Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 140 Her name is Shen Linlin

"Have I entered the nightmare city?"

"As expected of you, the Lord of Heaven."

On the ruined shop, Su Chen was silent for a while, looking at the familiar scene in front of him, and picked up a piece of gravel to feel it. It was almost exactly the same as Yongcheng in the real world.

It can be said that if he didn't know that this was a dream, he would definitely think that he was still in the Yongcheng in the real world.

The gravel was crushed.

This sense of substance is no different from real stones.

It is said to be a dream world, but it is obvious that if you are killed here, you will die. Basically, there is no big difference from reality.

The only difference between here and Yongcheng is that he is the only one standing alone here. Gangzi has disappeared, and there is no breath of the monsters that he sensed before entering the dream.


"There are survivors."

"It's human!"

"Another newcomer has been pulled in!"

A block away, there was a noisy voice and the roar of cars.

With Su Chen's five senses, even with the buildings blocking his sight, he could clearly sense that a pickup truck was driving towards him quickly.

It was full of well-equipped special forces holding guns, and they were obviously people from Yongcheng who had fallen into this nightmare world.

"Firearms, and special combat uniforms."

"These are all weapons from the old times."

"As for firearms, as long as they are level 3 supernaturals with physical evolution, there is a high probability that they can dodge artillery fire, withstand bullets, and bend gun barrels with bare hands. Hasn't this thing been eliminated long ago?"

"Is there no supernatural people in Yongcheng?"

Su Chen was a little surprised, not only because these people were holding guns, but also because he did not see the supernatural logo on them.


Su Chen searched the shelves of the ruins of the shop.

Soon he found a mirror.

The person in the mirror was not him, and even his clothes had changed. He was wearing a school uniform, with a green face, round-frame glasses, and a slightly gentle temperament.

"Where's the power?"

Su Chen snapped his fingers, wanting to unleash the terrifying power of level 8 combat power.


After snapping his fingers.

There was no movement.

Logically speaking, with his strength, it would be easy to wipe out a 100-meter-high building in an instant with a snap of his fingers. He could almost be said to be a terrifying life at the level of destroying a city.

Now he seemed to have become an ordinary person.

"What kind of method is this, Nightmare Monarch? How come I have never heard of it."

Su Chen closed his eyes.

Even in the vast and boundless Purgatory that has swallowed countless planets and worlds, a Heavenly King-level existence is not an absolute overlord.

Asura God walked in Purgatory, he naturally collided with many Purgatory Heavenly Kings.

A large part of the reason why he fell was that he was hunted by the native Heavenly Kings and evil beasts of Purgatory.

In the divine consciousness, Su Chen searched for the memory of Asura God.

Finally, he found it.

Nightmare Monarch, a former demigod creature, was born from the consciousness of a planetary world to face the calamity. However, what he faced was not a simple demon king, but the oppression of the entire purgatory world.

In order to cope with the calamity, how could the demigod creature born from the quick product be considered a real demigod?

A demigod in the purgatory world took action, and with just one palm, he easily crushed the predecessor of the Nightmare Monarch, who was at the peak of the demigod level, into a blood mist.

Then, purgatory swallowed their planetary world.

The dead consciousness sank in purgatory and turned into a shapeless illusory giant whale. The giant whale would swallow the creatures it valued and weave a dream like reality, so that these creatures would sink and would not want to wake up even if they knew the truth.

Nightmare Monarch wanted to compile a dream world to accommodate the creatures in the world that were harmed by purgatory, perhaps to make up for his regret that he had not protected his planetary world.

"Former demigod?"

"Its true form is the giant whale of illusion. Wherever there is a planet world being eroded by purgatory, it will appear there?"

Su Chen was silent for a while.

Dare to move at the forefront of the erosion of purgatory world, obviously this nightmare monarch is actually similar to Shura God, and will encounter hostility from the local kings born in the purgatory world.

Even, he will be hunted.

A group of purgatory kings go to hunt a king who has lost his world and is like a stray dog. The ending is basically no suspense.

