Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 127 The mysterious gate of demigod!

"This world is slowly revealing its true face..."

"Demigod, huh?"

Su Chen looked at the portal and felt that hundreds of years ago, or even thousands of years ago, this portal had already stood in this natural underground palace. At that time, the purgatory world had not descended.

In other words.

In fact, the British Commonwealth had actually had extraordinary powers thousands of years ago.

At this time.

Su Chen felt that he actually didn't understand the whole world at all.


The world with extraordinary power is this planet. The true attitude of this world, like the previous technological society and civilization era, is the real heresy.


"What if you hide it?"

"I still twisted your head off!"

A morbid laugh sounded in the portal of different time and space.

Chu Yue, covered in blood, showed a madman's smile and walked out with a series of heads.

These heads were the giants of the Military Association.

Counting Suhana and the bloodstains in the conference room, the military association is now almost wiped out.


"Su Chen, when did you come?"

Chu Yue dropped the head in her hand and trotted all the way, trying to get closer to Su Chen.


Su Chen frowned and looked at her.

This woman was eroded by the monster's will before.

Originally thought that after the monster's organs were taken away, she should be a little normal. Now it seems that the monster's organs are gone, but the ghost energy brought by the evil ghost still affects this woman.

This makes Chu Yue crazy and sick.

Anyway, it's the end of the world.

Abnormal extraordinary strongmen are also normal.

"What's in here?"

Su Chen looked at Chu Yue and couldn't help asking.

As a member of the military association, he just stepped into the portal. Even if Chu Yue is a lunatic, Su Chen also wants to find out the information inside.

"What can there be?"

"It's just a desolate world and a bunch of useless ruins."

"Even the remaining monsters have been hunted down by the military forces!"

"This place was originally going to be transformed into a secret military training base, introducing some monsters to train the young forces of the new generation of military forces in Mucheng in the future, but nothing came of it..."

Chu Yue said everything she said obediently.

If she hadn't seen her crazy behavior, anyone would probably think she was a normal person.


"I know."


Su Chen snapped his fingers and sent Chu Yue out on the spot. As for the location, it immediately appeared on the wall of Mucheng.


It's time for him to explore the so-called lv9, the damaged demigod gate.


This is definitely a level above lv9.

Beyond the extraordinary, there are gods!

He is eager to know the truth of this world.

Gangzi took the lead in getting into the azure portal to test whether there is any danger inside.


Gangzi poked his head out and nodded.

There is no danger here.

In an instant, Su Chen changed into the appearance of monster armor, his wings vibrated, and the whole person was like an arrow from a bow, rolling up endless winds and rushing into this demigod gate.


All I could see was barren land.

There were not many plants.

Even the few trees were like ghost hands, withered trees, without any green, and I don’t know how long they have been dead.

The rest of the time, it was the wind that rolled up the sand and washed the world.

This world is not big, only about ten times the size of a county stadium. Su Chen stood in the sky and could see the top at a glance.

The sky is round and the earth is square!

That’s all.

No wonder the military association did not have much news about the so-called different time and space portal, because they did not pay attention to this place at all, and there were no resources and places worth paying attention to here.

"This is a dead little world."

This was the first thought that Su Chen had.

At a glance.

There is no rank at all.

There is not even any extraordinary material.


"I thought there would be some great discovery."

Su Chen explored for a while, but did not find anything valuable, anything that could interest him, so he was ready to leave.

But at this moment.

He turned his head and looked around.

He found that Gangzi had disappeared.

"What's the situation?"

"Is there any danger?"


Su Chen became alert.


Like a dull heartbeat.

The terrifying rank suppression enveloped Su Chen.

"Not good!"

"It must be a rank life above lv7!"

Su Chen's face changed drastically, and he instantly opened his divinity to resist.


It was at the moment when he opened his divinity.

The whole world instantly changed into another scene.

All the desolation disappeared, as if it was a dream.

He descended into a small world with picturesque scenery, clear waters, and lush vegetation. Here he even saw a mountain, a towering mountain that reached the sky, like the backbone of the world.

In the dark, he felt that there must be something on the top of this mountain.

"This small world is a bit strange."

"But there is no way, since I am here, I can't go back without getting something."

The wings vibrated.

As a life beyond the peak of level 5, Su Chen still has divinity as a trump card. He thinks that even if he faces a level 6 life, even if he is defeated, there is no problem in escaping.


Su Chen soared into the sky, rolling up endless winds, and in almost a blink of an eye, he landed on the top of this mountain.


There is a huge temple.

This temple is like it was formed directly on the mountain, without any traces of carving at all. It is similar to the natural underground palace outside, and it is extremely similar.

"It's interesting."

Su Chen rushed into the temple without much hesitation.

The temple is not big.

It is full of ancient characters.

There is also a tall statue of the Taoist Tongtian Sect Master.

Why is it Tongtian Sect Master? Perhaps it is because in the legend, all the subordinates of this god Tongtian Sect Master are monster-like demons and ghosts. Isn't this similar to the weird monsters rampant in the world now?

In front of the statue, there is only a bamboo slip and a Taoist sword.

The bamboo slip is made of unknown material, like bamboo and wood, but if you look closely, it looks a bit like it is made of human bones. What makes Su Chen particularly afraid is that there is a logo on the bamboo slip.

lv9, Ten Thousand Demons Atlas

"This painting style is a bit wrong."

"This should be the outbreak of the doomsday, how come it feels like cultivating immortals?"

Su Chen couldn't help but look away and looked at himself.

Fortunately, fortunately!

The clothes he wore were still modern warrior clothes, and he didn't suddenly change into ancient costumes, otherwise he would really feel that he had traveled through time.


Su Chen's eyes looked at another object, the Taoist peach wood sword.

