Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 129 The guard lost contact!

In Yang City, centered on the hotel where Su Chen stayed, everything within a radius of 500 meters disappeared, turning into a black sinkhole, full of traces of scorched earth.

The terrifying power that the Dragon of Life erupts before dying can be said to be devastating to the world. Even a level 5 life within this range will definitely be destroyed.

Fortunately, Gangzi is a level six being.

As for the Phantom Warrior, seeing that the situation was not good, he had already sneaked away.

"Congratulations, my king!"

The dissipated darkness gathered and turned into Gangzi's fragmented body.

It was almost killed by the Dragon of Life.


Gangzi is already at level 6. It is still difficult to kill Gangzi for a life dragon that has not reached level 7.

"Go hunt for the crystal core."

Su Chen decided to conquer the monsters and zombies in the two districts of Yang City.

Today, there are no traces of living people in the two districts of Yang City, and they have completely turned into a dead city. Su Chen is not afraid of exposing anything.

Anyway, with his strength, it would be easy to kill Chuanyang City.

During this time.

The number of monsters born in the two major urban areas of Yang City is definitely not a small number, and a lot of elite monsters have definitely been born.

It's a good opportunity to make a big fortune.

not to mention.

The two major urban areas of Yang City are extremely large, definitely exceeding the combined population of the three districts, and the cores cannot be smaller than those of the three counties.

"Follow your orders."



Gangzi's figure exploded completely, and countless black shadows, like sickles that harvested the lives of monsters, penetrated into the shadows of those monsters and raised them high.

This day is the end of the monsters in Yang City.

As for Su Chen.

He was very interested in walking in the deserted and dead streets of Yangshi, which were covered with vegetation.


Su Chen was a little sad.

Once upon a time, his dream was to have a good job in Yangshi, and then have a home in his hometown in Jiangcheng and Yangshi, so that he could go back and forth.

At that time, Yang City was very big for him.

A house in Yang City costs millions, which is out of his reach.


The whole city of Yang was crawling at his feet.

The end is coming.

Everything has changed.

Houses that used to cost millions each are now nothing. They sit here, quietly gathering dust, waiting for the day when the cement rots.

"A little hungry."

Su Chen felt a little hungry while walking, so he went into the store, took out a box of instant noodles, found a gas stove, and made some simple meals for himself.

In fact.

At his current level of life.

There is no need to eat anymore.

When you become a level 4 extraordinary being, you are already at the limit of your human life posture. At that time, eating is just a habit.

After level 5 life, one is transcendent. Even if one does not eat or drink for a year, there will be no problem at all. It is almost an inhuman existence.

"The taste of nostalgia."

After Su Chen drank all the soup in the bowl.

Focusing his attention on the center of Yang City, that towering tower stands on the huge erosion gate in the world of Yang City.

The erosion gate in Yang City is a bit too big.


Over time, the erosion gate will expand.

According to normal terms.

There should be a steady stream of purgatory monsters running out of it.


Su Chen's aura is here, and Gangzi, a level 5 being, is harvesting the lives of monsters in Yang City.

At this time, it was the other way around.

Countless monsters, even monsters born in Yang City, want to run towards the Gate of Corrosion and get inside to take refuge.

Obviously, Gangzi was also wary of the Corrosion Gate and did not dare to get even close to the Corrosion Gate.

Seeing the monster running in, he quickly left.

That's not what Su Chen paid attention to.

But on the Gate of Corrosion, an eye slowly opened, with blood-colored pupils, cold and ruthless.

How could Su Chen forget?

This bloody eye came to the world and brought the end of the world.

The endless rain of blood marked the beginning of the end.

At this moment, his life began to turn again.

"Why is there a bloody eye here?"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes.

When he wanted to take a closer look at the bloody eye, he found that there was nothing on the Corrosion Gate.

The scene just now seemed like an illusion.


"My memory seems to have changed in some way."

Su Chen subconsciously recalled that on that night when the apocalypse came and the world rained blood, he vaguely heard the words of the bloody eyes.

It is a complex, complicated, difficult to understand, obscure, words like a magic sound.

"By the king's order, purgatory comes here!"

In a trance.

