Su Chen stepped into the bloody portal and successfully came to the real Yongcheng, the real world.

Although the sky here is dim, it is particularly clear. There is no sense of oppression in Shura City. This is the real human world.


"In the new era now, are there all the kings walking everywhere?"

"It's because of my special reason."

Su Chen checked himself and found that he was intact and had not suffered any distortion and madness from the chaotic monarch.

The same is true for Gangzi.

Before the purgatory world really eroded the entire real world, high-level purgatory creatures could not enter the real world at all.

If Su Chen had not noticed it quickly, otherwise, what was waiting for Su Chen would not be just the arrival of an evil beast king.


Su Chen looked around. This Yongcheng in the real world, the capital city of Province A in the old times and civilized society, absorbed a first-tier metropolis with a population of tens of millions.

There were tall buildings everywhere, but it was full of decay and a sense of no people.

Vaguely, one can still see deformed zombies walking through the concrete buildings of the city, like stray dogs searching for food.

The zombie closest to Su Chen is standing under the bus stop, sniffing around, trying to find traces of humans. Its muscles are atrophied, like a shriveled zombie with skin and bones.

Obviously, this is an alienated zombie, and its level is very weak, probably only about level 3.


This is a new variant zombie that Jiangcheng does not have, perhaps an evolved version of the agile zombie?

Su Chen does not know.

He does not want to know.

"Zombies, this kind of weak monster, no, not even a monster, I didn't expect to encounter it in this fallen Yongcheng with a population of tens of millions."

Su Chen was a little sad for a while.


This thing, as early as when he was in Jiangcheng, was no different from cannon fodder in his eyes.

He has killed level 4 zombies.

What's more.

This little level 3 zombie.

"The situation in Yongcheng is unclear now, so it's better not to be too ostentatious."

Su Chen waved his hand.

Gangzi turned into a shadow and got into Su Chen's shadow.

The empty and bustling streets were full of dried blood and old cars that crashed into each other and turned into scrap metal. Su Chen, wearing a samurai costume, stood tall and walked steadily, and stopped at the shared bicycle on the side of the road.

The network has been lost for a long time.

What's more.

According to the degree of decay in Yongcheng, it's probably been at least ten years.

"Fortunately, shared bicycles can still be ridden."

"The quality of domestic products is good."

Su Chen's two fingers were like pliers, cutting off the lock of the shared bicycle, and then he rode all the way, swaying towards the densely packed extraordinary logo in his field of vision.


The rusty shared bicycle chain made a harsh sound, and rust continued to fall on the ground.

In fact,

With Su Chen's strength, level 7 peak life, level 8 combat power, he can jump across the entire Yongcheng like a superman.

But Su Chen didn't do that.

He felt that doing so was too conspicuous and he might be easily targeted.

It would be bad if another Heavenly King appeared.


The shriveled zombie at the bus stop finally discovered this living person when Su Chen rode his bicycle past it, and made a strange sound.

In an instant, its whole body exploded.

This is the fate of a low-level person who actively provokes a high-level person.

"An attack like a mental shock wave?"

"It's a bit like that bat."

"If it was in Jiangcheng at the beginning of the doomsday outbreak, this mental attack zombie should have the strength of a level 3 upper level."

"What a pity."

"I'm now level 8 combat power."

Su Chen didn't stay for too long, riding his bicycle, swaying towards the destination.

In his perception.

The pig-headed monster was in that direction.


"The pig-headed monster actually separated from the Mountain Guards?"

"And it dared to sense my breath, why didn't it rush towards me? Could it be trapped? What kind of guy could actually trap a level 7 combat power?"

Su Chen smacked his lips.

He confirmed it again.

In that direction, the supernatural signs all over the sky and the ground did not exceed level 7. The strongest was only a level 7 supernatural sign, and there was no level 6 supernatural, which meant there were seven or eight level 5 human lives.

The doomsday outbreak has been at least ten years, and this is in Yongcheng, a first-tier metropolis with a population of over ten million in the old era. Is it normal to be able to give birth to such a large number of high-level supernaturals?

It's normal.

But Su Chen felt something was wrong.

