Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 130 The whereabouts of the letter!

Su Chen didn't know how fast the timeline of Yongcheng was, but he knew that Yongcheng was definitely a doomsday breeding base where monsters were rampant.

When the whole world was still normal, Yongcheng had already erupted in a doomsday crisis. Of course, this was also due to the disorder of the timeline.

But it is undeniable that Yongcheng had definitely erupted for more than a year, and there were many powerful and terrifying monsters.

Although he just possessed and sensed for a while, Su Chen could clearly know that the monster that could beat the Mountain Guard into this state must be at least a top-level level 6 monster.


There was more than one such monster.

The Mountain Guard was a BOSS template among the monsters created by Su Chen to target monsters, and he invested a lot of energy.

"The Mountain Guard was able to kill seven in and seven out in Yang City, but after only two days in Yongcheng, he was beaten into this state."

Without hesitation.

Su Chen clicked on the three-dimensional image of the guard and directly added 300,000 energy points to upgrade the Mountain Guard.

Anyway, no matter what the situation is with the Mountain Guards, as long as they are upgraded, they can solve all the problems.

Strong enemy?

After level 7 life, they can be directly knocked away with one punch.

Seriously injured?

After level 7 life, the status is instantly intact.

What is Su Chen?

He is a cheating player in this doomsday world. No matter how powerful his awakening ability is, it is absolutely impossible to match Su Chen's guards.

Su Chen's ability appeared three years before the doomsday.

In a flash.

The Mountain Guards were upgraded.

Su Chen clicked on the three-dimensional image of the pig-headed monster again, and instantly another 300,000 energy was smashed out.

Including Gangzi, a total of 900,000 energy was released.

He suddenly had three level 7 lives.

But two of the level 7 life guards were lost.

The original 1.07 million energy turned into 170,000 in a flash, but fortunately, it was still above the 100,000 mark, enough for Su Chen to use.

"I was still hesitating. I have cleared the map of Yang City and hunted all the monster crystal cores. Where should I go next?"

In Su Chen's mind, he imagined the map of Province A.

The Commonwealth of Great Britain has a large territory.

Province A is in the belly of the federation. It has an average area and seven urban areas. Yang City, as the most populous city, has the smallest area.

Yongcheng, in fact, should not be called Yongcheng, but Yongshi. It is the capital of Province A, the largest city, and the most prosperous city.

There are three or five undergraduate colleges alone.

It was the economic center of Province A before the doomsday outbreak, and all residents were eager to go.

There, for Su Chen.

It should be out of reach.

Su Chen knew nothing about Yongcheng.

However, he had human skin paper.

He took out the box containing human skin paper.

But he put it back soon.

"Cooperating with alien life is still too risky. Two level 6 guards traveled through the wall of time and ran to Yongcheng. This is definitely related to the ghost cabinet."

Thinking about it.

Su Chen felt that if he just traveled through the wall of time to hurry on his way, he could rely on the ability of the phantom warrior to rush all the way.

If there are no too powerful level 7 monsters passing through other cities along the way, he can harvest them and clear the monsters directly on the whole map.

When he travels to Yongcheng, he will pretend to be a newbie and lurk to get information.

If the extraordinary organization and monsters in Yongcheng are very strong, he will hide and hide honestly. If they are very weak, hahaha, then it's time for Su Chen to strike hard, just like breaking through Mucheng, and kill them directly.

"It's a happy decision."

Su Chen said so.


He started to do the last two things in Mucheng.

That is the establishment of the Mucheng Savior Cult branch!

And the other part of the top-secret note.

Regarding the top-secret note, even the level 5 Fire Skull flame can't damage it at all. The Mucheng Military Association even sent a level 4 extraordinary to sneak into the Savior God Church to get it.

Su Chen suspected that the other part of the torn top-secret note was in the hands of the Mucheng Military Association. This thing should have some value.

"The level 5 monster flame can't damage it at all."

"Then what about my quasi-level 7 power now."

Su Chen rummaged in the trunk of the Phantom Warrior and soon found the dusty top-secret note among a pile of miscellaneous items.

