Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 126 130,000 energies!

Looking at the room full of women, Su Chen was in a mess. He was very upset because he had made a mistake again.

"I'm sorry for you."


"Obviously during this period of time, I have written the virtues of men in my heart more than ten times, but the result is still..."

"You can't blame me!"

"I refused! I should have refused..."

Su Chen felt guilty for a while.

Fortunately, he quickly remembered that this was Mucheng, not Jiangcheng, and there was still a wall of time between them.

It should be the same as in Yucheng.

Not a big problem.

As long as it's not discovered, there shouldn't be any big problems.

Su Chen quickly regained his energy.

Seeing that Yun Xue and the others were still sleeping, Su Chen got up early and looked at the time, but then suddenly remembered that he had traveled through the wall of time and could not directly look at the machine that recorded time.

as expected.

The ancient mechanical clock in the villa instantly collapsed and turned into parts all over the floor.


"Master Su Chen, don't you even know this bit of common sense?"

"While walking through the wall of time, I couldn't look directly at the machine that recorded time. I thought that Mr. Su Chen understood everything and knew everything. After all, you are a level 5 being, a savior god walking in the world."

"Haha, will this rule still apply to gods?"

This sinister, sarcastic voice.

Su Chen raised his eyes.

As expected, it was the woman Suhana.

at this time.

Suhana, wearing loose home clothes that she didn't know where to find in the villa, was holding her chest, looking at Su Chen coldly, gritting her teeth, looking like she wanted to eat Su Chen alive.

The clone cannot harm the main body.

Suhana's avatar can still retain the will of the main body. It is obviously Yun Xue's deliberate act to make Suhana live and suffer this humiliation.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

Su Chen glanced at Suhana.


Suhana, recalling the madness last night, blushed so much that she almost bled.

"Dog man."

"Even if you take over my body, you can't take over my heart."

Suhana gritted her teeth, turned around and got into the kitchen, and started preparing dinner for Su Chen.

This is controlled by Yun Xue's will left in Suhana's body.


Breakfast is ready.

Yun Xue and others also walked out of the bedroom.

The other clones, including Suhana, all came to squeeze Su Chen's waist and rub his legs. Only Yunxue, supported by the clone, yawned, sat lazily in Su Chen's arms, and ate breakfast. .


Yun Xue said hello to Su Chen.


Su Chen rubbed the little head of this porcelain doll-like girl.

Although he often has a harem.

But the emotion invested is real.

Looking at Yun Duo's lame legs and the scars on his face, Su Chen glanced at Suhana who was unwilling to rub his shoulders. This made Suhana couldn't help but shudder, remembering The madness last night suddenly calmed down.

She didn't want to be dragged into the room by Su Chen again, or Yun Xue pulled Su Chen into the room.

She is a fierce and aloof flame Valkyrie.

The humiliation last night was enough once.

"You can't blame me."

"At that time, we were each in our own way. I didn't know that we would reach this point."

Su Chen ignored her.

Think about it.

The monster tendons in the body separated into several strips and penetrated into Yun Xue's leg muscles.


Yunxue's legs started to feel.


"Can I walk?"

Yun Xue's face was full of surprise and she couldn't help but jump to the ground. Unable to adapt, she almost softened and fell to the ground. Fortunately, Su Chen picked her up with one hand.

"Be careful, don't be so rash."

"You are now the master of Mucheng, the leader of the Savior Cult and the Mucheng branch."

Su Chen supported Yun Xue and carefully protected the girl.

at the same time.

Su Chen secretly used his ability to heal the scars on Yun Xue's face, but found that the scars on Yun Xue's face were surrounded by an inexplicable power, making it impossible for him to do this.

For Su Chen, this was simply unimaginable.

With his level 5 life and the special power bestowed by divinity, it is not impossible to regenerate a severed limb, let alone heal the scar.


But it didn't work on Yun Xue.

"What exactly caused this wound?"

Su Chen's divine power was wiped out.

The other side.

After hearing Su Chen's arrogance about letting Yun Xue dominate Mucheng, Suhana couldn't help but become angry again.

"There is still a military guild in Makujo."

"The current Mucheng City has a population of nearly 50,000. It is a city worthy of its name. It is not so easy to plunder it by force."

