The map of Yang City is very large, and the map of Yongcheng is even larger than that of Yang City. As the city between Yongcheng and Yang City, Xuecheng seems a little small.

Xuecheng is only half the size of Yang City, and its economy is not developed. The originally small population is constantly absorbed by Yongcheng, and it is a gradually declining city.

Even the land finance has lost its population as a foundation, and there is no possibility of copying it.

This is a city with very little presence in Province A.

But even if it has no sense of presence, it is still a city with a population of millions, more than 100 kilometers from south to north.

"As a peak level 6 life, my current divine range can cover everything within 10 kilometers around me. Even if there is life underground, it will definitely not escape my perception..."

In the car, the air conditioner is turned on, and the temperature gradually rises.

A layer of white mist is covered on the glass.

Su Chen doesn't care.

After all, it's not him who is driving, but the phantom warrior himself. Even if he leaves his hands on the steering wheel, it can continue to drive automatically. What he is really curious about is what happened to this snow city.


From south to north, they drove for a day and a night, and even drove from west to east. They almost went around the entire Snow City, but they still didn't find anything.

There was no human habitation, no monsters, and no corpses.

This is a dead city!

A dead city in the real sense!

Snow City is only called Snow City in name. In fact, in the old times before the outbreak of the doomsday, it was not a city covered with snow all year round, and it was not famous for snow.

It's just because he has a mountain that is high into the clouds. It is the highest mountain in the plain area of ​​Province A, just like a chopstick standing on a flat white paper.

The upper half of the mountain is tens of thousands of meters high into the clouds. The upper half is covered with snow all year round. It is also called Yundian Mountain and Xuefeng Mountain. The name of Snow City has come from this since ancient times.

Today, there is no normal road in the Snow City area.

On the original highway, the phantom warrior seemed to have turned on the flight mode, sticking to the snow surface and speeding, while Su Chen was thinking in the car.

Because he didn't see the erosion gate descending on Snow City!

"Is it under the ice and snow?"


"It shouldn't be like this."

"If it is really under the white snow, the ancient power emitted by the erosion gate should have polluted the white snow of this Snow City long ago..."

"What happened to this Snow City? Where did their millions of people go?"

Su Chen frowned and soon thought of something. He looked towards the distant horizon, where there was a huge mountain that pierced the cloud, like a sharp sword.

That is the most famous snow-capped mountain in Snow City, Yundian Mountain.

Su Chen's eyes lit up instantly.

He figured out something.

Since there is an underground palace under the curtain city that has existed for at least a thousand years, or even thousands of years, and an ancient demigod gate is hidden in it.

This Yundian Mountain, which is like a giant sword inserted upside down in the Snow City area, is it also like that ancient underground palace, hiding some secrets.

Is the abnormality of this Snow City related to Yundian Mountain?

"Go to Yundian Mountain!"

Su Chen ordered.

He couldn't feel at ease until he figured out what happened in Xuecheng.

After all.

Xuecheng was too close to Yang City, and they were bordering each other.

That is, the wall of time separated the two places.

The wall of time between Yang City and Xuecheng would take three days and three nights to get out even if the Phantom Warrior walked at a speed of 120 yards.

Such a long distance was enough to completely isolate the two cities.

However, the wall of time was disappearing.

The timeline was unifying.

By then, Xuecheng and Yang City would be right next to each other.

Yunding Mountain was reached.

The Phantom Warrior flew close to the snow surface, violating the gravity, and directly rushed to the peak of Yunding Mountain.

Along the way, there was a lot of snow, and even Yunding Mountain did not see any abnormality.

What kind of erosion gate.

There was no ancient ruins like the Demigod Gate.

"Did I guess wrong?"

"It shouldn't be."

"If there is no more abnormality on Yundian Mountain, then this snow city will be even more terrifying. It has inexplicably become a dead city?"

At this moment, Su Chen's vehicle, the Phantom Warrior, has reached the halfway point of the mountain.

With Su Chen's eyesight, the top of the mountain is within reach.


He can see every grain of snow on the top of the mountain clearly.


Just when Su Chen wanted to turn back.

He noticed something was wrong.

Before the outbreak of the apocalypse, in the old times, he had come to Yundian Mountain for tourism. Only the upper half of Yundian Mountain had snow, and the lower half was normal with ancient trees and green pines, and the rocks and paths.

