Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 138 Two Eternal Cities

Since ancient times, the world of purgatory has been eroding the real world. Before Daqi, there were gates of erosion in every dynasty. At that time, people in the ancient times called the gates of erosion the portals of the demon world.

Evil beasts and their ilk are demons.

According to the size of the Dharma-ending world, their practitioners are simply not qualified to resist high-level demons.

But this planet is conscious.

Every time the door to the devil world is opened, a person who deserves the disaster will be born among the practitioners. Wei Qing, the Shura god, is the person who deserves the disaster. When dealing with the disaster, he can unlock the true power and reach half the level in one leap. God level.

When the disaster is over, he will fall from the level of demigod, grow old and die in an instant.

The natural underground palace in Mucheng was a demon king who was born in an even older dynasty before Daqi and died.


That heavenly evil beast is the demon king that invaded the real world in ancient times.

The person who faced the fate of this demon king was not willing to lose the power of this demigod, so he decided to create a trouble for the demon king. Instead of killing the demon king, he imprisoned and sealed it in order to continue to exist as a demigod in ancient times.


He failed.

This also led to the subsequent appearance of the Demon King more and more frequently.

The people who are subject to the calamity are getting weaker and weaker.

If Wei Qing hadn't gone crazy and turned into Shura God through the secret method of Shura and entered the world of purgatory, otherwise, from three thousand years ago to the present day of the Great Britain Association, there would still be traces of demons and the emergence of the gate to the demon world.


Su Chen opened his eyes.

At this moment, he digested all Wei Qing's memories from his divine consciousness and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

There will no longer be a so-called gate to the devil world.

Because there are gates of erosion everywhere now, which are the gateways to the demon world.

It won't be long.

On this planet, the real world will be pulled into the world of purgatory, just like the old town of Jiangcheng.

"Wei Qing finally said that I am a real god. What does this mean?"

Su Chen was confused and a little confused.

But he didn't think about it any further.

At this moment.

This Shura City turned into an empty city, filled with countless black mist, and completely black palms placed green crystal cores in front of Su Chen.

In the end, the most eye-catching one was the King-level crystal core.

He made a fortune.

"Start melting the crystal core."

Su Chen took a deep breath.

Once again, there was a sense of urgency.

The more he knew, the more he felt that the world of Purgatory was powerful and that a huge crisis was on the way.

Before that.

He must have more power.

A blink of an eye.

One by one, the green crystal cores disappeared.


It's Su Chen's massive energy.

The green crystal cores in this Shura city are all of high quality standards. The weakest are level 3 crystal nuclei, among which there are many level 4 crystal nuclei, and there are dozens of level 5 crystal nuclei.

What's more, there are 7 quasi-level 7 crystal cores and one King of Heaven crystal core.

"Start dissolving the energy."

"2,000 level 3 crystal cores, gain 10w of energy."

"200 level 4 crystal cores, gain 20w of energy."

"60 level 5 crystal cores, (10,000 energy/1 level 5 crystal core), gain 60w of energy."

"Seven high-quality level 6 crystal cores, (nearly the energy level of a level 7 crystal core), (one piece of 90w), obtain 640w of energy."

The current energy is 13w.

Start calculating energy, 13w+10w+20w+60w+640w=743w energy.


"743w energy."

Above the empty Shura City, Su Chen's wings were vibrating, standing in the sky, holding the crystal core of the Heavenly King in his hand, and his heart was surging.

This time, it’s true.

The energy he possesses breaks through the million mark, only to miss the tens of millions mark.


"There are also two level five crystal cores obtained from the Military Martial Arts Association."

① Giant Bird of Wind, level 5 monster, crystal core attribute: wind

② Mountain rock monster, level 5 monster, crystal core attributes: mountain, giant

The properties of these two fifth-level crystal nuclei are somewhat incompatible with those of other guards, so Su Chen has not used them. Now they are all melted away in exchange for energy.

At this time, the energy surged by 2w again. Compared with the 743w energy that was approaching the tens of millions mark, it was better than nothing.

This time, it became 745w energy.

The previous lv5 guard with level 6 life needs 300,000 energy to upgrade to a lv6 guard with level 7 life.


Gangzi has been a lv6 guard for a long time, and has so much energy that lv7 guard Su Chen is also ready to arrange it for him.


