This is a lonely village with not many people inhabiting it. The thatched houses are filled with all kinds of Taoists, monks, and swordsmen.

Outside the village, there are green mountains and green waters. This is a village among hundreds of thousands of mountains. If you look far away, you can vaguely see the hundreds of miles of military camps stationed in the hundreds of thousands of mountains.

In the center of the village, a huge open space was cleared, and the scarlet vortex space gate stood like this.

In this clearing, and in front of the whirlpool portal, there are piles of corpses of countless dried monsters, which are called monsters.

"Master Wei!"

Along the way, all Taoists, monks, and even swordsmen greeted Su Chen with awe and respect. It was obvious that he had a very high status here.

It can be said.

At least more than half of the monster corpses on the ground were slaughtered by him.

Everyone was caught by the Daqi Dynasty and blocked the door here. Everyone must rely on him to survive here. At least follow him to have hope of leaving here alive.

He is the strongest man here.

In the Daqi Dynasty, the demons were in trouble. As monks with the ability to subjugate demons, their families were all detained, and a hundred thousand troops escorted them to the place where the demons and chaos originated.

They have only two choices, either successfully sealing the door, or everyone will die, including their families.

"Xiaoqing, you're here."

In the large tent at the center, an old man in Taoist robes with white hair and a childlike face opened his cloudy eyes and stared at Su Chen. After speaking, he continued to look at the map without saying a word.

This old man in Taoist robes is Su Chen's master, the strongest practitioner besides Su Chen. In addition, there are other practitioners in the camp.

A two-meter-long monk looks like a glaring King Kong with a necklace of skulls around his neck.

There is also a strange old man carrying a huge bloody halberd with three eyes, who is closing his eyes to rest.

At this moment, including Su Chen who just came in, the four most powerful combatants here are already gathered together.

"Master, we have already withstood four waves of demons that invaded Daqi. As long as we can resist this last wave, we can start sealing the door to the demon world. By then, we can go home."

Su Chen said happily.

Hear this.

Inside the tent, Monk Vajra looked sideways. The three-eyed old man opened his eyes and looked towards Su Chen in a complex manner, with an indescribable meaning in his eyes.

The old man in Taoist robes nodded lovingly.


"When the time comes, you can go home."

"On the way back, remember to take good care of your brothers and sisters so that they don't fall behind. It's inevitable that there won't be any demons left here. It's very dangerous..."

Su Chen nodded solemnly, he would definitely protect his brothers. After all, Taoism is his home, his brothers are his brothers, and his master is like his father.

He didn't hear the true meaning of what the old man in Taoist robes said.

Su Chen left.

In the camp, Monk Vajra looked at the old man in Taoist robes and couldn't help but speak.

"Old Taoist Master, why is this happening?"

"If you, my disciple, Wei Qing, the strongest among us, can practice that Shura secret method, I'm afraid it won't be difficult to defeat the last demon king."

"Why do you have to practice this Shura secret method by yourself? You will die. The best result is that you defeat the demon king, run out of oil, die, and seal the door to the demon world..."

The three-eyed old man carrying Fang Tian's painted halberd did not speak, but it was obvious that this was what he meant.

It is clear that the best result is to let Wei Qing, a man who is born to be in trouble, practice the secret method of Shura, fight against the last demon king, and close the door to the demon world.

In this case, no one needs to die.


"No one will die. Wei Qing is the only one who bears the price, right?"

"Practice the secret method of Shura, but you will become a monster like a demon. When the time comes, the door to the demon world will be closed, and the demons will become extinct sooner or later. How should he live in this world when he looks like a demon?"

"This child has been kind-hearted since he was a child. Even if he is bullied, he will not fight back harshly..."

"Someone has to pay the price, practice the secret method of Shura, become a demon, and gain the power to fight against the demon king. Why can't this person be me?"

"Anyway, my life is approaching and I don't have many more years to live."

Although the old Taoist's voice was slow but firm, as Wei Qing's master, he did not want Wei Qing to reach that ending. In this case, it would be better to let him be the one who should be the one to suffer the disaster.


