
The dirty black demon blood flowed down from the air like a river of blood.

Su Chen easily twisted off the head of the King's Capital God Walker with one hand.

With his strength, infinitely close to the seventh-level life, it is not difficult to crush a demon equivalent to the sixth-level life.

In fact.

From the beginning to the end, he did not take the God Walker from the King's Capital seriously.

"The so-called God Walker is nothing more than this."

Su Chen threw away the head of the bat demon.

The bat demon had a lot of fear in his eyes.

The human in front of him was actually a peak level 6 human, and the moment he attacked, he actually gave him a feeling of facing the breath of the Purgatory God.

He was not a human, nor a God Walker, but a suspected god.


It is also possible that he felt it wrong.

The six demon ancestors of the King's Capital occasionally have the breath of gods given power by gods.

Gods and the like, the guess is too scary, it is impossible.


Is the person in front of him a God-given person chosen by other Purgatory Evil Gods?

It must be so.

But this is just a remote place.

He is really unlucky.

He actually met a real God-given person who served the gods like the Ancestor.

The God-given person, who served the gods and walked, was the apostle of God and could talk directly with the gods, which was far beyond the reach of him, a counterfeit God Walker who was several generations away.

Every God-given person is bound to become a Level 9 of the Transcendental Rank, or even impact the Transcendental, step into the true peak of power, and surpass the rank.

"God-given people, it turns out that there are more than six ancestors. If you can bring the news back to the capital, I am afraid that the Ancestor will definitely be willing to revive me for this news..."

At this moment, the eyes of the bat demon, which had been gradually dimming, suddenly burst out with a desire for life.


His head exploded instantly.

Wanted to hurt Su Chen with this.

Then, his headless bat body spread its wings and flew, in order to break free from the chains, transformed into thousands of small bats, and flew in all directions.


Su Chen snapped his fingers.

All the bats were blown to pieces.

The bat demon was really dead this time.

Nothing was left.

"The demon fell, no characteristics, crystal cores, puzzles or anything else dropped?"

Su Chen was a little surprised.

He cleaned up the battlefield, but still didn't find anything valuable, which made him feel strange.

At this time.

Thousands of bats emitted a little black air and gathered together.

According to the bat demon.

This black air is the soul.

In a flash.

The black air condensed and turned into a confused and illusory bat soul shadow.

This bat soul is very small.

Only the size of a palm.

When the demon is killed, it will drop soul fragments.

"That's normal."

Su Chen nodded in satisfaction, and stretched out his hand to grab the soul fragment and swallow it into his body.

An inexplicable suction force emerged from Su Chen's body.

"What is that?"

Su Chen knew very well that this suction force came from his body, but it was not his ability to pick up and fuse, but other foreign objects.

The most important thing that made Su Chen's face gloomy instantly was that if it weren't for the stimulation of the demon's soul fragment, he would not have known that there were other foreign objects in his body.

At this moment, the soul fragment of the bat demon was not important at all. Su Chen wanted to know what this foreign object in his body that was competing with him for the soul fragment was.

Su Chen's consciousness instantly merged into the divine halo.

The divine wrapped his consciousness and looked into his body. At this moment, Su Chen saw clearly what the foreign object was!

The foreign object in his body was a scroll of atlas.

It was written on it, Ten Thousand Demons Atlas.

There was more than one foreign object.

There is another foreign object, which is a bamboo sword called the Abyss Evil Wood.

These are two lv9.

Things in the Demigod Gate.

"I thought it was just a dream."

"These two things actually entered my body from the Demigod Gate, and I brought them out of the world in the Demigod Gate..."

Su Chen's face changed.

He didn't know whether these two things were life, and there were other weird things.

The Heavenly King Evil Beast sealed in the Demigod Gate was enough to make him feel scared, and then he was told that he had two lv9 on him?

The Ten Thousand Demons Atlas instantly devoured the soul fragments of the bat demon.

In an instant.

Su Chen felt that there was power surging from the Ten Thousand Demons Atlas and injected into his body.

At this moment, he got a sword energy.

