Yongcheng has finally arrived!

In the foggy area of ​​the Wall of Time, Su Chen looked at Yongcheng in front of him and fell silent.

"Is this really Yongcheng?"

Su Chen was silent for a while.

The shadow under his feet also rippled, showing that Gangzi, a level 7 life, was also particularly restless.

Did he go to the wrong place?

Su Chen had this feeling in his heart.

It was because the city in front of him did not look like a modern city at all. Dark clouds covered the sky and the earth. On the corrupt walls, there were black stains that could never be washed clean. It was the appearance of blood that had dried for many years.

This is a huge city, with bricks and tiles, blood and bones, and walls full of broken swords and broken swords, hundreds of meters high.

At a glance, the walls full of traces of war were almost endless.

"Is it because of the speed of time?"

"Yongcheng is one of the cities with the fastest speed of time in the doomsday outbreak. How long has it been?"

"Three to five years, or ten to twenty years?"

"Only after many years can a modern urban civilization city be transformed into another appearance."

Traveling through the wall of time requires a price.

It is conceivable.

The price of this time's travel must be much more terrifying than the first time I traveled through Yucheng.

"Wang, I feel a powerful force. There is an extremely terrifying existence in this city..."

Gangzi, a slightly hoarse voice sounded in Su Chen's ears.

It is obvious that a level 7 life is not an ordinary extraordinary life that can make a level 7 life feel terrifying.

"I know."

Su Chen said.

In his vision, the city was full of icons of various colors, ranging from lv1 to lv5.


If this Yongcheng is still dominated by humans, level 5 human life has been born here.

No, it's more than that.

Among them, Su Chen also saw the higher level mark of spirituality, lv6, which is the 6th level extraordinary life.

Su Chen personally hopes that these high-level extraordinary beings are all human beings, after all, all the people on this land are his compatriots.

"However, I am sure that this mark is definitely not human life..."

Su Chen's pupils shrank, staring at a mark suspended in the center of this huge city, which is also the reason why he was extremely afraid and dared not step out of the wall of time.

Because this is the mark of a king.

Not the extraordinary level lv9!

But a king who is above the extraordinary level!

How powerful the king is, Su Chen doesn't know, but he knows that a lv9 evil beast-flesh and blood, and a lv9 ancient life-magic sword, made him flee in panic.

The power of the king must be beyond words.

"Mucheng has a sealed evil beast king, Xuecheng has a level 9 ancient life, and another level 9 evil beast has descended..."

"The time velocity line of Yongcheng is so long, it should be normal for a king to escape."

Su Chen gritted his teeth.


If he retreats to Jiangcheng, he must pass through Xuecheng. The two old monsters in Yundian Mountain probably hope that he will go back and fall into the tiger's mouth.

He has no way to retreat and cannot go back.

What's more.

It's just a king, and only this king is a threat to him. The rest of the life in Yongcheng is only level 6. If there is no God Walker, it's nothing to him.

"Let's go!"

"Go into the city."

"However, Phantom, you stay. You are a product of modern civilization. The gorgeous car body is too eye-catching."

"Any human with a little memory of the old times will be able to guess that I came from another city when they see you."

The Phantom Warrior's car body shook, obeyed Su Chen's order, sent Su Chen out of the car, and wandered in the foggy area of ​​the wall of time.

On the other side, Su Chen and Gangzi in the shadow under his feet finally passed through the membrane of the wall of time and came to the huge city with rolling dark clouds and dark sky.

The smell of gunpowder stimulated Su Chen's sense of smell.

Sulfur, gunpowder.

I'm afraid there has been a large-scale ammunition bombing here.

The timeline can be messed up.

Cities are isolated into isolated islands by the wall of time, and people can be transformed into demons. What is impossible in this new era?

"King, let me cover your body and sneak into this city."


The shadow under Su Chen's feet trembled, and a stream of black mist filled the air, covering Su Chen. In a flash, Su Chen seemed to have merged with the dim world of Yongcheng.

