"This is fucking..."

Su Chen was silent.

He looked at the pig-headed monster fighting with an arm, and his face was full of black lines.

Where did the peak level 9 life go?

A strange hand arm can fight with a level 9 pig-headed monster. Is the owner of the strange hand too strong, or is the pig-headed monster too weak?

A part of the body is so powerful. At this time, Su Chen thought of the broken horn of the evil beast.

"A broken arm has the terrifying prestige of a level 9 life."

"It seems."

"The owner of this broken arm..."

Su Chen closed his eyes.

All the previous guesses were wrong.

The Nightmare Monarch may not have died in consciousness, but it is very likely that he has really fallen.

That hunt by the Purgatory King was much more tragic than he imagined and than what Shura God had heard.

The owner of this broken arm can only be a king!

How can a king of heaven be in a better condition if his arm is broken? He will probably die.


Su Chen feels that in this dream world, there are definitely many beings like this king of heaven with a broken arm.

"According to Wugang and his friends, three years ago, the Nightmare Monarch, a giant whale, raided Yongcheng. Millions of people in Yongcheng fell into dreams overnight, and the current Yongcheng became an empty city."

"Under normal circumstances, the Nightmare Monarch should go to the next place."

"But for three years, the dream world has always been shrouded in Yongcheng..."

If he could see the Nightmare Monarch, and Su Chen was a king, he might be able to see the illusory giant whale that fell into eternal sleep above Yongcheng.

The Nightmare Monarch has fallen!


"My king, go!"

"This devil's hand is too fierce, I'm afraid I'm not his opponent!"

The pig-headed monster roared, and was forced into danger by a broken arm, and could be defeated at any time.

This made Su Chen's face full of black lines.

Pig-headed monster, the level of this 9th-level life is too weak. It can't even beat an arm. It's simply embarrassing for his guards.

But on second thought, this is a broken arm of a king.

The broken arm of the king gave birth to his own consciousness, which is equivalent to the level of the peak 9th-level life. Otherwise, Su Chen would not have misunderstood that the master of the exorcist in the prison was the peak 9th level.

"In this case."

"One is not enough, then go up and beat him up with two."

"A 9th-level crystal core has been thrown in, how can I not make some profit."

Su Chen gritted his teeth and cursed.

He would not do a loss-making business.

Since there is no 9th-level crystal core, it is not a loss to swallow this broken arm of the king as a characteristic material into his body to improve his rank.

Just like when he broke up the evil beast consciousness dragon in Yang City and swallowed the broken horn.

Now Su Chen still has 6910w of energy in his hand.

Not to mention creating another level 9 life.

Even two would be enough.

But now Su Chen only has one Dream Spearman by his side, and the whereabouts of the Mountain Guard is still unclear.

"LV6 Dream Spearman (0/300w) → LV.7 (0/3000w) → LV.8, do you want to upgrade?"


Another 3300w of energy flew out all of a sudden.


This time, Su Chen saw it clearly.

An extremely terrifying suction force came from the Dream Guard. In an instant, all the dream space disappeared with him as the center, revealing a large number of space gaps, which could even accommodate the disappearance of a city.

In front of this huge gap, Su Chen felt that the shackles on his body disappeared.

Su Chen touched his face.

At this moment, the cage-like body that was applied to him disappeared, because the dream seal power that created this body was also taken away by the Dream Spearman.

The dream spearman was upgraded twice and became a level 9 life. The dream power required was so terrifying that it almost drained the dream power nearby.

In the previous upgrade, the dream space in the rest of the area would soon be densely covered and healed.

But now it is different.

The missing area is too big.

Even if it is healed, it seems to be extremely slow.

Now Su Chen has only 3610w of energy left.

"It seems that the nightmare monarch has really fallen. Otherwise, how can a living king tolerate the birth of a level 9 dream life? After all, the birth of a level 9 dream life is not in line with his purpose of creating a dream world without extraordinary..."