Look at the information displayed on the satellite TV panel.

lv6→lv7 requires ten times the energy of lv5→lv6, which is ten times the energy of 300,000, which is 3 million energy.

Thanks to the fall of God Shura, the destruction of a monster city in Shura City has long been avoided. Otherwise, Su Chen may not have the chance to save three million.

Level 5 monsters are already rare, level 6 monsters are even rarer, and level 7 monsters would be even rarer if they were not in this Shura City.

If Su Chen were to search slowly by himself, a level 5 monster would only give 1w energy, so he would need to find 300 level 5 monsters. A level 6 crystal core should give 10w energy, so he would need 300 of them.

Unless he entered the Purgatory World, where would he find so many high-level crystal cores?

"Of course, the capital city may also have so many high-level crystal cores."

"But it's too dangerous."

"There is a high possibility that there are living demons of the Heavenly King level there."

In a flash.

300w energy disappeared.

The remaining energy became 443w.

Gangzi, a level 6, 7 life, has now officially become a level 7, 8 life.

There is no change in Gangzi's appearance.

His aura is the same as before.

But this is all on the surface. At a deeper level, Su Chen can feel that Gangzi has become more powerful.

"Try his level."

Su Chen looked at Gangzi, eager to try, and signaled Gangzi to treat him as an opponent, so that he can feel the power of this level 8 life.

Now Su Chen has dissolved the divinity of Shura God. Not only has he entered the rank of Level 7 life, but he has also derived the second form of divinity, the Divine Consciousness I, which is safe enough to fight against Level 8 life.

The domain opened up instantly, covering the entire Shura City.

The sky was dark.

In an instant, the sky of Shura City was completely dark.

The extremely powerful pressure came towards Su Chen.

If it were the 7 Level 7 demons of Shura City, they would have been crushed to pieces in the first place.

Even though Su Chen is now a Level 7 life, he still stimulated the Divine Consciousness in an instant, otherwise he would not be able to compete with the Level 8 Gangzi.


In the dark domain of heaven and earth, a light and shadow like a brilliant sun descended, and this dark world was instantly broken.

This brilliant sun was Su Chen.

To be precise.

It was Su Chen's divinity.

"Not bad!"

"Very strong."

Su Chen nodded, quite satisfied.

Level 8 life!

There is still 443w of energy left, just enough for 300w, enough to upgrade another lv7 guard, that is, to give birth to a level 8 life.

After the birth of divine consciousness.

Su Chen's perception range can instantly cover the entire Shura City. He can clearly sense even mosquitoes, rats, and ants, and even the slightest lines on the branches and leaves.

However, he can't sense the breath of a living person, and most importantly, he can't find the two guards he lost, the Mountain Guard, and the pig-headed monster.

The biggest reason for coming to Yongcheng is that the two guards may have been tampered with by the ghost cabinet and lost here.

As a result, Su Chen and Gangzi both solved the Shura God.

They haven't found their whereabouts yet.

"Continue to upgrade!"

"This time, upgrade the Mountain Guard!"

Su Chen made a decision quickly.


300w energy disappeared.

The energy balance became 143w.

This time, Su Chen closed his eyes and extended his divine consciousness toward the image of the guards of the Mountain Guards again.

The Mountain Guards, with the disappearance of 300w energy, instantly became level 7, 8 life.

The vision expanded again.

Su Chen saw the Mountain Guards and the pig-headed monster. From a God's perspective, this time he saw Yongcheng, another Yongcheng, not the Shura City that looked like this Yongcheng.

The streets here are decayed, but people coming and going are all humans.

Not demons.

In an instant, Su Chen understood.

"This is not Yongcheng."

"It should be said that this is a part of Yongcheng, a part of Yongcheng that was pulled into the Purgatory World, just like the old city of Jiangcheng that fell into the Purgatory World before."

"I just don't know what means the extraordinary people in Yongcheng used. Yongcheng should have been swallowed by the Purgatory World, but two Yongchengs appeared, one of which was pulled into the Purgatory World and became Shura City!"

I understand everything.

At this moment, the Shura City where Su Chen was located was still in the Purgatory World.

He was extremely afraid of the Purgatory World.

When he could crush the map of Yang City, he was unwilling to enter the Old City World for the second time to harvest the high-level monsters inside. Instead, he harvested Rain City, Mu City, and Yongcheng, which were far away.