Even if it was right in front of him, he would subconsciously feel that the place where Su Chen was was just an ordinary dark corner.

Su Chen climbed up the city wall carefully. As a peak life of level 6, almost level 7, he had long become a superman, and could jump over the city wall with his feet.

But he didn't do it.

But even so, he was still discovered. A team of patrol guards holding steel forks, like the Asura Yaksha in the myth, stood on the city wall and stared at Su Chen.

"Gangzi, if your ability should be level 7, normally, there shouldn't be anyone in this city who can discover me."

"Yes, King."

After receiving the response, Su Chen calmed down and entered the city, bypassing the patrol guards.

At this moment, Su Chen hurriedly took a look at the inner scenery of this city. Sure enough, it was Yongcheng, the decaying cement houses of the old era.

The streets were covered with dust and seemed to be empty. Instead, there were strange-looking humanoid monsters walking through the streets.


"This is the city of Lord Shura God."

"Where did the heresy come from?"



The steel fork came through the air, carrying a strange power.

Obviously, the patrol guard in front of them has the logo on their head, which is only level 4, that is, level 4 extraordinary.

But the level 4 extraordinary was able to see through the disguise of Gangzi's level 7 methods, and he still had the courage to attack him.

The steel fork pierced Su Chen's body and instantly turned into powder, and a terrifying counter-shock force emerged, extending along the steel fork to the strange Shura who took action.


"What kind of power is this? Can it actually break the protective divine light given to me by Lord Shura God?"


In a blink of an eye.

There was a blood stain on the city wall.

"The power of this fork is about level 5, Freelander? It's a bit like it, but it doesn't feel right."

"The Shura Yaksha and other humanoid monsters in this city are all Free Walkers, right?"

Su Chen felt a pain in her balls.

He came here for the crystal core and monsters. If so, it is probably unknown whether he can get the energy he wants.


"King, look, there is a crystal core..."

In the shadow, a palm stretched out and took out a faint green crystal core from the blood. This was a level 4 crystal nucleus with energy reaching the level of a level 5 crystal nucleus.


"So powerful!"

"Where did this monster come from..."

On the city wall, seeing their most powerful leader instantly killed on the spot, the rest of the Shura Yaksha men and women all had faces full of horror.


Su Chen was surprised for a while.

A group of Shura Yaksha, monsters more terrifying than monsters, actually called him a monster, but he was a real human being.

Could it be said that the Shura Yaksha and humanoid monsters in this city were not transformed from humans?

In that case, where have the millions, no, tens of millions of people in the city of Yongcheng gone?

"When did you come to this city?"

Su Chen asked.

It's just that these Shura Yaksha were so frightened that they dropped the steel forks in their hands and actually wanted to run away.

It's just that the power disparity is too great.


What a joke.

Even if it was Freelander throughout the whole journey, Su Chen was not afraid. He was only afraid of the existence of the mysterious king.

But in the short term, this king may not be in the right state, otherwise, he would have been suppressed long ago.

In an instant, dense chains of darkness surged under Su Chen's feet, locking the five Shuras and seven Yakshas in place.

"This is the God-given land that our monarch led us to find. This is ours. Get out of our land."

"I remembered that you were an indigenous monster in this land that we drove away three years ago."

"Say quickly! Are you here to steal our land?"

These Shura Yaksha were so angry that even their red eyes and ferocious faces became more and more distorted.

Su Chen snapped his fingers.


These Shura Yaksha all exploded into bloody mist.

This time, he had 7 more level 4 crystal nuclei. They were still dark green crystal nuclei, full of coldness, and layers of frost had condensed near the crystal nuclei.

It seems that Freelander is the only one who takes the lead. In this city, Freelander is considered a rare character.

"This city is really a devil's cave."

"As I see more and more cities, I really don't know the world at all. Is this still that blue and beautiful planet?"

Su Chen closed his eyes, exerted force on his legs, and jumped up instantly. His body was once again shrouded in the black mist attached to Gangzi.

This time, walking through the city was normal, and no monsters saw through his disguise.

