Even though his heart was turbulent and there were thousands of waves, Su Chen's eyes were always calm, making it impossible to see any waves.

"Shen Linlin."

Reciting this name, Su Chen subconsciously walked towards the stone statue.

The face of the stone statue is indeed Shen Linlin, with a delicate face, an oval face, and willow-leaf eyebrows. The stone statue cannot polish her eyes like autumn water at all.

Shen Linlin, who was carved out of this stone statue, looked very painful.

"Is this the God of Nightmares?"

Su Chen subconsciously stroked the stone statue's cheek, and various memories came together in his mind.


"Do not insult the statue of the God of Nightmares!"

Wugang's expression changed drastically. Seeing Su Chen's behavior, he was about to warn him, but it was too late.

Su Chen had already touched the stone statue.

"It's over!"

Wugang's face became ugly, and his expression no longer had the previous politeness. Looking at Su Chen was like looking at a dead person.

Humiliating the idol is not a big deal.

But once you touch the statue, you will be targeted by the God of Nightmares. In this nightmare city, the God of Nightmares may appear at any time and take your life.

A dead person, what else is there to win over?

"Brother Wugang, what's going on?"

"How to take the steps of loyalty."

Su Chen saw all the changes in Wugang, and it happened that he could find a reason to refuse perfunctorily. He walked towards Wugang, as if he wanted to be loyal to Wugang.

In an instant, Wugang's expression changed drastically.

Even the special forces team members behind Wugang became nervous, holding guns with both hands and aiming at Su Chen, and they might fire bullets at any time.

"Stop, don't come any closer."


"Now even if you are a level 5 lifeform, you are of no use to me."

"What are you doing with your hands and feet?"

Wugang finished speaking coldly.

A wave of his hand.

Immediately, all the special forces members surrounded Su Chen with guns, and the gun barrels were almost pressed against Su Chen's head.

At this moment, Su Chen subconsciously wanted to switch to the posture of monster armor.


No response at all.

His current body is a shackled body, completely locking up his power.

It is hard to imagine that he, with his impressive level 8 combat power, could actually look like an ordinary person in the body of the Nightmare Lord in this nightmare city.

But that's okay.

The 9 extraordinary levels, the Nightmare Monarch can suppress.

Su Chen's divinity has reached the second stage. Its divine essence is the ticket to demigods, an existence that is superior to the life of the king of heaven.

Divine consciousness escaped from Su Chen's head at this moment, covering Su Chen's body, and condensed into a giant fist that no one could see, which could be swung down at any time to obliterate everyone.

In the Nightmare City, Su Chen is special. He can use extraordinary power, but there is a price for using this extraordinary power. He can use it once at most.

After one time, I'm afraid it will also be blocked by the Nightmare City.

"This is the only use of extraordinary power, used on this little miscellaneous fish, tsk tsk."

Everyone present, including Wugang, did not realize that their lives actually depended on Su Chen's thoughts at this moment.

Fortunately, Wugang did not order the shooting.

This wise decision saved his own life.


"Lock him into the dark realm."

"Just so that those who are unwilling to be loyal to me can take a good look at the consequences of disobeying me."

Wugang waved his hand coldly.

At this moment, Su Chen was escorted to the car again.

Only this time it was no longer a pickup truck, but a dark and cold prison van. Su Chen also had one in Jiangcheng, and he turned it into a prison van guard.

Su Chen got in the car.

This prison van became more and more remote. In the end, it was completely far away from the bustling urban area in the center of the city. Even the street lights on the roadside were gone.

The streets are dark and dark in winter, with the stench of decay.

Finally the prison car arrived at its destination.

This is a dilapidated prison, and the cold wind is constantly coming from the prison. Even in this nightmare world, you can clearly feel a terrifying chill coming from your body.

The prison was large and dilapidated, covered with spider webs, and even the door was in tatters, torn apart and twisted by some giant creature.


"Get out of the car quickly!"

The door of the prison car was opened, and Su Chen was pointed at a gun again. The militant's trembling hands and the barrel of the gun proved that he was uneasy in his heart.

This guy is actually afraid.


