Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 143 Mysterious Prison

Although the power of the wolf-headed demon was suppressed to the level of a 4th-level supernatural king, the crystal core he took out was a real 9th-level crystal core without any water.

In addition to the Shura God's Heavenly King Crystal Core, Su Chen got another super high-quality crystal core in his hand.

1 5th-level crystal core can be melted to obtain 1w energy.

1 6th-level crystal core, it will increase tenfold, becoming 100,000 energy per crystal core.

7th-level crystal core, also increased tenfold, 1 million energy.

8th-level crystal core, 10 million energy.

9th-level, it is 100 million energy.

It is not that the crystal core melts the energy, but gradually expands tenfold.

Even Su Chen's guard upgrade is the same.

lv6 guard, 7th-level life upgrades to lv7 guard, 8th-level life, suddenly becomes 3 million energy.

lv8 guard, 9th-level life, it is 30 million energy.

lv9 guard, a king-level life, requires 300 million energy, plus a king-level crystal core to be promoted.

"Do you want to melt this 9th-level crystal core and obtain 100 million energy!"

Su Chen chose no.

For now, his energy is enough.

At this moment.

Su Chen's eyes are particularly fiery.

This nightmare world is not a dangerous place at all. His extraordinary ability is not restricted at all. For him, this place is simply a blessed place among blessed places.

Like this wolf-headed demon-like 9th-level creature, Su Chen can't wait to meet a large number of them.

Only two more 9th-level creatures like this are needed.

Then, he can create a 9th-level guard of the king-level life. At that time, he can directly kill through the nightmare world and not even be afraid of the nightmare monarch.

As a king-level creature, even if he can't beat it, he can always run away.


"No way."

"Why is this guy so fierce?"

"Lord Wolf Demon was killed by him. Where did he get such a powerful dream creature? Damn it. If he had known he was so strong, he would have kneeled down to be his younger brother. How dare he offend him?"

Wu Gang was almost scared crazy.

At this moment, his knees softened and he almost knelt down on the ground.

But fortunately, he still had reason.

Even if he knelt down and begged for mercy, he might not be able to survive.

After all, he clearly remembered that he ordered his spearmen to hold the barrel of the gun against Su Chen's forehead.

If it were him, he would never let himself survive.

Wu Gang rushed into the prison car driven by Su Chen, stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and rushed out of the camp.

"I almost forgot about you."


Su Chen had a deep impression of Wu Gang.

After all, it was rare to have a gun against his head.

Next to Su Chen, a 30-meter-tall cloud-shaped humanoid monster, the Dream Lancer, once again protruded a dark, deep, and extremely large-caliber gun barrel from his body.

A huge cannon strike!

This is an attack from a Level 5 life!


On the prison car, Wu Gang's scalp numbed and he let out a terrified roar.

And then there was nothing else.

The entire prison car was stabbed into the sky.


The other military camp lancers who rushed over, originally still in high spirits, instantly wilted, and everyone was scrambling for cars and fleeing like crazy.

For these lancers, Su Chen had no need to massacre them.

He would avenge his grudges, but he was not a madman.

"Let's go."

Su Chen rubbed his fists and palms, looking at the Level 5 life, the Dream Lancer, next to him, ready to do a big fight.

This underground military camp was extremely spacious. At this moment, cars were scattered around, like abandoned garbage.

They were all off-road military vehicles.

It's just that the style is particularly old.

Xiaomi plus rifles, plus this old-style off-road military vehicle, it's hard for Wugang and his team to find so many and arm a small army.

If it were ordinary people without extraordinary powers, I'm afraid that no matter how many people there are, it would be difficult to resist their rule.

But it's different here with Su Chen.

He has extraordinary guards.

Moreover, the extraordinary guards, like the real world, are not suppressed at all. They should be upgraded and become ridiculously strong.

The throttle roared.

Su Chen drove the off-road military vehicle and rushed directly out of the underground palace. The road was unobstructed. No one dared to block his way. The 30-meter-long giant cloud monster following behind Su Chen, the dream spearman, was not a decoration.

"Extraordinary dream monster!"

"Get out of the way!"

"No! Let him go, let him go quickly, whoever dares to stop him, I will shoot him."

