Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 154 The Collapse of the Pig-Headed Demon

This severed hand of the Heavenly King is really too big.


In order to carry it with him, Su Chen had to call the Dream Guardian to swallow it into his body and take it out when needed.

I am afraid that in this dream world, no one can snatch this Heavenly King characteristic from a native Heavenly King creature in the dream.

If there is, Su Chen will definitely run as far as he can.


"Go and search for the next Heavenly King legacy."

Su Chen gave an order, and then led the three powerful guards to continue exploring the depths of the dream world.

Now Su Chen's lineup is not inferior even to the descending Demon King.

A Dream Heavenly King creature, Dream Tyrant.

A Quasi-Heavenly King, Su Chen.

There are also two Level 9 high-level combat power, Pig-headed Monster, Mountain Guard.

Even if he encountered a powerful array of demons, as long as there were no demon kings or above, he could rush through it.


Along the way, Su Chen walked smoothly and did not encounter any demons, as if the dream world had returned to its previous peaceful state.

It was just a little strange that he did not even encounter humans in the dream world along the way. Even if he encountered a city or a gathering place, it was empty.

The humans inside were nowhere to be found.

Su Chen had entered the house to investigate, and the furnace wall inside was still warm, obviously not long ago, there were still humans living here.


A city instantly became an empty city.

"What's going on?"

Standing on the shoulders of the pig-headed monster, Su Chen crossed several small worlds in the dream world and found nothing. He thought about it and decided to contact the Hellfire Demon King first to ask for information.

Just as he was about to rush to the area where the second demon gate was located.

Something strange happened.

In this empty city, the void twisted instantly, and the terrifying suction pulled many buildings in, annihilating them into nothingness.

In the center of the twisted fear, blood gradually seeped out, staining the entire twisted void, and it gradually began to look like an erosion gate.


This is an erosion gate.


It should be said.

It is a demon world gate that can carry the arrival of the demon king, which is slowly forming.

"What kind of luck is this?"

"I can actually encounter such a good thing?"

"With the formation of the demon gate, doesn't it mean that at least three level 9 demon crystal cores can be hunted down..."

At this moment, Su Chen's breathing became heavy.

Three level 9 demon crystal cores are just right.

Without considering the premise of the Heavenly King crystal core, he can create a Heavenly King life.

The most important point is.

Level 9 demons, even if there are quasi-Heavenly King Demon King clones, they can easily kill them when they meet the current lineup.

This is completely walking, and 300 million energy fell from the sky, which is basically half a king.

"The upgrade energy of the pig-headed monster has been settled."

Su Chen was excited.

The second lv9 guard, the king of the world, has been determined. It is a mountain guard. After all, he is the boss template among the melee guards.

But the pig-headed monster is not weak.

The sticky blood on his body has a dirty power. If it continues to upgrade, it will definitely be a very powerful means at the king level.

The previous level 9 snake demon was restrained by the sticky blood on the pig-headed monster.


The ordinary level 9 life would have been swallowed by the peak level 9 snake demon.

The center of the city.

Twisted nothingness.

The erosion gate is taking shape rapidly.

Seeing this.

Su Chen hurriedly waved his hand, signaling the guards behind him to hide quickly.

After all.

Two level nine lives, plus a native dreamland king.

Even the demon king would be amazed.

What if the demons that came out of the erosion gate were scared and ran back, wouldn't the energy of at least 300 million be wasted?

Very quickly.

The cloud-like figure of the dream guard quickly became illusory, and suddenly covered the mountain guards and the pig-headed monster. He didn't move a step in the original place, but disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, this is the king's method of the dream guard.


"I am just a weak human, these powerful high-level demons in purgatory should not be afraid to run back to the purgatory world."

Seeing this, Su Chen finally put his mind at ease.


Just stand there, waiting for these powerful demons to come to the door.

After all.

He is a quasi-king of combat power.

Even the clone of the demon king can be beaten.

