Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 155 Hunting the Demon King

"The savior is here!"

The pig-headed demon was ecstatic and his body was trembling. This was not because of fear, but because he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

"Are you excited?"

Su Chen felt the pig-headed demon's mood swings and couldn't help but ask sideways.

at the same time.

Su Chen was also very excited.

After waiting for such a long time, it is finally time to close the net.

There are ten level 9 demons present, plus two quasi-king level demons, at least 10 level 9 crystal cores, plus two quasi-king levels.

One level 9 crystal core is equivalent to 100 million energy, and ten of them are equivalent to 1 billion.

The net is about to be closed and ready for harvesting.

How could Su Chen not be excited?


The air waves rolled.

Two terrifying pressures came out of the Demon Gate, and two demon figures came out together. One was a giant black ghost with a distorted face, with a demon dragon hovering above it; the other was a phantom surrounded by a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. A ferocious giant tiger.

Two quasi-celestial kings arrived at this moment.

as expected.

The two quasi-celestial demons, a tiger and a turtle, also immediately noticed the human body in the pig-headed monster. However, unlike the pig-headed monster who underestimated the enemy, they immediately noticed the extraordinary fluctuations in Su Chen's body.

But even they could not imagine that in this dream world, there would be humans who could reach the level of quasi-celestial kings.

"not bad."

"Pig-headed demon, you can actually harvest an extraordinary human being as food."

"It caught my eye."

"Give me a taste that's not too much."

"Fart! I should have a taste first! Just let the next human have a taste for you."

"Get out of the way! I liked it first."

The Black Turtle and the Blood Tiger, two quasi-celestial kings and demons, were at war with each other for a moment, almost fighting over who could eat this extraordinary human first.

See this.

The pig-headed demon exploded instantly, and the fat stored in his body exploded instantly, turning into endless magic mist and dispersing. His figure quickly shrank, and he broke free from Su Chen's feet.

"Two quasi-kings, stop fighting!"

"This human being is a quasi-celestial king!"

"Everyone strangled him together!"

The pig-headed monster turned into a figure as short as a 100-meter-high earth hill, and it did not forget to shout to remind everyone of the danger of the demon Su Chen.

As soon as this statement came out.

All the demons were stunned.


In this dream world, have you become a quasi-king of heaven?

Xuangui and Xuehu were the first to sneer, with disbelief on their faces.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't talk about this dream world, even in the real world outside, there is no way to give birth to an orthodox quasi-king of human life. If he is a quasi-king of human life, I will eat up this demon gate..."

"That's right."

Xuehu sneered, and Xuangui agreed.


next moment.


The blood mist exploded.

This is Su Chen's move.

His figure was like a sharp sword light, which directly penetrated the body of the fleeing pig-headed demon. In an instant, the body of this level 9 pig-headed demon exploded, leaving only a crystal core shining brightly in place.

Instantly kill a level 9 monster with one strike!

At this moment, all the monsters present were stunned. Even the two quasi-celestial king monsters, Xuan Turtle and Blood Tiger, were stunned, vaguely unable to react.

The scene was deathly silent.

The next second.

When Su Chen moved again and attacked another level 9 monster bird, a level 9 giant snake monster let out a cry of terror.

"Quasi Heavenly King!"

"He is a quasi-king of life!"

"Hurry up! Kill him!"

"Damn it, why did the demon door open in front of a human quasi-king? Come on, come together and kill him! The two quasi-kings should also take action together."


The scene was chaotic.

All the level 9 monsters present, like frightened birds, unleashed their strongest attack methods and attacked Su Chen.


The next moment, Su Chen's body erupted with countless demon-slaying sword energy that was like sword light.


"It's quiet now."

"I didn't expect that the Demon-Slaying Sword Qi obtained from the Ten Thousand Demons Catalog would be so useful. I immediately cleared away the rest of the miscellaneous monsters. Haha, I'll use it more next time."

Su Chen said slowly, and then focused his attention on the two quasi-king demons.

Being able to become a level 9 demon is already the best among demons.

Level 9.

It can be said.

It is the ultimate limit of any life.

But being able to take one step further and become a quasi-king is, without exception, definitely not easy.

