Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 142 Level 9 Crystal Core

Nightmare City, the center of the bustling city, the Dragon Empire Entertainment Club.

An underground military camp like a fortress is stationed here.


Along the way to Wugang, the gunmen in the military camp wearing special force uniforms all greeted him respectfully.


Wugang put his hands behind his back and nodded indifferently.


He walked to the deepest part of the core military camp. Here was a cave. The dark cave didn't know where it led.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Wugang stopped and showed a humble smile.

"grown ups."

"You're looking for me?"

In this nightmare city, he is said to be the second-in-command, but in fact, he can call the wind and rain, omnipotent, and is even the actual controller of the prosperous city.

All the spearmen obeyed his orders.

even so.

Facing the person in the cave, no, maybe he couldn't be called a person, he still didn't dare to be disrespectful at all.

"This nightmare city is the only extraordinary thing!"


He is not extraordinary, it would be more appropriate to say he is a monster.

This guy is not from Yongcheng at all, but a guy who came from other parts of the nightmare world. He controls inhuman power, even if it is only equivalent to level 3 extraordinary, it is enough to crush them like ants.

"Isn't there someone new here?"

"I noticed the fluctuations in Nightmare City. Didn't I ask you to lead people?"

"Where have the people you brought gone?"

A hoarse voice came from the cave.

It seemed human but not human, and there was also the panting of wild beasts mixed in with it.

To this.

Wugang quickly reported the news.

"Sir, he is only at level 5. He can't use his limited power at all. He is no different from ordinary people. Why bother to win over him so deliberately?"

"Now, this kid is probably dead."

When it comes to Su Chen, Wugang doesn't care.

So what if it's level 5.

He is not an ordinary person with sealed power.

He can kill anyone with one shot.


The people in the cave were furious.

"Level 5?"

"Who told you that he is level 5?"

"Have you lost your mind by playing with women?"

The people in the cave were furious.

A terrifying aura emerged from the cave and got closer and closer. At this moment, Wugang's eyes became particularly frightened, and his whole heart seemed to be tightly held by a hand.

"The king of the nightmare world led this man into a dream, causing the fluctuations in the nightmare city to appear so violently."

"Let alone level 5, even ten level 6s can't do it."

"This is at least a peak level 7 life!"

"My distinguished guest."

"You are a despicable thing. Without me to lift you up, you are nothing."

The people in the cave came out.

Maybe not a human being.

A huge wolf head, scarlet eyes, a giant wolf body like a human, with muscles all over the body that even thick hair can't cover.

This is a monster! A level 9 demon.

Only level 9 monsters can carry the seal of life of the Nightmare Lord, the king of heaven, and possess a trace of extraordinary power in this nightmare world.

"My lord, I was wrong."

Wugang admitted his mistake in panic.

But in my heart, I didn't care.

Even if he is really a peak level 7 life, so what? He has just turned into an ordinary person in this nightmare city. He can be killed with one shot. What an arrogance.

"Where is the person?"

The wolf-headed demon was breathing heavily, and the corners of his mouth were full of hungry saliva.

He is too hungry.

Even an extraordinary person who eats the sealed power in this nightmare every day cannot replenish much strength at all. Only eating level 5 beings like this, who are specially cared for by the dream world, can make him feel a little full. .

Such a peak level 7 being with no ability to resist would definitely be a full and delicious feast if he could eat it.

"My distinguished guest, where is he?"

The wolf-headed demon's eyes were red and he spoke in a rough voice.

"He offended the God of Nightmares. I was afraid that the God of Nightmares would come to the city and cause accidental injuries, so I sent him to the Black Domain Prison..."

Wugang said in horror.

He feels.

If he hesitated for a moment longer, the hungry giant would eat him alive.


The expression of the wolf-headed demon suddenly became distorted.

However, what is more important is the fearful look in his eyes.

Even if he has extraordinary power, there are still many places and people that he should be afraid of in this nightmare world.

This is the god of nightmares.

The same goes for the dark realm called the prison.