What is he afraid of?

The ones he should be afraid of are the high-level demons.

Su Chen was very patient and waited quietly.

About an hour later.


The demon gate, which was originally 500 meters high, suddenly swelled up, as if a huge monster was passing through this crowded small gate.

In a flash.

A head about 100 meters long and a pig head full of fangs poked out.

This is a level 9 purgatory demon.


The whole fat body of this level 9 pig-headed demon squeezed in and came to this dream world.

Its body was covered in armor made from the ashes of purgatory magma.

Fat fat is the second armor.

At first glance, it looks like a level 9 monster that cannot be beaten, but is very resistant.

"Damn it."

"Look at me coming to this world, if I don't kill indiscriminately, I can grab a Heavenly King crystal core, or a Heavenly King inheritance, I can at least become a quasi-Heavenly King in the future, and dominate the world of purgatory."


The pig-headed demon smiled ferociously, and its face, already covered with black fur, suddenly became more ferocious.


The pig-headed demon's nose sniffed around, and saliva flowed out of the corner of his mouth unconsciously. He suddenly became particularly surprised, and his eyes were full of greed for food.

"Is this the scent of a living person?"


"I didn't expect that in this dream world, in this desolate city, there are still living people alive. I remember the last time I ate living people was when I conquered the previous world."

"Show me where you are hiding?"

The pig-headed demon showed a ferocious smile, and then his eyes suddenly froze, and he looked down in astonishment.

as expected.

In front of him, near the soles of his feet, there was a young human man wearing a warrior uniform with a handsome face, staring at him without any fear, as if he was waiting for something.


"Is this human stupid?"

"Is it possible that no monsters have appeared in this dream world for many years, and that the humans here have forgotten their fear of monsters?"

The meat is in front of you.

There is no reason not to eat it.

Even if you are an idiot, this level 9 monster, the pig-headed monster, will have a try today, after all, it has been a long time since it has eaten a human.

"Weak humans, let Grandpa eat them."

The pig-headed demon looked at this weak human with a ferocious smile. Five fingers grew out of its huge pig's hooves, and it grabbed Su Chen. It waited and looked at the horrified look of this human.

With such a huge monster charging towards him, a weak human being should feel the fear of the demon deep in his bones.

The flesh of a living person who tastes food with fear is more delicious.


However, the pig-headed monster saw this human being and looked around, as if looking for the weak human being mentioned by the pig-headed monster. After a while, he realized that the weak human being was talking about himself.

"What a silly spore."

The pig-headed demon felt a little regretful for not being able to eat humans who tasted fear.


Just when his hooves were about to touch Su Chen, Su Chen raised her eyes and glanced at him.

A moment.

A terrifying pressure fell on him.

Like the gaze of a demon king.

Every limb and every cell in the body is telling this pig-headed demon in terror to run away! Run away quickly! Be sure to stay away from this human being!


The pig-headed demon's scalp was numb, and every hair on his body stood on end.

this moment.

It dawned on him.

Why is this city empty except for this one human being? Why does this human being look like a stupid spore when he sees this huge terrifying monster standing here and attacking him?

It turns out that this human being is so terrifyingly powerful?

Demon King?

may be.

But at least it was a quasi-celestial king who was above him.


"Isn't this dream world filled with mortals who have not been in contact with the supernatural for hundreds or thousands of years? How can there be a quasi-celestial king? Even in the world of purgatory, there are not many quasi-celestial kings."

The pig-headed demon's body was trembling, and he turned around to run away.


A cold voice sounded in his ears.

"If you run, you're going to die now!"

The genuine words rang in its ears.

Because at this moment, Su Chen was already standing on the shoulders of this huge pig-headed demon.

Compared with the thousand-meter-long body of this pig-headed demon, Su Chen's human figure was as insignificant as a tiny fly, no, a mosquito.


Hearing Su Chen's threatening words.