Take a closer look.

It is forged from peach wood, which is normal.


With a glance from the corner of his eyes, he found that the peach wood sword was dripping blood continuously, and it twisted into a dead wood monster in the shape of a sword in an instant, crawling towards him fiercely, with a mark on its head, lv9, Abyss Evil Wood.



"Too weird!"

Su Chen couldn't help but take a step back.

He found that what he had just seen was all his illusion. There was nothing in front of the statue of Tongtian Sect Master in front of him. It was clearly empty, full of dust accumulated for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

In an instant, Su Chen snapped his fingers and even used his ability to leave this weird demigod gate.

"Not bad."

"My ability was not suppressed."

"It was successfully used."

In the natural underground palace.

Su Chen stood in front of the azure demigod gate in front of him, and couldn't help but breathe heavily. The warrior uniform on his body was soaked with cold sweat at some point.

Thinking back to now, everything I saw in the Demigod Gate still makes me feel scared.

"Is this what you told me, there is no danger inside?"

Su Chen couldn't help but look at Gangzi standing next to him.


Gangzi tilted his neck in confusion, a little puzzled.

"My Lord, what do you mean by this?"

"I didn't step into this strange door."

"On the contrary, you, my king, after you sent away the woman you met in Yucheng, you stared at this door for a long time..."

Gangzi's words were full of doubts, and instantly made Su Chen's fear reach the extreme.

His scalp was numb.

The whole person was almost scared, and his pupils shrank.

After a long time.

He actually didn't enter the Demigod Gate at all.

Instead, he fell into an illusion inexplicably...


It doesn't look like an illusion.

If combined with the classical mythology of the British Commonwealth, the scene he just saw was more like his soul being taken away and entering the portal, experiencing a dream, perhaps false or true.

However, Su Chen couldn't tell the difference at all.

He just felt that this demigod door was particularly evil and must be kept away from.


"Go now!"

"Immediately, immediately, go!"

Su Chen's wings vibrated, rolling up endless winds, and he was ready to leave this natural underground palace.


At this moment, Gangzi's face was rolling with dark fog, and his face, which should not have been able to see his facial features, seemed to have a smile outlined.

Everything is about to end!

He will be able to get out soon.

At this moment.

Su Chen suddenly braked, turned his head and looked at Gangzi, who was shrouded in a black fog behind him, and couldn't help asking.

"Who is my first woman?"

In a flash.

Gangzi answered.



At this moment, Su Chen realized that he had not left the Demigod Gate at all, and was still in the illusion of the Demigod Gate. The Gangzi in front of him was not Gangzi at all.

His first woman, all the guards knew very well, was Su Xiaoyi from the Savior God Cult.

The mistress recognized by all the guards!

"You've been exposed!"

At this moment, Su Chen did not continue to rush out of the underground palace. Instead, he thought about it and quickly locked on the half-body door in front of him.

Leaving the underground palace does not mean leaving the underground palace.

That is to say.

The real exit often lies in the most unexpected places.

At this moment, Su Chen dived into the azure door.


At this moment, the thing disguised as Gangzi finally appeared. It was the statue that looked like the leader of Tongtian.

At this moment.

Seeing that Su Chen had discovered the real way to survive, this statue of a god made of mud and soil became extremely angry. The mud on his body kept falling off, revealing his own monster appearance, and he let out a strange human-like roar.

"Get back here!"

"You should be sealed here for me, and I should use your body to escape, escape from this terrible prison that has imprisoned me for thousands of years..."

At this moment, a cursor suddenly appeared on the forehead of this terrifying monster.

Above lv9, evil beast, heavenly king level.

This is an evil beast!


Still the strongest among evil beasts.


At the critical moment, Su Chen narrowly avoided this almost fatal blow. All the divine brilliance burst out in an instant, sending Su Chen out of this terrifying demigod gate. world.

Su Chen rushed into the azure light and shadow portal.

this moment.

He returned to the real underground palace under the curtain city.

Turn around and look.

In the azure light and shadow portal, a twisted, human-like evil beast was still roaring at him. I wonder what he was saying?


Gangzi came closer, tilted his neck, and looked at Su Chen with some confusion.


"stay away from me."

"What am I doing here in this city? What is the most valuable resource for me?"

Su Chen said quickly.

At the same time, he looked at Gangzi in front of him with a wary face.

In the illusion, the first level can appear, and the second level can appear. He must be vigilant, otherwise, he may really fall into this unknown place.


Gangzi didn't speak, he just tilted his neck.

a long time.

"Crystal core."

Gangzi just uttered a sentence with difficulty.

Su Chen's bodyguards have always been people who don't like to talk. They are just guys who just work hard.

Especially Gangzi.

Since his birth, I have never heard of Gangzi saying so many coherent words.

The last time I talked the most was when I was loyal.

In the illusion, the evil beast monster made Su Chen suspicious at this point.

"Sure enough, this is Gangzi."

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did it become clear.

He escaped.

He almost fell down in the Demigod Gate just now.

If he fled towards the underground palace, he would obviously obey the will of the evil beast, and it could easily take over Su Chen's body. Only the azure portal was the real way for Su Chen to escape.

"lv10, the king's level?"

Su Chen stared at the twisted, human-like evil beast in the azure portal, staring at him with twisted malice.

After getting into Gangzi's body, he quickly disappeared.

They left the underground palace.

"Damn it!"

"I actually exposed my secret,"

"I had such a great opportunity to break free from the seal, and get a seed body that is on the road to becoming a demigod. I actually wasted such a great opportunity."


"I still have a chance. When the timelines are unified and the world is recast, I still have a chance to escape."

"wait for me!"

"I will definitely kill you, take your body, and become a saint, or even a demigod!"

This sealed evil beast king roared.

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