There were two long sighs in the camp.

The tent fell into silence again.

The second day.

The Demon King arrived as promised.

The huge arm that lifts up the sky, the terrifying demonic shadow, even the hundreds of thousands of mountains can't cover his huge figure. Even just one arm coming from the gate of the devil world to this world will make all the practitioners tremble, and hundreds of thousands of people stationed there will The army felt as if the end was coming.

What an arm this is!

The giant arm holding up the sky is like a world-destroying hand.

The huge Shura transformed by the old Taoist was instantly destroyed into ashes the moment it appeared. Along with the equally powerful Vajra monk and the three-eyed old man, they were all killed together.

The terrifying air wave under the pressure of this palm caused all the cultivators to be completely destroyed physically and mentally. Even the hundreds of thousands of troops stationed on the outermost periphery were not spared. They were all affected, and the number of soldiers and generals was lost. No one knew how many casualties there were.

The remaining army, like frightened birds, abandoned all seriously injured Taoist fellows from Paoze and fled into the distance like crazy.

A split second of effort.

When the last wave of demon kings arrived, in a split second, everyone in the camp was dead. Only Su Chen was left, tremblingly holding up a pile of black ashes on the ground.

There may be his master's ashes in it, and it may be mixed with other fellow disciples.



Su Chen, no, it should be said that Wei Qing roared in anger. He picked up the Shura secret method and turned into a Shura monster at this moment.

God Shura was born!

As a person who should be robbed, he finally showed his true power after transforming into a monster at this moment.

The power he possessed in his previous human form was just the tip of the iceberg of true power.

God Shura fights with the Demon King.

The demon king's arm was broken and he retreated to the world at the gate of the demon world in horror, but God Shura was still unwilling to let go and wanted to rush into the demon world to hunt down the demon king.

If it hadn't been for it, if it hadn't been for this so-called demon world, the master and all the brothers would not have died.

He hates it so much!

Why wasn't he the one who died?

Why didn't he transform into Shura God earlier!

At this moment, the divine power emerging from his huge body rolled up sporadic light spots on the ground. These were fragmented souls. He entered the demon world. These fragmented souls were invaded by contamination, and Zhongxing possessed a body. .The body came to life, but in the form of a demonic beast.

The gate to the demon world disappeared.

God Shura also disappeared.

There is no longer demon cholera in Daqi in this world, but there is a walking Shura God in another world, and a group of new demons following him, like zombies, and as ignorant as babies.

At this moment, the world disappears.

In the confrontation of consciousness, the remaining consciousness of Shura God's body was completely victorious. After all, even if it is dead, only the physical body still retains the instinctive consciousness of divinity, it is still the level of the king of heaven, not a little quasi-accurate person like Su Chen. Level 7 can handle it.

"I will definitely find a way to resurrect my master and brothers."

"As long as I am alive, I must find a way to resurrect them."

Endless darkness comes.

There was a murmur.

A huge figure stood upright, and it was clearly the God Shura.

He won.

Therefore, he wanted to occupy Su Chen's body and dominate Su Chen's consciousness. In the form of Shura God, Su Chen's name would reappear in this world three thousand years later.

"It's completely defeated and there's no resistance left."

Su Chen's consciousness was sighing.

After all, he is the King of Heaven.


at this time.

All of Su Chen's guard icons flashed violently at this moment.

A wave, no, dozens of terrifying divinities descended on him at this moment, crushing him to pieces.


The plan of Shura God's consciousness to dominate Su Chen's physical body failed.

He failed.

In an instant, his body and soul were destroyed, and he lost all possibilities.

Endless darkness comes.

The figure of God Shura appeared.

Su Chen also appeared.

Their two consciousnesses faced each other in this dark place.

"I actually found myself again?"


"I actually won, how did I win?"

Su Chen was at a loss. He thought that the only possibility was that the icons of his fortress and guards had played a role. In him, this was the only one that transcended all ranks, and might even be above the so-called king.

"You will put an end to everything, put an end to this abominable purgatory that invades other worlds, right?"

God Shura is disappearing and he is talking to Su Chen.


