Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 156 Hunting the Demon King [2]

Just a few hours after Su Chen and his guards left.


The huge dragon figure fell from the sky, covering the sky and the sun. Not far behind, there was a group of dragon guards that were slightly smaller but still huge, following and chasing.

"Are you sure it's here?"

"The human boy you want was just here?"

The ghost dragon demon king stared at the traces of demon flesh and blood all over the ground. Even he, the demon king, couldn't help but frown.

The flesh and blood here are all level 9 demons.

Even in the purgatory world, level 9 demons are absolutely high-end combat forces. Although there are many of them, the purgatory world is extremely vast and huge, and it is unknown how many other worlds it has swallowed.

In this comparison, each level 9 existence seems extremely rare.

Such a noble, rare and powerful life, standing at the top of countless worlds, has become a pile of corpses and flesh fragments here.

"Did he kill him?"

The evil dragon looked at Guichu.

If so, he should reconsider the deal with Guichu, the former evil ghost saint.

In Guichu's mouth.

That human was just a level 5 life.

He only needed to intervene a little and capture this person, it would be easy.


What can these level 5 human lives that fell all over the ground do? Quasi-king lives are about the same.


Guichu trembled violently.


The scene in front of him also shocked him.

Even with his concentration and the mentality of the former evil ghost saint, he couldn't help but be shocked.


An even more incredible scene was reflected in the eyes of these two beings.

"This is..."

Even though Guilong was a high-level life among the kings, his eyes trembled and he looked at the two incomplete demon corpses on the ground.

Quasi-king lives.

In a sense, in the Purgatory World, there are not many more than the Purgatory Heavenly King.

Every quasi-Heavenly King demon, even the Demon King of Purgatory knows its existence and name.


At this moment.

Guilong has recognized it.

The two corpses on the ground are from which two quasi-Heavenly King demons.

"Blood Tiger, and Black Tortoise..."

"These two old guys fell from the rank of Purgatory Heavenly King in the past. Ordinary quasi-Heavenly Kings are not qualified to compete with them..."

"Did they come here too?"

"It seems that the power left by the fallen Heavenly Kings in this dream world is too tempting, even they can't help but be tempted."

There are still quite a few level 9 demons under Guilong, almost 17, each of whom he spent thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years to cultivate patiently.

Just not long ago, in this dream world, he suspected that he had encountered the native dream king that was born, and 5 of them died directly, which made his heart bleed constantly.

Quasi-king level, even if his subordinates have cultivated for ten thousand years, even the 9th level evil dragon descendants have cultivated as many as 17, but there is still no quasi-king.

It is conceivable that the quasi-king is precious.

"The human you are talking about is now a quasi-king, do you know?"

"Level 5 life?"

"What are you kidding."

Gui Long said coldly to Gui Chu.

In this regard.

Gui Chu was obviously shocked to the extreme.

Ghost hands handed out notes one by one.

"I don't know."

"But I can guarantee that within half a year, when I separated from him, he was still a level 5 life. Maybe he broke into a relatively fast time area and became a quasi-king..."

Gui Chu explained stutteringly.

Now he.

Can't deal with Su Chen, who is at the level of quasi-king.

If he really encounters Su Chen, he is only level 7, and he might be hunted.

Unlike the last time they met in the Wangting Organization, Su Chen is now incredibly strong. Su Chen can definitely destroy the level 7 ghost cabinet.

At this moment, even the ghost cabinet was terrified.

He urgently needs the protection of the demon king Guilong!

Without the demon king Guilong, it is afraid that it will die if it encounters Su Chen! In the Wangting Organization, he offended Su Chen a lot, and two of Su Chen's subordinates were abducted here by him.


"You have to help me wholeheartedly, then I can help you wholeheartedly, do you know?"

"No matter what, you are also a senior who helped me in the past. I can become the King of Purgatory because I am different from other Purgatory lives. I know how to help each other, instead of just showing bravery and fighting each other..."