"There is a problem with Snow City! The time wall bordering Yongcheng has a problem again, and it is directly connected to Yongcheng (Shura City) in the Purgatory World!"

Shura God disappeared.

But his Heavenly King crystal core is still there.

In the world of the Old City, the power fluctuations emitted by a level 5 crystal core can attract countless monsters.


It is the power fluctuations of a Heavenly King crystal core.

At this moment, Su Chen's scalp numbed, and he didn't even dare to imagine it.


As expected.

Outside the walls of Shura City, the boundless darkness spread like a tide. Su Chen was very familiar with this darkness. It was this kind of darkness that had previously enveloped the world outside the old city of Jiangcheng.

At this moment.

In this tide-like darkness, there were countless powerful, tyrannical, scarlet, and murderous eyes, greedily staring at this Heavenly King Crystal Core.

They were not low-end monsters.

The practitioners of the ancient times called them demons.

In this new era, Su Chen prefers to call them evil beasts.

Those who are not at the Heavenly King level are chaotic and unintelligent, bloodthirsty, ferocious and aggressive, and live by instinct.


"Let's go!"

in sight.

In an instant, thousands, no, even more than 100,000 logos appeared, crowded together like dense worms, squirming towards Su Chen.

lv5! lv6! lv5! lv7! lv8! lv9! lv7……

There are too many.

They are all evil beasts!

There is a huge black firebird with wings burning with flames, a terrifying Titan burning with red flames like in mythology, and a terrifying giant several hundred meters tall with three heads and six arms...

There are all kinds of evil beasts, each one more terrifying than the other.

Without exception.

Their weakest ones are all at level 5 health.

Among them, the most powerful ones are even at level lv9.

far away.

There are still mighty, more black tides coming towards here.


"Let's go!"

Su Chen was startled.

If there is no lv9 level, no matter how high the lv8 level is, he still hopes to fight. After all, as long as the evil beasts have enough crystal core tubes, he can continuously obtain characteristic materials from these evil beasts to support the war. , to enhance combat effectiveness.

By the time.

Maybe, as he fights, a mighty army of level 7 and level 8 life guards will appear around him.


There are more than ten lv9s on the opposite side.

Can't fight!

It’s really impossible to fight!

Gangzi retracted the domain in an instant, pulled up Su Chen, and appeared in a shadow thousands of meters away as if teleporting.

This is the principal's office of Hengyang High School.

Su Chen also felt the space fluctuation inside.

In an instant, he knocked open the door of the principal's office and came to a terrifying space created by blood. There was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, like an eighteenth level of hell, vast and boundless.

This is a small space.

In the center of the space, a tall portal was erected.

Gate of erosion!

This is the only remaining portal in Shura City that can lead to the real Eternal City.

at the same time.

This erosion gate seemed to have been squeezed, and cracks appeared rapidly.


The terrifying pressure surged forward.

Su Chen is very familiar with it.

Because this is the level of the Heavenly King.

God Shura fell.

It actually attracted a heavenly king from the purgatory world.


Su Chen could clearly feel that every cell in his body was losing control, as if every cell had given birth to its own consciousness, causing him to fall into loss of control and madness.

The King of Evil Beasts - the Lord of Chaos.

A moment.

In Su Chen's body, the two lv9 items, the peach wood sword and the bamboo slips, began to tremble rapidly at this moment.

"In this troubled world of demons and demons, we must suppress them! We must kill them!"

The catalog of all demons quickly turned through the pages. On the last page, a blank page quickly formed a twisted figure full of distortion and madness. This was clearly the posture of the Lord of Chaos.

next moment.

The evil tree in the abyss made a clear cry, and a malicious eye grew on Su Chen's forehead, and he glanced outside the house.


Su Chen's divine consciousness burst into glory.


He regained control of his body and stepped into the portal.

He escaped!

"A human being actually took the crystal core of King Shura and escaped back to the human world under my nose..."


A twisted figure full of deformation and madness, with a huge body, tried to squeeze into this bloody space, but it suddenly filled the space.


"When will we be able to completely pull this planet into the world of purgatory?"

He is sighing.

Around him, there are countless evil beasts. Even if they are as strong as level 9, they are only one step away from the king of heaven, but they are still in the ninth level of the extraordinary. They are all deforming, changing into another disgusting life form, and they are all going crazy.

They want to escape, but unfortunately they have no divine consciousness.

All fell into silence.

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