In the sky, a huge bat demon from the capital was circling, looking down at the tens of thousands of residents in the city of Mu who were covering their ears and wailing, and laughed hideously.


"Fortunately, I was quick-witted and grabbed this task and teleported it over."

"A weak city with tens of thousands of fresh lives is enough for me to devour. If I devour the people in this city, I will definitely be able to take my life to a higher level."

At this moment, people kept dying.

Even if they were as strong as a level 4 supernormal, they were no different from ordinary people.

After all, in front of a level 6 life, a level 4 supernormal was strong, but limited, and was just a slightly larger ant.

"Monster, watch me kill you!"

"Get out of our city!"

"Missile, launch!"

In the depths of Mu City, in a military base built deep in the mountains and forests, the commander roared with hatred.

In an instant.

A loud noise emerged.

The blazing light illuminated the entire night sky at this moment.

Hundreds of missiles burst out at the same time, blasting towards the bat demon hovering in the sky.


The bat demon, a god walker who was a king, showed a mocking sneer.

Facing the technological weapons of the old era, his face was full of disdain, and even a little mockery.

It's not that he couldn't dodge.

With his rank and life, the speed he could burst out could rush into the base in an instant before the missiles appeared and kill them all.

But he didn't.

He enjoyed his powerful strength.


"Hundreds of missiles, all hit."

"When more than a dozen missiles were in Yang City, it was proven that they could kill level 5 monsters. Hahahaha, these hundreds of missiles hit together, and the monsters will definitely die."

There was a cheer in the base.


The next moment.

They were stunned.

On the satellite display screen, after the blazing fire wave dissipated, the bat demon monster was completely unscathed, not even a speck of dust was stained on it.

A layer of faint black light enveloped the bat demon, blocking all the damage caused by the weapons of the old era.

"The weapons of the old era are really ridiculous."

"Don't you know that level 6 life is a threshold?"

"Level 5 life can still be physically destroyed by missiles, nuclear bombs, etc., but after level 6 life, it is almost an idealistic existence."

"The old technology era has long been fallen, and now is the era of us Godwalkers!"

The bat demon laughed even more wildly, as if mocking this group of weak humans in the old era, who were still immersed in the fantasy created by the weapons of the old era.


His scarlet eyes locked onto the military base, and a terrifying sound wave instantly burst out.

He liked his transformed identity as a bat demon.

Killing people does not require physical combat at all.

If you want to kill someone, just yelling is enough.


"Is this still within the normal range?\


"No, I can even say it is a demon creature in mythology."

The military base erupted in despair.

Just as their commander was about to escape in an armed helicopter, the sound wave came instantly, and the intense pain tore their souls apart.

In an instant.

The Mucheng military base fell into a dead silence.

All the people fell to the ground in an instant, and there was no longer any breath of life.

A stream of black air surged out from these corpses, and gathered towards the hideous bat demon in the sky above Mucheng.

With a sniff, this God Walker from the King's Capital swallowed up all the black air and immediately showed a satisfied smile.

"It's so delicious."

"Sure enough, the souls that have experienced despair taste the most delicious and have brought me the greatest transformation."


"It's so cool!"

"Just a thousand desperate souls have made me grow so much. How many people are there in this city? Thirty thousand? Or a hundred thousand!"

The bat demon laughed hideously, and his laughter became more and more crazy.

He was not in a hurry to harvest the souls of the entire city.

Despair is spreading.




"This is definitely a demon in purgatory!"

"Mucheng is finished, run away! Find a way to escape to Jiangcheng, escape to Yucheng, even if you escape to Yangshi, you can't stay here anymore."

The whole city of Mucheng was boiling.

Countless people, whether they were ordinary people with pale faces and thin bodies, or powerful extraordinary people, were robbing vehicles like crazy and fleeing from their city home.

Their faces were full of despair and fear.


This is exactly what the bat demon wanted to see.

When despair reaches its peak, it is time for him to start eating.