Su Chen straddled two worlds. From this erosion gate, he seemed to see a mountain of bones piled up in a sea of ​​blood and corpses in the deepest abyss of purgatory.

On the mountain of bones, there is a throne, and there is a figure sleeping on the throne.


"That's weird."

Su Chen shook his head.

He has always decided to stay away from the unknown.


Monsters above level 2 have been almost wiped out by Gangzi.

With a massive amount of crystal nuclei, Su Chen left Yangshi.

The harvest is enough.

It is really unnecessary to stay in Yang City.

He has to go to Mucheng to clean up the mess now, so he doesn't have much time to stay here.

After Mucheng is over.

Su Chen should embark on a new journey.

Doomsday is coming.

Everyone is an ant. If they don't become stronger as soon as possible, they will all turn into ashes under the crush of purgatory.

Even level 5, level 6, and level 7 will have the same fate, which is not much different from level 1 or even level 3 transcendents.

Just like when he was at level 5, Su Chen regarded the king of level 4 transcendents as no different from the awakener of level 1.

The distant purgatory world.

The abyss.

A thunder passed by with brilliance, illuminating the blood sea world at the bottom of the abyss.

In the darkness, the sleeping person on the throne revealed his face.

His appearance was exactly the same as Su Chen.

This is not a real person.

It is a stone statue that has existed in this abyss for more than a few years, perhaps a thousand years, perhaps ten thousand years, perhaps a hundred thousand years, or even longer.

Level 2 crystal core, energy range is 5-8.

Level 3 crystal core, energy starts at 50, does not exceed 80, and there are also super high-quality crystal cores with 100.

Level 4 crystal core, the energy is in three stages, that is, 800 energy, 1000 energy, 1200 energy.

This time, Su Chen's harvest in Yang City is really not small.

Even the level 4 crystal cores exceed 500.

I just don't know.

Why there are no level 5 monsters in Yang City.

You know.

As the first city to give birth to level 5 monsters, it stands to reason that even if the weirdness is rampant, it will not affect the level 5 monsters at all.

As a result, when Gangzi took action, he almost walked through every corner of Yang City, but did not find even a quasi-level 5 monster.

The level 5 monsters seemed to have disappeared.

However, the current harvest is enough.


Occupied city.

In the villa.

Su Chen looked at the pile of crystal cores in front of him. Even with his temperament, he couldn't help but breathe heavily.

The number of crystal cores in front of him has reached such an extent that it almost fills up the hall of the villa. There is almost no place to step. Crystal cores are shining everywhere.

Now in the doomsday, crystal cores are a currency that replaces paper money. Su Chen is obviously very rich.

"Start melting crystal cores. No matter what, even if the two level 5 crystal cores in your hand are melted, a level 7 guard life must be born."

After seeing the real transcendence, Su Chen has a new goal and a sense of urgency. Now he can't bear the desire to become stronger.

The transcendent level, like monsters, evil spirits, and evil beasts, has nine levels, that is, lv1-lv9.

Above lv9 is above the transcendent level, called the king level.

Su Chen set a small goal for himself.

Reach the extraordinary level and become a monster king!

"Begin to melt the crystal core."

Su Chen stretched out his hand, and a suction force burst out from his palm, and a large number of crystal cores disappeared rapidly in an instant.

"30,000 level 2 crystal cores, 240,000 energy."

"4,000 level 3 crystal cores, 200,000 energy."

"500 level 4 crystal cores, 500,000 energy."

Looking at the melted crystal core energy, Su Chen was stunned on the spot. Although he knew that the two urban areas of Yang City had fallen, there were at least millions of zombies and monsters.

The gains from this trip to Yang City were definitely not small, but Su Chen really didn't expect that the gains would be so great.

"How much?"

Su Chen was stunned, and kept counting the zeros behind the number.

The crystal core energy he gained was not at all matched with the difficulty of obtaining it.

You know.

This time, he basically only sent out a level 6 life force, Gangzi, to clear Yang City.

He didn't even encounter resistance from a level 5 monster.

And his energy harvest was 940,000.

"940,000 energy."

"Plus, my remaining 130,000 energy, it broke through the million mark in one go!"


Su Chen couldn't help but take a breath.

