Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 131 The truth of the end of the world!

The first giant of Mucheng was obviously scared.

How terrible must a man be to make Chu Yue, a crazy woman, suppress her madness, maintain her rationality, and not dare to do anything rash.

He knew even with his feet that he could not afford to offend the man in front of him.

Level 5 life.

It is probably a level 5 life.

It is either the head of the Wangting organization or the savior god of Jiangcheng.

Thinking of this.

The ruler of Mucheng suddenly had a certain confidence. As long as he was not a madman like Chu Yue, he would kill anyone he saw.

As long as they could talk, everything could be discussed.

What's more.

He is not without background.

Behind him, the people standing are from the capital.

In the Great Britain Commonwealth, the most terrifying area in the whole map is the capital, where monsters are rampant, evil spirits appear, and there are even terrifying beasts like demons in rumors.

"That's right."

"Sir, in the treasure house, except for a few useless diary waste papers that you can't take away, everything else is yours."

Perhaps because he was afraid that the powerful level 5 life in front of him would misunderstand, the old man immediately explained in a humble tone.

"This diary waste paper was asked by the people in the royal capital to collect it."

"It's useless to you."

"It's not good for anyone to offend the royal capital."

At the end, the old man had the intention of using the royal capital to intimidate Su Chen.

After all, in front of the terrifying royal capital.

Level 5 life.

It's just a level 5 life.

In the royal capital.

Not to mention level 5, even level 7, terrifying humans who can withstand nuclear bombs and not die, exist.

"Royal capital?"

"Can you still get in touch with the royal capital?"

Su Chen vaguely remembered.

In the diary.

The royal capital is definitely the strongest place in the human supernatural camp of the federal country. After all, the arrival of the end of the world is closely related to some people in the royal capital.

They ushered in the arrival of the end of the world.

How could they not be prepared?


Su Chen suspected that the 7th level was not that powerful in the capital. He did not feel strange even if a lv9 extraordinary human was born.

The capital spanned 100,000 miles and asked people to collect this thing.

To be honest.

Originally, Su Chen was not too interested in this thing, but now, he was really interested.

The material of this top-secret note is very special.

Even the 7th level life can't destroy it.

It is obviously some special item.

Even from purgatory.

"What is the secret of this thing?"

Su Chen's eyes shone.

In a flash.

The old man who wanted to refuse to answer said everything he knew in an instant.

"I heard that this thing is related to the truth of the end of the world."

"I don't know what it means?"

After saying that.

The old man woke up and looked at Su Chen in horror. Being able to control people's minds, is the 5th level life so terrifying?

It is simply a non-human existence.

The old man in front of him was still unaware that the Lord of Jiangcheng in front of him, the savior god, was no longer a level 5 life.

Now Su Chen was only one step away from level 7 life.

"Are there any others?"

Su Chen asked.

The old man shook his head, and then ignored the order of the royal capital to collect the top-secret handbook.

He was very sure.

The man in front of him might be the Lord of Jiangcheng, the one who seemed to be a god.


The old man knelt on the ground.

"I am willing to dedicate the entire Mucheng to you..."

After saying that.

He pressed a button in his arms.


He has always been like this.


The top-secret handbook must be in the hands of the man in front of him.

The people in the royal capital must be very interested.


They will come here immediately.

"When the time comes..."

The old man sneered.

Having tasted the taste of dominating a city, how could he give up.

"Offer a city?"

"In that case..."

Su Chen said.

The old man was ecstatic.

He only needed to delay time until the strong men in the capital used their tools and teleported over. Everything would still be his.

Moreover, he might be rewarded for his meritorious service in collecting the top-secret handbook.


Su Chen's next words made him pale instantly.

"In that case, you are of no use."

Su Chen could feel it.

The top-secret handbook in his arms was getting hot.


The other incomplete part was in this villa, in the treasure house inside the wall.

"So, explode!"

Su Chen snapped his fingers.


This first giant exploded!

Ants that dominate a city are still just ants, and they can be destroyed at will.

In this doomsday.

Without power, you are nothing, and you can lose everything at any time, including everything.

Su Chen didn't want to end up like this.

