"This broken arm is quite fierce."

In the military off-road vehicle, Su Chen looked towards the prison gate.

At this moment.

The battle is still going on, and it is getting more and more intense, and is heading towards a white-hot trend.

The two terrifying guards of level 9 life are almost at the peak of the extraordinary level. They work together to suppress this broken arm, but they are still unable to suppress its terrifying power.

Even faintly, this arm has the tendency to suppress the pig-headed monster and the dream guard.

"It seems that my guess is right."

"Even if the ordinary hand of the king is born with consciousness, it is impossible to be so strong. At best, it is about lv7 or lv8."

"It seems that in the king hunting in the memory of Shura God, not only the nightmare monarch, a peak king, fell, but the rest of the purgatory kings must be quite a few."

How powerful the characteristics of the living kings are.


Su Chen has seen it.

Unless a Heavenly King takes action, otherwise, it is basically impossible for the nine levels of transcendence to subdue the Heavenly King's characteristics.

No wonder there is something like Dream Magic Stone, which can resist the transcendental suppression of the dream world.

After all.

Dream Magic Stone comes from the characteristics left by a Heavenly King.


Seeing that the battle was intense and there was no possibility of taking down the Heavenly King's broken arm, Su Chen gave an order to let the two guards withdraw.

Anyway, this Heavenly King's broken arm is here, and there is no escape.

Wait until Su Chen finds another lost guard, the Mountain Guard, in this dream world. At that time, the three 9-level guards will take action together and try again.

Su Chen gave the order.

In an instant, the mist-like dream guard drilled out more huge cannons with terrifying calibers from his body, and it was not just his body. In the dream space where this prison exists, one thick cannon after another was quickly charged.


The cannon roared!

The terrifying sound was like tens of thousands of nuclear bombs washing the ground, turning the prison into a scorched earth. Even the King of Heaven with a Broken Arm was extremely angry and suppressed by the firepower.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the pig-headed monster evacuated.

In the military off-road vehicle, Su Chen stepped on the accelerator and ran away directly.

Behind him.

Two level 9 life guards like behemoths followed.

In the car, Su Chen held the steering wheel and looked at the prison in the rearview mirror. The broken arm hand was jumping up and down like thunder, obviously extremely angry.

The broken arm hand kept hitting the prison door, obviously wanting to chase and kill the escaping pig-headed monster and the dream guard.

"It took a long time."

"This prison called Black Domain is the place where this broken arm hand is sealed."

"It turns out that he can't escape."

Now, Su Chen is relieved.

In this case.

Then this broken hand of the king of heaven will be in his pocket sooner or later.

As for why this broken hand of the king of heaven is so angry, it is obviously not just because it is offended. It is obvious that this broken hand of the king of heaven wants to eat the pig-headed monster and the dream guard, two level 9 lives.

The king of heaven characteristics, if you want to revive and recreate a body, the energy required is extremely terrifying.

Therefore, the consciousness left by the king of heaven characteristics will continue to hunt powerful monsters to replenish itself.

In the purgatory world where there is no shortage of high-level creatures, as long as the fallen king of heaven characteristics are not targeted by other powerful king creatures, they can be resurrected at a very fast speed.

Although the strength will drop sharply, it is a successful resurrection anyway.


Where is this place.

This is the dream world. Even if the nightmare monarch is dead, the dream world rules he left behind are still continuing. This is a dream world without extraordinary powers.

All extraordinary powers will be sealed and suppressed.

The king of heaven had his hand broken, and he had finally waited for two level 9 lives, but he let them run away like this. How could he be willing?

The car roared.

Driving forward all the way.

When encountering buildings that blocked the road, or debris and rocks, Su Chen did not stop, but directly let the pig-headed monster cut the rocks with a knife to make a road.

Anyway, this is not the real world.


Su Chen drove forward all the way, and stopped after driving about 30 kilometers. It was not because the car had no gas, but because he actually drove out of the world of Yongcheng.