It should have been one Yongcheng, but it inexplicably became two Yongchengs, one in the real world and one in the purgatory world. This is not something that can be done by any supernatural means.

Not to mention, there are a group of demons with a combat power of level 7 in the Shura City, as well as the remains of the Shura God.

No one should be alive in Yongcheng.

Also, if it was Guichu who did something in Yucheng, why didn't he trick the Mountain Guards and Pighead into going to the capital, but in Yongcheng? Is it easier for Guichu to deal with him in Yongcheng?

"I don't know anything."

Thinking about it.

Su Chen squeezed the brakes. For a moment, he felt that the pig-headed monster's breath was so obvious that it was like a bait to lure him in.

A cold and lonely wind blew on the empty streets.

He looked at the sky.

The dark clouds rolled in, the sky was dim, and it felt like night was coming.

"There is still night in Yongcheng?"

Su Chen was even more surprised.

Not only Jiangcheng, Yucheng, and Mucheng, but even the dead snow city he passed by was in a long and dark daytime. The night seemed to be synonymous with the old times.

It was getting dark.

The extraordinary signs all over the mountains in the distance disappeared.

A strange force obscured the breath of these human extraordinary people.


There was a bright red moon hanging above the night sky, which looked like the night in the old times.


Su Chen narrowed his eyes. He was even more afraid of Yongcheng in the real world.

Yongcheng Department Store.

Su Chen entered the shop, which was a small street shop. It was not very big, just the size of two bedrooms. There was a rotten bed in the warehouse.

As for food, Su Chen did not need to eat.


After ten years, even if it had not been plundered, the food in this small shop was simply inedible.

Su Chen was a little tired, and he felt a little sleepy for the first time in a long time.

After becoming a level 5 human, he didn't need to sleep at all.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

"Is this a domain, or something else."

Su Chen closed his eyes on the bed, but did not fall asleep, but closed his eyes to rest.

The next moment.

A golden box appeared.

It kept shaking.

The things inside wanted to come out.

Su Chen was startled, raised his eyes and looked at the golden box, and then he remembered what was imprisoned in it.

lv7 human skin paper.

Once upon a time, he looked at the lv7 level of this human skin paper and was very afraid, and he didn't dare to use it at all.

"Who did I get this from?"

"Who from the Yang City Self-Help Association?"

It has been less than half a year since I got the parchment, and Su Chen can no longer remember the name of the Great Power King.

He just vaguely remembers that this person exists.

The level of lv7 is not strong.

At least now Su Chen can be regarded as a level 8 combat force.

It is easy to kill the parchment.

Su Chen snapped his fingers, and a mysterious force was applied to the golden box. The box was opened, and the parchment broke the golden silk thread that bound it.

The parchment unfolded rapidly, revealing lines of handwriting.

"This is Yongcheng."

"Now, it has become the nightmare city in the real world!"


"You shouldn't come here!"

"The owner here is more powerful than you can imagine!"

"You only have a level 5... huh?!"


The handwriting on the parchment trembled rapidly, and it actually stopped at this moment, as if it had seen something extremely shocking.

That's right.

The last time it was released was in Yucheng. At that time, Su Chen had just become a Level 5 life, and he did it by equipping the extraordinary weapon, the Fire Skull.

Now, Su Chen is equivalent to Level 8 combat power, the peak Level 7 life, and the second stage of divinity.

And all this is just the difference between this time and the last time the parchment sealed in the golden box meets.

"You?! Level 8?"

The parchment was shocked and distorted at the same time.

A wave of ripples appeared on the bright parchment paper, as if it was jealous and resentful.

On the bed, Su Chen raised his eyes and glanced at him. The breath of the high-level creature pressed on the parchment, pressing it into the dust. Now it was Su Chen who looked down at the parchment.

"It's just a level 7 weird life."

"I have the power to completely destroy you now."

"You'd better cooperate with me."

Su Chen was still very interested in the human skin paper. It seemed to be a creature from the Purgatory World, knowing the secrets of some powerful existence in Purgatory.

And this was exactly what he lacked.

"What is the Nightmare City?"