What was frightening was not Su Chen, a high school student, but the dark, old and terrifying prison in front of him, exuding an icy chill.

"Be careful if the gun goes off, someone will die!"

Su Chen gave me a friendly reminder.


Once the gun went off, the last person to die would definitely not be Su Chen. With a dignified life of level 8 and the owner of the second form of divinity, how could Su Chen die in the hands of this unknown person?

If the Nightmare Lord comes to target him personally, that is still possible.


Su Chen still felt that there was a high possibility that he would leave here alive.

"Cut the nonsense!"

"Get out of the car quickly!"

"Damn it, the leader of Wugang actually arranged such a difficult task for me. Damn it, didn't he just sleep with his wife secretly? If this continues, I will be tortured to death."

The young armed man in front of him had red eyes, and the whites of his eyes were full of bloodshot. It was obvious that he was extremely nervous during this period and was on the verge of collapse.

The gun barrel was very close to Su Chen.

Without any hesitation.

Su Chen grabbed the gun and loaded it in one go.

"After all this time, you didn't even load the gun?"

Su Chen pulled the trigger, but unfortunately the gun didn't fire. Obviously, even the gun was tampered with.


This guy really slept with Wu Gang's wife, otherwise, he wouldn't be assigned such a dangerous job, and even the gun was tampered with and not loaded with bullets.

It's obviously not an easy task to escort a brutal level 5 life with armed forces.

This is not it.

The situation turned around.

"Now, you go to jail."

Su Chen said word by word.

He was not kidding.

If you don't do as he said, he will really kill the armed escort in front of him.

He is extremely vicious.

Even high-ranking lives have been slaughtered.

Not to mention a small ordinary person.

"You can't do this to me, we have a common enemy, Wugang, I know where Wugang is!"

"You have been marked by the God of Nightmares."

"He also wants you to be imprisoned in this black domain, he really wants you to die!"

"Let's deal with him together, then I will help you dominate this entire city...ah!"

The young special forces member let out a pig-killing howl.

Su Chen held the gun upside down, and used the millet and rifle as a baseball bat, smashing it hard on his leg, and the calf bone was twisted and deformed, obviously broken.

"First, I want to correct you. "

"What is Wugang. "

"Is he worthy of being my enemy?"

"Do you know what level my enemies are? Those who are still alive are all level 9, some are even kings..."

Su Chen's voice was cold.

He pointed at the prison and continued.

"Go in right now, or the next blow will be on your head. ”

In this small piece of land, in this illusory nightmare world, Su Chen was not interested in being the king.

He just wanted to leave here quickly.

What the hell.

This Yongcheng in reality is not as good as Shura City. After all, Shura City provided him with millions of energy, almost breaking the 10 million mark.

On the contrary, Yongcheng in this world not only did not touch anything, but also dragged him into the nightmare city compiled by the nightmare monarch.

Not to mention here.

There is nothing.

Desolate! Lonely! Dead silence!

There are only a group of ordinary people who are obsessed with money and are unwilling to open their eyes to see the real world.

There are no zombies, no monsters, no evil spirits, etc. For these timid and cowardly ordinary people, it may be heaven, but for Su Chen, what is the difference between it and hell.


"I want energy!"

"If there is enough energy, the demigod will also create one for you. "

Faced with Su Chen's threat, the young special forces soldier's face turned pale, but he still walked towards the prison gate step by step.

At this moment, he stepped over the prison gate.


He disappeared.

Just like a ripple in the air, the water surface quickly returned to calm. After he disappeared, this black domain prison became old and dilapidated again.

"This is the domain of lv7."

Su Chen cursed.

He is not an ordinary person.

He killed through Yang City and rushed all the way from Yang City to Yongcheng. He can be said to be knowledgeable. It is obvious that the entire prison is covered by the domain of lv7.

For a moment, Su Chen remembered the only lv7 logo above the sky of Yongcheng.

Level 7 life, it turns out that it is hidden here.

No one is guarding.

Su Chen is now free.

In addition, there is a means of transportation, that prison car.

The prison car has enough fuel, and he can run very far.

Perhaps, Wu Gang had guessed this situation.

But he didn't care.