Suhana always likes to provoke Su Chen.


Still not aware of his current situation.

"Suhana, come with me."

Su Chen came to the bedroom and curled his fingers at Suhana, who had flaming red hair.

Suhana's face turned red instantly.

What can be done when entering a small room? She has experienced it last night, can she still not know it?

Instantly, she wanted to refuse.


Yun Xue did not give her a chance to refuse.


Yun Xue activated her ability instantly.

Suhana walked into the bedroom uncontrollably, and soon, the bedroom door was closed reluctantly by Suhana.

"This hateful dog man will be killed sooner or later."

Suhana gritted her teeth.


Su Chen walked out of the small room.

He also learned some secret things about Mucheng from Suhana's mouth.

Just say.

The scars and wounds on Yun Xue's face were scratched with something.

"Is there actually a strange gate to different time and space in Mucheng?"

"Did she take back some fragments of the Gate of Different Time and Space and then scratch Yun Xue's face?"

Su Chen was very interested in the gate to different time and space.

Some of the fragments were able to retain terrifying power on the wounds, making it impossible for him to remove his divinity. One can imagine how terrifying this thing's rank must be, definitely above lv7.

To know.

Even in a ghost town, Su Chen was able to resist the curse imposed by the strange beings at level 7.

But it couldn't expel the remaining power of this thing.

"We have to find a way to get it."

"If Suhana hadn't been sleeping with her, no one would have thought that such a high-level thing could be hidden in Mucheng."

There was no hesitation.

Su Chen snapped his fingers and left the villa. When he appeared, he was already above the sky of Mucheng.

This huge curtain city, even if it had extraordinary protection means, was still in vain in front of him, it was just the same thing as a decoration.

Looking down at the entire curtain city.


Gangzi, who felt Su Chen's arrival, turned into a shadow, rose into the sky, and came to Su Chen's side in an instant, presenting the two level 5 crystal nuclei in his hand in front of Su Chen.

Two level 5 crystal nuclei left Gangzi's body.

The terrifying waves emitted.

In an instant, the monsters outside the city were attracted, and they were about to move.


Su Chen and Gangzi's dangerous aura was even stronger.

Therefore, these monsters are just ready to move and do not dare to get close to this city at all.

"First find a place to count the harvest."

Su Chen picked up his strength, snapped his fingers, and instantly landed on the top floor of a tall building.

At this moment.

This place has been cleaned up.

But the smell of blood that filled the room was still strong and terrible.

Obviously, in that battle, many of the so-called giants of the Military Martial Arts Association were killed.

The entire Mucheng became turbulent because of this battle.

As the military martial arts association in charge of the Fortress, there are definitely not a few extraordinary people in the entire Fortress City, and there are definitely not a few extraordinary people even at level 4. However, the Big Seven are still just the Big Seven, and they are still the people from Yang City.

Many people who have achieved the level of extraordinary strength in level 4 are also ready to take action, eager to wait until the turmoil is over and directly take over.


Replace it with a martial arts meeting!

However, this built city, Mucheng, has been targeted by Su Chen for his savior god.

Naturally, these people have to step aside.

Mucheng already has a master, and that's Su Chen.

In the conference room on the top floor, Su Chen was still the same as before and started to dissolve the crystal core.

Everything has to be put aside.

It's not as important as him melting the crystal core and obtaining energy.

Not long after.

Gangzi released all the crystal nuclei hidden in his body, like a small mountain, which was close to the time when Yucheng looted the treasure house of the Wangting organization. Except for the level 4 crystal nuclei, there were only a lot more.

After all, it is a military martial arts association, and it is also an extraordinary organization that has been in charge of and controlled Bakuchong for a long time.


One by one, the crystal nuclei disappeared in Su Chen's hands.

Massive amounts of energy were accounted for.

There are basically no level 1 crystal nuclei.

They all start with level 2 cores.

Obviously, as a large extraordinary organization, it is the same, the level 2 crystal core can be impressive.

There are more than 13,000 level 2 crystal nuclei.

Level 3 crystal cores, two hundred pieces.

There is not a single level 4 crystal core. Apparently, they were all taken away by these military giants from Yang City to strengthen themselves, follow the evolutionary path, and improve their physical strength.