A mysterious voice sounded in his mind.

"For the merit of killing demons, I will give you the Demon Killing Seal!"


A mysterious mark appeared between Su Chen's eyebrows, like a lotus, and like a bunch of entangled sword patterns, exuding a sharp breath.

Su Chen stretched out his hand, and a miniature sword energy instantly condensed in the palm of his hand.

He could feel it.

This sword energy has a restraining and suppressing effect on demons.

Even if it is a demon of level 7, it can be killed by this demon-killing sword energy.

You know.

His current real combat power is only at the peak level 6, not even at level 7.

But Su Chen doesn't want this combat power blessing at all.

If possible.

He is even willing to drop in rank to expel these two unknown things from his body.

Anyway, his biggest reliance is that he can use crystal cores to upgrade guards, and he can pick up the characteristics dropped by powerful creatures to upgrade.

Even if these two things are treasures, he doesn't want them.

He doesn't like the unknown, nor does he like variables outside the plan. Obviously, these two things and the demigod gate under the curtain city are variables.

What the hell!

Without saying hello, it went straight into his body.

If it weren't for the arrival of a demon in the king's capital, I'm afraid he might not know the existence of these two things when he was level 9.

"Why is this more and more like a world of demons and high-level martial arts."

"Are these two things in the body a blessing or a curse..."

Su Chen couldn't help frowning.

But for now, he doesn't have enough means to expel the two foreign bodies in his body, so he can only pretend not to see them.

With the improvement of his rank and the increase of his strength.

Su Chen really can't understand the current world more and more.

"This world is getting less and less clear."

"But I know."

"If it's not strong enough, it will really be the end of mankind. No one can survive the fusion of purgatory and the endless high-level monsters, demons, evil beasts and weirdness."


The distant capital.

This is a world without any life or living breath.

The bustling streets are covered with floating dust.

The crooked cars are parked on the road, and the dust on them is so thick that they are even like stone statues.

The doomsday timeline of the capital has been decades since the outbreak of the doomsday.

There are no living people here.

This place is shrouded in dark clouds all day long.

There was no snow, but it was freezing cold. The temperature could even reach minus 20 degrees. Water condensed into ice. Ordinary extraordinary people would be frozen to death immediately if they stepped into this world.

Weirdness and monsters are not the masters here.


There are a group of new masters.

They are human sinners who lead the doomsday, but they do not think they are sinners. They are even proud of leading the doomsday and gradually forget their human identity.

They are demons.

They call themselves God Walkers.


Thunder flashed, dispelling some darkness, and reflected in an ancient palace. A coffin shook violently, and an old bat covered with white hair opened its eyes.

"My second-generation grandson is dead?"

"How is it possible!"

"Isn't he at level 6? How many beings outside the capital can kill him?"


"It seems that during the time when the timeline was close to unification and the wall of time disappeared, an extraordinary human being was born!"

While speaking.

The white-haired old bat actually had black saliva at the corner of its mouth.

The saliva dripped on the ground, corroding huge holes in the floor tiles.

"The extraordinary human who could kill my second-generation grandson should be at least a level 7 human life."

"The last time I ate a level 7 human life was more than ten years ago. In this case, I'll stretch my old bones. It's not too bad to eat the flesh and blood of a level 7 human..."

After saying that.

The white-haired bat soared into the sky, wrapped in dark clouds, almost covering the sky and the earth, and went out of the capital like the wind, heading towards Yang City.

If Su Chen were here, he would definitely be able to see the mark on the head of this old white-haired bat, lv9.

In this world of the royal capital.

lv9 can only be the six demon ancestors who ushered in the doomsday and received the true gift of God.

They are like kings.

They are the masters of the new world after the fall of the old era.

Mucheng is empty.

Even if the demons have been killed by Su Chen, no one dares to come back to take a look at this originally rich city.

That annihilation wind hangs far away and has a wide impact.

The effect is obvious.

The piles of bones for thousands of meters slowed down several streets, making people shudder and dare not stay in this city for a long time.

Everyone fled.