But at this moment, the peaks in the lower half were covered with white snow, a thick layer, and the original signs could not be seen clearly, but everything he saw in the upper half of Yundian Mountain was exactly the same as before the apocalypse.

Even the snow did not thicken at all.

White snow, green trees, and a frozen lake on the top of the mountain.

"This is so wrong."

"The secret is in the upper half of Yundian Mountain. Keep going."

Su Chen said.

Now, his own combat power is approaching level 7, and he also has Gangzi, who also has a level 7 life, and a phantom warrior who can use space to move and escape. What does he have to be afraid of?

In the new era when the doomsday breaks out, he is one of the small group of people who stand at the top of the strongest, and is even the only strongest superhuman being.

The car leaps, the throttle roars.

After crossing the mountainside, the scene changed instantly. Where was the peace and tranquility that Su Chen had seen before, and the beautiful scenery of Yun Dian Mountain in the old days...


It's all blood when you see it!

There are also rotting corpses and struggling broken corpses.

At the top of Yundian Mountain, the vast mountaintop lake has long turned into a sea of ​​corpses and blood. Even the upper half of the mountain is covered with flesh and blood remains.

This is a bloody world.

Everything is clear.

It’s all clear where Syracuse’s millions of people are.

The upper half of Yundian Mountain, the tens of thousands of meters of mountain road, and the lake at the peak, carry the flesh and blood corpses of millions of living people, no, millions of people.

As far as the eye can see, there are dense masses of broken bones, residual flesh, and blood...

Even the air smelled of thick blood.

This scene is like hell.


Su Chen rolled down the window and looked towards the world of Yucheng beyond the mountain peak. He saw everything. The sea of ​​blood on the top of the cloud mountaintop flowed down and turned into blood-colored snow. With the cold wind, it enveloped the world. The entire Snow City.

There is no white snow under the snow city, but blood-colored snow.

In the real snow city, the whole world is bloody.


There was a furious roar coming from the top of the mountain.

Su Chen saw it.

This is a monster of flesh and blood as huge as a mountain of flesh, tens of thousands of meters high, standing in the sea of ​​blood, with flesh and blood all over its body squirming, chewing on the ferocious blood-colored light and shadow.

After passing the bat demon in the capital, Su Chen still couldn't figure out what this bloody light and shadow was?

These bloody lights and shadows are clearly the soul of a living person.

The Gate of Corrosion was also found.

In this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, this was originally a blue and clear lake at the top of the clouds.

The 10,000-meter-tall flesh-and-blood monster in front of me came out of purgatory.

"Tens of thousands of meters high..."

Su Chen felt suffocated.

His original strength of level 7 made him feel that he was very strong.

within sight.

The logo on the top of this 10,000-meter-tall flesh monster slapped him loudly.

lv9, evil beast - flesh and blood

In purgatory, monsters of this level have actually emerged.

How can it be!

Su Chen was frightened for a while.

Level 9, which is equivalent to the top of the extraordinary.

The rank of the Heavenly King is not yet known.

But the 9th level of the extraordinary level is probably the upper limit that humans can theoretically reach by starting all the major paths to extraordinary.

At this moment.

This level 9 evil beast - flesh and blood, is frantically gnawing at the living soul, and it looks like there are countless eyes growing on the flesh and blood, staring at one place.

There is the only pure land in the world of mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

The only place covered with snow.

The blood that fills the sky seems to be unable to invade there at all. It is all blocked out, as if it is a world of its own.

In this only land of white snow, there is a tomb, with a red sword about two meters long stuck on it. The sword is slender and sharp, just like the tombstone of this tomb.

This evil beast of flesh and blood, with a ninth-level extraordinary life, clearly wants to invade the snow-white area, devour this sword, and dig up the grave.

The battle between this evil beast and this sword tomb is obviously not just the beginning.

At least it goes beyond January.


When the end comes, it has already begun.


"Use space to move!"

Su Chen ordered.

Although he was very reluctant to admit it, a dispute of this level was not something that a level 7 life like him could get involved in. Even if he provoked the royal capital, he was not afraid.

But this is obviously a wrestling match between Purgatory and the ancient beings left behind in this world.

He didn't need to and shouldn't get involved.