If he had known earlier that Yang City was so easy to capture and could still harvest a million energy, he would have taken Yang City back first.

But Su Chen soon came to his senses.

Perhaps, it wasn't that there were no level 5, but also level 6 monsters, and weirdness, maybe these guys were scared away by the terrifying battle fluctuations between him and the Dragon of Life.

They fled into the erosion gate.

Therefore, Su Chen was able to clear the entire Yang City so easily.

If he didn't have the level 6 combat power and didn't get the broken horn of the evil beast, it would definitely be a hell-level difficulty for him to clear Yang City.

"1.07 million energy."

"My current balance is actually 1.07 million energy."

Su Chen calculated.

A lv5 guard, crossing to a lv6 guard, becoming a level 7 life, and having combat power, requires 300,000 energy.

Previously, Su Chen felt that it was out of reach and very difficult.

But at this moment.

I just feel that this difficulty is too low.

According to Su Chen's current energy, it is enough to give birth to 3 level 7 lives.

If it is lv4 to lv5, if the 30,000 energy required for level 6 life is calculated, without counting the threshold of level 5 crystal core, he can create more than 30 level 6 life in an instant and establish a small legion of level 6 life.


Su Chen clicked on the three-dimensional image of the guard, and soon, he clicked on Gangzi.

Gangzi is now seriously injured.

The last time he fell into the cursed city, he was on the verge of death.


Three hundred thousand energy, swept away.

In an instant.

The shadow under Su Chen's feet boiled.

Gangzi broke away uncontrollably.

His figure changed rapidly.

Now there is no human figure at all, and it has become a palm-sized black shadow.


This is only a part of Gangzi.

It can even be said that.

With Su Chen as the center, all the dark shadows within a radius of dozens of miles are Gangzi.

At the same time.

Gangzi's profession has also undergone some changes.

lv6 guard: dark assassin.

In a flash.

The Dark Assassin disappeared and turned into the Shadow Lord!

That's right.

He became a Level 7 Life.

No matter how bad he is, he is definitely a monster at the level of the final boss.

The Dark Assassin's profession is a bit too low.

Shadow Lord, this is in line with Gangzi's current strength positioning.

What's more.

Today's Gangzi is definitely not a weakling, and Su Chen can't see Gangzi's strength clearly.

Gangzi didn't die after confronting the quasi-Level 7 Life Dragon, but was only seriously injured. His vitality is extremely strong and difficult to kill.

Fortunately, this is Su Chen's own guard, not some wild monster.

"By the way."

"Why haven't the Mountain Guards and the Pig-Headed Monster appeared yet?"

"How many days have passed?"

"Is the Wall of Time so difficult to cross?"

Su Chen calculated the time and found that three or five days had passed. He had already turned Mucheng upside down and went to Yang City.

As a result, the pig-headed monster and the mountain guards were still missing.


"Where did they go?"

Su Chen closed his eyes and used his divine power again. He rose into the air like a soul leaving his body. His perception range became wider and wider, gradually covering the entire two districts and three counties of Yang City.


Su Chen's consciousness retreated.


He looked everywhere, but he couldn't find them.

His two guards were actually lost. They were not on the map of the two districts and three counties of Yang City at all.

Fortunately, Su Chen had another way to determine the location of the guards.

This method was the use of divinity that he discovered after he became a lv5 level, a level 6 life.

In a flash.

Su Chen's consciousness returned to his body.

The divine light was rapidly consumed. Su Chen once again seemed to be a soul leaving his body. This time he did not continue to rise into the sky, but instead drilled into the guard's image. This time he drilled into the body of the mountain guard.

At this moment, Su Chen seemed to be attached to the body of the Mountain Guard, and had all its perceptions.


There was a sense of impact, and the picture kept shaking.

It was obvious that the Mountain Guard was in battle! |

"Where is this place?"

With a quick glance.

Su Chen saw the street and the signs of the dilapidated shops on the roadside, Yongcheng King Donkey Meat Restaurant!

It turned out to be Yongcheng? !

In an instant.

Su Chen regained consciousness and returned to his body.

In a flash.

Su Chen figured it out.

His two level 6 guards lost contact, and it was probably because the ghost cabinet had used some means to affect the wall of time.

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