At this moment, Yongcheng's modern buildings full of broken walls and collapsed high-rise buildings, as well as the wheat fields in the countryside, had long disappeared, replaced by another world.

Here, the eyes are full of wind and sand, and it is endless, all desert.

The strong wind swept the wind and sand, bringing bursts of coldness.

Su Chen's military off-road vehicle rushed into this windy and sandy world unexpectedly, and the wheels and even half of the body of the vehicle were stuck in the desert, and it couldn't get out.

"This should be another world."

"The Nightmare Monarch has lived much longer than the Shura God."

"Wandering on the line of purgatory eroding other worlds, it naturally devoured and created many dream worlds like Yongcheng. Obviously, this is the dream world of other world cities."

Su Chen was eager to try.

Yongcheng, which was devoured by the dream world for only three years, gave him so much.

This obviously much older wind and sand world, I don't know what surprises it can bring him.

"I hope there will be a level 9 demon life."

"In this case, if I can burst out the level 9 characteristic, I can directly become a lv7, 8 peak life, or even lv8, 9 life."

Once Su Chen's life level reaches the level 9 life.

He can choose to fuse the nightmare heart and become a king creature.

At that time.

He can completely control the entire dream world with the help of the nightmare heart.

At that time, let's not talk about how powerful he is in the real world. At least in this dream world, he is the absolute overlord. If the second nightmare monarch does not take into account the loss of power in the nightmare world, it is possible to burst out the power of the peak king.

What's more.

In this dream world, there are other king characteristics sealed, even crystal cores.

"If I can fully accept the dream world, my gains will definitely be unimaginable."

The military off-road vehicle broke down in this windy and sandy world.

Su Chen simply abandoned this car.

Anyway, this car was directly snatched from the underground military camp in a bustling city.

It doesn't matter if you don't want it.

"The vision of checking the supernatural rank mark has not been restored yet. The suppression power of this dream world is still quite strong."

"I don't know how many supernatural creatures there are in this world."

Su Chen walked in this desert, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

In the distance, the storms in the sky gathered and turned into a tornado. No, it was a sandstorm.

The power of a terrifying natural disaster is brewing.


The cannon roared.

This tornado was directly shattered.

On the other side.

The dream spearman retracted the gun barrel.

Looking at the obviously huge pig-headed monster behind him and the dream spearman, Su Chen waved his hand and asked them to keep retreating and stay away from him.

With two huge monsters following him, no one dared to approach him.


Now he also has a combat power level of level 8. In this dream world without supernatural beings, it is not so easy to be suppressed.

The pig-headed monster and the dream spearmen retreated again and again until they could no longer see any traces.

Su Chen nodded in satisfaction.

This is what it looks like.

Sure enough.

Not long after.

Su Chen continued to move forward in the desert, with one foot deep and one foot shallow. The sound of the accelerator roared nearby.

In the distance.

A modified car with special desert tracks was moving slowly but steadily forward. This modified car was entering Su Chen.

No surprise.

Su Chen was once again pointed at by a gun barrel.

People wearing camouflage gray military uniforms got out of the car. The leader was gentle and wore a pair of black-framed glasses. He frowned at Su Chen and looked at the direction behind Su Chen, asking with some doubt.

"From Yongcheng?"

The accent was exactly the same as that of the people in Yongcheng.


"Yongcheng was in trouble."

"So I fled here."

Looking at the gun barrels in front of him, Su Chen was speechless. They were really from the same place, and the welcome ceremony was exactly the same.

However, unlike the last time, Su Chen was now a level 8 life, so strong that he was terribly strong.

Even if these people fired, they couldn't hurt him at all.

But these people pointed guns at him. Su Chen thought about it and thought he should give them some face. He raised his hands and looked like he was surrendering.

"Yongcheng was in trouble?"

The gentle man in the lead was shocked, obviously shocked by the news. ,

However, the man soon sneered.

"I knew that demons are demons. No matter how much they learn to live like humans, they still eat people."


"I think the people there must have been killed by that wolf lord."

The gentle man smiled coldly, obviously very happy.