Shura God is the best proof.

However, Shura God died. According to Shura God's memory, this nightmare monarch existed in purgatory long before he stepped into the purgatory world.

It is obvious that even the kings can't kill the nightmare monarch.

The strength of the nightmare monarch can be seen.

I am afraid that it is at least the terrifying life of the peak king.

It is even possible that it is not the king level, but a saint level, as for the demigod, it is impossible.

The consciousness of the Purgatory World does not allow a saint from another world to become a demigod in his world.

"It should not have reached the saint level, otherwise, Shura City would not be neighbors with Yongcheng, the nightmare city."

Su Chen sighed.

This is the real doomsday.

There is not much opportunity for growth at all, and the powerful high-level life forms play with all humans like toys in their hands.

It's good for Su Chen to return to Jiangcheng.

If he had caught the attention of this nightmare monarch in Yongcheng, he might not have had the chance to grow to his current level.

Peak level 7 life and level 8 combat power are no longer considered weak.

Just give him some time.

Even if he is a king, he can achieve it.

"A student?"


"Aren't all the humans in Yongcheng drawn into this world? Could it be that they are humans from other cities, but how did he come to Yongcheng..."

The car roars after all.

The modified pickup truck stopped in front of Su Chen.

A group of special operations soldiers armed with firearms filed out of the car, and a man finally walked out. He was a man in military uniform with firm features, sharp eyes, and a shaved head.

at the same time.

He was also the only one not armed and on alert.

Obviously, he is the real leader of this group of special forces.


The flat-headed man looked at Su Chen.

He is wearing a clean and tidy school uniform, with a badge from Hengyang High School hanging on his chest. He wears round-rimmed glasses, but his eyes are very deep, and he looks like a gentle student.

Judging from his age, he must be seventeen or eighteen years old at most.

The crew-cut man just wanted to ask something.

Instead, Su Chen asked first.

"What's going on in Yongcheng?"

"Why is the whole city empty!"

"Also, have all of you in Yongcheng been pulled in? It was how many years after the end of the world broke out."

Su Chen asked a barrage of questions, and everyone present was stunned. Why did he make it look like they were the weaker party undergoing cross-examination.

They have guns on their side, okay?

In this nightmare city where extraordinary abilities cannot be used, the real boss is the one with a gun, okay?


"New Survivor, please pay attention to the way you speak."

"Do you know if this is..."

A giant gun-wielding man from the special forces team glared and was about to shout, but was interrupted by the leader of the crew.

"shut up."

The crew-cut man looked at Su Chen with interest. He felt that his appearance as a high school student did not match Su Chen's superior demeanor.

"Are you a level 5 human being?"

The flat-headed man looked at Su Chen doubtfully.

Su Chen didn't answer.

Level 5 life?

He is no longer.

Now, he has level 8 combat power. If he improves two more levels, he will have the life of a heavenly king.

"Let's leave it at that."

Su Chen nodded.

Obviously, in this nightmare city, there were not a few high-ranking humans like him. At that time, in the real world, he had even seen one level 7 being in Yongcheng.

There are seven or eight level 5 beings.


Nothing is as good as him.

"Put away your firearms."

"Every Level 5 life, even if he becomes an ordinary person like us in this nightmare city, we must respect him."

The flat-headed man waved his hand, and all the special forces members immediately put away their firearms.

Astonishment appeared in their eyes.

No wonder he is so arrogant, it turns out to be a level 5 life from another city!


What about level 5 life, are you still trapped in this nightmare city?

"Don't be offended."

"This nightmare city seals the power of all extraordinary beings, even level 7 extraordinary beings. All level 5 and even extraordinary beings above level 5, in order to seal the essence of high levels, this nightmare city directly creates A new body is created, used as a cage to carry and seal your consciousness. "

"This is why you entered this nightmare city and became something else."

The flat-headed man pondered for a moment, as if he was recalling Su Chen's previous questions, and then answered them one by one.