Su Chen touched his face and had restored his handsome face.

Even the clothes have become the kendo uniform he wore before.

He is heroic.

Even the extraordinary power has returned to his control.

He has now become that level 6, peak level 7 life, and can have a level 8 power level with divine consciousness.

But in this dream world where the king died, the level 8 combat power is not enough, after all, such weird things as the king's broken arm have appeared.

Level 8 life, how can it be safe.

"Catch him!"

"Disperse his consciousness for me!"

Su Chen gave an order to the dream guard.

At this moment.

The dream guard no longer has a concrete physical body. He is just like Gangzi. The dream space nearby is completely occupied by him.

Level 9 life, only one step away from the king.

At this moment, thick gun barrels emerged from all directions.

Dream spearmen!


The cannon roared.

Two level 9 life guards, one close combat and one long-range attack, besieged a broken arm of the king. This battle is basically no suspense.

The broken arm of the king is already in Su Chen's pocket.

Unless there are variables.



"I think this military off-road vehicle is very suitable for creating the third level nine life guard."

"If there is any variable, I will let the third level nine life hit him to death!"

Su Chen ran back to the military off-road vehicle and sat down, closing his eyes and waiting for the end of this battle, so that he could collect the broken hand of the king as a trophy.

After investing so much, how can there be no gains.

He was dizzy.

Su Chen actually fell asleep.


It was too dead in his ears.

Su Chen suddenly woke up and opened his eyes. His sharp eyes examined the surrounding environment in front of him.

The scene changed.

The broken arm of the king, the pig-headed monster, and the dream guard all disappeared.


It was a silent city surrounded by mountains on all sides, just like the five palms of a hand, holding this city in its hands, leaving no way to leave.

The hundred thousand mountains around here seem to seal this dead city.

"In the dream world, you can still dream?"



Su Chen flipped through the memories of Shura God in the Purgatory World, and had some guesses in his mind.

This is the second layer of the dream world.

The one who can pull him in, not even the king of heaven, can only be the master of the dream world, the real creator...

"Nightmare Monarch!"

"You are the Nightmare Monarch."

Su Chen looked at this city, and in a trance, he seemed to see the weak illusory giant whale shrouding this city.

A figure appeared.

He was vague, just like a dream spearman, with a cloud-like figure, no entity, no facial features, and no sound, but he could communicate directly with people's consciousness.

"You said, Purgatory has eroded so many worlds, it has swallowed countless worlds, when will someone who can defeat it be born?"

This figure, the residual consciousness of the Nightmare Monarch, was talking to Su Chen.

But it was more like talking to himself.

"My world is peaceful and harmonious. It is mountainous here. It can be said that there is no flat land in the whole world. It is all towering mountains and vast dead oceans."

"There are no living things in the sea."

"Only these 100,000 mountains have given birth to hundreds of millions of creatures. We live in the form of tribes. We call the extraordinary practitioners the Great Witch..."

"Perhaps, in another thousand or ten thousand years, we will also enter the Dharma Ending Age. The practitioners will disappear without a trace and eventually embark on the road of scientific and technological civilization."

"But, purgatory is coming..."

"It is like a greedy predator, with a bottomless appetite, devouring one world after another, and never feels enough. He comes, and we lose the world..."

The Nightmare Monarch narrated to himself, regardless of whether Su Chen was willing to listen or not.

With Su Chen's strength, a level 8 life, it is impossible to break through the dream realm of a terrifying life that was a peak king in his lifetime.

However, at present.

The remaining consciousness of this nightmare monarch does not have any malice.

Su Chen's guess was confirmed.

The Nightmare Monarch, the illusory giant whale that roamed the purgatory world and eroded other worlds, really died, even earlier than the Asura God.

"You should know this, too."

"When a world is targeted by Purgatory, the will of the world will accumulate the power of the entire world on one person. This is the so-called person who is destined to suffer the disaster."

"This is the case with Asura God."

"So am I."

