Su Chen's speed was so fast that he could move instantly. He crossed five or six streets and arrived at the place where the Cyclops disappeared.

This is the playground of a school, Hengyang Middle School. This school was quite famous in the old days and was famous throughout the federation for its terrifying enrollment rate.

Countless wealthy businessmen, politicians, or middle-class families with slightly more prosperous families would like to send their children here. In the past, they would get good results in the college entrance examination.

Su Chen attended the Hengyang Middle School branch in Yang City at that time. Unfortunately, everything changed. The economic crisis swept across the United Kingdom and was reflected in the real estate crisis.

His house collapsed overnight.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a family will be destroyed.

"On the eve of the doomsday outbreak, Shen Linlin went to college in Yongcheng. I remember seeing the scene of the doomsday outbreak in Yongcheng."

Su Chen passed through the security booth that was full of decay and dust and entered Hengyang Middle School. Except for the clean and empty playground, the rest of the place was overgrown with weeds and looked like it had not been visited for many years.

Three or five years, or ten or twenty years, Su Chen didn't know.

There aren't even any monsters wandering around here.

Finally, Su Chen walked to the playground railing door. The iron door was covered with rust. He only had to stretch out his hand to push it open, but he did not do so.

In his body, there is a peach wood sword and the bamboo slips, which are two lv9 objects obtained from the demigod space. I don't know if they are the abyss evil wood of extraordinary life, and the catalog of all demons.

At this moment.

They were trembling wildly.

They are afraid.

at the same time.

Su Chen finally noticed that the divine brilliance on his body was passing away rapidly. The speed was beyond his imagination, and it was almost exhausted in just a short moment.

But inexplicably, he felt that it was important for him to take another step forward.

"Go with your feelings."

Su Chen was so crazy that he took a step forward, pushed open the rusty iron door of the playground, and walked into the world of the playground.


This is not a playground, it is clearly a different world.

At this moment, Su Chen thought of the fallen demigod subspace beneath the curtain city. Perhaps he had just stepped into this subspace portal.


In an instant, Su Chen entered a fighting state.

The battle armor like black jade swept over the whole body in an instant, and the level 7 life Gangzi covered in black mist stood beside Su Chen, watching everything around him vigilantly.

They entered a demigod subspace.


This demigod is probably the Heavenly King that Su Chen sensed from outside. For some unknown reason, he fell from the divine level and became a Heavenly King.

Perhaps, even the stability of the King's state is unknown.

If Su Chen were a heavenly king, if someone offended the city he controlled, he would definitely appear immediately, but the other party would not.

This is a dense bamboo forest, where figures, either huge or short, are gathering together to worship a statue.

"God Shura, great God Shura!"

"You led us to this rich land and gave us new life. Please ask the great Shura God to protect us again and repel the evil gods who will invade us!"

"God Shura, your power is unmatched by anyone. It is far beyond the comparison of weak false gods. Your divine power...ah! Evil God?"

The Cyclops who was worshiping seemed to have sensed something. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Chen on the other side of the bamboo forest. He was suddenly frightened like a frightened bird and roared in fear.

The other monsters that are worshiping are, without exception, all at the same level as the Cyclops, that is, level 6 monsters.

Including Freelander's identity, it is equivalent to a level 7 life.

"Level 6 Freelander, level 7 life force."


"It's a little tricky."

Su Chen looked at this monster figure exuding a terrifying aura, narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt a little troublesome.

after all.

He is just infinitely close to the peak level 6 life of level 7 combat power.

Gangzi is a normal level 7 life.

On the other hand, on the side of the monster camp in Shura City, there are seven level 6 Freelanders in this subspace, that is, seven level 7 beings.

Such a lineup is more than terrifying.

Under normal circumstances.

Su Chen should have run away in despair.

Moreover, it is not necessarily possible to successfully escape in front of this level 7 and level 7 monster.

But at this moment.

The scene seemed extremely strange.

The level 7 monsters, who clearly had the most powerful lineup, were retreating step by step, staring at Su Chen with horrified eyes, as if they were afraid of some terrible higher-level being.

