Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 150: The King's Clone

Speed ​​+ power.

All of them are at the peak level of 9th level.

Created this arrogant giant tiger monster!

"You must be the leader of these level 9 beings!"

"Now you go to hell!"

The giant tiger demon could be said to be the strongest among this group of demons. He stared at Su Chen and disappeared instantly. His huge fists struck at Su Chen.

This punch can easily kill a weak level 9 monster like the three-headed hell dog.

This is the strength of the giant tiger demon.


The mountain warrior roared and unleashed a peak level 9 battle level. Like a huge mountain, he slammed into the giant tiger demon up to his knees.


Like two mountains colliding with each other, the terrifying air waves destroyed everything around them like a tornado. Countless skyscrapers, as well as the mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the ground, were all turned into fly ash.

The Mountain Guards' attack gave the Dream Lancers a chance to breathe.

The Dream Lancer rushed back quickly.

At this moment, not daring to be careless at all, more than a dozen gun barrels quickly sprouted out, the giant cannon roared, and all the gunfire was fired, bombarding the giant tiger monster.


The next moment, the giant tiger demon directly knocked the mountain guard away.


The incoming artillery fire was like a nuclear bomb wiping out the ground.

"I'm finally going to die now."

"Even if he doesn't die, he should be seriously injured."

Su Chen always kept his eyes on the battlefield.

This giant tiger demon was incredibly powerful, far beyond his expectation.

The posture displayed by the giant tiger demon was the peak level 9 that Su Chen expected, the absolute overlord's combat power.

With such fighting power, even if he could suppress the Heavenly King's characteristics alone, that severed hand could easily do it.


The smoke cleared.

A burly figure rushed out like a stream of light, aiming directly at Su Chen.

It turned out to be this giant tiger monster.

Even though the Mountain Guards and the Dream Lancers, the two most powerful peak level 9 life guards in Su Chen's hands, worked together to suppress this level 9 monster, they still couldn't crush it.

"Damn it."

"Is that outrageous?"

"So powerful..."

Su Chen's eyes almost popped out.

The power of this giant tiger demon was beyond his imagination.

no doubt.

This is the absolute pinnacle of level 9 overlord level combat power.

Su Chen subconsciously glanced at the nearly 1,000-meter-long snake demon that was previously on an equal footing with the giant tiger demon, and suddenly realized that just a pig-headed monster beat the snake demon to howl.

Moreover, the snake demon paid attention to the battle situation here and discovered the incredible fighting power of the giant tiger demon. He also looked frightened. Obviously, this was beyond his expectation.

Compared with the giant tiger demon, this snake demon is so weak!

"You are not a level 9 demon..."

It seemed that the giant tiger demon was attacking. Su Chen glanced at the motionless demon gate again, and a terrible suspicion suddenly came into his mind.

Having inherited the memory of God Shura and the gift from the Nightmare Lord, he is no longer a novice who doesn't understand anything.

I already have some superficial understanding of the world of purgatory and the life of the King of Heaven.

The next moment.

After hearing Su Chen's words, the giant snake demon who was trembling with the pig-headed monster finally woke up and spoke tremblingly.

"Monster...Master Demon King?!"

The giant tiger demon in front of me was not a peak level 9 demon. It was clearly a demon king using his methods to come in person.

How could a demon king be comparable to a real ordinary level 9 demon, even if his rank dropped to a real level 9?


"Guessed it right."

"Unfortunately, there is no reward."


The next moment.

The giant tiger demon king came and struck at Su Chen with one punch.

At this critical moment, the Asura Divine Crystal Core in Su Chen's body, as well as the heart left by the Nightmare Lord, all burst out with brilliant light.


The King's crystal core + the King's characteristics create a King-level strike.

A bright ray of light shot towards the giant tiger demon king like a sharp arrow.

This world, forged by the power of the dream world, stopped for a moment.

The Giant Tiger Demon King looked at the Shura God Crystal Core and Nightmare Heart in Su Chen's body in disbelief, and then looked at the big hole in his chest.

"You actually have the Heavenly King's crystal core and the Heavenly King's inheritance..."

"I remember you."

