Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 153 The Birth of the King

That's right.

It's time to clean up the battlefield.

Su Chen waved his hand.

The Dream Lancers had already collected the remaining crystal cores in the corner of Gaza on the battlefield.

There were seven level 8 crystal cores in total, which were left by the first wave of cannon fodder monsters who died. The previous chaotic battle and the terrifying aftermath swept all these crystal cores away, so that Su Chen almost forgot about them.

Level 8 crystal core, 10 million energy per core.

8 cores, that's 8000w energy.

Now Su Chen's energy has exceeded 600 million.

Energy balance: 606.1 million

It's almost enough to create two Heavenly Kings, lv9 guards.

The second supernatural level guard, Su Chen has not finalized the candidate, his eyes moved back and forth between the pig-headed monster and the mountain guards, and he has not yet determined the candidate.

But he simply upgraded the dream guard first.

It is his established strategy that the Dream Guardian becomes a Heavenly King creature and controls the dream world. This cannot be changed. This is the most powerful means to hunt down other demon kings.

"LV8 Dream Spearman (0/300 million energy + 1 Heavenly King crystal core) → LV9 Dream Tyrant, upgrade?"

Without hesitation.

Su Chen directly confirmed.


At this moment, the 300 million energy in Su Chen's hand disappeared instantly.

Not only that.

Even the crystal core left by the Asura God in his hand disappeared.


The aura of the Dream Spearman is constantly rising, rising rapidly, as if there is no end and no limit.

The Dream Guardian is surpassing the nine extraordinary levels and becoming a terrifying Heavenly King life above them.

The Tyrant of the Dream!

Once successful, Su Chen will find ways to let the Dream Guardian control this dream world. At that time, the Dream Guardian will be a real Dream Tyrant.

The peak Heavenly King life, obeying Su Chen's new nightmare monarch.

At this moment.

Su Chen's energy balance has become 361 million energy levels. If he can get the second Heavenly King crystal core, he can also create another lv9 guard, the Heavenly King life.


At this moment, the wind blew back, and the dark clouds covered the sun. In the sky of this dream world, the day turned into night in an instant, and then the sun and the moon were in the same sky, and all the small worlds in the dream world were happening at the same time.

At this moment, whether it was the humans in the dream world or the terrible demons that invaded here, their faces changed drastically, and they looked at the sky above their heads in horror.

In a certain dream space area, there was a ghostly evil dragon, savoring the desperate souls of the humans in this city. Next to him was a cupboard dripping with blood, which was the ghost cupboard.

"How about it, Your Majesty Ghost Dragon, how sincere am I?"

"According to the transaction information I provided, you not only got a Heavenly King Crystal Core ahead of other demon kings, but also a Heavenly King characteristic, and you also successfully descended to this dream world..."

"You only need to promise me to help me search for a human boy. I only want that human boy. Everything else in the dream world will belong to you with my help."

"At that time, you will have the hope of becoming the first new saint born in Purgatory in thousands of years..."

Ghost Cabinet kept extending his ghost hand, and the note on his ghost hand was talking to this terrifying evil dragon that was eating the souls of all the people in the city.


This terrifying evil dragon with a ghostly aura, the terrifying evil dragon that covered the sky and the sun, was actually a demon king! And it was a more powerful ghost dragon among many demon kings!

"Let's talk about it later."

Ghost Dragon was obviously not very interested in the transaction with Ghost Cabinet.

Because with his strength, he could easily stand out in the final battle of demon kings and become the winner who took everything in the end.

Although Guichu's help was not small, it was not enough for him to cooperate with him.

After all.

This was a fallen saint of Purgatory.

Even now, there was only one consciousness left, attached to this lv7 strange instrument, which still made him feel that he might be courting death, and nothing would be left in the end.

Guichu was very impatient, but he did not dare to show it.

Everything in this dream world could only give birth to a saint at most, and the chance was not so great, at most it was only about 30%.

But if Su Chen could be captured in this dream world, it would be different. He could at least get a ticket to become a demigod, or even a god...

This was beyond his former peak! One step closer.

Just when Guichu wanted to continue persuading and making a deal.