The handwriting on it had long disappeared after being burned.

Now it was just an empty piece of paper.


Su Chen began the experiment.

At the beginning, he burst out 30% of his strength.

The top-secret note didn't move at all.

It was even tougher than the body of a level 6 monster.

You know.

With Su Chen's current strength, even if he only used 30% of his strength, he could easily kill a level 6 monster.

100% strength.

Su Chen became interested.

A terrifying power wave broke out, and his armor, which looked like black bone jade, was revealed. His monster-like sharp palm slammed into the top-secret hand.


There was not even a scratch left.


A scratch was left.


This top-secret hand was like a living thing, it moved rapidly, and then it healed?


Su Chen's face changed.

There is something in this top-secret codex.

However, it should not be a living creature, otherwise, the rank mark would have been revealed in front of Su Chen's eyes.

Su Chen has nothing to do with this thing.

After all, he is only at the seventh level of combat effectiveness.


Su Chen summoned Gangzi.

The current Gangzi is a genuine seventh-level being.

"Do whatever you can to destroy this thing."


Darkness boils.

Gangzi took action.

A minute passed.

An hour passed.

The fluctuations dissipate.

The top secret codex is still intact.

Su Chen and Gangzi looked at each other.

There is...something about this thing.

Su Chen immediately called Suhana and asked about the top-secret manuscript.

"Top secret code?"

"What is this."

Suhana's face was full of doubts. It was obvious that she didn't know the existence of this thing.

"Aren't you the second giant of the Military Martial Arts Association?"

"Don't you even know this?"

"For this thing, your Military and Martial Arts Association is so weak that you sent several level 4 extraordinary kings to Jiangcheng. How dare you say that you don't know?"

Su Chen was also puzzled.


Suhana really doesn't know.

In the martial arts association, apart from being interested in fighting, she had few other interests.

Relevant intelligence, spies, etc. are directly handled by the number one giant, and even she is not qualified to intervene.

Even the most precious level 5 crystal core is kept by the No. 1 giant.

So here comes the question.

Is the number one giant of the Military Martial Arts Association dead?

"Can't you just ask?"

Su Chen snapped his fingers, and instantly he appeared on the city wall.

On top of the city wall.

Chu Yue still looked crazy and sick.

"Are you here to find me?"

Chu Yue huddled in the corner of the city wall. Seeing Su Chen appear, she instantly became excited and looked more like a sick female lunatic.

Under the erosion of the monster's will, even though a lot of her monster organs were stripped away, it still had an irreversible impact on her spirit.

"The number one giant, have you killed him?"

"In other words."

"Where is the treasure trove of the number one giant in your martial arts association?"

Things are going very well.

Chu Yue led Su Chen to the villa of the first giant.

This is the core of the core area.

Coming to this prosperous area, Su Chen even felt a little dazed, as if he had returned to a civilized society where order had not collapsed.

That's right.

The people who live in this villa area are all in high spirits. Some people even walk their dogs in the villa area and feed their puppies with precious meat.

But also in the slums of Mucheng, there were skinny people everywhere.

Some women do not hesitate to sell their bodies for rotten steamed buns that are worse than pig food.


Su Chen also saw a young man and a woman flirting, and then the bejeweled young woman pushed her into the car with him. Soon, there was an "unusual" movement inside.

"That's the son of the commander of the Ninth Army."


"Don't you like him? Do you need me to help you kill him?"

Chu Yue showed a flattering smile, took out a sharp knife from somewhere, said that, and wanted to approach the car.

"It's important to do business."

Su Chen shook his head.

Continue to rush towards the villa of the first giant.

Speak the truth.

The people here live a better life than him.

He went on adventures in the apocalypse, fighting monsters and leveling up everywhere. Sometimes he only had boiled noodles, or instant noodles with ham, and made do with it.

"Tsk, tsk."

"Class exists at all times."


"The Seven Giants have died so many people in the Supreme Council, yet it is still so calm here. Is this reasonable?"

Su Chen felt unreasonable.


Chu Yue clarified his doubts.