Smelling the strong smell of the soul of fear, the bat demon nodded with satisfaction, his scarlet eyes full of joy.

Continue to be afraid.

Wait until the fear reaches its peak.

After eating these people, he is fully qualified to initiate the transformation to a higher level. By then, he will have a place in the capital.

"The kid who learned the truth about the doomsday of the hand should have been on the run for a while. Let's see where he has escaped to. It's time to complete the task."

The bat demon showed a cruel smile.

He was a level 5 God Walker, and his life and combat power were all comparable to level 6 life.

In this remote place far away from the capital, where time flows slowly, it can be said that he is the absolute master and invincible life.

At best, only quasi-level 5 life was born here.

Even if there were really level 5 life.

In front of him, it was still just a dish.

"I have level 6 combat power, ga ga, kill indiscriminately."


The bat demon released sound wave perception and explored outside the city.

His sound wave perception range can cover the entire Mucheng area. Except for the inability to cross the wall of time, it can be said that the entire Mucheng world is under his eyes.

There is nothing outside the city.

This made the bat demon feel a little surprised.


He sneered.

"It's quite smart."

"You know to hide in the city."

The bat demon continued to release sound wave perception, this time covering the entire Mucheng.


He was stunned.

Because in the perception, Su Chen did not leave at all, and has been in the core area of ​​Mucheng, in the villa garden.

"Interesting, did you give up because you knew you couldn't escape?"


"You have some self-knowledge."

The bat demon laughed wildly.

In a flash.

He turned into thousands of bats, covering the sky and the sun, like a dark cloud, and instantly descended back to the sky above the villa, just in time to see Su Chen looking at him calmly.

Su Chen's eyes met his.

This look was like a god looking down at an ant.

How he looked at these creatures in Mucheng, Su Chen looked at him the same way.


"A trash ant, only a level 5 life, dared to look at me with such eyes."

"Tell me, how do you want to die!"

The bat demon became angry.

He was obviously the real high-ranking person, but he was stared at by a weak ant in a remote area.

In the villa.

Su Chen sat on a tall tiger-skin chair. After hearing the words of the bat demon, he looked around and then reacted.

"Are you talking to me?"

Su Chen was surprised.

"What else?"

The bat demon condensed into a huge body, about a hundred meters high, covering the sky and the sun, with scarlet eyes, like a huge searchlight, emitting a bloodthirsty red light.

At this time, he was the existence that dominated everything.


Su Chen was laughing.

This god walker who came from the king was just a level 6 demon, not even as good as the ghost city of level 7, and dared to threaten him.

You know.

Now, his real life and combat power are already level 5, and his life combat power is one level higher than the level, which means he has reached the peak of level 6, approaching the level of level 7.

It's just that he didn't show the combat form of black jade bone armor. Just relying on the breath revealed at this time, he was not discovered at all. He is already a terrifying life of nearly level 7.

Not to mention Su Chen, even Su Chen's guards


Now he is already a genuine level 7 existence.

"If you continue to be so rampant, you will die."

Su Chen said lightly.

But in the sky, the bat demon did not take Su Chen's reminder to heart at all, but laughed sarcastically, laughing backwards.


"You said I would die?"


"Just because you are a small level 5 life, are you worthy of a god walker like me?"

The next moment.

The whole villa garden was hung with a cold and terrifying wind.

In an instant.

All the villa houses faded. The color was lost, as if decades of time had passed in an instant.

There were even some houses that were weathered and turned into dust and sand in an instant.


"My face..."

There was a scream.

In the villa garden, there were many ladies who escaped slowly. At this time, they rolled on the ground like crazy, covering their faces and screaming in extreme fear.

All the women who can appear in this core villa area are, without exception, young and beautiful girls with excellent looks and figures.

But their young skin, which was originally as delicate as a baby's, has long disappeared without a trace, and their skin is wrinkled and their black hair has turned white.

In this short period of time, after being blown by this evil wind, all of them have changed from young and beautiful women to white-haired old ladies.

That's not all.

Aging is still progressing rapidly.