Seeing that the beating of the ghost cabinet was almost done, the demon king Guilong slowed down his tone and began to maintain the relationship with the ghost cabinet.

At this moment.

Following behind the demon king Guilong, a group of level 7 and level 8 evil dragons that kept chasing, finally arrived here. One of them accidentally hit something in the air.


With a loud bang.

This peak level 8 dragon exploded directly into a bloody mist.


"Who is taking action!"

Guilong was angry.

He is a demon king.

Someone actually dared to slaughter his demon subordinates in front of a Purgatory Heavenly King. This was simply courting death.

Previously, the loss of five powerful descendants of level 9 demons at once had already made Guilong, a fierce demon king, furious. If he had not considered that the other party might also be a Heavenly King, he would have hunted him down all over the world.

After that incident, he personally took care of the descendants in this dream world, fearing that there would be more losses.

Who would have thought.


There was actually another one that died in front of him.

And it was a peak level 8 descendant.

You know.

Every peak level 8 dragon, after receiving his flesh and blood, had a certain hope of becoming a level 9 life.


A future level 9 life was lost in front of him.

Damn it!


The wings vibrated.

The ghost dragon soared into the sky, extremely angry, and checked the place where the peak 8th level dragon descendant had fallen.

His body trembled violently.

Because he discovered the real cause of death of this peak 8th level dragon descendant.

"There used to be a demon gate here, but..."

"But it was directly wiped out by a heavenly king!"

The ghost dragon and the ghost cabinet were all shocked at this moment.

They thought of.

The local heavenly king born in the dream world.

"Could it be... that the dream heavenly king was created by the human you mentioned?"

Even though the ghost dragon was a demon king, he was shocked at this moment.

Heavenly king!

That's a heavenly king!

Even in the purgatory that swallowed countless worlds, there are not many heavenly kings! There was just one created like this! Is that human really a human, not a god in the legend?

"Kill him!"

"We must kill him quickly!"

"Otherwise, you, me, and all the demon kings who descended into this dream world will die!"

At this moment, Guichu trembled violently, and countless pieces of paper were thrown out by his ghost hand. All the pieces of paper flying in the sky were written with the word "kill".

Guichu vaguely guessed what Su Chen wanted to do.

Su Chen, whom he didn't take seriously at all, thought that he was just lucky, had obtained divinity, and had great fortune. He was carrying out a massacre.

The massacre called hunting demon kings!

This dream world is the hunting ground he chose!

If Su Chen really succeeds, no demon king will be able to leave here alive.




Su Chen sneezed, a little confused. After becoming a quasi-king, he would catch a cold? Could it be that someone was behind his back, saying bad things about him?

When he thought of this.

Su Chen couldn't help but feel weak.

Could it be that Su Xiaoyi, who was far away in Jiangcheng, learned about his harem in Yucheng and cursed him behind his back?

No way.

So what if he took it?

What else can he do?

"Speaking of which, it's been a while since I went back."

"Once things in the dream world are settled, it's time to go back to Jiangcheng."

Under Su Chen's feet, the mountain guards suddenly stopped.

Because the Demon King, the Demon Jiao, has been found.

In the distance.

On a mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles, there is a huge black dragon that exudes a terrifying aura. It uses this endless mountain range as a bed, with a Heavenly King crystal core in its mouth, swallowing the energy inside.

As for the guards?

With a Purgatory Heavenly King here, who needs any other guards?

The Demon King is the synonym of absolute strength.

This Demon Dragon Demon King can avoid provoking and hunting other dream creatures, and those weak dream creatures should burn incense.

"Crystal core?"

"Heavenly King Crystal Core!"

"Ah! My crystal core,..."

Looking at this terrifying evil dragon with a body that stretched out for more than a thousand meters, Su Chen not only had no fear, but looked at the Heavenly King Crystal Core being refined by the Demonic Dragon Demon King with heartache.

In Su Chen's eyes, all Heavenly King Crystal Cores were his.

Even the Heavenly King Crystal Core in the body of the Demonic Dragon Demon King who had already descended was his.

