The direction of things began to become somewhat out of control.

"This is..."

Standing in the desert world, Su Chen looked at the bottomless abyss from afar, feeling the familiar breath, his expression was extremely solemn.

Although the appearance of this door has changed a little, Su Chen is very familiar with it. This is an erosion gate.

Or rather.

This is the gate to the demon world in the memory of Shura God.

The level of the gate to the demon world is not comparable to the erosion gates all over the world. A gate to the demon world can carry the arrival of a demon king at most.

A demon king, yes, it is the life of the Purgatory King.

"Why is there such a thing here?"

At this moment, Su Chen's face was particularly ugly.

Things are big.

The appearance of this demon world gate means that at this moment, the first batch of Purgatory demons have rushed into this world.

When time is longer, this portal is more stable, and it can carry a demon king to descend into this dream world.

The nightmare monarch is dead.

Even if this dream world repels illegal intruders, there is no way to stop it, after all, this is a Heavenly King creature.

"What do you mean by this?"

Su Chen asked with an ugly face. He looked at the terrible footprints left by the inhuman beings under the abyss, and his expression was gloomy.

Looking at the footprints, at least five demons should have sneaked in through this demon world gate three days ago.

Demons are all high-level life.

At least they are peak level 7 or above, even peak level 8, and even level 9 life is also very likely.

What high-level demons here are worth plotting?

There are too many.

Not to mention that the Nightmare Monarch died, leaving behind this dream world with almost all the power of a Heavenly King, just say that there may be many Heavenly King characteristics in the dream world, which is enough to make high-level demons take risks.

Whether it is the crystal core of the king or the characteristics of the king, according to the memory of the Shura God, as long as a peak level nine demon swallows it, there is a great possibility that it will impact the life of the king.

As long as the benefits are big enough, nothing is impossible.

In the Purgatory World, if you want to quickly become a peak king, the fastest shortcut is to hunt down the king of the same level and devour him. Even if it is a demon king, the life of the Purgatory King will be interested in the characteristics and crystal cores left by other kings.

Since this group of demons dared to come, they may have the means to resist the suppression of the dream world.


Su Chen is likely to face a group of high-level demons.

Even with Su Chen's temperament, he felt a headache.

However, if this group of high-level demons can be eaten, it must be a feast.

"What do you mean?"

"This is our gathering place."

"Three days ago, a gate descended in the dream world, and it descended on the upper gate of our gathering place. The terrible extraordinary demon descended, and this place became an abyss. 90% of the people were eaten by the demons."

"We didn't take the wrong path. This is our gathering place, hehe."

Perhaps knowing that they would definitely die after playing tricks on these powerful monsters, this group of spearmen became tough instead, and they were no longer timid as before.

Su Chen didn't mean to bother with them.

After all.

The breath of fresh flesh and blood appeared here, and there was no possibility for them to survive.

An erosion portal that can carry the arrival of the demon king is located here. How could there be no powerful demon guarding it? If it was destroyed by the dream world, wouldn't they, the demons who broke in, have no way to retreat?


The next moment.

At the bottom of the abyss, an extremely thick plant root emerged. The color of this plant root was the color of blood. It appeared quickly, like a sickle, piercing all the gray-uniformed spearmen including the gentle man.

I'm afraid these spearmen never thought that they would be the first to die.

Even the high-level demons were extremely afraid of Su Chen, the dream guards, and the pig-headed monster.

After all, if the demons were stupid, they would not be able to survive in the purgatory world.

Even if Su Chen, the dream guards, and the pig-headed monster did not reveal any specific aura, just looking at their huge bodies, they knew that they were definitely not easy to mess with.

"A plant demon?"


"Maybe it's an evil beast."

Su Chen looked at this plant root that was hundreds of meters long and shot out from the abyss with interest. He estimated the strength of this plant, which was obviously not very strong.

If it was a ninth-level life, it would have attacked Su Chen at this moment.

Maybe this is a level 8 life.

Su Chen thought so in his heart.

