Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 128 Quasi-seventh level!

"damn it!"

"What on earth is that demigod gate?"


"It's so dangerous!"

"Why is it that nothing happens when people from the Tokugawa Military Association enter, but as soon as I enter, I directly attract a terrifying being with an extraordinary level of lv9 or above?"

Su Chen panicked and fled up the wall of the Tokugawa Military Association.

to date.

He still felt guilty.

What the hell.

I thought I could gain something, but in the end I almost lost my life and ran out in embarrassment.


At this time, Su Chen truly understood his own weakness.

What about lv5 guards and level 6 combat power?

The monsters on the opposite side even exist in the real world with levels of kings above level 9.


In the world of purgatory, there is absolutely no shortage of terrifying beings at the Heavenly King level, or even those above the Heavenly King level.

Even the pinnacle of extraordinary levels, lv9, is nothing at all.


"We must upgrade quickly!"

"I must hurry up and have lv6 guards, or even lv7, lv8, lv9, until I can fight King Hongtian's terrifying guards!"

Su Chen gritted his teeth.

Originally he thought he was strong enough.

I've been a little slack lately.


It was a real wake-up call for him.

He had a glimpse of the real world of extraordinary levels. In the face of truly powerful beings, low-level beings were really as weak as ants, at the mercy of others.

If it weren't for the divine radiance that blocked him for that moment, he really wouldn't have been able to escape anyway.

At this moment.

Su Chen particularly longed for powerful power.

All things have been forgotten by him. The only most important thing now is to become stronger.


Su Chen called out.


The roar caused by the car started.

There were ripples in the void before his eyes, and then a luxury car with its own lighting effects rushed out. It was Su Chen's Rolls-Royce Phantom Warrior.

"Take me to the Second District of Yang City."

Su Chen said.

Gangzi also quickly got into the shadow at Su Chen's feet.

"I obey your command, my king!"

Phantom Warrior responded.


After Su Chen got into the driver's seat.

The Phantom Warrior once again unleashed his ability to travel through space.

Space movement is an extremely useful ability.

Even the wall of time that could block level 5 and level 6 lives was nothing in front of Su Chen's eyes.

In a blink of an eye.

spanned a distance of tens of kilometers.

The sky above Yangshi.

The phantom warrior fell from the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"I'm sorry, my king. I moved such a long distance all at once and crossed two time walls. I really didn't grasp the distance well."

The voice of the Phantom Warrior came from the speakers in the car.

To this.

Su Chen didn't take it seriously.

All his eyes were attracted by the urban area of ​​Yangshi in front of him.

The original Yang City was an extremely prosperous city.

Although looking at the entire Great Britain Association, it is only a third-tier small city, but with the help of land finance and a massive population, the economy has grown. Among third-tier cities, it is considered to be an excellent development.

Lively entertainment and busy traffic.

Even at three o'clock in the morning, there are commercial streets that are extremely noisy.

But now.

Monsters take hold.

Countless zombies are running rampant.

This place has completely turned into a dead city.

Not a trace of living breath remained.

"This is it."

Su Chen casually walked into a hotel, found a room and got in.

When he got into the hotel.

The zombies, monsters, and weirdos that were entrenched in this hotel all fled outside like crazy.

The powerful monster aura on Su Chen made them feel scared.

Zombies, monsters, weird, although they don't have much wisdom, but the instinct to seek good fortune and avoid danger, just like wild beasts, still exists.

Today's Su Chen.

The strength is so strong that it can crush the Yangshi map.

It is perfectly normal for such a scene to occur.

Among the hotels.

Su Chen took out the special material of level 7, the severed horn of the evil beast.


There is no way this broken horn of an evil beast can be compared with the level of the evil beast king of those who were sealed in the Gate of Demigods.

But it was still not something Su Chen could absorb easily.

"You little human being, you don't know whether to live or die!"

The evil beast broke off its horn, as if it had sensed Su Chen's intention. The consciousness born within it instantly became extremely furious and emitted a terrifying brilliance, as if it wanted to frighten Su Chen.


Su Chen also glowed with brilliance.

That is the radiance of divinity.