This bastard Demonic Dragon Heavenly King not only gave him a palm, but also stole his Heavenly King Crystal Core, which was simply courting death.


At this moment, the Demonic Dragon, who was digesting the Heavenly King Crystal Core in his sleep, suddenly woke up.

After all.

A Dream Heavenly King of the same level was watching him not far away, and no matter how much he wanted to continue sleeping, he couldn't do it at all.

All the cells in his body were telling him.

This Dream Heavenly King who came to attack was very powerful!

Powerful to a terrifying degree!

Can't be taken lightly.

Otherwise, you will die.

"Are you the local king born in the dream world that day?"

"I don't think I have provoked you."

The Demon Dragon Demon King did not dare to delay, and looked at the dream guard who was aiming at him with a gun barrel. The scales on his body instantly began to defend.

Among the Purgatory Kings, his strength can only be regarded as ordinary, but this does not mean that he is a cowardly demon king.

If you are really afraid of fighting, you will never survive in the world of Purgatory, let alone stand out from the billions of powerful demons, monsters, and evil spirits and become the King of Purgatory.

"Hand over the crystal core, or die!"

Su Chen roared.

He looked at the King of Heaven crystal core in the mouth of the Demon Dragon Demon King with heartache.

All the King of Heaven crystal cores belong to him.

This damn thief!


"It's you!"

The Demon Dragon Demon King stared at Su Chen for a long time before he recognized who Su Chen was.

The reason is simple.

When he attacked Su Chen from a distance at the Demon Gate.

At that time, this human was just a weak peak level 8 life breath.


In a blink of an eye, he has reached the quasi-king level.


The aura emanating from this quasi-king human actually made him a little afraid, as if he had met a Purgatory King of the same rank who was slightly weaker than him, but not too far behind.

But how is this possible?

Purgatory King is Purgatory King! Quasi-king is Quasi-king.

A Purgatory King can kill seven or eight Quasi-kings with basically no pressure.


He, a demon king who is considered to be of the middle level among the Purgatory Kings, actually felt a little pressure in front of a mere Quasi-king human life.

"Damn it."

"You want to rob my King crystal core trophy, right?"

"Even if you have a native dream king to support you, don't even think about it..."

The Demon Dragon King roared.

The next moment.


The cannon roared.

The dream guard took action.

The next step was a battle at the King level.

After reaching the Heavenly King level, the power of the Dream Guardian became stronger. The entire dream world was his domain. Hundreds of terrifying Heavenly King cannon barrels burst out at this moment, all locking onto the Demon Dragon Demon King.


"Looking for death!"

"That Dream Heavenly King is too powerful in this dream world. I can't deal with it. It's not easy for me to kill you, a quasi-Heavenly King human!"


The Demon Dragon roared.

With a wave of his hand, the mountain range that stretched for thousands of miles was razed to the ground.

The Heavenly King level is already a life that destroys the world.


The giant cannon washed the ground, hitting the Demon Dragon King so hard that his scales kept bleeding.

Since the Demon Dragon became the Heavenly King, this was the first time he had been so miserable, but he believed that as long as he rushed out of the range of the giant cannon and faced Su Chen, he could kill this human with just one finger.



Instantly, the demon dragon that covered the sky and the sun rushed in front of Su Chen, and the huge snake tail swept towards Su Chen with a terrifying strong wind that could destroy the world.

Although this attack was just an ordinary attack by the Purgatory Heavenly King, even ten quasi-Heavenly Kings would surely die.


At this moment, although Su Chen did not feel a fatal threat from the strong wind, out of caution, he still used the strongest defense method.

At this moment, the armor of the black tortoise emerged on the monster's armor.

The blood tiger domain also opened at this moment.


The strong wind swept past.

Su Chen was unscathed.

"Is it really the Heavenly King level?"

"And this breath..."

"The two old things, the black tortoise and the blood tiger, were killed?"

The demon dragon king's eyes almost popped out. (End of this chapter)

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