The people around him also smiled coldly.

Obviously, the people of Yongcheng did not come to this harsh world like the desert voluntarily.

Wherever there are people, there will be struggles. Once there is a struggle, there will be a loser. These people are the stray dogs who failed in the struggle.

"So, where are you going to take me?"

Su Chen's face was full of expectations. He couldn't hold back. This world looked much worse than that prosperous city. There must be extraordinary power.

"Take you there?"


"Who said we want to accept you? We will send you on your way to accompany your dead companions."

The gentle man showed his tyrannical side. He waved his hand coldly, and in an instant, seven or eight uniformed soldiers on the scene loaded their guns and fired directly.


The gun went off.

However, Su Chen was unharmed, and the bullet flew back into the barrel of the gun and exploded directly.


The explosion blew the palms of these spearmen into a bloody mess, and they wailed miserably.

Only the gentle man who led the group escaped because he did not have a gun in his hand.


"Why don't you follow the routine?"

Su Chen sighed.

The gentle man and his group were already terrified to the extreme, looking at the two huge monsters that walked out of the sandstorm behind Su Chen in horror.

The pig-headed monster and the dream spearman, two level nine lives.

Even if they couldn't identify the breath of the ninth-level life, just looking at the terrifying monster's body, they knew that it was definitely an existence they couldn't afford to provoke.

You know, when they were still in the prosperous city, the ninth-level life Wolf Lord didn't have such a terrifying spirit, walking in the phoenix dragon roll transformed by the sandstorm, and was not affected at all.

"This lord, I was wrong!"

"I didn't recognize the great man."

"Please let me go, I still have an eighty-year-old mother and a child who is still crying for food, my meat is not delicious..."

The gentleman was the first to kneel on the ground, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and didn't hold Su Chen's thigh and cry for mercy on the spot.

He was a man with good eyesight. When he saw the two huge monsters coming out of the storm, he knew that the destruction of the damn Yongcheng City had absolutely nothing to do with that Wolf Lord.

To be able to let such two terrifying dream creatures follow, Wolf Lord, he is a fart.

"Take me to your gathering point."

Su Chen was concise.

If there are really other supernatural demons like Wolf Lord who are suppressed, then they will definitely choose to take root among the crowd.

After all, they are different from humans. As demons, even if their powers are sealed, their instincts cannot be sealed.

Demons are hungry, but they have to eat people.

Without eating people, they cannot survive in this dream world. Just like people have to eat grains, demons have to eat people to survive.


In an instant, everyone's face turned pale.

In their opinion, Su Chen is obviously not a real human. Those who can still have supernatural powers in this dream world are definitely powerful demons without exception.

Wolf Lord is like this.

The one in front of him must be the same.

Let a powerful humanoid demon with supernatural powers and two huge monsters with big appetites go to their gathering place.

Even if they have more people, it is not enough for these three demon monsters to eat for a few days.

They obviously misunderstood.

However, Su Chen did not mean to explain at all.

It's just right that they misunderstood.

If they had a bit of blood and wanted to protect their family and friends in the gathering place, they would definitely find ways to lead Su Chen to a dangerous place.

For example, the prison called Black Domain, or other places where powerful dream creatures are entrenched, just like the Dream Eternal City.

Anyway, Su Chen came here to hunt high-level crystal cores and see if there are any leaks to pick up.


"We'll take you there."

The gentle man exchanged glances with his uniformed gunners, and his eyes instantly became fierce.

Obviously they wanted to harm Su Chen.

However, all this was exactly what Su Chen wanted.

"Lead the way!"

The modified tracked off-road vehicle was moving in front, and Su Chen led two level nine life guards to follow behind.

As expected, the road became more and more remote. Originally, some desert vegetation could be seen, but here, it was already a desolate and dead place of despair.

Ahead, an abyss appeared.

It was hard to imagine an abyss in the desert, but this scene did appear in front of Su Chen.


Under the abyss, a door dripping with blood appeared in Su Chen's eyes.


Su Chen's eyes condensed.

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