It seems that it is not that Gangzi's method failed, but that the Freelanders in this city are too special. Within the scope of the city, they can ignore certain disguise methods of high extraordinary ranks.

Fortunately, there are not many Freelanders. At least at this moment, we have not encountered any other Freelanders.

Strider is just difficult to kill, not impossible.

If he hadn't figured out who the mysterious king was, I'm afraid Su Chen would have gone on a killing spree in this devil's cave city by now.

Anyway, he came here for the crystal core.

This city is full of monsters, all of which can explode crystal cores, so if you kill them, you will kill them.

In a blink of an eye.

Su Chen walked in the darkness, passed between corners, covered a distance of dozens of kilometers, and finally arrived at the place he wanted to go.

The roadside streets here are covered with a thick layer of plaster, shop signs are broken, and the pavements are rotten. At this time, Su Chen, wearing a pure white coat, is standing at the door of Yongcheng King Donkey Meat.

It's just that although the streets here are decayed, they are still intact. There is no sense of dilapidation that Su Chen saw earlier with the help of the mountain guard's perspective.

Normally, with the size of the Mountain Guard, Su Chen should not be able to find the Yongcheng King Donkey Restaurant.

With this place as the center, the area within a hundred miles should be in ruins, if not in ruins.

As a result, nothing was damaged.

There was only ruin, decay and dust.

"I don't even smell a single human scent in the whole city."

"This is a demon cave."

"What happened?"


The ground trembled slightly.

A terrible breath came, but it was just normal fear, not the existence of the king that made Su Chen tremble with fear.

This is one of the few level 6 beings in the city. There is no doubt that he is also a god walker.

"Damn it!"

"Why is there only one patrol team? Are there any enemies invading?"

"You are really courting death!"

"Ha ha ha! How dare you invade a city that is protected by the powerful Shura God? You are simply courting death."

The huge body is about 100 meters high. It seems to be forged from strange stones. It has a huge single eye with purple-gray pupils.

Two giant legs are galloping on the ground.

There are also two arms that are thicker than the body, holding a huge stone stick hundreds of meters long, patrolling around the city.

He is looking for Su Chen, his eyes are full of bloodthirstiness, he wants to hunt down this intruder who doesn't know whether to live or die.

This is a level 6 God Walker, which is equivalent to a level 7 life force. It can be said to be the peak existence standing in this city.

"Perhaps, the so-called Shura God in this city is not what I imagined, the evil beast king who has broken free from the seal, or the awakened ancient life?"

"Perhaps, this city is not threatening?"

As he said, black mist dissipated from Su Chen's body, and gathered into a black shadow without facial features, only a vague human figure, which was Gangzi.

A level 7 life Gangzi, and Su Chen approaching a level 7 life.

The disguise that was removed at once, and the high-level aura were revealed. Under the sign of Yongcheng King Donkey Meat Restaurant, Su Chen and the others were reflected in the eyes of the Cyclops.


The next moment.

The Cyclops trembled violently, passed the two, pretended not to see them at all, and searched in another direction.

At the same time, he kept shouting.

"Intruder? Where is the invader? I will beat you to death."

The voice became louder and louder, but the pace became faster and faster, and finally ran away and never appeared again.

Su Chen stared at the place where the Cyclops disappeared. The monster fled there and disappeared.

In an instant, the figure of hundreds of meters disappeared.

"It seems to be underground?"

"He fled underground."

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

What is underground?

Temple, maze, or monster lair?

Where is his Shura God.

If it is really the god they believe in, there should at least be a statue for them to worship.

This city is not normal.

"Let's go!"

"Go to the place where he disappeared."

Su Chen had a strong feeling that he should not stay in this city for a long time, otherwise, something bad will happen.

Maybe, he will become a monster.

There is no reason, but once this idea came up, it became more and more intense, and it could not be stopped.

At the same time.

What Su Chen did not notice was that the halo of his figure that he had finally replenished was disappearing little by little as he walked towards the place where the Cyclops disappeared.

This is the confrontation between two divinities.

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