Now, he is just a small lv5, with a peak level of 6.

The Phantom Warrior also knew that the situation was urgent and activated its characteristics. The slender body instantly glowed with light, and the surrounding space quickly distorted.

Space movement, activate!


"What fresh and powerful flesh and blood!"


The mountain of meat, which was tens of thousands of meters high, began to tremble violently. Almost instantly, it arrived here, found Su Chen and others, opened its mouth of blood, and was about to eat it directly.


"I have to risk my life to see it."

"It's time to leave or not."


"If I really let you eat it, the balance will be broken. In this case, young man, please go and die."

The tomb exploded, and a young man with gray hair and aura of youth and twilight emerged from the ground. He was wearing rotten ancient clothes and holding the two-meter-long red sword.

Draw your sword! Cut it out!

Done in one go.

But he didn't come to help Su Chen, but to take Su Chen's life.

Above the head of this strange young man, there is also a lv9 logo.

lv9, magic sword.


Whether it was the evil beast, flesh and blood, or the ancient magic sword, they were all in vain.

Su Chen disappeared.

The body of the Phantom Warrior has long since disappeared.

Space movement was successfully launched.

The atmosphere was a bit stiff.

The evil beast-flesh, was stunned.

This strange young man also rubbed his eyes, feeling a little at a loss.

The two of them are level 9, beings at the pinnacle of extraordinary levels. When did they attack together and they couldn't even lock the space they were in? He actually let people travel through space and get away?

This is simply a fantasy.

"Is this breath divine?"

"That boy just now was a demigod?!"

The strange young man, half full of vitality and half full of twilight, instantly arrived at the place where Su Chen was. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and there was a trace of aura left. He sniffed it, and his eyes were even more filled with surprise and disbelief.


"Divinity is only possessed by demigods. Only saints can have access to it. Even the king of heaven cannot covet it..."

"This kid...!"


Unprecedented greed.

This strange young man's eyes turned red instantly, like a hungry wolf, and he wanted to leave here like crazy to find Su Chen's whereabouts.

The nine extraordinary levels.

Then up.

They are kings of heaven, saints, demigods...

Once he obtains divinity, he is expected to become a demigod. How can this not make him crazy?

Divinity is the direct ticket to demigods.

And, it’s an express ticket!

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"Thirteen thousand years ago, the spiritual energy was exhausted, the end of the law came, and the origin of the world was nirvana. I waited for the death of the last generation of breath masters, and slept in a deep sleep, eager to survive the era of spiritual energy tides."

"Unexpectedly, I didn't wait for the spiritual energy tidal era, but when the purgatory world collided and came, I also met the demigod's ticket. This world is really amazing."

He smiled ferociously and walked down the mountain, covering hundreds of feet in one step.


The evil beast-flesh rushed over and wanted to devour him.

"Damn it."

"Intellectual garbage."

"Get away!"

"Do you know, that is the ticket to demigods!"

The battle begins.

Everything on the top of the mountain is still going on.

At the foot of Yundian Mountain.

The space was distorted.

A Rolls-Royce crashed to the ground with a bang, denting the snow.

"Continue moving in space."

"Travel to the wall of time, or even the eternal city, and quickly escape from this snow city."

Su Chen looked gloomy.

Obviously, the higher your rank, the more you can feel the dangers of this world.


The car's accelerator roared.

The phantom warrior, riding Juechen, continuously moved through space, disappearing and reappearing in an instant, traveling dozens of kilometers.

In a blink of an eye.

The phantom warrior got into the wall of time and burst towards Yongcheng.

"Level 9 evil beast - flesh and blood, or level 9 magic sword..."

"Wait, when I come out of Yongcheng, I will definitely get rid of all of you."

Su Chen turned around and glanced at the top of Yundian Mountain.

With his upgrade speed, as long as the crystal core is enough and the monster is strong enough, this is not impossible.

It took him more than a month to go from an ordinary person to a quasi-level 7 fried rice person.

It only takes a month at most to become a peak level 9 life.

He even dared to get his hands on even the King of Heaven.

Of course, he stepped on the heads of these two level 9 beings and got involved...

Su Chen's path to transcendence has always been based on the corpses of transcendence and monsters.

Looking at lv9 now, although he is very strong, it is just a stepping stone on his way to becoming stronger.

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