In their time flow, three years ago, Yongcheng, which had already experienced the ten-year apocalypse, suddenly filled up with a white fog that covered the sky and covered the entire city. Then one after another humans fell down. .

That day, they thought that this was the second round of doomsday, and there were terrifying high-level evil beasts that wanted to destroy the Yongcheng base they had just established.


When I woke up, they were all here.

There are no monsters or zombies. This is a paradise. At the same time, there are no superior extraordinary people among them. Everyone here is basically of the same level of physical fitness.

Violent conflict was born.

The once powerful extraordinary beings were torn to pieces by his angry enemies.

Then comes the next powerful transcendent!

Finally, a gunshot ended the long-standing conflict, and a new order was born.

"It's nice here, isn't it?"

"No danger."

"Like a small country."

"Here we can live the peaceful days we dream of and restore the civilization of the old era."

"Although level 5 is powerful, there are even more powerful monsters outside. Come on, as long as you live here for a while, you will like it."

The flat-headed man opened the car door and motioned for Su Chen to get in the car.


The pickup truck sped towards the center of the city.

"This is……"

Even Su Chen couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly. There were bright lights and wine here, crowded cars, and bright street lights. There was no end in sight. This place actually reproduced the prosperity of the city of the British Commonwealth in peacetime.

The most central is an entertainment club in the city. Girls dressed boldly and wearing thin clothes stood in a row, dancing hot dances that attracted people.

There were many luxury cars parked in front of this entertainment club. Some of them got out with big bellies or weak steps, and their eyes were full of hot guests.

"Dragon Empire..."

Su Chen looked at the name of the entertainment club.

"Let's go!"

"I'll welcome you."

"As long as you are willing to be loyal to me, you will have a share of the glory and wealth here."

"My name is Wugang."

Wugang put his arm around Su Chen's shoulders and wanted to take Su Chen out of the car and go to the entertainment club.

In response.

Su Chen pushed it away without hesitation.

In the perception of his divine consciousness, the humans in this prosperous city center are like puppets, with invisible transparent threads wrapped around their bodies, connected to the entire world.

"How to pledge allegiance?"

Su Chen looked very interested.

In his heart, he was thinking about how to escape from this nightmare city.

There is a problem here! A big problem!

What's more.

He is now at the peak level 7 life and level 8 combat power. It won't take long for him to touch the threshold of the king of heaven, not to mention that he has a base in Jiangcheng, and his future is bright.

He has nothing to do, so he chooses to be a dog here.

"It's very simple."

"You just need to swear allegiance to me in front of the stone statue of the nightmare god."

Wugang was very happy about Su Chen's advice.

He waved his hand.

The special forces behind him ran into the Dragon Empire. Not long after, the few people who ran in came out carrying a stone statue covered with red steps.

The stone statue is very heavy.

Even the special forces who were strong and muscular and ate lean meat every day felt exhausted, their faces flushed, and their thighs bent uncontrollably.

"God of Nightmares!"

"Ah! Praise the Lord God of Nightmares!"

"Great God of Nightmares, please listen to the devout prayers of the believers."

When the stone statue was lifted out, the whole street was silent in an instant. All the people turned around in an instant, put down their work, knelt down, put their hands together, and prayed devoutly.

Some did not kneel down.

Su Chen took a look, and they were all those who did not have transparent silk threads on their bodies.

"In other words."

"All those with silk threads on their bodies are believers of the God of Nightmares."

"These Wugang's men."


This scene was too weird.

When Su Chen was thinking about how to refuse.

The red silk cloth was lifted.

"How is this possible?"

"It's actually... It's actually her!"

At this moment, Su Chen's pupils shrank sharply, and a wave of shock surged in his heart.

This was because this was not the appearance of the Nightmare Monarch, the giant whale in the memory of the Shura God, but a distorted and deformed face like a monster madman, but the face of a person that Su Chen was most familiar with.

Her name was Shen Linlin.

She was Su Chen's childhood sweetheart.

On the eve of the doomsday, it was Shen Linlin's phone call that kicked off the prelude for Su Chen to summon guards and build a fortress.

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