Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 151 Asking for information

Seeing this.

Even the demon king couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

On the other side of the demon gate.

The demon king looked at Su Chen expectantly.

"If so, I can forgive your previous crimes, spare your life, and quickly present the crystal core and inheritance."

This demon king was impatient.


How is this possible!

Su Chen pulled the corner of his mouth, speechless in his heart, mocking this demon king for his wild imagination.

For him.

The crystal core of the king and the characteristics of the king are also very important.

Not to mention.

He also peeped at the crystal core in the body of the other demon king, and inherited the characteristics alive.

As for sparing his life?


When he really pushed the dream guard to the lv9 guard, the king's combat power, and became the new nightmare monarch, it is still uncertain who will spare whose life.

"Let me make a deal with you."

Su Chen said slowly.


"You weak ant dare to make a deal with us, the King of Purgatory? You don't know what you are talking about."

The Demon King was furious, with a tone of "you are not worthy of me", staring coldly at Su Chen, and turned back to his previous hostile look.


Su Chen's next words made this Demon King interested.

Su Chen didn't care about the Demon King's arrogance and coldness.

After all, the creatures of Purgatory all look like this.

"The demon kings in the purgatory world are spying on the dream world, and there are many characteristics and crystal cores of the kings in the dream world. I'm afraid there are quite a few of them."

"Before you, I encountered another demon gate. The demon king on the opposite side also fought with me. It can already intervene in the dream world."

"Those who know the inheritance of the kings in the dream world and the crystal cores are probably the purgatory kings who participated in the hunt for the kings against the nightmare monarch in the first battle."

"Guess, if this king gets the crystal core characteristics of the other kings in purgatory, or gets the dream world, he will increase his strength and become a powerful peak king."

"Do you think he will attack you when he is inflated?"

"After all, having one more king to supplement his own rank is also a good thing, isn't it?"

"It is a hideous palm covered with fish scales, with five claws, sharp claws, and dark magic. Under its command is a peak level 7 demon tree that masters the abyss field..."

Su Chen said slowly.

In the purgatory world, the strong prey on the weak. Even high-level demons, even if they are brothers from the same mother, may devour each other in order to become stronger and undergo a higher-level transformation, not to mention the level of the Purgatory Heavenly King.

What Su Chen said is very likely.

It is obvious.

The demon king opposite was silent.

When he thought of this terrible fact, even he felt a shudder.

"Damn it."

"You came earlier than me..."

The demon king spoke angrily.

I don't know if he was too angry or afraid of the future described by Su Chen, but his majestic words actually trembled a little.

"How do you want to trade?"

Su Chen didn't speak, but this demon king spoke first.

Comparing the two sides.

The other demon king has opened the demon gate for at least three days, and the demons under his command may have already begun to explore the dream world.

Even if the speed is fast, he already has the characteristics of the Heavenly King in his hand, or has obtained the crystal core.

On the other hand, the demon king on his side

The clone of the demon king was annihilated!

All the demons under his command were destroyed by Su Chen.

As soon as he entered the dream world, he lost all his combat power. It would take at least three days for the demon gate to accumulate enough power to let in the second batch of demons...

What can he use to compete with another Purgatory Heavenly King for the legacy of the Heavenly King in the dream world?

"Hurry up."

"How do you want to trade?"

The twisted figure with hellfire burning all over his body spoke hurriedly, and urged Su Chen instead.


It seems that the plan was very successful.

Su Chen unconsciously raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I will help you hunt down another group of demon king's subordinates. Tell me what powerful trump cards they have? After the matter is done, when you descend into the dream world, you have to save my life from the other demon king..."

Su Chen said pretentiously.

As for the request to save his life under the hands of another demon king, it was completely nonsense that Su Chen said casually.

When the demon king really descends.

Who will beg for mercy? It is still uncertain.

He just wants to get the strongest trump card of the demons under the hands of another demon king from this demon king, so that he can specifically target them when hunting.


God knows whether the opponent will also explode a powerful demon king clone.