At this moment, the pig-headed demon, a level 9 demon who was extremely arrogant in the world of purgatory, his knees weakened and he knelt directly on the ground, not daring to say a word.


How dare he run?

The speed at which he ran was definitely not as fast as the speed at which he was killed.


"what's the situation."

"Who can tell me why as soon as I entered the world of the Nightmare Lord, there was a terrifying life of a Quasi-Heavenly King guarding the door."

The pig-headed demon was trembling with fear.

One thing that made him collapse even more was noticed by him.

He found that this quasi-king-level human was standing on his shoulders, staring at the Demon Gate, and a terrible suspicion emerged in his mind.

Could it be that this quasi-celestial king wanted to eat these demons who came out of the purgatory world?

The pig-headed demon guessed correctly.

"You guessed it."


Su Chen said lightly.

In response, the pig-headed demon trembled even more.

However, in his heart, the hope of life suddenly emerged.

This demon gate was not opened by the Purgatory Heavenly King at the demon king level.

Instead, it was opened by a group of level 9 demons led by two quasi-heavenly kings, ready to break into the dream world, snatch food from the mouth of the demon king, and grab the possibility of becoming a heavenly king.


"This human is too greedy."

"He wants to eat all our demons in one bite, and he is not afraid of biting his tongue."

"He is alone, with only a quasi-heavenly king's combat power. When the two quasi-heavenly king demons come, together with the 9-level demons present, he will definitely die."

"At that time, I can also taste the flesh and blood of a quasi-heavenly king human life..."

The pig-headed demon, with fangs erected, the fear in his heart dissipated a lot, and he once again raised a hideous smile.

The little human quasi-heavenly king is too arrogant.

Today, you will definitely die!

The next moment

At the Demon Gate, demons came out one after another, all of them were Level 9 demons, there were five or six of them.

They looked very different.

There were demons that looked like giant snakes, demons that looked like evil tigers, and demons that looked like strange birds with wings vibrating. They looked all kinds of strange, but the aura on their bodies was real.

They were all Level 9 demons, the weakest of which were high-level Level 9 demons like the Pig-headed Demon, and there were also peak demons among them.

"Pig-headed Demon, why do you have a human on your shoulder?"

"Damn it."

"Your luck is too good."

"The first one to enter the Demon Gate actually caught a delicious human..."


The powerful Level 9 demons looked at Su Chen greedily. If they hadn't been concerned about the agreement with the Pig-headed Demon, they would have grabbed him by now.

A group of Level 9 demons surrounded a human.


This human should have been scared to death and fainted.


These demons did find the demon on the pig-headed demon's shoulder. Looking at these scary demons with terrifying faces, their eyes became more and more fiery, as if they were looking at some treasure.

"Pig-headed demon, can you give it to me?"

"When the time comes."

"I'll give you a share of the harvest in the dream world..."

The hungry strange bird fluttered its wings and stood in the sky, looking at Su Chen greedily, and discussing the deal with the pig-headed demon.


The pig-headed demon dared not answer, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, cursing in his heart, why haven't these two powerful quasi-kings come yet?

Damn it.

If you want it, take it quickly!

What are you discussing with me.

Just grab it from me!

It's better to get rid of this hot potato quickly.

The pig-headed demon shouted wildly in his heart.

But he didn't dare to show it, otherwise, he was afraid that he would be the first demon to bleed.


"A human being, you treat this as a treasure."


"Then you keep it."

The strange bird demon saw that the pig-headed demon didn't answer, and turned around and ran away.

Seeing this.

The pig-headed demon showed an ugly expression.

You tmd just grab it! Why are you just talking? If you grab it, won't I give this hot potato to you directly? Cowardly rat!

The next moment.

Two breaths of terrifying oppression came in from the demon gate together.

Purgatory world.

The last two demon lives in this line, quasi-king level, came together!

The pig-headed demon was ecstatic. (End of this chapter)

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