"Save me..."

"Come quickly, no matter who it is, save me..."

In despair, these women all turned into dry bones, and then a gust of wind blew, and the whole person turned into ashes.

"Hahaha, my life-depriving wind of desolation is extremely powerful even in the capital, among the same level of God Walkers..."

The bat demon laughed triumphantly.

But the next moment.

He couldn't laugh anymore.

Inside the villa, Su Chen sat quietly on a tall tiger-skin chair, his cold eyes still looking down at him.

Su Chen's face was still young.

Not only Su Chen, but even the villa where Su Chen lived was not affected by his desolate style at all. There was no sign of weathering at all. Among the devastated villas, it looked particularly strong and eye-catching.

"How is this possible?"

"Didn't the wind blow towards that place just now?"

The bat demon felt something bad.

next moment.

He rose up, and his huge monster body slammed towards Su Chen.

Maybe this kid has the right means to restrain his wind of destruction.

Since the Wind of Nirvana has no way to take effect.

Then just destroy them physically. ,

A weak fifth-level human, even if he takes the path of a monster, is definitely no match for this demonic Walker.


The bat demon showed a ferocious smile.


The next second.

It looked at the dark chain that pierced his chest in disbelief, and looked at the eyes in the shadow at Su Chen's feet in horror.

How can it be? !

This is! ! !

"Level 7 life??!"


This King's Freelander felt fear for the first time, his scalp was numb, his hairs stood on end, and an indescribable feeling of horror enveloped his whole body.

How can this be.

Mucheng, no, the entire time for the doomsday outbreak in the two districts and three counties of Yang City is only three to five months. The brewing of level 5 human life is already the limit of the limits.

But why are there seven-level beings? ,

To know.

Even in the capital where strong men roamed everywhere, it was extremely difficult for seventh-level beings to be born.

Each one has a name and a surname, and is an absolutely powerful overlord.

With the resources of the royal capital, it would be difficult for many seventh-level beings to be born within ten years after the apocalypse broke out. Why should this small Xiaoyang City be a remote and remote place?

Rank crushing.

Even if he is a Freelander, he will still be crushed by his rank.

It is no match for a seventh-level life form.

This task of recovering the Doomsday Truth Codex is not a benefit, it is completely a fatal errand!

"Forgive me!"

"Let me go. I will definitely keep everything today secret. I will inform the deacon of the royal capital that the task has been completed. You just need to keep the truth about the birth of Doomsday in your stomach."

"Kill me and you'll be in trouble."

"You have to know that there are six ancestors of demons in the royal capital who stand at the top of the extraordinary! They are the real God-givers who can talk to the existence of the gods in purgatory..."

The bat demon, the free traveler of the royal capital, was extremely tough even when he begged for mercy, and he did not even forget to threaten Su Chen.


How could Su Chen take this threat seriously?

"This door that spans thousands of kilometers and connects two places is a kind of treasure! It shouldn't be without cost for crossing countless time walls."

"There's no way this door can be opened a second time in a short period of time, right?"

"So, what are you threatening me with?"

"Give me three months, no, one month. By then, we won't be sure who threatens whom."

As Su Chen spoke, he disappeared on the tall tiger leather chair in an instant. He came to the side of the bat demon. The bat demon was shocked. Apparently Su Chen was right.

This door that spans thousands of kilometers and passes through countless walls of time cannot be used casually.


How can there be anyone alive after this apocalypse?

The demons in the royal capital have long since rushed out of the royal capital and appeared in any city, spreading despair, eating human flesh and blood, and improving their demon ranks.

"good chance."

"As long as this kid is captured and killed, that seventh-level life will never dare to act rashly..."

"Just a small fifth-level being."

The demonic bat rises up, showing its fierce power.

In his opinion.

Capture the thief first, capture the king, and use decapitation tactics to take advantage of this weak level 5 chicken. Why shouldn't he dare to make mistakes when that level 7 being is so fierce! It was obvious that this weakling level 5 being was the master of this fierce level 7 monster.

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