At the outermost edge of the city, on the watchtower, the special forces wearing captain's uniforms roared.


Su Chen drove the off-road vehicle out of this bustling city.

The people in this city have no ambition. They are living a life of drunkenness and dreaming in this bustling city created in the dream, and they have no courage to face extraordinary monsters.

They are not worth mentioning.

Perhaps, staying in this dream is their best destination.

Now they leave here and return to reality, and they can't survive at all.

"However, the population of this bustling city is a bit small."

"There are only about 10,000, or even 8,000 or 9,000. Even if there are hidden people, it will definitely not exceed 15,000."

"The real world's Yongcheng must have had a population of more than 10 million before the doomsday."

"Even if the doomsday broke out ten years ago, at least one-tenth of the population, or a million people, would still be alive! At worst, when Yongcheng was swallowed by the Nightmare Monarch, half of it would be lost again, so there should be at least 400,000 or 500,000 people."

On the off-road military vehicle, Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and he had a guess.

In this nightmare world of Yongcheng, there is not only this city, but Yongcheng is not only a city, but also includes the districts and counties below, as well as nearby affiliated cities.

In peacetime, if these are counted, tens of millions of people have suffered.

Several urban areas in Yongcheng can easily take out tens of millions of people. After all, in this old era of modern civilization, there are high-rise buildings everywhere, and everyone lives in commercial housing like pigeon cages.

It is not a problem to squeeze tens of millions of people into a city.

In the distance, Su Chen sped all the way.


He came to a familiar place.

This is a dilapidated prison, far away from the city buildings, with sparse dry trees, broken walls, damaged prison doors, and spider webs everywhere.

The sign above is called Yongcheng Lanyang Prison.

Wugang and his people call this place the Black Domain.

"Go in!"

"Then come out."

As he spoke, Su Chen got into the misty body of the Dream Spearman. With the protection of the Dream Spearman's body, Su Chen finally felt a little safe and had the confidence to go to this Black Domain Prison.

He had a feeling that in this dream world, if there was any place where there might be pig-headed monsters and traces of mountain guards, it might only be here.

The dream world gave Su Chen a lot of suppression.

Now Su Chen couldn't even see the extraordinary level, so naturally he couldn't rely on this to identify the direction of the mountain guards and the pig-headed monster.

Following Su Chen's order.

The Dream Spearman took a step, and his 30-meter-tall misty body crashed into the Black Domain Prison.

At this moment.

The entire Black Domain Prison was shaking. The domain that covered the entire prison began to shake violently at this moment, and launched a confrontation with the Dream Spearmen of Level 5 Life.

The Dream Spearmen, mistaken for local dream monsters, wanted to attack here, and the Level 7 Life inside launched an extraordinary confrontation with the Dream Spearmen.

He rejected the Dream Spearmen's entry.

Level 7 life may be terribly strong in the real world, and the Dream Spearmen are no match at all, but this is a nightmare world, and the Dream Spearmen are like fish in water. I am afraid that the Level 7 life inside is also suppressed like the wolf-headed demon.

Perhaps it is unknown whether it can maintain the level of Level 5 life.


The Dream Spearmen were bounced back several steps.

The other party has a domain, which is exclusive to Level 7 life.

Relying on the domain, even the Dream Spearmen cannot force their way into the prison.

But how could Su Chen retreat?

The more the other party did this, the more Su Chen felt that there was something shameful in the Black Domain Prison. Maybe his two guards were all imprisoned in it.

"Wait for me a moment."

While speaking.

Su Chen, who was in the misty body of the Dream Lancer, called up the guard panel again.

The three-dimensional image of the Dream Lancer was shining.

Su Chen directly clicked on the upgrade page.

Not strong enough?

Upgrade directly, bombard with cannons, and crush everything with rank.

lv4 Dream Lancer (0/30000) → lv.5 [Available characteristics of violent or shackles]

Su Chen was rich and powerful, and he still had nearly 143w energy. The energy of more than 142w was enough for him to make a fortune. He believed that the harvest in this Black Domain would satisfy him.

As long as he met another level 9 life like a wolf-headed demon, he could make a lot of money. Even if the level 7 life inside could explode a crystal core, he would not lose anything.