Su Chen asked the first question.

The human skin paper was very honest, or pretended to be very honest, with a look of resignation, and a series of handwriting appeared.

"The level of the evil beast king is called the monarch in Purgatory."

"The Nightmare City is here. It is full of the breath of the Nightmare Monarch. Obviously, one day many years ago, he successfully broke through into the real world and swallowed the entire Eternal City into his body."

Su Chen was skeptical about this.

How could he absolutely trust a weird life, a Purgatory creature?

"What's going on with this night?"

"Why is there night? The end of the world is coming, and the world is changing. Except for the beginning of the end of the world, won't the new era be always daytime?"

Blurred words appeared on the human skin.

Even with Su Chen's perception, he couldn't see it clearly. He subconsciously wanted to get closer to the human skin paper to see the content of the words clearly.

The next moment.

The human skin paper suddenly rose up and wanted to stick to Su Chen's face.

"I! I don't deserve your chance to grow!"

"Give me your divinity now!"


A hollow eye opened on the human skin.

At this moment, the divine consciousness in Su Chen's body was suppressed, and he temporarily lost control of his body.

The parchment was ecstatic.

If he had known it would be like this, he might as well have used this method of forcibly occupying the body earlier. Although it would damage his perfect replacement of Su Chen and leave flaws, he couldn't care less now.

"I'm controlled by you."

After Su Chen finished speaking, his expression turned cold and he showed a contemptuous smile.

"I'm pretending!"

The next moment.

The human skin was grabbed by a dark hand, which was stretched out from the shadow under Su Chen's feet. This was Gangzi's move.


"How is it possible?"

"It's okay that you grow fast, you are the quasi-god that is destined to be calamity, and Purgatory is pursuing you. Even the seven monarchs are looking for you."

"But why?"

"A weak and small fish has now become a life of level 8!"

The words of the human skin paper were full of disbelief. Obviously, with his wisdom and broad knowledge, he could not understand the existence of Gangzi at all.

Relying on the crystal core, one can quickly improve the level. I'm afraid it has never heard of it.

The human skin paper was caught in Su Chen's shadow.

It didn't cooperate, so naturally it would not be left. Soon, a series of shrill screams that were higher than the last one sounded.

The dying human skin paper became particularly broken.

"I won't let you go!"

The human skin paper left the last words.


It blew into countless pieces.

A lv7 strange life exploded, and the terrifying fluctuations instantly blew the entire shop building into the sky.


The human skin paper did it on purpose.

The fluctuations caused by its self-detonation attracted unknown horror and indescribable attention.

Above the night sky, the blood-red moon hanging seemed to tremble a little, deflected like an eye, and stared at Su Chen.

"Nightmare Monarch?"

"Could it be that the real Yongcheng, the pig-headed monster, and the signs of extraordinary humans that I saw are all in the Yongcheng after entering the dream?"

Su Chen suddenly realized and was about to retreat.


It's over!

He saw the full picture of the blood-red moon, which turned into an eye full of malice, and they looked at each other.

This is a Heavenly King Monarch.

Maybe due to the limitations of the real world, it cannot burst out the power of the real Heavenly King, but it can definitely pull Su Chen into the nightmare of Yongcheng.

"I told you to keep a low profile."

"But you're still being targeted."

"Damn it!"

Su Chen cursed and fell on the bed, becoming more and more sleepy. Even with his divine consciousness, he could not resist the increasingly strong feeling of sleep.

At this moment, he entered the nightmare of Yongcheng.

But the strange thing is.

Gangzi, who was not much stronger than him, was not affected at all, and the blood moon in the sky did not want to affect Gangzi at all, as if he knew that he could not drag Gangzi into the nightmare.

Gangzi was like a loyal servant, guarding Su Chen's body.

For a while.

Outside, there were bursts of thin rustling sounds.

In the darkness.

Monsters appeared one by one.

There were zombies, deformed monsters, and twisted evil spirits with hideous and terrifying appearances.

The divine consciousness also fell into a deep sleep. At this moment, the breath of the living on Su Chen's body was no longer covered, and they targeted Su Chen who was full of the breath of the living.

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