Two levels 9 monster characteristics are not too many for Su Chen.

The smoke cleared.

Here, all the level 9 demons have their heads removed, with crystal nuclei emerging from their bodies one after another.

Except for the two quasi-kings, all the other level 9 demons were wiped out.


The Black Turtle and the Blood Tiger, these two quasi-celestial kings, looked at the Shura Hell-like scene in front of them. Even though they had slaughtered countless lives in the purgatory world, and even the demon king's clone had been suppressed, they felt a wave of fear at this moment. .

Is this really the fighting power of a quasi-king?

Why does it feel like a demon king is here?

No one knows the strength of the Quasi-Heaven King better than they do. He can defeat five or even ten of the peak level 9 demons, but he will never be able to kill all the level 9 demons present so easily and instantly.

Is this the Demon King? !

"This human quasi-celestial king is too cruel."

"Let's take action together to kill this human being!"

The giant tiger looked at the black turtle and spoke slowly.


Xuangui nodded.

The two demon quasi-kings quickly reached an agreement.

"Are you going to take action?"

Su Chen's expression became solemn when he saw the two demon quasi-kings preparing to join forces. He did not dare to be too boastful. He was cultivating the power in his body and prepared to deal with the attacks of these two powerful quasi-kings.

"Do it!"

The giant tiger roared.


The terrifying pressure broke out at this moment.

The next moment.

After roaring, the giant tiger turned around and headed towards the demon door behind him.

With this look, he was clearly frightened and wanted to escape back to the Demon Gate.

"Just let this idiot Black Turtle delay this terrifying opponent."

The Blood Tiger Quasi-Celestial King thought so in his heart, and then his eyes popped out. He suddenly saw the Black Turtle fleeing towards the Demon Gate just like him.


There is no fool who can become a quasi-king and survive in the world of purgatory till now.

Seeing that the enemy was too powerful, they all gave up on the spot the possibility of becoming kings in the dream world, and chose to flee back to the world of purgatory to save their lives.

After all, if you want to be the king of heaven, you must have a life.

With such a terrifying human being here, let alone becoming a king, it would be a blessing for them to survive.


"What are you running from?"

"Didn't you agree to take action together?!"

The bloody tiger roared.

What he couldn't accept the most was that the speed at which the black turtle's four short legs exploded seemed to be much faster than him. In this instant, he was separated by hundreds of meters. .

If this continues.

The unlucky guy who was left behind and blocked by this terrifying human figure was about to become him.

"go to hell!"

"If I want to trick you, Grandpa Turtle, please live another three thousand years."

The black turtle was proud of himself.

At this moment.

He has already rushed in front of the Demon Gate. He can easily step into it with just one sprint and return to the world of purgatory. When the time comes, he will directly seize the territory of Xuehu, his old enemy.


Su Chen was stunned when he saw the scene on the field.


I am really speechless.

Aren’t demons fierce and cunning?

Shouldn't these two quasi-celestial kings and demons be extremely ferocious and engage in a brutal fight between quasi-celestial kings?

The result is this...

What Su Chen couldn't accept the most was that the Quasi-Celestial King Black Turtle was about to run away.

That was a quasi-King of Heaven level, with nine and a half levels of Heavenly King characteristics!

No matter how bad it is, it still has 100 million energy!

"Dream Guard!"

At this moment, Su Chen, who realized that he was being played, let out a roar.



The breath of terrifying dream creatures has arrived.

At this moment, the King of Heaven took action.


A cannon roared!

The Demon Gate, which was originally indestructible and could not be destroyed by Su Chen or his guards, was easily annihilated into nothingness in front of the Black Turtle and the Blood Tiger at this moment.

Because this is a heavenly king taking action!

"what's the situation?!"

"The Demon Gate, which carries the power of the Demon King, was destroyed?"

The two Quasi-Celestial Kings, the Black Turtle, and the Blood Tiger were all shocked, staring blankly and in disbelief at the place where the bombardment came from.

They saw it.

A body like mist!

This is a dream king!


"King of Heaven?!"

At this moment, the despair in their hearts reached its peak.

It never occurred to them.

A terrifying human being comparable to the Demon King is not enough.

In this dream world, a native dream king creature actually appeared.