Level 2 crystal core, 50,000 energy.

Level 3 crystal core, 10,000 energy.

A total of 60,000 energy was obtained.

Although there is no Wangting organization that directly broke through the 100,000 mark, it is still extremely impressive.

Adding to Su Chen's original energy balance of 70135., the instantaneous energy once again broke through the 100,000 mark, reaching 130135.

As for the two level 5 crystal cores, one of them is obviously much smaller than the other, and it has obviously been drained of energy.

However, this does not prevent Su Chen from using it.

Part of the energy of the level 5 crystal core was consumed, and Su Chen just used his own energy points to make up for it.


135 energy disappears.

The slightly smaller Level 5 crystal core filled up instantly.

Su Chen still has 130,000 energy left.

These two level 5 crystal nuclei are:

① Giant Bird of Wind, level 5 monster, crystal core attribute: wind

② Mountain rock monster, level 5 monster, crystal core attributes: mountain, giant

A single-attribute crystal core. After looking around at the guard images, only the crossbow female warrior should be suitable. However, the current crossbow female warrior is only a lv2 guard. She is not with Su Chen yet and cannot be upgraded for the time being.

Another dual-attribute crystal core is most suitable for the Mountain Warrior, and the Mountain Warrior seems to be already lv5 and level 6, so there is no need for this level 5 crystal core. The other guards are suitable for this one. The possibility of crystal nuclei is not high.

"Have the things you were worried about finally come to light?"

"The crystal core properties are not suitable."

Su Chen couldn't help but frown.

As for now.

Both crystal cores are useless.

If he were to use it forcefully, he would need to go to Jiangcheng to pick up the crossbow female warrior.


Su Chen put these things behind him and began to investigate the conditions for upgrading to level 5 guards and upgrading to level 6 guards.

A lv6 guard has life equivalent to level 7 and still has combat power.

Under the premise of having 130,000 energy.

Su Chen couldn't wait.

The birth of a level 7 life form can definitely increase the speed of energy harvesting to another level.


In the three-dimensional image, Su Chen obtained the conditions for the birth of the lv6 guardian.

It's not difficult.

Very simple.

Only three hundred thousand energy points are enough.

"Three hundred thousand energy..."

Su Chen felt numb in his heart.

With these 130,000 energy in hand, the entire three counties of Yang City have been plundered.

If you want to search again.

I'm afraid we have to attack the two major urban areas that have fallen.

Or maybe.

Go to higher level areas.

"Fortunately, it only requires 170,000 energy to kill all the monsters in the two districts of Yang City, which may be enough."

Su Chen will go with Gangzi to do another thing next.

After sleeping with Suhana, I learned about the door to different time and space.

Suhana's mouth.

This door to different time and space does not lead to the world of purgatory, but to a small space. There are remnants of monsters and some ruins in it. Generally speaking, the danger is not great. At least they, the Tokugawa Army, will enter it. I searched for resources several times and found nothing.

The door to different time and space is located in the natural underground palace at the bottom of the curtain city.

The road leading directly to the natural underground palace is outside the curtain city.


Su Chen won't care about this.

He got into Gangzi's black mist body, and then fell rapidly. Soon, when he opened his eyes, he was already in a natural rock underground palace thousands of meters underground.

it's here.

There are still some traces of fighting, which have been extended to the center of the underground palace, the huge light and shadow door hundreds of meters high.

The door of light and shadow, the portal exudes azure brilliance.

The frame is made of metal.

in addition.

In the field of vision.

Su Chen stared at this portal for a long time, and finally saw the message he wanted to see.

lv9, damaged state.

The portal to the warp of fallen demigods.


Su Chen's eyes widened instantly.

This is probably the highest level he has seen since the end of the world.

If it is not damaged.

This gate must have such terrifying levels of suppression. Even if you do nothing, just approaching this gate, you will probably be crushed into pulp.

It's no wonder that his newly born divine power couldn't expel the remaining power attached to Yun Xue's scar.


However, Su Chen was more concerned about another point.

"Demigod level?"


He thought of the divinity he possessed.

Is there any connection between this?


If he continues to grow, he can also become a demigod.

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