Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 152 The Yellow Bird is Behind

"What should we do now?"

The three level 9 demons present all looked very unhappy.

The level 8 demons under their command had been timidly killed by the Heavenly King's broken hand, and none of them dared to move forward.

In fact, they had no doubt.

If these level 8 demons were forced to continue to charge and kill as cannon fodder, I am afraid that these level 8 demons would defect without hesitation, and would not dare to move forward even if they died.

"What can we do!"

"Only the level 9 demon leaders can move forward."

"If we fail to complete the order of the Demon King, you and I will all die!"

"The Demon Dragon Demon King is not very satisfied with our progress."

"I heard that the subordinates of the Ghost Dragon Demon King have collected a Heavenly King crystal core. We found a Heavenly King inheritance here, but we have not taken it down. The Demon Dragon is almost out of patience..."

The three-meter-tall, bald giant-like level 9 demon said coldly.

Talking about the gains of the Ghost Dragon Demon King's subordinates.

The three level 9 demons were all envious.

Heavenly King Crystal Core.

What luck.

Although the consciousness of the fallen Heavenly King is also preserved in the Heavenly King Crystal Core, it is definitely not as fierce as the Heavenly King's characteristics. In comparison, the Heavenly King Crystal Core is the easiest to collect and has the highest return.

But they were unlucky. In the world they explored, there were indeed Heavenly Kings left behind, but they were such fierce Heavenly Kings' broken hands, and they were suspected to be left behind by the demon king named Mosha...

"We made an agreement that no matter who eats the flesh and blood of the demon king to attack, the others cannot add insult to injury and devour the level 9 demon who attacked."

"Moreover, we must protect the other party and leave the dream world alive!"

"What do you think?"

A bull-headed demon said.

Another figure with wings and a disgusting rotten smell all over his body also nodded in agreement.


The three level 9 demons chose the person to attack.

This is the figure with wings on his back, exuding a rotten smell, and whose face cannot be seen clearly.


"This achievement is yours."

"Hahaha! When the time comes, Lord Mo Jiao will definitely reward you greatly."

The bull-headed demon and the bald giant all breathed a sigh of relief and congratulated him insincerely, but the mockery in their eyes was almost undisguised.

How could a level 9 demon who had swallowed the essence of flesh and blood and fell into a weak state possibly leave the dream world?

Let alone them.

Even the level 8 demons below would probably not be able to restrain their greed and swallow this weak level 9 demon.


The rotten figure clenched his fists, as if he was a little unwilling, but finally accepted his fate.


"Don't forget our agreement."

"I will!"

The two level 9 demons agreed.

On the other side

The rotten figure seemed to have no choice but to take out the blood fiber that exuded terrifying blood, and swallowed it without hesitation.

This decisive look made the bald giant and the bull-headed demon, two level 9 demons, jump in their hearts. They felt something was wrong, and a terrible guess emerged in their minds.

"I believe your ghosts!"

"A beast like the demon dragon is worthy of my loyalty?"


"Take out this thing as a trump card, let us use it, and give him the characteristics of the king of heaven. Am I crazy, or are you crazy! All of you die!"

The rotten figure who ate the essence of the demon king's flesh and blood, the black robe on his body exploded, revealing his flesh and blood zombie-like appearance. At this moment, the life on his body soared wildly.

Rapidly reached the peak level 9, the absolute overlord level of power, just like the powerful clone of the demon king that Su Chen encountered before!

"Damn it!"

"Asshole! Corpse ghost, you actually want to rebel?"

"Ah! You're looking for death?!"

The bull-headed demon and the three-meter giant demon all had wild expressions. Facing the corpse ghost whose aura was surging and was not weaker than the broken hand of the Heavenly King, they frantically took out the flesh and blood essence of the Demon King that they were given and wanted to eat it.


One step slow, every step slow.

They were too late!


The blood mist exploded!

This level 9 demon zombie, whose body was surging like a three-hundred-meter fallen angel, stretched out his hand and crushed the head of his level 9 demon companion who was stronger than him before, and threw it into his mouth to chew.

He dared to rebel against his own camp without hesitation!

He also killed his companions.


"Eating two level 9 demons is really a great tonic!"