Are you aware of the two lv9-level auras in his body?


This shouldn't be the case.

Perhaps they are afraid of the divine power within themselves.


Su Chen was silent for a while.

Divinity is simply a piece of cake. There are level 9 ancient beings who want to plunder him, and there are such a group of level 7 beings who fear him as an evil god.

Su Chen took a step forward, and the monsters took a step back.

In a blink of an eye.

Su Chen came to the statue. His divine radiance had been exhausted, but at this moment, the divine power in this subspace world that was originally against Su Chen's divine radiance was drilling into Su Chen's body.


Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

He looked at the statue and realized that it was not a statue at all, but a sleeping creature.

The statue was three hundred feet tall, standing upright, with wings on its back. It looked like the Shura evil ghost in myths and legends, with a hideous face and fangs protruding from its mouth.

The whole body was covered with blue-black scales, and the murderous aura was coming.

Three hundred feet, that is, a height of nearly one thousand meters. Even the largest monster standing here did not reach the height of Shura God's knees.

"Special materials, materials of the king level, and the fallen Shura God were found. Do you want to pick them up?"

A voice sounded.

This was the sound of picking up special materials. Su Chen had not heard it for a while.

His eyes widened instantly, becoming extremely incredible.

He rubbed his eyes.

In the field of vision.

On the head of this statue, there is indeed a title of the king-level Shura God. It is precisely because of this that Su Chen treated it as a sleeping king.

But Su Chen really didn't expect that this fierce Shura God was already dead.

Even if he was dead.

His body was still fierce and raging, like a living thing, full of vitality, and he could still hold a title of the king level and give power to the monsters who worshiped him?

"Shura God, please kill him!"

"Compared to you, this evil god who came to attack is just a weak pseudo-god. Although he has the same essential god power as you, he is much weaker than you. Please devour him and recover from his injuries..."

The shouting sounded among the seven monsters.

All the monsters looked at their Shura God excitedly.

Shura God!

If you can devour this false god, you should be able to wake up.

However, they don't know that this Shura God has died a long time ago.

"I will ascend to heaven in one step!"

Su Chen's eyes were burning.

Sure enough, when he was in Hengyang Middle School, his feeling was not wrong. There was a great opportunity for him here, which was this material of the Heavenly King level.

Whether it was to create a guard, or to pick it up and integrate it into oneself, it was the best choice.

The divine halo, in this moment, has grown like a shining sun.


Su Chen could feel.

He had reached the limit of divine brilliance.

An illusory little man was brewing in his body. This was the second stage of divinity.

The first stage, after the divine brilliance.

This was the second stage, divine consciousness.

He became stronger.

After the illusory divine little man gradually took shape, he could even feel that he could wipe out all the level 7 monsters present.

The divine rank, unreasonably powerful.

Of course.

Now the divine consciousness is still gradually brewing and has not really formed.

"Let me devour you."

Su Chen's figure soared into the sky, and in an instant he soared to a height of a thousand meters in the sky, stepped on the head of the Shura God, holding a huge horn.

"How dare you humiliate Lord Shura God!"

The monsters were roaring.

Their eyes were red, and they actually burst out with murderous intent against Su Chen.

They were able to receive blessings and rely on worshiping the corpse of Shura God. They obviously have a certain degree of pious faith and may become fanatics at any time.

The scene of seven level 7 monsters charging must be terrifying.

"Merge with me."

Su Chen was not greedy. He was very self-aware. He did not dare to directly devour and fuse the broken horn of a vicious beast and the material of level 7.

What's more, this Shura God was obviously more powerful.

His plan was to break off a part and eat it bit by bit. Unfortunately, he underestimated the power of this Shura God.

A king of heaven, a former demigod, even if he is dead, can be easily shaken by his rank.

Su Chen's power can already be regarded as a superhuman among superhumans, but unfortunately he still can't even scrape off a piece of evil scale.

"This pseudo-god is so weak, I even feel that he may not be stronger than me!"

"Dare to humiliate Shura God!"

"He deserves to die!"