At this moment, for some reason, Su Chen's answer was particularly firm.

God Shura nodded.

"If that's the case, then I'm relieved."

"I originally thought that you were a person born in this world three thousand years later, just like me back then, but you just didn't grow up."

"But I was wrong."

"Every person who is destined to be robbed is a demigod in the future, but you are different. You are not a person who is destined to be robbed. You are a real god, and there are fallen demigods following you."

"The demigod divinity that is full of the aura of a person who deserves to be robbed is not yours, but is given to you by a real person who deserves to be robbed."

"Even in front of the real god of purgatory, you and he are equal."

"So are you going to end this?"

The huge kilometer-long body of God Shura is rapidly dissipating, and instead, Su Chen's power is growing crazily. He has reached the second stage of divinity, divine consciousness.

At this moment, his level also reached the lv6 mark in an instant, which is the life level of level 7.

That's not all.

It wasn't until he reached the peak life level of level 7 that this trend slowly stopped.

"I will."

Su Chen said solemnly.

Could it be that the person who should be robbed is Su Xiaoyi?

But it doesn't look like it.

When I met Su Xiaoyi for the first time, she was weak and there was no sign of huge power hidden in her.

If he hadn't helped, Su Xiaoyi would have ended up absolutely miserable.

"I believe you, it's time for me to die completely."

"This is my obsession!"

"Masters, brothers, Wei Qing is here to accompany you. You have been waiting for me for three thousand years, right..."

The voice was slow.

The last fragment of the Shura God also dissipated with the wind.

At this moment.

In the subspace, Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

The terrifying peak level 7 power suppressed the whole scene at this moment. The level 7 monsters who had fought back and forth with Gangzi were all kneeled on the ground by a heavy pressure at this moment, losing the ability to resist.

This was naturally not achieved by the peak level 7 power.

It was the divine consciousness.

At this moment, even the level 8 life, Su Chen dared to touch it.

Now he is really powerful!

"Lord Shura God!"

"Greetings to Lord Shura God!"

"This divine power is Lord Shura God! Lord Shura God wiped out this kid's consciousness and descended to the world in this kid's physical body..."

The seven demons were ecstatic and kept bowing their heads in worship, looking extremely pious.

It's a pity.

Although Su Chen's current divine power fluctuations are still tainted with a trace of Shura God's breath that has not yet dissipated, he is him, Su Chen, the real Shura God has long been dead.


The next moment.

The Shura God's body, which was erected like a statue, collapsed at this moment and turned into dust all over the sky.

A shining crystal core, as bright as the sun, was revealed in front of Su Chen and all the demons at this moment.

The Heavenly King Crystal Core!



"Lord Shura God!"

The seven demons roared.

But before they could make any move, in this instant, all seven demons were scattered like sand and wind, and disappeared with the wind, leaving only seven shining level 6 dark green crystal cores.

Not only these demons, but the entire Shura City, all the Shura Yakshas, ​​and other monsters, all disappeared with the wind, turned into sand and wind, leaving only crystal cores all over the city.

They are not real lives at all, but human souls, collected by the power of Shura God, and fallen into the form of demons, which are not real demon lives at all.

Their existence is just an illusion woven by Shura God for himself.

People can be resurrected after death.

Three thousand years ago, in the 100,000 mountains of Daqi, his lost master and fellow disciples had always been by his side and were still alive.


Shura God has completely fallen.

The last trace of obsession also dissipated with the wind.

These demons naturally have no power to maintain, and they are all annihilated.

"Is this the power of the Heavenly King?"

"What a powerful method."

"I don't know what a true demigod is like."

Su Chen muttered to himself.

On the side, Gangzi glanced at Su Chen, scratched his head, and then looked at the crystal cores all over the city. Countless black mists spread out from his body, and tens of thousands of hands stretched out from the black mist, taking away all the dark green crystal cores.

Since leaving Yang City, after many twists and turns, I finally got something.

It's full of high-level crystal cores.

It's definitely enough to give birth to a lv7 guard, that is, a level 8 life.


More than one!

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