After killing the ordinary people like the uniformed spearmen, scarlet fruits grew on the roots of the plants.


The next moment, hundreds of blood-colored fruits exploded.

The blood-colored mist enveloped the abyss at this moment.

This plant life began to attack.

Obviously, in his eyes, Su Chen and others might be difficult to deal with, but he still felt that he had the strength to eat all of Su Chen and others.


He was destined to be disappointed.

"Pig-headed monster, we seem to be underestimated."

The blood-colored fruit exploded, and the blood-red mist enveloped the abyss, and even the entire sand sea instantly became a place covered by blood mist.

In the blood mist, Su Chen couldn't help but look at the pig-headed monster.

At this moment, the pig-headed monster clenched the sickle in his hand.

"Prepare for battle!"

Su Chen had just finished speaking.

In the mist, countless plant vines covered the sky like swords, falling from the sky, trying to stab Su Chen and others into a hornet's nest.

This plant demon was fierce and powerful.

Before Su Chen started to hunt it, it attacked first.

It was precisely because of the plant demon's attack that Su Chen guessed its strength level.

It was not very strong.

It was about the level of peak 7.

If Su Chen hadn't appeared here, a peak 7 high-level life would be more than enough to guard this gate to the demon world in the abyss that could carry the arrival of the demon king.

After all, this is a dream world without supernatural powers.

Let alone the peak combat power of level 7, even the level of level 4 supernatural king can kill people in this world.

What a pity.

The luck of this plant demon is not very good.

It met Su Chen.

"How much energy does a level 7 crystal core have?"

"One million energy."

"This can't be let go."

Su Chen waved his hand.

In an instant.

The pig-headed monster made a move, and his body grew wildly, reaching a terrifying degree of hundreds of meters in an instant. Even if it was shrouded in fog, he could clearly detect where the attack came from with his beast-like intuition.


The huge machete brought up a terrifying sandstorm, and instantly cut thousands of plant vines into pieces, and along the cut, the sticky blood on the machete spread towards the plant demon.

"Level 9 life?!"

A hoarse cry came from the bottom of the abyss.

This voice was not human language.

But in this dream world, Su Chen could clearly understand what it meant.

This plant demon was particularly terrified.

Didn't they say that the nightmare monarch had fallen? In this dream world, there were only some 5-7 level native dream creatures born with the monarch's power.

But why, there were 9th level creatures!


The plant vines and roots quickly retreated to the bottom of the abyss.


This peak 7th level demon was scared.

He was ready to retreat to the abyss for defense.


At the bottom of the abyss, there were dark rocks shining with strange rune brilliance, which instantly soared into the sky, so that people within a hundred miles could see it clearly.

This plant demon was not trying to retreat back to the gate of the demon world, but was asking for help and calling other demon companions back.


Su Chen's face turned cold.

God knows whether there are more than three 9th level creatures among the other demons.

This group of demons have the guts to plot against a peak Heavenly King, as well as the crystal cores and characteristics left behind by other Heavenly King creatures, so they are definitely not weak.

We must not let other demon companions find out that something is wrong here.


The cannon roared.

This time it was the Dream Lancer who took action.

Forged with the power of the dream world, the Dream Lancer, a level 9 life, is the absolute strongest level 9 in the dream world.

It is more than enough to kill a weak peak level 7 purgatory creature in a second.

At the same time.

In the abyss, the plant demon broke out of the ground, revealing his original appearance. He was a withered giant tree full of bright red fruits, and his whole body was dark red.

At this moment, he also knew how powerful the intruder was.

It was definitely someone else who was eyeing the Nightmare Monarch and the Heavenly King's legacy. He had to find ways to delay the arrival of his companions.


The giant tree trembled.

At this moment, he overdrew his vitality. The originally withered tree trunk ushered in the second spring. Leaves grew out one by one, and the originally dry tree crown instantly became lush and leafy.

The huge tree crown blocked the sky above the Demon Gate to prevent possible damage to this erosion gate.