What controls the fortress has never been extraordinary power, but a huge army and hot weapons. Whoever can control the power of the army will be the supreme giant.

Same reason.

These are the villa areas of military commanders.

No one dares to touch them.

What is really affected is the extraordinary people who want to ascend to the throne in Makujo.

No matter who takes over and becomes the new giant, these military commanders who control the hot soldiers must be won over.


Outside the villa area, Su Chen felt something.

The entire curtain city was already ablaze.

Various gunfire sounds.

Also, there was a huge noise caused by the fighting between the extraordinary teams.

However, these have nothing to do with Su Chen.

If Su Chen was willing, he could wipe out all the people in Mu City with a snap of his fingers.

No matter how hard you beat the ants, they are still just ants.

Finally, Su Chen arrived.

This is a small fortress villa forged from a special alloy.

Talk about it.

Seeing this villa, Su Chen immediately remembered the steel plate villa that he spent a lot of money to build before the apocalypse. The one in front of him was almost the same.

"Chu Yue, I don't know what's wrong with you. If it's because you are sent to the Royal Court to organize a mission, if you have any opinions, you can put them forward. There is no need to make such a tense situation."

"If you are willing, you will still be the giant of the Military Martial Arts Association tomorrow, and the second giant under me."

An old voice came from inside the fortress villa.

As his voice fell.

The artillery on the fortress quickly turned its muzzle and locked onto Chu Yue and Su Chen. Then without any hesitation, it instantly sprayed flames, and the golden shells inside exploded instantly.

The number one giant was stalling for time. He had no intention of letting Chu Yue go. According to the gold content in this golden cannon.

If Chu Yue were really hit, her combat power would be reduced by half in an instant, and she might even be sealed on the spot.

Even if you are in red, you have to be afraid of gold.


Even level 5 evil spirits are like this.

I don’t know who discovered the strange and fearful law of gold.

Gold's control over the Ghost Path and the Weirds is too strong. Combined with the hot weapons, the destructive power unleashed is simply a nightmare for the Weirds.

Fortunately, gold in this world is limited and cannot be wasted at will.

If you fight against the weirdness, the gold will be directly consumed and disappear.

There is no such thing as secondary use.

Gold is definitely a strategic reserve, a precious resource that should be used sparingly.


"Chu Yue, you are still so naive. Didn't you expect that I ambushed you? I had already guessed that you would definitely come after me."

"After all, I personally ordered you to go to the Royal Court of Rain City to organize your own death. A lunatic like you who has been corrupted by the monster's will should be eliminated..."

In the villa, the old man who was the biggest man laughed heartily. After getting rid of Chu Yue, he was in a great mood.

Under such a large amount of golden shells, he was very sure that even a level 5 blood-clothed evil spirit would be severely damaged here, let alone a small red-clothed ghost master.

Even if Chu Yue could escape, she would definitely be counterattacked by the red clothes in her body. Chu Yue would definitely die anyway.

"The Ghost Control Path is just a group of short-lived ghosts who trade their lives for strength."

This old man who dominated the entire Makucheng couldn't help but get himself a glass of red wine and enjoy the wonderful feeling of exploding taste buds.

Before the apocalypse breaks out.

He is just an old man who works in the compound.

For the sake of the child's future, he is a very ordinary person who spends every day with his smiling face and flatters the leaders of the compound.


The apocalypse breaks out.

He suddenly became the master of a city.



The old man finished speaking proudly.

next moment.

The red wine in his mouth spurted out.

Because he saw two figures sitting on the sofa in his villa, drinking his red wine and looking at him quietly, as if they were looking at a clown.

One of them was Chu Yue, whom he thought would definitely die.

" did you survive?"

"My golden cannons are specially used to deal with level 5 evil spirits..."

The number one giant was speechless.

"Where is the treasure house?"

Su Chen looked at Chu Yue.

Chu Yue pointed at the huge portrait of the old man in the old man's hall. Apparently the so-called treasure house was behind the wall.

"Are you here for my treasure house?"

"for you."

"All for you."

"Let me go! Everything is easy to talk about. I can even give you half of Mucheng."

The old man shouted in fear.

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