They fought with zombies and monsters in the wild for the first time in a long time, shuttled through the wall of time, and even some smaller erosion gates, and migrated to Yucheng, Jiangcheng, and even Yangshi.

Even if they were to face powerful monsters, they were unwilling to stay in Mucheng.


"The plan to establish a branch of the Divine Religion in Mucheng has failed again."

Su Chen stood in the street full of bones and couldn't help but sigh.

But this is also a good thing.

After all, under this Mucheng, in that underground palace, there is a terrifying beast that has lived for who knows how many years in ancient times, and it is also a king-level existence above the extraordinary level.

If someone accidentally releases it, it will definitely cause great suffering to all living beings, and it is very likely that the two districts and three counties of the entire Yang City will become a dead place.

"Send Yunxue and the others to Jiangcheng..."


"Let's send them to the Savior Cult in Yucheng."

Su Chen changed his words right after he said it.

Thinking of Su Xiaoyi's angry look, Su Chen couldn't help but feel guilty.

In comparison.

Ling Xueyi seemed to be more open-minded.

It would be more appropriate to send them to Yucheng.

What's more.

Yunxue and Suhana are both powerful and have infinite potential. It is not impossible for them to break through the human limit and become level 5 life in the future.

In Jiangcheng, there are already two level 5 lives, Su Xiaoyi and the Red Flame Centaur Monarch. The strength of the Jiangcheng Cult is sufficient, and Yucheng is a little weak.

It's just right to send them to Yucheng.

"Yes, sir."

The phantom warrior roared the throttle, activated his ability, and quickly disappeared.

Not long after.

The phantom warrior who had done this came back.

Su Chen didn't delay and wanted to check the time, but suddenly remembered that because he traveled through the wall of time, he was repelled by time. All clocks that remembered time would be blown into pieces when they came into his hands.

"How long has it been since the doomsday outbreak?"

"What month and day is it?"

Sitting in the car, Su Chen wanted to recall, but found that he couldn't remember at all.

He had done too many things.

And the two districts and three counties in Yang City, each place is a world, a different time flow rate. He kept running in three places, and the concept of time had long been messed up.

When the doomsday came, even if there was no bloody rain, the sky was gloomy all day long, and it was unclear whether it was day or night.

"Two months?"

"Or three months?"

Unable to figure it out, Su Chen simply stopped thinking about it.

Mucheng was killed by him again.

In the two districts and three counties within Yang City, all the crystal cores were plundered by him.

He was going to change the map again.


It should be said that a new round of adventure has begun.

Yongcheng is the capital city of Province A. It is well-known in the entire Commonwealth for its population and prosperity. Its technological background is definitely stronger than that of Yang City.

There is a military base there, and a central army corps exists there.

The monsters there will never let Su Chen down!

"Level 7 monsters, or even level 9 monsters, I hope I won't be disappointed..."

"Go to Yongcheng."

The car throttle roared.

In the car, Su Chen closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. On the co-pilot seat, Gangzi's body like a black mist sat quietly, guarding Su Chen's safety.

The successive battles consumed a lot of Su Chen, and he slept for three days and three nights.


The phantom warriors shuttled through this long wall of time and finally came to the city adjacent to Yang City that must be passed to Yongcheng. This place is called Snow City.

The sky was all white, and heavy snow kept falling in the sky.

The temperature was freezing, minus thirty degrees.

This is a city where normal living people can't survive at all.

Even though Su Chen was already a peak level 6 life, he was still awakened when he officially entered this city.

Looking at this city covered with snow, Su Chen couldn't help but look sideways.

"Is this really a snow city?"

The vast snow submerged the entire city. The tall buildings turned into icebergs. On the streets, the cars turned into ice sculptures. The ice and snow on the ground were five or six meters long.

Many hundreds of meters high buildings only showed a 30-meter head.

The most important thing is.

This is a dead city.

Even if Su Chen released his divine consciousness to sense the entire city, he did not find any traces of any living creatures, let alone humans, and extraordinary beings, even monsters, weird, zombies and other life forms.


Not only that.

This city, there is not even... a corpse.

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