Even he wouldn't dare to snatch food from the hands of the God of Nightmares, or step into the dark realm to search for prey...

" did the right thing."

The wolf-headed demon did not attack in the end, his face full of regret.


It's too late.


at this time.

There was chaos outside the camp, with vague sounds of shooting and the roar of cars.


"What kind of monster is this guy?"

"Has a monster been born in the nightmare world? Why can't it be killed?"

There was a lot of noise outside the military camp.

There was a faint sound of panic.


A gunman with a frightened expression ran towards here rolling and crawling.

"That guy is coming to kill you."

"Who?" Wugang frowned.

next moment.

There was no need for the spearman who reported the news to explain.

I saw a shabby prison car rushing over. Sitting in the car was Su Chen, who was wearing a Hengyang High School uniform and round-rimmed glasses, and was elegant.

Next to Su Chen, there was a monster like a cloud.

" this extraordinary power?"

Wugang was instantly frightened.

Half a day ago, when they were parting, this kid was obviously still an ordinary person and could be killed with one shot.

This is just half a day.

Not only was this kid not sent to prison, but he got an apparently inhuman supernatural power from nowhere and even killed him.

"His grandma's, what are you afraid of?"

"We have Lord Wolf Demon!"

Wugang kicked the frightened armed spearman away and turned to look at the wolf-headed demon behind him.

"Please take action, sir!"

"This kid is so arrogant and domineering, he just happened to be delivered to you for you to eat him!"

Facing Wugang.

The wolf-headed demon silently retracted its wolf legs and retreated into the cave.

to him.

If he didn't eat life above level 5, he would have to use less of the power of the demons that had finally broken through the nightmare blockade.

In a nightmare world, engaging in extraordinary confrontation is obviously not worth the gain.

But there is no way.

He needs support from this human being, otherwise, he will need to hunt by himself, which is a very troublesome thing.

The wolf-headed demon looked at the misty dream guard cautiously and showed a contemptuous smile.

"It doesn't seem to be a level 9 life."

"so far so good."

"It should be a dream monster that was born on the edge of the dream world. It wandered here for some reason and was controlled by this kid."

After taking a closer look, he found that the dream guard was just a weak level 1 monster, and the wolf-headed demon suddenly sneered.

next moment.

He stepped out and looked at Su Chen with his scarlet eyes.

The fresh breath of life.

It also has an extra sweet flavor.

This kid is sure to eat it! Jesus could not stop him.

Bang bang bang!

More than a dozen gun barrels protruded from the body of the Dream Lancer, all aimed at the three-meter-tall wolf-headed monster that even the nightmare world could not completely suppress, venting their tongues of fire.

"Level 9 demon?!"

Su Chen, who was driving on a rampage, his eyes lit up instantly, and he was extremely ecstatic.

He really didn't expect it.

In this nightmare world, something can still be gained.

In the outside world, a lv9 monster, even he, has to run as far as he can, but it is different in the dreamland. All extraordinary beings are blocked and suppressed.

Even lv9 is no exception.

Only the King of Heaven can break through the blockade and suppression, but with the life of a King of Heaven, the Nightmare Lord will drag the opponent into the nightmare world if he loses his mind and goes crazy.

"act recklessly!"

The wolf-headed demon looked at the ecstasy in Su Chen's eyes, and suddenly felt that he had been humiliated. He was a level 9, and even the nightmare world could not suppress all his abilities.

A weak peak level 7 life actually dared to look at him like this, as if he were looking at a prey.

It’s just looking for death!


The wolf-headed demon roared, carrying hundreds of whizzing bullets, and punched the Dream Lancer.

These hundreds of whistling bullets could not cause any damage to the wolf-headed monster at all. They could not even penetrate the fur of the wolf-headed monster. However, the wolf-headed monster's punch destroyed the Dream Lancer on the spot.

Hitting the Dream Lancer with one punch, the cloud-like body exploded directly, leaving only pieces of cotton-wool-like fragments scattered on the ground.

"Boy, even if I am suppressed by the Nightmare Lord, I am still a Level 4 Extraordinary King in this nightmare world."