"Next, I just need to eat the characteristics of the Heavenly King, and I can become a Heavenly King creature..."

"When the time comes."

"What's the devil dragon? I'm on equal footing with him!"

The corpse ghost roared, surging, opened his bloody mouth, and swallowed the rest of the level 8 demons.


In an instant.

All these terrified level 8 demons were swept away by him.

At this moment.

Only this terrifying corpse ghost demon with its peak momentum and the Heavenly King's broken hand sealed in the Black Domain Prison were left here.

"Damn it."

"This one deserves to die!"

The scene changed too quickly.

Even Su Chen didn't have time to react.

Two level 9 demons and a large group of level 8 demons have already entered the mouth of the corpse ghost.

How many crystal nuclei and how much energy are there!

At least two level 9 crystal cores or characteristics.

And a dozen level 8 crystal cores!

Converted into energy, how much is that? Three hundred million energy! Just add a Heavenly King crystal core and you can directly create a new nightmare monarch...

Su Chen's heart is bleeding!

But if we take action at this moment, we will suffer a huge loss.

Su Chen endured it and continued to stand still.


The war begins.

The corpse ghost, whose momentum reached its peak, rushed into the black realm and fought with the severed hand of the King of Heaven. The killing was so brutal that the sky was dark and the ground was dark.

This can almost be said to be two quasi-celestial kings fighting each other.

Three days and nights!

Su Chen stayed in this ruined building for three days and three nights.

This battle has finally come to an end.

"Ready to fight!"

Su Chen was eager to try, and his heart was filled with excitement.

Even if there is a shortage of 300 million energy, as long as we can get the severed hand of the King of Heaven and the crystal core properties of this corpse, it is not a blessing, and everything can still be taken over.


With the final blow.

The ferocious King cut off his hand, and the last remaining bit of consciousness was finally beaten to death by the zombies.

The wights win!

"I won!"

"I also have a chance to become the King of Purgatory."

The ghoul laughed crazily.

At this very moment.

The corpse ghost, whose aura had reached the level of a quasi-king, finally reached its limit. His aura suddenly dropped, and as soon as it fell to the bottom, he fell to the 9th level of life without stopping.

"This is how the same thing?"

The corpse ghost was horrified and at a loss.

next moment.

Someone moved.

However, it was not only Su Chen but also his guards and other demon figures.

Here, it is obvious that Su Chen is not the only one behind the oriole.


The two orikins that jumped out were all stunned, looking at each other blankly, and cursed loudly.

"Asshole?! You want to pick peaches?"

Both parties spoke in unison, even the meaning of the curse was exactly the same.

One of the parties was Su Chen and his three level 9 life guards.

On the other side were all level 9 demons, five of them, all of the same type, with violent dragon eyes, the posture of a Western dragon, and cold wings flapping, suspended in the air.

"Are you the subordinates of Lord Ghost Dragon Demon King?"

"help me!"

"I am willing to surrender. This characteristic of the King of Heaven is my surrender gift. Please save me. Please save me!"

Looking at these demonic dragons, the corpse ghost suddenly seemed to have seen a savior, and without hesitation wanted to push away the hot potato that was the two sides competing for the characteristics of the king, in exchange for a chance of survival.

He sees form very quickly.


No one paid any attention to him.

Because this level 9 ghoul is already dead.

No one can save him.

How could the Demon King, the Demon Dragon, have no means left in the face of the rebels?

This is just plain stupid.

Do you really think that when you come to this dream world, you can escape the control of a demon king? Just ridiculous.

Although the kings of purgatory are murderous and cruel, none of them are true fools.

On the contrary, this corpse ghost, who didn't know how to become a level 9 demon, was so stupid that it was good now. The flesh and blood essence of the demon dragon demon king began to bite it back.

It didn't take long.

The wight is dead.

It turned into black ash all over the ground.

Only a dark level 9 crystal core was left, as well as a mixture of characteristics born from the bull-headed monster, the three-meter giant man monster, the flesh and blood essence of the monster king, and numerous level 8 monsters.

It was a piece of white bones as clear as jade, surrounded by dirty flesh and blood.

A moment.

Su Chen saw it.