The dream world shook.

The sky changed.


At this moment, the dream world changed.

Whether it was Guichu or this Heavenly King Dragon, they all looked at the change in the sky in disbelief.

Because they know what this means.

This means that the dream world has native creatures, and the quasi-kings and even king-level creatures born from them are qualified to inherit this dream world.

"How is it possible?"

"It has only been three years since the Nightmare Monarch fell. Even if the nightmare world is giving birth to dream creatures like crazy, it is impossible for a quasi-king to be born in just three years."

"Not to mention, looking at the scale of the change in the sky, it is very likely that not only a quasi-king will be born, but a true native king of the dream world will be born..."

At this moment, the leisurely Ghost Dragon Demon King finally stopped being careless.

A sense of urgency emerged in his heart.

The dream world gave birth to a king creature. In his opinion, it could only be that the nightmare monarch was not dead yet, and then the power of the dream world was reborn, wanting to re-dominate this dream world and return to the throne of the peak king.

But how is this possible!

In the original hunting of the kings, a Purgatory Saint passed by and casually targeted him. Even the nightmare monarch of the peak king would definitely not be able to survive.

But apart from this, the ghost dragon basically couldn't think of any other reasons.

He was not afraid of competing with other Purgatory Kings. After all, he was so powerful that he was a high-ranking existence among the demon kings. It was no problem for him to fight three or even five.


If he competed with the nightmare monarch who was recovering and became a king creature, he would be a little weak.

After all,

If the Nightmare Monarch was not a Purgatory creature, the Nightmare Monarch, who had lived for tens of thousands of years, would have already been a Purgatory Saint.


"How do you want to cooperate?"

At this moment, Gui Long's cold eyes were fixed on Gui Chest.

He urgently needed help.

Although this fallen saint was seeking the skin of a tiger, it was better than the Nightmare Monarch reviving and he would get nothing.

A mere human was not worth mentioning to him.

"A saint needs to build his own small world. The Nightmare Monarch had done it at his peak. If he was a Purgatory creature, he would have become a saint by relying on this dream world."

"I will help you refine the Heavenly King Crystal Core and its characteristics to become a peak Heavenly King. At that time, you can eat other demon kings, control the dream world, rush to Purgatory, and help you become a saint..."

Gui Chest was making plans for Gui Long.

The same was true for him.

As long as Su Chen could be obtained, a mere dream world was also not worth mentioning.

The two monsters, each with their own ulterior motives, reached a consensus.

On the other side.

Su Chen looked at the dream guard in front of him, feeling the terrible power hidden in the dream guard's body, which was far more terrible than the nine levels of transcendence, and his mind was surging to the extreme.

"How long has it been."

"How long has the doomsday erupted?"

Su Chen couldn't remember clearly.

But he would definitely remember today clearly.


He had a Heavenly King.

He truly took control of his life!

For now.

A Heavenly King is the pinnacle of life on a planet, the natural transcendental evolution that can be achieved.


The real pinnacle should be level 9 life.

The Heavenly King is the ultimate pinnacle that breaks the extreme!

Only a huge world like Purgatory that swallows countless planets can give birth to a large number of Purgatory Heavenly Kings.

Under normal circumstances.

Even if the Blue Star where Su Chen is located starts the transcendental evolution and semi-merges with the Purgatory World, after countless years, the Heavenly King is the limit.

And now.

Su Chen has a Heavenly King.

It can be said that.

As long as he does not go to the Purgatory World, he can go anywhere on this Blue Star.

Royal Capital?

It is nothing.

He can kill so many demons in the Royal Capital that blood will flow and countless demons will fall to the ground.

Of course.

If there is a Heavenly King born among the old demons in the Royal Capital who usher in the end of Purgatory, it will be a bit tricky.

However, it is not worth mentioning.

"Now, if I want, I can completely end the end of Blue Star!"

Su Chen's heart is surging.

This is true.

At present.

The monsters born by invading the real world are at most level 9, and the invaders are also level 9, such as the level 9 evil beast-flesh in Snow City.