The wolf-headed demon was drooling more and more at the corner of his mouth.

The closer Su Chen gets, the more fragrant he feels.


He seemed to have remembered something.


"This is divinity, isn't it!"

"You are the person chosen by this world to be catastrophic. I didn't expect that you would meet me. This is such a great opportunity. I even hope to escape from the nightmare world and become a king of heaven... "

The giant wolf-headed demon was extremely happy and laughed ferociously.


Faced with his threat, Su Chen laughed.

"In this nightmare world, you can still use the power of the Level 4 Extraordinary King, right?"

"In that case."

"I'll bring out a level 5 life to deal with you."

In an instant, the guard panel appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes.

He has a lot of energy now.

"lv.0 [Dream Lancer] (0/5) → lv.1 (Available Characteristics: Lancer Bonus) (0/50) → lv.2 (Available Characteristics: Artillery Roar) (0/300 )→lv.3 (0/3000) (combat state)→lv.4 (persistent state)"

In an instant, 3355 energy disappeared.

It’s just over three thousand energy.

Upgrade a level 5 lifeguard.

Su Chen's 143w energy has become more than 142w, and he still has an energy balance of nearly 1.43 million.


The entire nightmare city trembled violently.

The nightmare power that constituted this nightmare city was instantly drained. For such a short moment, above the ground, everyone in this city saw the deserted Yongcheng full of monsters in the real world.

At this moment, there were large gaps in the nightmare world, and from time to time, unlucky people were dragged out by the monsters in the real world.

Screams resounded through the night sky at this moment.

However, it didn't take long.

More nightmare power filled in and blocked the gap.

"What happened just now?"

"It was a dream!"

"No, we are all in this dream-made world, and we don't dream at all. Is this nightmare world going to collapse?"

In the prosperous city, all humans were pale and their bodies couldn't stop shaking.

They once again recalled the horror of being dominated by the end of the world.

The initiator of all this, Su Chen, was still in the underground military camp. The people here didn't notice the changes that had just taken place in the nightmare world.


The cannon roared.

A huge gun barrel like a cannon pressed on the head of the wolf-headed demon.

The weak level 0 spearman suddenly turned into a terrifying humanoid monster composed of a huge cloud of 30 meters high, like a hill. Still in the cloud, a gun barrel stretched out.

But this gun barrel became a caliber like a cannon.

The dream spearman also became a level 5 life.

In this nightmare world, it did not suffer any suppression at all.


"How is it possible!"

"In this world of the nightmare monarch, how can there be creatures that can not only exert extraordinary power, but also upgrade? It's simply outrageous..."

The wolf-headed demon was shaking violently.

He was afraid.

He was afraid.

The rules of the nightmare world, even he was very clear, as long as you were killed, you would die. No matter what your rank was, as long as you were in this nightmare world, you had to abide by the world rules set by the nightmare monarch.

"Let's talk it over nicely."

"You should be an ambitious person, right?"

"Whether you want to escape from here or not, it will be good for you to let me go. If you want to escape, there is a door in the cave where I am entrenched, and the gap in the dream world is gradually expanding."

"Just wait patiently, and in another ten or twenty years, he will be able to let people pass through and return to the real world."

"If you don't want to leave here, I know the information of all the dangerous areas here. Although you have a level 5 dream creature, this dream world is much larger than you think. There are level 9 dream native creatures..."

The wolf-headed demon kept narrating under death, trying to show his value and let Su Chen let him go.


Su Chen didn't care about this, and his response was only a cannon boom.

A dead demon who offers a crystal core is a good demon.

If the wolf-headed demon in front of him was not a demon, but a human, a level 9 human life, could not contribute a crystal core, perhaps Su Chen would spare his life.

Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs.


With an order.


The wolf-headed demon's head was blown up.


The wolf-headed demon disappeared.


There was a special crystal core floating on the ground, surrounded by clouds and mist, a level 9 crystal core.

"It can actually explode a crystal core!"

Su Chen's eyes lit up, and he touched it and immediately found that this crystal core was real and could be converted into energy.

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