The eyes of the Western evil dragons and demons facing each other instantly became extremely fiery. Looking at the special characteristics left behind by the ghoul, their faces were full of greed.

Even Su Chen's ears rang with a sound.

"Discovered the characteristics of the Quasi-King of Heaven (Level 9 and a half), the Demonic Bones of Hell!"

Su Chen had a feeling that once swallowed by this special hell demon bone, he would definitely become a lv8 and level 9 being, and possess the combat power of a quasi-king.

"First grab the hell demon bone, and then grab the inherited severed hand left by the Demon King!"

The five Western dragons roared.

The next moment.

Four evil dragons, spraying hellfire, attacked Su Chen and three level 9 guards from all directions. As for the other level 9 evil dragon, it went straight towards the Quasi-King of Hell, the Demonic Bone of Hell.

They didn't pay attention to Su Chen, the dream monsters and humans who exuded level 9 characteristics.

The Ghost Dragon Demon King, even among the heavenly kings in purgatory, is at the forefront. Only a peak king with a special background like the Nightmare Lord can stabilize him.

Being able to become the subordinates of the Ghost Dragon Demon King, these level 9 evil dragons, it can be said that each of them is a level 9 demon with high-level combat capabilities, and they are also very united.

Ordinary level 9 monsters, they can be crushed by a dragon without any problem.

Four on four, killing the opponent is extremely easy.

They are powerful among the 9th level, and they are the elite among the elite, far from being comparable to the mob under the other demon kings.


The next moment.


The cannon roared!


The mountain crashed!


The terrifying machete with dirty blood flashed with blood.

In a flash.

Three 9th level dragons, dead or seriously injured, fell from the sky.

The only dragon that was unscathed, at this moment, stood in front of Su Chen, watching his kind become so miserable, he was scared out of his wits.

"Do you want to fight me?"

Su Chen said.

The next moment.

This dragon woke up as if from a dream, his wings fluttered, and he actually abandoned his companions and fled into the distance.


The cannon roared.

This dragon also fell from the sky.

In a flash.

All four evil dragons were killed.


"How is it possible?!"

"Who are you? You actually have three powerful level 9 monsters!"


"I am a subordinate of Lord Ghost Dragon Demon King. If you dare to touch me, you will die."

The only evil dragon was so scared that he was out of his wits. He really didn't expect that this guy who came out to pick peaches like him would be so terrifying.

All together, I'm afraid that even the quasi-king and the incarnation of the demon king would be unable to do anything for a while.

Without any hesitation.

Su Chen waved his hand, too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

Hellfire Demon King!

Demon Dragon Demon King!

He had offended two demon kings, so why was he afraid of offending another ghost dragon demon king?


When he turns the dream spearmen into king-level creatures, he will take charge of this dream world and become the new nightmare monarch, the peak king. All the purgatory kings who run in will not be able to walk out alive.

At that time, all demon kings will be his hunting targets!


In an instant.

The pig-headed monster descended on the evil dragon and chopped off its head with one knife.

So weak!

After being scared, these evil dragons are not even as durable as some ordinary level 9 demons.

This battle is a great harvest!

Looking at the demon corpses all over the ground, as well as the demon characteristics and crystal cores that are constantly escaping, the smile on Su Chen's mouth is almost unheard of.

His gains include the king characteristics and the broken arm.

Quasi-king level, level 9 and a half hell demon bones.

1 level 9 crystal core from the corpse ghost.

As for the five evil dragons, they contributed 3 crystal cores, two level 9 characteristics, and two hell dragon blood to him respectively.

This is more than a great harvest!

Before this, Su Chen never dreamed that he could harvest so many level 9 demon characteristics and crystal cores at once.


It is enough to turn the dream guard into a real level 9 guard!

At the same time.

He will also become level 8, or even level 9.

Without hesitation.

Su Chen began to melt the crystal core in his hand.

There is nothing to calculate.

In total, four level 9 crystal cores were harvested, one from the self-destructing corpse ghost, and the other three from the level 9 evil dragon, a total of 400 million energy.

Add to the original energy balance, 136.1 million energy.

It suddenly became 536.1 million energy. (End of this chapter)

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