Most of the Heavenly Kings who appear now are left over from ancient times, such as the evil beast Heavenly King left in the semi-god subspace in Mu City.


"Guard the gate for me."

"I also want to start the extraordinary evolution and stand at the top of the extraordinary level, the quasi-king."

Su Chen's heart surged, and he waved to the dream guard.


The dream guard guarded for Su Chen.

I had previously killed the level 9 demon, the three-headed dog of hell, and obtained a level 9 characteristic, the hell demon blood.


I got the quasi-king, the level 9 and a half characteristic, the hell demon bone left by the corpse ghost.

In addition, there are two level 9 characteristics, the hell dragon blood left by the two hell dragons.

This time, Su Chen swallowed these three characteristics, which can be said to be the peak level 8, reaching the combat power of the quasi-king, and even directly rushing into level 9. It is not impossible, but the hope is not great.

The scarlet regional dragon blood is the easiest to absorb. It looks for a host like a life, drills into Su Chen's body, and is quickly assimilated by Su Chen's strong physique.


At this moment, Su Chen felt that his entire blood was like boiling and burning metal.


The blazing fire burned in his body, burning his limbs and bones.

"The timing is right, continue the fusion."

Strike while the iron is hot.

Su Chen did not hesitate. He felt the blazing fire slowly descending. When the effect of the hell dragon blood was gradually absorbed, he took out the earthly demon bone that looked like white jade and merged it into his body without hesitation.


A terrible pain came.

At this moment, Su Chen's bones seemed to be crushed, and then absorbed the nutrients of the hell demon bone and forged again, just like forging the bones of the whole body into weapons, tempered again and again.

This pain can make people faint from the pain.

But now Su Chen is no longer an ordinary person, and his will has long been extraordinary.

At this moment.

His rank has stepped into lv8, climbing all the way, and quickly reached the peak lv8. His life level has even jumped to the pinnacle of the extraordinary rank.

Now he is a quasi-king.

The clone born from a demon king is only at the level of a quasi-king.

However, Su Chen can definitely beat up the Demon King clone.

Even among the quasi-kings, Su Chen is now an absolute strong man.

The dark wings, each feather exudes a metallic luster, the dazzling monster armor is like crystal clear black jade forged, Su Chen exudes a king's aura.

Now, even if he walks in the purgatory world, he can be regarded as a powerful demon king.

At this moment.

Su Chen's life level is quasi-king, but his actual combat power has reached the level above quasi-king, but below the purgatory king.

At this moment, Su Chen slowly opened his eyes and woke up, he understood.

If he wants to continue to climb up.

To reach lv9, the king life level.

What he needs is 1 king's characteristics and 1 king's crystal core.

He did have these two things before.

A crystal core gift from Shura God, and a characteristic gift from the Nightmare Monarch.


The crystal core and characteristics that Su Chen needs need to be compatible with each other, and at least they cannot repel each other.

The crystal core of the Shura God has a bloody smell of killing.

It is obviously different from the nightmare heart left by the Nightmare Lord without fighting.

What's more.

The crystal core of the Shura God has now been given to the Dream Guardian. He now has two Heavenly King characteristics in his hand, a ferocious and extremely evil Demon King's broken hand, and a nightmare heart given by the Nightmare Lord.


Su Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he couldn't help looking at the Heavenly King's broken arm in front of him, which was about 300 meters long, covered with terrible scales, and there were insects called dream magic stones living in it.

This Heavenly King's broken arm was extremely ferocious. If the Shura God crystal core was still there, it would be somewhat compatible with the Shura God crystal core.

However, even if the Shura God crystal core was still there, Su Chen didn't dare to try rashly.

According to the original plan, we will continue to hunt those greedy Purgatory Demon Kings. As long as we kill enough Demon Kings, we will not have to worry about not having the right characteristics and crystal cores.

Taking Demon Kings as prey, Su Chen's appetite is getting bigger and bigger.

If it were in the Purgatory world where powerful beings are everywhere, no life would dare to hunt Purgatory Heavenly Kings as prey, except for the saints.

But Su Chen dares, and is doing so, and there is hope that he can succeed. (End of this chapter)

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