At this moment, Su Chen was like a gambler. The flesh and blood fibers on his body stood up and pulled towards the broken corner.

"A mere broken corner dares to be so rampant."

"Come in!"

Su Chen roared.

The monster characteristics on the body are all screaming and vibrating, reaching a terrifying synchronized frequency, actually trying to suppress the consciousness in the broken horn.


The sense of broken angle is very strong.

Resisting the monster's characteristic will and the divine brilliance in Su Chen's body, he was still at ease.


It was the evil ghost puzzles in Su Chen's body.

Endless, various evil ghost phantoms that died in the hands of the Fire Ghost King came out of Su Chen's body, and then covered the brilliance of the broken horn like moths to a flame.

This is irreversible.

Every time one of these evil ghost puzzles is wiped out, one puzzle is less on Su Chen's body.

If all are wiped out.

Su Chen's rank will immediately fall, from a life beyond the peak of level 5, to an ordinary level 5 life, or even a level 4 life.

This is a gamble.

"Ants, dare to shake the master in purgatory?"

"You, don't know whether to live or die!"

The evil beast's horn was broken, and its consciousness finally realized that the situation was not good.

It also appeared immediately.

A single horn, a dragon head, dark scales, thick claws, a body like a python, and a pair of terrifying dark bone wings on its back that covered the sky.

At this moment, the appearance of the evil beast stood out.

It was also an illusory shadow, but it seemed particularly solid, just like a substance.


The evil beast's shadow roared and pounced on the terrifying evil ghost shadows that were everywhere.


Pieces of puzzles on Su Chen's body were constantly destroyed.


Su Chen's rank fell.

He fell back to level 5 life from surpassing the peak of level 5 life, and was even in danger, with the risk of falling back to level 4 life at any time.


Su Chen roared.

At this moment.

Gangzi, who was lurking under his feet, finally took action.

Level 6 life, with every move, was already like a terrifying existence walking in the mortal world.

In an instant.

With this hotel as the center, the overwhelming darkness enveloped the entire world. The hotel was dark in an instant, pitch black, the kind of darkness that you can't see your hand in front of you.

These darknesses are all Gangzi's body.

As a dark assassin, Gangzi has no substantial body at all.

At this moment.

The phantom of the evil beast burst into an angry roar.

"What is it?"

"Level 6 life, how can a level 6 life be born in the human world."


"You are also an alien life, why do you help this mortal in the human world."

The roar resounded.

The terrifying fluctuations burst out in the darkness.

It is obvious that Gangzi has fought with this evil beast dragon.

Countless dark chains, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, surged from all directions, and bound the evil beast dragon.

No matter how powerful this evil beast is.

Even if it is a lv9 purgatory life.

So what?


What is here is just a broken horn of his.

The broken horn of the evil beast is a lv7 material.

But this does not mean that the autonomous consciousness born from the broken horn of the evil beast is a terrifying life of level 7. It is at best a life of level 6.


Gangzi, who is also a life of level 6, took action and delayed it in an instant.

What Su Chen needed was not to wipe out this evil beast dragon.

"What I need is only this broken horn of the evil beast."

"This is your real source of power."


"It belongs to me!"

"Without the broken horn of the evil beast, you are like a tree without roots and water without source, and you will be annihilated in an instant."

Su Chen said indifferently.

Under his endless and costly losses, the broken horn of the evil beast in front of him, which was as crystal as jade and blooming with brilliant brilliance, was finally covered by the evil ghost puzzle on Su Chen's body, covering the brilliance.

On it, there was even a filth of the color like a red bloody robe.

Su Chen's aura was stained on this piece of evil beast's broken horn.

It was at this time.

Su Chen's evil spirit path foundation was finally exhausted.

He fell down.

From the peak of lv4, he fell to lv3. Now he is only at the level of 4th level life, no different from an ant.

"Bastard! Ant!"


The evil beast dragon was obviously forced into a dead end.

He was not the will of the evil beast remaining in the evil beast's broken horn.

It was the evil beast's broken horn, a high-level material, stained with other dead air, and the alternative consciousness born was actually not related to the evil beast itself.


