instantly.

They didn't even see the Lord of Jiangcheng, a level 5 being, and they lost a second-strongest giant-level figure.

Is this level 5 life?

Why is it different from a level 5 monster? It is simply a level in two dimensions.

Such a powerful and unpredictable method.

Can they really beat him?


People are panicked.

Some giants even looked at the number one giant, the old man, who was hesitant to speak. He obviously wanted the Military Council to give up these two fifth-level crystal cores and turn the conflict into friendship.

not to mention.

It is not necessary to give up two coins.

In fact, maybe the other party will be satisfied after giving up a level five crystal core.

By the time.

Isn’t there still a fifth-level crystal core that can be used by the No. 1 giant?


"By now,"

"Perhaps, peaceful development is the best strategy..."

At this time, the number one giant didn't have enough energy anymore and wanted to fight to the death with level 5 beings. He sighed and wanted to take out one of the level 5 crystal cores.


next moment.

The door opened.

Chu Yue, dressed in red, entered the Supreme Council room.

"Chu Yue, you are back."

"Just right!"

"We are discussing how to start a war with Jiangcheng..."

"Ah! Chu Yue, you..."

As soon as a giant finished speaking, he was so horrified that he was speechless.

Because at this moment, Chu Yue's aura is too weird, and his complexion is like a dead person. There are all peak level 4 extraordinary kings present, with keen senses, but no one can feel the presence of Chu Yue. The temperature of a living person, and the most important heartbeat sound...

Chu Yue is dead.

He died in Yucheng, a country of evil spirits.


This thought came to everyone's mind.

Take another closer look.

Chu Yue is not wearing a red dress!

It’s clearly a bloody ghost costume!

The fierce ghost in red!

Chu Yue grew strange and turned into a red-clothed ghost, returning to the curtain city.

"Oh My God!"

" clothes..."

The scene was boiling.

Everyone wants to escape from here like crazy.

The red-clothed fierce ghost is said to be at the 5th level, and it is as famous as the monster path, and even more powerful than the evil spirit path. Its combat effectiveness can be imagined.

"I'm not dead!"

"But it's your turn to die!"

"He wants the crystal core. If you don't give it to him, I will!"

"Kill you!"

"When the time comes, I will offer the crystal core with both hands, and he may be able to look at me one more time."

Chu Yue smiled sickly.


She took action!


"This woman has been corrupted by the will of the monster a long time ago. I have told you to kill her as soon as possible. Now it's better. Not only did she not die in Yucheng, but she came back in Hong Yi, the path of the evil spirit."

"And it gets crazier!"

The highest conference room was in chaos, and screams and curses could be heard from time to time.

Scarlet blood clothes are the most eye-catching color tonight.

Chu Yue, in front of Su Chen, was just a weakling who could look like whatever she wanted.

But after returning to Tokugawa.

She went crazy!

Even the number one giant who was said to be closest to the level 5 life on the evolutionary path was almost beaten to death by her.

She single-handedly conquered the highest level of the entire Tokugawa Military Association.

The other side.

At the bottom of this tall building, a group of shadows boiled in the darkness, and finally gathered into a blurry figure whose face could not be seen clearly. It was the disappeared Gangzi, a terrifying sixth-level life.

Gangzi looked at the power fluctuations coming from the top floor with some confusion.


He looked at the fresh-keeping warehouse in front of him.

Two level 5 crystal nuclei are stored here.

As the headquarters of the Military Martial Arts Association, the guard here is very tight. It is not the extraordinary human beings who are on duty here, but the extraordinary zombie tyrant from Yang City, and the tens of thousands of elite monster zombie legions controlled by the tyrant.


In front of Gangzi, it is useless.

They had long since turned into crystal nuclei on the ground, and were thrown into the body in the darkness by Gangzi.

That zombie tyrant didn't make any progress.

It's still just a level 4 peak monster.

this moment.

Gangzi put his hand into the safe, and then took out the two level 5 crystal cores through the safe. The level 5 crystal nuclei beat like a heart, emitting powerful fluctuations.

At this moment, two level 5 crystal cores were obtained.

Su Chen didn't even come here.

The Military Martial Arts Association thinks too highly of themselves. The extraordinary force composed of a bunch of rubbish is not worthy of Su Chen's current attention.

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