If they knew how terrible this place was, even if they were killed, they wouldn't be able to come to this dream world and try to snatch the power and crystal core left by the kings of purgatory.

"Fight me!"

"If you win, I'll let you go."

"If you lose, just stay and become one with me."

Su Chen walked slowly, and with every step he took, the pressure on him became heavier.

The demon door was crushed.

There is no way back.

At present, there is no news about the arrival of other demon kings in the dream world.

It is unrealistic to expect the demon king to come and save them.

At this moment, these two terrifying demons, who were like living treasures and had lived for countless years, looked at each other and actually put aside their grudges for a long time and joined forces together.


The black turtle roared, like a mountain, like the sea, like a continent, and hit Su Chen fiercely.


The blood tiger roared, and the illusory mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood on his body burned rapidly at this moment, turning into a terrifying power, descending on him and rushing towards Su Chen.

A long time passed.

Su Chen was covered in scars, and on the ground were the motionless bodies of the Black Turtle and the Blood Tiger, two quasi-kings of purgatory.

He won.

Facing two quasi-king demons, it was not easy for him to win.

However, he won anyway.

"This world is unreasonable, winner takes all, that's it."

At this moment, Su Chen looked at the black tortoise and the two 9.5-level quasi-king characteristics released by the blood tiger, and showed a look of surprise.

Quasi-king characteristic: black tortoise armor.

Quasi-king characteristic: blood tiger battlefield.

The former is a side of armor, and the latter is a side of the field.

At a rapid speed.

Countless blood and flesh fibers grew out of Su Chen's body, pulling these two characteristics into his body, swallowing them, and merging these two characteristics.

Su Chen's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Although it is still lv8, peak level 9, the level of quasi-king life, there is no doubt that Su Chen can already collide with the weakest Purgatory King.

Although there is a high probability that he will not be able to defeat a real king.

But at least it is much stronger than before.

"This is a big harvest."

Su Chen looked at the 10 level 9 crystal cores in front of him and chose to dissolve the energy.

At this moment.

His energy balance changed from 361 million to 1.361 billion.

Now the energy is completely enough.

It is obviously meaningless to continue hunting the level 9 monsters.


Su Chen looked at the stupid level 9 life pig head monster holding a machete, and the honest mountain guard standing in place like a mountain, and decided to change his target.

It's time to plunder those Heavenly King crystal cores and Heavenly King characteristics.

And the most important thing is...

Hunting the demon king who came!

After swallowing two quasi-Heavenly King characteristics, Su Chen became stronger and had faintly touched the threshold of lv9, the Heavenly King. His ability to see through the rank was also restored at this moment.

In his vision.

The direction of the extreme north.

The direction of the extreme south.

There are Heavenly King logos shining.

This means that the dream world has already unknowingly descended upon two terrifying demon kings!

"It's not bad."

"Now I have grown up."

"Not only can I collide with the demon king, but I also have a demon king-level dream king under my command. If I really face it, I will not be afraid at all..."

He carefully looked at the two kings' logos.

Su Chen decided to hunt a weaker king for the sake of safety.

"It's decided to be you."

Su Chen jumped onto the shoulder of the mountain guards, who galloped all the way, leading a group of guards towards the extreme south.

At this moment.

Su Chen felt something, turned his head towards the extreme north, and saw the more powerful demon king logo in his eyes, named Guilong, rushing towards the place where he had slaughtered two quasi-kings before.

However, all this has nothing to do with Su Chen.

After he gave birth to another Heavenly King-level full-level guard, this Ghost Dragon Demon King would also be hunted by him.

"Don't worry."

"You'll be the next one."

Su Chen muttered to himself.

Then, his sight shifted and he looked towards the extreme south again.

The Purgatory Heavenly King that descended here was very familiar to Su Chen. It was called the Demon Dragon Demon King.

That Abyss Demon Tree, which controlled the Abyss Domain and burst out with the peak 9th level demon guarding power, guarded the Demon Gate, which was the Demon Dragon.

It was also because of the Demon Dragon.

Su Chen gave up a peak 7th level crystal core, and lost 1 million energy at once.

That's right.

Not only that.

There was also a palm revenge. (End of this chapter)

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