If Su Chen really refined the evil beast's broken horn.

It would definitely die!


At this moment, the power of the evil beast dragon was burning crazily.

It burst out with terrifying power.

At this moment, it surpassed the 6th level of life, and even faintly touched the traces of the 7th level.

It was at this moment.

The entire Yang City, two districts and three counties, a hundred kilometers in radius, all the monsters above level 3, all the weird, all trembling wildly, looking at the direction of the hotel in Yang City, the illusory dragon that stood tall and roared at the world.

At this moment, this illusory dragon reached the quasi-level 7, making the entire Yang City tremble.

It broke through the dark cage that Gangzi's body turned into!

"I want to die, and I want to drag you to die with me!"

The roar was earth-shaking.

Within the scope of Yang City, all the extraordinary kings of level 4 and above were all frightened and their souls were trembling.

"This is a terrifying existence of life above level 5, or even level 6 or 7."

"What kind of enemy is it that can make such a terrifying dragon of life take him to death with him even if they both die together?"

"Oh my God!"

"Is there any way for humans to survive?"

"The two districts that fell in Yang City actually gave birth to such terrifying beings..."

Countless extraordinary beings are trembling.

Little did I know.

Now, this powerful dragon of life has been driven to a dead end by Su Chen.


"You have no chance!"

Su Chen smiled indifferently.

Even though the illusory dragon in front of him could burst out with majesty that could destroy the world, he didn't care at all.

Because everything is already over.

The outcome is decided!


The broken horn of the evil beast, which was wrapped in layers by countless ghost puzzle pieces, had lost all its luster. Hundreds of thick muscle fibers pulled the broken horn of the evil beast into Su Chen's body.


"don't want!"

The evil dragon roared.


The body was torn apart.

It disappears.

It disappears without a trace!

It's dead!

In fact, in the last scene, when it broke through the dark cage that Gangzi transformed into, it had already exhausted all the power it carried when it broke out.

The broken horn of the evil beast has been defiled by Su Chen's ghost puzzle.

It can't go back either.

At the last moment, it used its last bit of strength to bluff and looked like it could destroy the world. It was betting that Su Chen would become afraid and choose to escape. At that time, it could easily take back the broken horn. .

As long as more of the broken horns can come back, it can continue to absorb the terrifying power from the broken horns. By then, it will still be that immortal, quasi-level 7 life dragon.

By the time.

Crush Su Chen easily.


It lost the bet.

After suffering the stimulation at the Gate of Demigods, Su Chen was now an even crazier gambler than him, risking his life and everything.

"I won!"

“It’s winner-take-all time now.”

Su Chen laughed wildly.

at this moment.

His figure soared into the sky, his wings vibrated, and he stood in the sky of Yang City, looking down at the endless monsters of Yang City.

These level 3 monsters, even level 4 monsters, without exception, all had their heads lowered, with expressions of reverence on their faces, as if they were worshiping the birth of a monster king.

The evil beast cut off its horns and lost consciousness. The power contained in its body was like a treasure, exploding in Su Chen's body, warming Su Chen's flesh, blood, fibers, and various monster organs.

At this moment, Su Chen returned to the complete monster path.


we can even say.

Su Chen at this moment is on the path of an evil beast.

Above the two major paths of monsters and evil spirits, there is a more advanced path of evil beasts.

In a blink of an eye.

Su Chen, who fell to level 3 and was only at level 4, saw the logo on his head change instantly and returned to level 4.

And then.

It’s lv5!

Su Chen is now a genuine level 6 being.


That’s not all.

His rank was still rising, reaching the peak of level 6, and only stopped when he was approaching the seventh level.

At this moment.

Su Chen's appearance also changed.

He is no longer the monster in flesh and blood armor.

Instead, it was a cool black skeleton that covered the whole body, including the head, with armor that was as clear as black jade.

A pair of black bone wings on the back exudes a black aura, as sharp as a god, full of majesty, and cannot be offended.

At this moment, anyone who sees Su Chen will not think that he is a human being, but will think that he is a terrifying monster king and an absolutely powerful super boss!

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