This erosion gate is about to carry the arrival of the Demon King, and it is also their retreat. There is no room for error. Otherwise, even if it repels the enemy, it will not escape death.

In purgatory, there is no such thing as companions. There is only the law of the jungle, and the strong dominate the weak.


"How can a weak 9th-level life form in this world know how powerful we are!"

"Each of our purgatory creatures came out of fighting. Don't look at me as only a peak 7th-level life form, but my own combat power is at least close to the peak 8th-level."

"What's more."

"I am the Abyss Demon Tree. With the existence of this Abyss Domain, even a 9th-level life form can't easily shake me! It's more than enough to drag the rest of the demon companions back."

The Abyss Demon Tree, on the thick main trunk, revealed a twisted face that was sneering. He looked at Su Chen and others in the blood mist outside the abyss with sarcasm, and laughed at them.

A group of weak human lives, so what if they are 9th-level lives? I'm afraid they don't know how powerful your grandfather the demon tree is. Today, let you see the possible power that can be erupted by the Abyss Demon Tree and the Abyss Domain together.

How could he be a weak and incompetent person who could take on such an important task as guarding the demon gate?

This time, they were the elite among the elite.


The huge cannon roared and fell.

The sneer and ridicule of the Abyss Demon Tree suddenly stopped.

Under this cannon, the Abyss domain trembled violently, and then shattered in an instant.

The entire bottomless abyss was shattered.

"What's going on?"

The Abyss Demon Tree was shocked and terrified to the extreme.

One cannon broke the Abyss domain!

What level of the ninth-level life is the other party? Is it the peak ninth-level life? How is it possible? The Nightmare Monarch has only fallen for three or five years. How could such a powerful monster be born so quickly?

Could it be that the Nightmare Monarch has been reborn?

"Calm down, calm down!"

"This cannon is at the level of a peak level 9 life form, which must be their strongest means. It can't be used a second time. It doesn't matter even if the abyss field is broken."

"Hold on! I will hold on! As long as I hold on, even if they come in for close combat, I'm not afraid. I have the bonus of a level 9 abyss field. As long as they come in to fight me, it's equivalent to fighting with a level 9 abyss evil tree!"

The pinnacle of the evolution of the abyss demon tree is called the abyss evil tree, which is an absolute peak level 9 life form. Even if some weak kings come to attack, they can deal with it.

It can be said that a level 9 abyss evil tree is an absolute strong defender under the king!


The next moment.

This abyss demon tree was silent and couldn't say a word.

Because the first cannon did not achieve the expected effect, the dream spearman became a little annoyed. In an instant, his field opened up and covered the dream world here.


There was a tremor between heaven and earth.

Then, in the sky of the dream world, above the abyss, one after another thick cannon barrels extended out, and a terrifying bombardment was brewing.

What is a peak level nine life.

This is the peak level nine life, and it is an infinite energy version. As long as it is in this dream world, the dream spearman is the strongest existence among the level nine.

One shot is comparable to a full-strength attack of an ordinary level nine life.

In this dream world, the dream spearman can instantly extend dozens of cannon barrels, and the energy can be directly extracted from the power of the dream world.

Anyway, this nightmare world is now ownerless, and the dream spearmen who are of the same origin as the nightmare world can borrow power without limit and will not be targeted by the owner.

"How to block this?"

"Now this is equivalent to dozens of peak level nine lives, besieging my abyss demon tree that controls the abyss domain. Not to mention me, even a true level nine, a level nine abyss evil tree with its own abyss domain can't stand it."

The abyss demon tree was desperate at this moment.

The next moment.


Dozens of gun barrels roared.

The huge cannon roared out!


The abyss demon tree cried out in despair.

At this moment.

The abyss domain was completely annihilated, and the terrifying artillery fire washed the bottom of the abyss.

The blood mist had long disappeared without a trace.

This was a saturation attack of tens of thousands of tons, or even more, of hydrogen bombs.

The terrifying wind and sand rolled back, trying to fill the abyss that had disappeared without a trace. (End of this chapter)

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