"Sometimes, the Purgatory World cannot find an opportunity to invade, and can only force open some portals to come in. The strongest who breaks in can only be at the level of the Demon King, which is what you call the Heavenly King level."

"This kind of disaster is easily dealt with by the person who is destined to suffer the disaster born from the world consciousness. For example, there will be an invasion of the Purgatory portal every thousand or thousands of years..."

"But sometimes, Purgatory finds an opportunity to invade, and the whole world will usher in the end of the world, just like my world and the world you are in now..."

"Not to mention the Demon King, even the mythical saint and the demigod king of Purgatory can come to this world. It is not appropriate to say this, because the entire real world has been pulled into the Purgatory World."

Speaking of this.

The Nightmare Monarch, this figure, suddenly stopped, as if staring at Su Chen.


"There is something impossible about you."

"I thought you were the one pushed out by this world to face the calamity, but I feel that you are not. Your future is above that of a demigod..."

"Perhaps, you can do what countless worlds and tens of thousands of people who face the calamity cannot do. God Shura chose you, and I chose you too."

"Promise me that you will put an end to purgatory and the doomsday that will come to countless worlds!"

At this point, the consciousness left by the Nightmare Monarch was slowly dissipating.

It is obvious that he does not have a real independent consciousness.

This illusory figure left behind is like the inheritance left by the Nightmare Monarch knowing that he would come here, or a message...

Perhaps when the Nightmare Monarch was still alive, when he was wandering on the line of purgatory eroding other worlds, he would also pull the people born in other worlds into the second-level space of this dream world.

But only Su Chen's time was special, because this time the Nightmare Monarch had fallen.

This may be his last gift.

The bright light slowly dissipated, revealing what the Nightmare Monarch left for Su Chen.

"This is..."

At this moment, even though Su Chen had already guessed it in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a storm in his heart, and his eyes showed an unbelievable look.

The extraordinary level has level 5 as the threshold. Creatures below level 5, whether extraordinary or monsters, will leave behind crystal cores and characteristics once they die.

But creatures above level 5, including level 5 life, will only choose one of the crystal core or characteristics once they die, and there will no longer be a situation where both characteristics and crystal cores are left behind.

The broken arm hidden in the prison is likely to be the characteristics left behind by a heavenly king. Even if it is dead, it can still remain conscious and has the terrifying combat power of a peak level 9 life.

When Shura God died, he also left behind the crystal core of the heavenly king, and the nightmare monarch who is now confirmed to have fallen, left him a gift, which is the characteristics of the heavenly king.

In front of Su Chen, the crystal clear heart like flowing water was beating slowly. Even if Su Chen did not deliberately explore it, he could clearly sense the terrifying power hidden in this nightmare heart.

Even though Shura God has been dead for decades or even hundreds of years, his thousand-foot Heavenly King body is still immortal and has a chance to be reborn.

The Nightmare Monarch is obviously the same.

He is much stronger than ordinary Heavenly Kings like Shura God. He can fight his way out of the siege of Purgatory Heavenly King. His chance of being reborn is much greater than Shura God.

Even if he does nothing, the Nightmare Heart is stored in this dream world at this moment, and it can continuously absorb the power of the dream world and give birth to a new body.

Su Chen's expression became complicated.

Every muscle fiber and cell in his body are shouting hungry in front of the Nightmare Heart at this moment, wanting to eat this special heart.

Su Chen walked forward and took this Nightmare Heart away.

The remaining consciousness inside has dissipated.

As long as Su Chen reaches the level of Level 9 life, he can successfully transform into a Heavenly King creature by absorbing this Nightmare Heart.

The nightmare heart was taken away, and the second layer of the dream world was instantly shattered.

In the military off-road vehicle.

Su Chen looked at the nightmare heart floating in his hand and couldn't help but sigh.

"What a great love."

"A peak king actually gave up the opportunity to be reborn, just to fulfill me and end the endless purgatory doomsday? Yes, I will."

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