So he decided to be stronger than all humans and monsters.

Whatever conspiracy or trick, as long as it is powerful enough, a single word can crush it all. This is power! The power that everyone desires!

One person can destroy a country with terrifying power!

In such a world, people do not need to stick together, because as long as they are strong enough, individuals can dominate the group.

In the villa hall.


Su Chen snapped his fingers again.


The wall quickly disappeared, as if it had been swallowed by something.

In fact.

With Su Chen's rank and level of life, if he wanted to achieve this step, he didn't even need to speak or snap his fingers, he could just use the power in his body.


Su Chen still did this.

Just because doing this is pretentious and cool enough.

The walls disappear.

There is indeed a secret treasure house inside, with pieces of gold placed there. It looks like there is no less than ten tons of gold.

I'm afraid they may have looted Mucheng and Yangshi's treasury.

Except gold.

Su Chen also saw beautiful young women who had been made into specimens, which made Su Chen's face instantly turn cold.

The ruler of Mucheng did not die unjustly, but he was so careless about human life and had such a perverted hobby.

But soon, Su Chen fixed his sight on another object.

These were several torn sheets of paper stored individually in a safe.

at this time.

The safe was shattered.

These pieces of paper, as if being blown by the wind, automatically floated towards Su Chen.

Obviously, this is what Su Chen has been looking for, the other pages of the top-secret code.

There is writing on it.

Su Chen glanced at it briefly and read it all. These were almost the same as those recorded in the top-secret handbook.

Monster experimental data, including some content about strange life, as well as the narrative of the man who claimed to be a tiger.

Nothing to see.

Su Chen got straight to the point.

His beast heart has been strengthened through life levels, directly reaching the sixth level of characteristics. Even if it is a powerful danger, he can warn him in advance.

At this time, his beast's heart was not beating violently, proving that the top secret code did not pose any danger.

"Let me see what the secret is."

"The truth about doomsday."

At this moment, the remaining pages of the top-secret codex collected by the Mujo Military Association quickly came to the top-secret codex in Su Chen's hand.

The pages of the book squirmed and healed completely.

this moment.

The top secret codex is truly complete.

"here we go."

Su Chen had a feeling that something was about to happen.

as expected.

The top-secret code was twisted and turned into a huge human skin. On top of the human skin, there was an eye with an upright pupil.

At this moment, Su Chen looked at the vertical pupil eye and saw the scene recorded by this eye.

On the eve of the doomsday.

The royal capital.

There is a lot of traffic and the city is noisy.

The archaeological team unearthed an ancient tablet among the ancient feudal ruins, and the content recorded on it was earth-shattering.

It turns out to be a record of how humans transform into monsters.

It sounds like a fairy tale.


This stone slab is a genuine antiquity that has been baptized for more than a thousand or even ten thousand years.


The ancient slate, together with the rubbing contents, was sent to the highest scientific research institution in the capital. A group of old guys who were nearly a hundred years old began to study the so-called method of transforming demons.

Someone succeeded!

It turned out to be true.

In the dark.

The old man turned into a monster. At first, he was frightened, scared, and frightened, but this strong monster body, as well as strength beyond human beings and long life span, fascinated him.

He began to continue his transformation.

It's not just him.

The old guys in scientific research institutes and even other institutions who were old but still held great power also smelled the smell of blood and came over.

Before the apocalypse broke out, the top group of people in the capital had already lost their identity as humans and turned into a group of monsters like demons.

The rise in rank is fascinating.

They began to like human blood.

Hate the sun.

Exclude humans, even their own descendants.

They don't like this bustling city, but prefer despair, fear, destruction, and destruction. They have no shortage of all the things that evil beings like.

at the same time.

This world is too ordinary.

There is no way to make their demonic bodies stronger. Even if they eat fresh human beings, they will not be able to improve even a little bit.

Unless what is eaten is a massive amount of extraordinary life.


They studied the contents of the slate and made a decision.

Dark conference room.

The lights flickered.

It shines on the monster figures whose faces cannot be clearly seen.

on this day.

They shattered the old rules and took out the key to unlock the coming of purgatory.

They were cheering.

They are ushering in the end.