In a flash.

Su Chen's energy has become nearly 14ow.

The dream spearman's misty body rolled over, but did not continue to grow. Instead, the misty body solidified and became stronger. It was obvious that he had added defensive armor.

At the same time, his strength has definitely reached the level of level 6 life.

"Fire directly!"

Su Chen ordered.


In an instant, a huge black barrel stretched out from the misty body of the dream spearman again. This time the cannon was charged for a long time. Obviously, the power of level 6 life is far from that of level 5 life.

This is a blow from level 6 life~!

The prison trembled violently.

It was obvious that the hidden level 7 life had changed its mood, and even the field was unstable and fluctuated, which Su Chen could detect with his naked eyes.

"Let's talk about it."

"Why are you so tense!"

"This powerful gentleman, I don't seem to have provoked you."

A voice of suppressed anger and some frustration came from the prison.

The voice was mixed with the breathing of a beast.

Instantly, Su Chen, who was wrapped in the mist, had his eyes brightened.

He was so familiar with this familiar voice and the breathing of a beast.

In the underground military camp in the bustling city, the wolf-headed demon, a level 9 life, had this tone. Even if he tried to pretend to be a human voice, it could not change the nature of the demon.


"Is this nightmare world a paradise?"

"It's only been a short time, and I've met a suitable target again!"

Su Chen was ecstatic.

The power of the Dream Lancer was still brewing, but he began to point out the three-dimensional image of the Dream Lancer and started the third upgrade.

Firepower suppression is more important than anything else.

"Just do it!"

lv5 Dream Lancer (0/30w) → lv.6, whether to upgrade.

Note: The Dream Lancer of level 7 has entered the ranks of high-level, will have his own domain, and can control the dream space within the range.

This ability is unique to the Dream Guard in the nightmare world. If you leave the nightmare world, you will disappear and will be a level 7 life without a domain. However, in this nightmare world, the Dream Guard will be the strongest level 7 in charge of the dream domain.

Looking at this upgrade, the long handwriting is marked.

Su Chen couldn't help laughing.

The strongest level 7?

This is simply great.


"Upgrade now!"

At this moment, Su Chen's 140w energy instantly lost 30w energy and became about 110w.

This is the limit of Su Chen's upgrade.

After that.

Upgrading a lv6 guard to a lv7 guard requires a huge amount of energy of 3 million, unless Su Chen uses the 9th level crystal core or the king crystal core in his hand.

But it is obviously impossible.

On the other side.

In the prison, the level 7 demon in the domain was extremely angry when he saw the giant cannon being charged.

"Looking for death!"

"You really are looking for death!"

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"I'm a level 7 demon. You think I'm suppressed and sealed by this nightmare world, right? I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. I have a way to get rid of the seal of the nightmare world. I'm still a genuine level 7 life, and it's easy to kill you.

This level 7 demon walked out of his domain angrily, wanting to kill the level 6 dream creature in front of him who didn't know how to live or die.

It's just a level 6 dream creature.

A transcendent rank is the difference in combat power between heaven and earth.

It's time for this dream creature to pay the price for its arrogance. Zhang's price!

It came out.

Su Chen finally saw the posture of this level 7 demon, snow-white fur, vertical pupils like the demons in myths and legends, and these two horns, a sheep face...


This is a goat demon.

It is similar to the wolf-headed demon in the underground military camp, with a hideous face, standing up, and a demon-like posture that can't be suppressed at all, exuding a strong sense of evil.

Just at the moment when the goat demon stepped out of the field, Su Chen's dream guard was upgraded.

lv6 guard, equivalent to level 7 life.

Not to mention.

In this nightmare world, the dream guard can control the dream field, which is absolutely the strongest level 7.

"A little level 6 dares to be presumptuous...? "

The goat demon's roar suddenly stopped, and it looked at the scene in front of it with horror, astonishment, and even disbelief.

The weak level 6 life turned into an unrivaled level 7 life in a flash.

This level 7 life was the breath of a level 7 creature native to the dream.

This level 7 creature is undoubtedly the strongest, because the entire dream world can be regarded as their domain.

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