"When I make the next demon clone, just wait to die. These two things can't save you a second time!"


The body of the giant tiger demon king collapsed and fell to the ground.

It's dead.

Then, as if the previous attack had overdrawn his life, it turned into black ashes all over the ground, leaving nothing behind.


"Has the identity of the Demon King been lost?"

The snake demon who witnessed everything with his own eyes was so frightened that he lost his mind.

It was extremely difficult for him to deal with the weakest level 9 pig-headed monster. The human in front of him had a level 9 artilleryman and a level 9 warrior...

Each of these two level 9s is undoubtedly powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to fight against the Demon King's clone and survive without dying.

Now there is no more Demon King.

Faced with the siege of three level 9 beings, how could he still survive?

"do not fight!"

"Spare your life!"

"I surrender."

The snake demon waved his hand and released the pig-headed monster that was being strangled by him. His body returned to the humanoid snake-tail posture, with a low eyebrow and a submissive look, as if he wanted to surrender.

In the world of purgatory, there are indeed such rules.

If you face an enemy that is too powerful, you can surrender and serve as their subordinate in order to survive.

Even in the world of purgatory, no one would refuse a powerful level 9 being as his subordinate. Even a demon king would not cause too many level 9 demons under his command.

The snake demon thought.

With his level 9 combat power, the other party would definitely agree to his surrender.


What greeted him was the roar of the huge cannons of the Dream Lancers.


The cannon fell.

There were no bones left of the snake demon, and even his brain was smashed.


"What are you thinking about?"

"How can there be such a good thing? You can fight this battle if you want and stop it if you want."

For Su Chen.

This battle is to harvest the demon crystal core.

The submission of a level 9 demon was of no use to him. He would not believe the loyalty of a demon.

not to mention.

A dead monster is a good monster.

One level 9 crystal core, but with 100 million energy, can create three level 9 guards. Su Chen can still handle this.

Killing a level 9 demon with ulterior motives in exchange for three loyal level 9 guards is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

"This giant tiger monster, a clone made by the Demon King, has no characteristics left behind, or is it a crystal core?"

"Damn it!"

"This demon king, you made me lose 100 million energy."

Su Chen yelled angrily.

at the same time.

He glanced at the Shura God Crystal Core in his arms with some distress, as well as the nightmare heart properties.

Su Chen knew about the Asura Divine Crystal Core and the Nightmare Heart's properties, which could unleash the Heavenly King's Strike for a long time.

Today's battle is basically a break-even.

"Damn it."

"You demon king, I and you are at odds with each other."

Su Chen was very unhappy.

Because he discovered that both the Shura Divine Crystal Core and the Nightmare Heart had lost 10% of their energy, which was completely unacceptable to him.

However, it is normal to think about it.

Regarding the fact that there is such a powerful trump card of the Demon King hidden in this demon team.

If they were all three-headed hell dogs and level 9 snake demons, how could they suppress the crazy and powerful characteristics of the King of Heaven?

You must know that the characteristics of the Heavenly King cannot be suppressed even if the three level 9 life guards of Su Chen go to suppress it.

In other words, only the terrifying fighting power of the Demon King's clone can suppress the characteristics of the same Heavenly King level.

"This batch of monsters has such a powerful trump card."

"Don't tell me."

"Does another batch of monster lineups also have similar tricks?"

Su Chen frowned.

If that's the case, it's a bit tricky.

Too difficult to deal with!

In general.

This time, the demon lineup in front of him was completely wiped out, which was a gain without losing money. After all, at the last moment, Su Chen used the energy at the level of a king.

"Continue to improve your strength as soon as possible."

Su Chen had this idea in his mind.


I started counting the harvest without stopping.

The harvest this time is not small.

Although the Snake Demon, a peak level 9 demon, has little combat power, it has given birth to a level 9 crystal core, which has an energy of 100 million.

The rest of the miscellaneous fish monsters that were shot to ashes by the Dream Lancers were left with level 7 crystal nuclei, level 8 crystal nuclei, and sporadic level 7 and level 8 characteristics all over the place.


Ten level 7 crystal cores.

Two level 8 crystal cores.

There is one level 7 characteristic and three level 8 characteristics.