On the night of July 30, they activated the key, bringing doomsday to the world. Blood rained all over the world, and powerful gods watched the world coldly.

With the royal capital as the center, a terrifying apocalypse has come.

The further away from the capital.

The monsters that come are weaker.

In other remote provinces, only weak zombies are left.

And the capital city was directly visited by zombies and monsters, even the sixth-level zombie king and the seventh-level monster monarch.

The capital city was reduced to wasteland.


Those who led the doomsday to come and dedicated this world to the master of purgatory were blessed by God and became walkers serving God.

With the power of God, they became terrifying walkers.

The six strongest of them were called the six monarchs of the capital city.

In the field of vision.

Su Chen vaguely saw.

The six terrifying figures standing on the night sky of the capital city, each of them was at the level of lv9, and this was just the image when the doomsday just broke out.

Now, such a long time has passed.

Even if they surpassed the nine levels of transcendence and became life at the level of the king, Su Chen did not feel a single one.

Compared to the previous record of the man named Hu about the coming of the end of the world, which was the transmission of the coordinates of this planet to outer space, Su Chen felt that what he saw before him was more like the truth of the end of the world.

Because he had been to the underground palace of Mucheng and had seen the demigod relics left over from ancient times.

In this land, in the distant ancient times, there were traces of the extraordinary.


Extremely powerful.

The demigod level is definitely far superior to the so-called Heavenly King.

"The Six Lords of the Capital?"

"This is just like the World BOSS."

"Tsk tsk."

"This is really the route to upgrade by beating monsters."

"Upgrading all the way and killing the Six Lords of the Capital, maybe it will be enough for me to upgrade to the Heavenly King level?"

Su Chen put away the top-secret notebook.

This thing is very tough.

Even the 7th level can't be destroyed.

Put it on your body.

Maybe it can save a life at a critical moment.

Just then.

When Su Chen finished watching the screen and put away the top-secret note, the sky above the entire Mucheng villa area suddenly became stormy.

There was an illusory portal that appeared in an instant, stained with blood, and looked very much like the Gate of Erosion that had descended.


This was completely an Gate of Erosion.

However, it did not lead to the Purgatory World.

Su Chen looked at the scenery inside the door.

If I had not misread the words on the street in the opposite world, the opposite side was actually the Royal Capital?


"It seems that you have discovered the truth of the Doomsday."

"Tsk tsk."

"In that case, I can't keep you for long!"

"The Doomsday is a natural disaster! Not a man-made disaster! There is no doubt about it!"

A sinister voice sounded.

Someone has already descended in the Royal Capital.

And at this time.

Su Chen discovered.


A terrifying sound of breaking through the air came.

Everything was annihilated wherever he passed. He was truly a superhuman from the capital. His moves were far beyond the imagination of the poor and remote areas.

Su Chen turned his head and saw a strange man in a black robe standing on the roof of the villa that was shattered by the strong wind behind him.


He was not a human at all.

The man in the black robe raised his head, revealing a face that was not a human at all, but an ugly monster with fluff, like a bat.


This was before the end of the world.

Relying on the old-fashioned content, he had already mastered the power of superhuman demons, and even became a so-called forerunner of demon power.

Looking at the lv5 mark on the other party's head, and then looking at it again, the wind of annihilation he slashed out split the entire Mu City in half.

Su Chen had a headache.

Is this the power that a level 5 life can have? It's basically a level 6 life!

Is there something wrong with the superhuman mark?


"Tremble! Mortals, this is me, the Godwalker, the terrifying power I have received from God!"

This demon-like monster in the capital city screamed with a piercing sound wave. In the city, countless people covered their heads and blood flowed from their ears.

Faced with this scene, the monster in the capital city raised his head with enjoyment, listening to the screams all over the city, as if he was enjoying some beautiful music.



The power of God.

Why does it feel so familiar.

The lv5 logo can burst out 6 levels of life and 6 levels of combat power, corresponding to the normal 6th level of the extraordinary. Isn't this the same as his guards?

"So, my guards are all Godwalkers who have received God's gift?"

"Rounding off..."

"So, I am a god?"

Su Chen was puzzled.

He is a god, how could he not know.

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