Level 7 monsters went crazy.

The first monster took a tentative step, and Gangzi blocked him in front of him, which was completely exposed.

Thousands of shackles bound this level 7 monster, and it was suppressed by Gangzi in an instant.

But this is not a crushing force.

At best, Gangzi is stronger than any level 7 monster, far from reaching the level 8 life, or even stronger.

"So weak! So weak!"

All level 7 monsters went crazy.


The war started.

Gangzi fought against a huge and powerful lineup of level 7 monsters alone. In an instant, Gangzi was blown to pieces and turned into countless black mists that swept all around.

Night fell at this moment.

In the dark night, countless chains and shackles entangled the seven level 7 monsters. Gangzi was very strong and could handle the huge and powerful lineup of level 7 monsters.

On the other side.

Su Chen found that the palm he touched the evil scale was like being sucked in, and he couldn't get away at all. The Shura God's body of the Heavenly King actually had a constant flow of power into his body.

Uncontrollably, he began to merge and devour the Shura God!

"Not good!"

"Too bad!"

"This is no longer a python swallowing an elephant, but a python swallowing a whale! It will explode."


"It won't explode, but I'm afraid it will be me who disappears, a drop of ink merges into the river, and I, no, the Shura God will swallow me in return and wake up."


This is a trap!

At the beginning, he should have thought of the divine power left by the Shura God, actively integrating into his body, promoting the growth of the divinity in his body.

This is preparing for the cuckoo's nest.

Ancient life, this Shura God is definitely an ancient life, and it can grow into a demigod life at its peak. It is not a simple character at all.


"It depends on my own will."

Su Chen closed his eyes and tried his best to fight against the remaining instincts in the body of Shura God.

A broken horn of an evil beast can give birth to a conscious dragon, not to mention a complete body of the Heavenly King Shura God.

At this moment, with the help of Shura God's divine power.

Su Chen's second stage of divinity was completed in a flash.

This is a conscious little man shining with colorful light.

In theory.

The appearance of the divine consciousness little man should be Su Chen's appearance, but at this moment, the divine consciousness little man is constantly changing, sometimes Su Chen's appearance, sometimes the huge and twisted Shura God.


"Wake up!"

"Wake up quickly!"

"The door to the demon world is open, and demons are coming again."

Su Chen felt that he was being shaken, and he subconsciously wanted to summon his guards to protect his own safety.


Where did he get the guards.

"What are guards?"

Su Chen was stunned.

Scratching his head, he felt that he had forgotten something.

This was a thatched house. He was wearing simple Taoist clothes, with a wooden hairpin tied into a bun. On the table beside him, there was a Taoist whisk. He was meditating on the straw couch.

The lights flickered.

A little Taoist boy was shaking him constantly.

"Who am I?"

Su Chen stood up, walked to the water tank, and looked at himself in the reflection. He was a handsome young Taoist, about twenty-five or twenty-six years old, with dim eyes and a pair of eyebrows that looked as straight as a sword on the brow bone, making him look heroic and his temperament was quite cold.

"Who is this?"

Su Chen was startled.


"I am Wei Qing, the son of a border dweller in the Great Qi Dynasty. The demons slaughtered my village and harmed my family. I was taken in by the master, practiced Taoism, and traveled around to kill demons and eliminate demons!"

"Yes, I am Wei Qing! Great, Master, and my fellow apprentices are still alive..."

Su Chen left tears of joy.

"Brother Wei Qing, what's wrong with you?"

"Let's go."

"This time the demons are coming fiercely, we can't delay any longer."

The little Taoist boy was anxious and kept pulling Su Chen's sleeve.

"Let's go!"

"Let's kill the demons!"

Su Chen's eyes were particularly sharp, and the whisk in his hand was shining with green light, and the roots stood up like a sword to kill people, no, a weapon to kill demons.

This is Da Qi, an ancient historical dynasty of the Great Britain three thousand years ago, and it is also a world created by the consciousness and memory in the body of the Shura God.

Su Chen's consciousness and the consciousness of the Shura God will compete here to decide the winner.

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