Regarding the characteristics of demons, Su Chen picked them all up, accepted them all, and swallowed them all into his body. However, the obvious improvement was far less than the previous improvement of the characteristics of swallowing the blood of level 9 hell demons.

It was as if the cells in Su Chen's body had tasted the feast of level 9 characteristics and showed little interest in level 7 and 8 characteristics.

The increase in combat power is very small.

However, it can be considered a solid improvement. At least Su Chen can clearly feel that he now only needs 1 level 9 crystal core to increase his life level again.

"There's nothing we can do."

"It seems that if I want to upgrade to level 8, level 9 life level, I must have a level 9 life crystal core."

"When I become a lv8, level 9 being, as long as I leave the dream world, I can swallow the nightmare heart. This characteristic left behind by the peak king will become a true lv9, king level being."

Su Chen quickly set his sights on the crystal core.

He began to melt the crystal core and obtain energy.

10 level 7 crystal cores, 100w/piece, ablation energy to obtain 1000w energy.

2 level 8 crystal cores, 1000w/piece, ablation energy to obtain 2000w energy.

1 level 9 crystal core, 10000w/piece, ablation energy to obtain 10000w energy.

Adding to Su Chen's remaining 6.1 million energy, Su Chen's energy balance now breaks through the 100 million mark again, reaching 136.1 million energy.

Think about it.

Su Chen still didn't use this energy.

He has to find a way to build the Dream Lancer into a lv9 guardian in this dream world, with the combat power of the King. When the time comes, maybe the Dream Lancer can directly inherit the entire Dream World and become the new peak king, the Nightmare Monarch.

When the time comes, Su Chen can completely walk sideways in this dream world.

Even if the Demon Gate grows enough to accommodate the arrival of the Demon King, Su Chen is not afraid at all.

By the time.

The demon kings rushed in excitedly, thinking that this was an ownerless treasure land.

As a result, they suddenly discovered that they had broken into the realm of a peak king, the new nightmare monarch. The scene at that time was not to mention how exciting it was.

"When the time comes, we will directly kill the King of Purgatory, harvest the King's characteristics, and the King's crystal core..."

A smile appeared on Su Chen's lips.

He's going to do something crazy.

In this dream world, fight against the kings of purgatory!

I hope that as many purgatory kings come as possible.

He has always had a huge appetite.

"We still have more than 160 million energy left. We only need to hunt two level 9 monsters, or 16 level 8 monsters."

This quantity is difficult to say, but not difficult to say.

In this dream world, Su Chen can achieve this goal as long as he can eat another group of monsters coming out of the monster gate in the desert world.


With Su Chen's current lineup strength, he can definitely do it.

Su Chen's only concern was the trump card left by the demon king of the desert world to his demon subordinates.

"If a demon king like this demon king comes in person, it will be really difficult."

"Just thinking about it makes me angry."

"It actually caused my Heavenly King Crystal Core to lose 10% of its energy."

Su Chen gritted his teeth.

In his mind, he was thinking of plans rapidly.


He focused his attention on the center of this messy battlefield. The original center of the city was like a demon gate embedded in the sky.

This demon gate was reborn.

There is simply no room for a demon king to cross the border and extend his arms deep into this dream world.

At this moment.

In the narrow demon door, a figure burning with billowing hellfire was looking at Su Chen with anger and greed.

What was angry was that Su Chen made him lose a clone.

For a clone to develop such combat power, even a demon king would have to put in a lot of effort.

What is greedy is that Su Chen actually has the crystal core of a heavenly king in his body, and also has a inheritance from the peak monarch of the Nightmare Monarch.

If he had known that this human boy had this thing on him, he would have formed a group to rob it.

The Heavenly King's crystal core and the Heavenly King's inheritance, isn't this the purpose of these demon kings coming to this dream world?

This kid, a weak ninth-level being, actually has something that even the demon kings are peeping at. Damn it.

"This Demon King."

Su Chen approached the Demon Gate, his eyes lit up, and he took the initiative to say hello.

"You, do you want to donate the Heavenly King's crystal core and the Heavenly King's inheritance in order to survive?" (End of this chapter)

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