As long as he can eat this team of demons, Su Chen can use the crystal core to pile up a level 9 guard, which is the combat power of the king guard that can sweep across the dream world and even the king can compete with it.


The demon king, whose body was burning with hellfire, was a little suspicious. He felt something was wrong.

But the deal was too tempting.

All he had to pay was a degree that he would never fulfill, and the information of the other demon king's subordinates.

In other words.

He could not lose at all.

That being the case.

This demon king, whose body was burning with hellfire, showed a grim smile.

"I agree to your deal. If you hunt down all the demons under the Demon Dragon Demon King, I will naturally spare your life when I enter the dream world in the future, hahaha."

He had no intention of fulfilling this promise to save Su Chen's life.

Wait until the time comes.

When he set foot in the dream world, the first person he killed was this human boy.

Although he hated this human boy, the strength of the monsters under this human boy was unquestionable. Even the Hellfire Demon King had to admit that the other party was powerful.

After knowing the trump card, maybe he could really destroy all the demons under the Demon Dragon. At that time, the two demon kings would be on the same level.

The gap was directly leveled!

Even if there were losses in the battle, it would just be enough to reduce the combat effectiveness of this human boy.


The Hellfire Demon King leaked the other party's information.

"The Demon Dragon Demon King cannot create a Demon King clone, so he can only give his flesh and blood essence as a trump card to make his demons under him increase their strength in a short period of time."

"Eating the flesh and blood essence of a Demon King, even if it is only a trace, is enough to make a level 9 demon's combat power soar, reaching the level of one of my Demon King clones."

"But it won't last long, and after the outbreak, this level 9 demon is basically half-crippled. Unless it is absolutely necessary, there will be no level 9 demons at all. Haha, after all, the Purgatory World is cruel and powerful..."

The Hellfire Demon King slowly narrated.

Su Chen was ecstatic.

Got it!

The information that he had been thinking about the most, finally got it!

The stupid Demon King in front of him took the bait.

He made an information gap.

This Demon King didn't know that he could rely on hunting the crystal cores of other demons to improve the rank and life level of the guards.

It is estimated that this Hellfire Demon King thought.

After this battle.

His strength will be greatly reduced.

Little did he know.

The more powerful demons he hunted, the stronger his lineup would be, and even the king creatures could be born.

The Hellfire Demon King didn't know that his move was completely helping the enemy.

"I understand."

Su Chen suppressed his laughter and led his guards away from here.

The two guys with their own ulterior motives felt that they had made a profit.


Only Su Chen knew that he really made a profit.

"I vaguely feel that something is not right..."

In the Demon Gate, the Hellfire Demon King, who was in the Purgatory World, reviewed the situation for a while, but he couldn't find anything wrong.


Is this human kid really so kind?

The Hellfire Demon King was suspicious.

However, he soon put this doubt behind him.

Anyway, it won't be long.

He will be able to step into the dream world. At that time, with the attitude of the demon king, he will directly crush everything. This human kid must be the first to die!


Just a weak level 9 life.

Could it be that at that time, this human boy and the level 9 monsters under the human boy can directly mutate into the king creatures? Ridiculous.

Su Chen sat on the mountain guard and was returning to the desert world at a high speed.

His strategy was very simple.

One word!


As long as he killed quickly enough and killed all the level 9 monsters on the opposite side instantly, without giving them any chance to devour the flesh and blood of the demon king and mutate, everything would be settled.

On the way.

Su Chen finally remembered to ask the mountain guards and the pig-headed monster why they came to Yongcheng in this dream world when they were passing through the wall of time.

It turned out that there was some kind of disorder in the wall of time at that time.

The ghost cabinet gave them a warning.

Pointed out a direction for them.


How could the mountain guards and the pig-headed monster believe that the ghost cabinet would be so kind, so they turned around and walked in the opposite direction pointed by the ghost cabinet, and ended up here.

It's obvious.

The ghost cabinet took advantage of the distrust of the mountain guards and the pig-headed monster, deliberately throwing out the correct direction, and then let them go to the real danger it set.

"Where is the ghost cabinet?"