After all, Su Chen had been marked by the God of Nightmares, and he could be wiped out by the God of Nightmares at any time and anywhere.

He was just a dying man.

It didn't matter whether he escaped or not, he was doomed to die anyway.

If he died in the wilderness, he wouldn't have to collect his body. Of course, even if he died in this Black Domain Prison, no one would come to collect Su Chen's body.

"It seems that the only level 7 I saw at that time was here."

"I just don't know why he can still use extraordinary power and display his domain in this nightmare city. ”

After hesitating for a while, Su Chen decided not to get himself into danger.

After all, he only had one life.

At the gate of the Black Domain Prison, Su Chen looked around, his sight finally fixed on the prison car, then shook his head, and looked at the Xiaomijia rifle in his hand.

A snap of the fingers.

Su Chen wanted to separate a thick flesh fiber, but there was no movement at all. Obviously, his new body really blocked all the power except divinity.

But it doesn’t matter, in addition to divinity, there is another ability that even the Nightmare Monarch himself cannot block.

The image flickered.

The icons of the fortress and the guards appeared in front of Su Chen again.

At this moment.

Even if the level 8 combat power is sealed and the divinity is suppressed, Su Chen can still create the golden finger of the guard unimpeded, which is beyond the terrifying ability of the king creature.

"A Xiaomi plus rifle was detected, suitable material..."

The entry paused slightly, as if he was testing this desolate place for something suitable to be used as the main material for the body of the guard.

Even scrap metal can be used as material for the body of the guard.

There is definitely the right material here.

"Suitable materials have been detected, and the power of dreams can be used to create level 0-Dream Lancers with weapons-millet and rifles."

Without hesitation, Su Chen chose yes.

In this nightmare city where all extraordinary powers have been sealed by the Nightmare Lord, even a level 0 spearman can kill indiscriminately, because it has extraordinary power, and that is enough.

A blink of an eye.

Xiaomi plus rifle disappeared.

not only that.

In front of Su Chen, the space where the Xiaomi and the rifle disappeared was missing an opening. Through this opening, Su Chen saw another street in Yongcheng.

On the street, a hungry, skinny and powerful zombie looked at Su Chen.

They stare at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

It took a while for the power zombie to react, let out a roar, staggered, and rushed over smelling the scent of fresh human flesh and blood that it had not smelled in the past three years.

The creation of the guard actually tore a hole in this nightmare world, although the hole was very small and could only accommodate a 1.3-meter-three dwarf to pass through.

But if you think about it, you can still get out.

"So escaping from the dream city is so easy?"

"We just need to create another guard with the power of dreams as the body material."

In a blink of an eye.

A cloud-like guard, about three meters tall, with a vague human shape appeared.

He has no eyes or facial features.

The state of the cloud and mist could only vaguely reveal that it was a living object.

"Kill him!"

Su Chen ordered, wanting to see if this nightmare city could suppress the extraordinary power of the guards he created.

The other side.

That tear, along with the real hole, was healing rapidly, but even so, the flesh and blood zombie rushed in, and its ferocious head got stuck in the healed hole.


There was a gunshot.

The cloud-mist spearmen had dark gun barrels protruding from their white mist-like bodies, firing countless bullets.

A moment.

This power zombie was beaten into a hornet's nest.


Su Chen was very satisfied with the strength of the Yunwu Lancers.

This is indeed the level of a level 0 guard.

Then, standing at the door of the black prison, looking at the healed dream hole, Su Chen waited for a long time, but he still didn't see the suppressive force coming on the cloud spearman.


Even the Nightmare Monarch who is at the peak of his life cannot seal the guard created by Su Chen.

That is to say.

Even if the pig-headed monster is captured in the Nightmare City, it will definitely be an absolute monster that can kill gods when God blocks it, and Buddha when Buddha blocks it.

"In that case."

After looking at his remaining energy balance of 143w, Su Chen sneered.

In this case, why is he pretending? Maybe he can't create level 8 guards, but he can create at least three level 7 guards. Why doesn't he just kill them randomly?

"Kill back!"

Su Chen led the Yunwu Lancers and got into the prison car. He kicked the accelerator and roared towards the bright and feasting city in the distance.

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