Su Chen's expression turned cold.

Sure enough, it was this ghost thing that did it.

At that time in the Rain City Royal Court, this ghost thing should have been destroyed.

But it's not too late now.

It's just a lv7 ghost cabinet.

His current guards are all level 9 life. A level 7 weird life can destroy parchment, let alone the ghost cabinet.

Even if the ghost cabinet Purgatory World has a body that is the king of heaven, it's useless.


"It's hidden in this dream world..."

The pig-headed monster answered in a muffled voice.

In this regard.

Su Chen didn't feel strange.

If the ghost cabinet hadn't escaped after doing such a thing, I'm afraid it would have been smashed into a broken piece of wood by the mountain guards.


Although the dream world is large, it is not that vast for a level 9 life.

As long as Su Chen is willing, he will meet it sooner or later.

Without reaching the level of Heavenly King, or being able to find a gap in the dream world, it is impossible to escape from the dream world. The ghost cabinet is definitely still here.


Su Chen returned to the desert world.


Where the abyss originally stood, the demon gate has disappeared.

"Can the Demon Gate still disappear?"

Su Chen once again searched in the memory of God Shura.


The Demon Gate can be moved.

When Su Chen went to another world, it was obvious that the demon king sent a second batch of demon subordinates to move the demon gate.

"The first batch of demon subordinates may be the flesh and blood of the demon king..."

"This second batch of demons is a bit unclear."

Su Chen pondered for a while.

Think about it.

He didn't know where the second batch of demons had moved this demon gate.

But he might be able to guess the whereabouts of the first batch of monsters.

What is the currently known characteristic of the King of Heaven that is closest to here? Where?

Astonishingly, it was the prosperous city, and the severed hand of the King in the Black Domain Prison.

These first batch of demons could only be there.

after all.

The task given by their demon king is to collect the crystal core of the Heavenly King and the characteristics of the Heavenly King.

"Perhaps the snipe and the clam can compete with each other and the fisherman benefits?"

Su Chen's eyes lit up.

There was no hesitation.

Gathering all three level 9 guards, they headed towards the Black Domain Prison in the bustling city without stopping.

The guards are fast.

Not long after.

He had already approached the Black Domain, a prison that sealed the severed hand of the Heavenly King.

Before they could get close.

A terrifying movement that shook the heavens and the earth, like ripples, spread from all directions.

It really is better to come early than to come by chance.

At this moment.

In the Black Domain Prison, the severed hand of the Heavenly King was fighting with these demons.

The King of Heaven has severed his hand, but the consciousness of the fallen King of Purgatory remains!

It knew very well what would happen if it fell into the hands of these monsters.

Compared with Su Chen, a human being, it resists these purgatory demons more fiercely, more cruelly, and more viciously.


Blood exploded.

A monster like a giant python, with a peak life of level 8, his brain was crushed to pieces.

There was a black blood stain on the ground, flowing in all directions like a river of blood.

Just like this miserable corpse of an 8th level monster, there was not just one on the ground, but seven or eight others dead, most of whom were peak 8th level monsters.

There are only one or two peak level 7 monsters here and there.

There are crystal nuclei all over the ground, and their characteristics are scattered around.


"It seems I came at the right time."

Su Chen's original plan to take action was immediately cancelled.

It seems.

With the King's Broken Hand here to help him kill people, when the battle is over, he can just take action and kill the three weak level 9 monsters on the spot.

By the time.

The crystal nuclei all over the ground, as well as the characteristics of the King of Heaven, are all his.

"Stand still! Hide."

Su Chen gave an order.

In an instant, among the ruins of the high-rise building, the three level 9 guards shrank rapidly and turned into the size of ordinary people. They hid in the floor of a broken building with Su Chen and watched the battle situation from a distance.

Even if they are tens of kilometers apart, they can clearly see the commotion in the Black Territory.

after all.

Every monster fighting here is hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters in size like a terrifying giant beast.

The dilapidated high-rise buildings could not cover their bodies at all, nor could they block the noise they made. (End of chapter)

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